Grace cried silently as she packed her things into her bag. Not only would her parents kill her for getting expelled, it would be difficult for her to get admitted into a new school because private schools rarely accepted students with bad records and she didn't want to go to a public school. The thought alone made her cry the more.

"All because I was trying to please that sly girl, look what I've gotten myself into." She thought.

Her other roommates came into the room and met her packing which surprised them.

"What are you doing?" The first girl, who had very dark skin and brown lips, asked her.

"I'm packing my things as you can see," Grace replied as she folded her clothes into her suitcase.

"I can see that, but why? Did Ella chase you out of this room?"

"Please don't mention that girl's name, I don't want to hear her name ever again," Grace stated and continued what she was doing.

"Ah ah, what happened?" The second girl asked.

"I don't even know." Grace broke down.

"Aww please tell us what is wrong, where are you going to?" The first girl asked as she held Grace to comfort her.

"I've been expelled, Evelyn, I've been expelled!" Grace cried.

"What? Why?"

"Because of that girl, that snake in the grass."

"Hold on, what did she do?"

Amidst tears, Grace narrated all that happened to her.

"How did you think that you could frame Jazz for a theft, don't you know that she is rich and can afford as many phones as she wants?" Evelyn asked.

"I don't know, I did not even think this through at all," Grace replied.

"And, you could've refused and asked Ella to do it herself."

"I didn't know that I was going to get caught, I was just trying to please her."

"Now you are expelled and Ella is scot-free. I always warned you about being friends with that girl but you never listened to me, I warned you that she was going to get you in trouble one day. You used to be a good girl before you joined her company."

"I should've known." Grace sniffed.

"It's okay, what's done is done and there's nothing we can do about it. Come on, cheer up, don't let this get the better of you," Evelyn said and smiled, trying to encourage her.

"What do you mean that she should cheer up? She just got expelled and will have a hard time getting into another school, not to mention that CA tests start next week!" The other girl chimed in.

"Keep quiet! Don't make her feel worse than she already does," Evelyn shushed her and turned to Grace. "Don't mind her, you know how she talks."

"She is right. If I don't get admission into another school, I may have to go to public school and knowing my parents, they won't hesitate to send me there as punishment," Grace said.

"It's okay, let's not imagine the worst and stay positive. Come, let me help you pack your things." Evelyn started helping her to pack. "I will miss you a lot you know."

"I will miss you as well," The other girl said.

"I will miss you guys too." Grace blinked to stop her tears from falling.

"Aww so sad. Please pack your things and go, we don't need you here anyway," Ella said as she entered the room with Titi.

"Instead of you to feel sorry for what you did to your friend, you are mocking her," Evelyn said.

"She is not my friend anymore. She tried to betray me and all I did was turn the table on her." Ella shrugged.

"Still, what you did to her was wrong."

"What did I do to her?" Ella bent down so she could look at Grace who was looking down. "Did I do anything to you? I was already coming up with a good lie to save you but no, you just had to mention my name first."

"I should've known this was your plan all along, to make me do the dirty work so you wouldn't get in trouble. I was such a fool to have thought that you had my back," Grace said.

"I think we can all agree that you really are a fool." Ella laughed and Titi joined in the laughter.

"You, you are laughing with her. It is only a matter of time before she gets you expelled too. I'm warning you from experience, stay away from her," Grace said to Titi.

"Don't tell me what to do, you delinquent," Titi replied.

"You are calling me a delinquent but knew what happened and still kept quiet. You didn't even say anything to defend me."

"I would've supported you, if you hadn't snitched on Ella."

"Look at how you're supporting her but when it's your turn she won't do the same oh."

"Please pack your things quietly and don't keep Mrs William waiting," Ella chimed in rudely.

Grace carried her suitcase while Evelyn helped her carry her bag. They made their way out of the room but Grace stopped a few feet from Ella. "Karma will get you for this. Goodbye Titi, I hope you realize the truth soon," She said before she and Evelyn left the room. The other girl seemed uneasy being alone in the room with Ella and Titi so she also left the room.

Ella moaned. "Good riddance! Who does Grace think she is, snitching on me like that. Now she has paid for her mistakes and wants to blame me for it."

"Don't mind her, she doesn't have sense," Titi said.

"Now I have to suffer punishment from Mr Nwosu. Why did Mrs William ask him to punish me, she should've punished me herself at least it would be better than being stuck with that man," Ella complained.

"Mrs William knows that Mr Nwosu is good at dishing out punishments that is why she chose him to punish you," Titi said.

"Whatever." Ella sat down on her bed with folded arms.

"I have to admit, I'll kinda miss Grace," Titi said as she sat down on her own bed.

"Mmm, it's her fault she got expelled though," Ella said and Titi just kept staring at Grace's empty bed and corner, feeling bad that her friend had to leave in such a way.


Thank you for reading and voting! 😊

I know I haven't updated in a very long while so I'm grateful to those who still stick with the story after all this while. Y'all are the best! I love you! 😘

And remember, stay safe 👍

Lots of love,
Kemas ❤

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