∆ chapter 15 ∆
"Then we shall. ThunderClan, attack!" Hazelstar called to her Clan.
All at once, the ThunderClan cats exploded at ShadowClan, and Jaypaw scurried back in fear.
She saw Leafpaw pelt across the Thunderpath, right beside her mentor, Dovecall.
Jaypaw whipped her head around, claws dug into the dirt, to see Rowantail grabbing Voleheart by the scruff and swinging the tom around by his neck.
Rowantail let go, flinging the ThunderClan tom away. Jaypaw turned to see Voleheart limp away as fast as he could.
Claws pierced Jaypaw's back, and she turned to see Yellowpaw clutching onto her back with an angry look on his face.
Jaypaw yowled in surprise, flinging the apprentice off her back and kicking with her back legs. Yellowpaw didn't give up that easily though, and he stood up again and lunged for Jaypaw.
Jaypaw lashed out with her claws, scratching the side of Yellowpaw's face. When the ThunderClan apprentice noticed the blood, he ran off with a wail.
Jaypaw turned to see Leafpaw staring at her, only now realizing that Yellowpaw was Leafpaw's brother.
Jaypaw gave Leafpaw an apologetic look before darting off to see Blackpaw.
The black-furred tom was scratching a ThunderClan warrior that Jaypaw recognized as Cloudwing, but he was getting weaker by the minute.
Blackpaw was panting as Cloudwing scratched and clawed and bit at the apprentice, his green-gray eyes angry.
Blackpaw let out a shocked yowl as a blow landed him on the flank from Bloompetal, who had snuck up on him from behind.
Jaypaw yowled for a challenge at Bloompetal and flung at the warrior, snaking around her neck and biting down. Not enough to kill her, but enough to act as a warning.
A black figure darted past the trees, and Jaypaw whipped around to see Blackpaw flung to the side by Cloudwing.
Not even caring about Bloompetal, Jaypaw launched towards her denmate. Blackpaw looked okay, no serious injuries, but he was definitely shocked.
"Come on, hide and rest here-" Jaypaw muttered, grabbing him by the scruff and bringing him to a small alcove in a tree. "I'll guard you."
Blackpaw murmured a 'thank you' as Jaypaw lashed her tail. Voleheart was back now, angrier than ever. Cloudwing and Daisypaw flanked him, hissing and spitting.
Jaypaw hissed back, quickly blocking Voleheart as he lunged for Blackpaw. Jaypaw swat a paw at the warrior, and he fell back, surprised.
Cloudwing and Daisypaw went next, their teeth bared as they both leaped. Jaypaw was surprised to feel the world be lifted from beneath her as she was flung aside, her head hitting a tree.
Yowling in pain, she stood up shakily. Was Blackpaw okay? Jaypaw unsteadily began to run to the alcove in the tree, where Cloudwing and Voleheart were cornering Blackpaw.
Though still shocked, Blackpaw could still fight, and was fighting well. His blows were landing on the ThunderClan cat's faces, knocking them both back.
Jaypaw, squinting to see Blackpaw, forgot to check her own surroundings and was attacked from behind. Bucking her legs around, she saw Daisypaw.
The stronger apprentice knocked Jaypaw to the ground, pinning her squarely.
Jaypaw saw a hint of humor in her eyes, as if she thought this was fun. At that moment, pawsteps were heard.
Jaypaw turned her head the best she could to see Leafpaw emerge through a bush. She was limping and bleeding from an ear and multiple cuts, but was in good shape otherwise.
"Don't hurt her, Daisypaw!" Leafpaw protested. "Please!"
Jaypaw gave Leafpaw a longing look, still pinned by Daisypaw. Jaypaw's cuts and scratches were stinging from the dirt. Leafpaw's littermate only scoffed.
"Why let her go? She's not ThunderClan." Daisypaw protested.
"I know, but she's already injured, and defenseless...please!" Leafpaw begged, her tail lashing.
"Fine." Daisypaw hissed and let go of Jaypaw, and the ShadowClan apprentice felt relieved. As Daisypaw scurried into the bushes, Leafpaw gave her a little look before following her littermate.
Jaypaw let out a shaky sigh and ran towards Blackpaw again. In the time she was gone, Blackpaw had been accompanied by Wolfpaw and Dawnberry, who fought off the ThunderClan warriors as if they were tigers, like Redstar said.
Dawnberry battered Voleheart and the ThunderClan warrior wailed and fled, leaving just Cloudwing.
Cloudwing yowled a challenge and in minutes, Bearclaw and Dovecall were there as Cloudwing's backup.
Jaypaw jumped in to help, only now realizing how much her cuts and scratches hurt. After all that dirt had been exposed to it, it hurt lots.
With a threatening teeth bare, Jaypaw leapt at Bearclaw who was caught by surprise. "Ah!" He yowled, shaking his whole body enough to launch Jaypaw away.
He body gritted against branches and snarling tree roots, and Jaypaw resisted the urge to yowl in pain.
She stood up again, seeing Blackpaw batter Cloudwing once again before him, Bearclaw and Dovecall fled back onto their territory.
Jaypaw let out a yowl of triumph as all the ShadowClan cats gathered to congratulate their victory.
Hazelstar and Amberstorm were dissapearing into the bushes, glaring at the ShadowClan cats.
"ShadowClan has won!" Redstar called. "We shall celebrate!"
The warriors congratulated each other quickly before trekking back to camp. All Jaypaw wanted to do was go see Silversong for something to help her scratches.
By the time they reached camp, it was almost sun-down. Jaypaw didn't trudge to the apprentices den, but went straight for the medicine cat's den.
"Silversong?" Jaypaw called weakly. No answer. "Marshpaw?" She tried.
Marshpaw poked his head out of the herb storage. "Hm? How was the battle? I heard it was pretty bad! Are you hurt?"
"The battle was fine." Jaypaw said through gritted teeth. "I got some dirt in a couple cuts and scratches. Anything in that herb storage that can help?"
"Ah, yes, of course. Sit on this nest here." Marshpaw flicked his light brown tail at a nest.
As Jaypaw entered the den, the scent of herbs overwhelmed her, but she didn't care as she went to the nest and lay down.
Marshpaw chewed something up before slapping it onto her cuts. It stung, but wasn't too bad.
"Want some poppy seeds for the pain?" Marshpaw asked her, holding out a pawful of little black seeds.
"Yeah, thanks." Jaypaw accepted the offer. She knew poppy seeds would help her sleep anyways.
She held out a paw and Marshpaw dropped two of the seeds onto her paw pad. "Lick it up. You can sleep here for the night, because your scratches might be infected."
"That's not bad, is it?" Jaypaw asked warily.
"No, no. I just want to monitor it." Marshpaw assured.
Jaypaw nodded and lapped up the poppy seeds, laying her head down as Marshpaw added more herbs onto her scratches.
The world was peaceful now. ThunderClan was gone and there wouldn't be any battles in Jaypaw's dreams.
The medicine den slipped into quiet nothingness as Jaypaw fell asleep.
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