Chapter 2: The Shredder and his dates!
When morning came in the inn Jayson got up from his nap while the girls were still sleeping and when he finished getting cleaned up and dressed he went to make breakfast for the girls since they could use some food after they and Jayson did last night. After an hour later Jayson came back into the bedroom with cooked food that he made himself and placed it on the table and then looked to see Lisa and Mimi waking up from their slumber.
Lisa and Mimi: YAWN!........
Jayson: Well good morning sleeping beauties.
Lisa: Good morning, I see that you are already up and dressed.
Jayson: I let you girls sleep for a little more while I made you breakfast.
Mimi: You made us food!
Jayson: Sure why after what you both said and agreed on I decided to make something nice for the two of you.(Jayson saids with a charming smile that made the girls blush)
Lisa and Mimi: His smile is so gorgeous!!!(Both said in thought)
Jayson: Anyway I made you both breakfast so why don't you both get dressed so that we can sit together and enjoy of food together.
Lisa: We would love too and by the way, you were magnificent last night. You made us feel like real women.(Lisa saids and gives Jayson a kiss on the cheek)
Mimi: That was the greatest pleasure I have ever felt in my life!(Mimi saids and gives Jayson a hug as well as kissing him on the cheek)
Jayson: I see that you both enjoyed yourselves and I'm no longer a virgin. Though I would still like to talk more about you girls and of course I will share stuff about me included.
Lisa: Absolutely my Shredder.
Mimi: The Shredder ooh that name is so hot.
Lisa and Mimi got went to changed into the clothes while swinging their hips for Jayson to see that made him smirk of they were doing then went off to get dressed and when they came back into the room, they all sat down at the table to have their food that Jayson made for them in which was absolutely good even the smell was divine.
Lisa: MMM! I can't believe you cook this yourself it is so good.
Mimi: You said it sis! Where did you learn how to cook like this Jayson?
Jayson: My mother taught me at a young age, I just followed what she did and sooner or later I started to learn how to cook my own foods.
Lisa: She seems like a remarkably woman.
Jayson: Yea...she was.
Lisa: Oh sorry I didn't mean.
Jayson: It's all right I learned to move on after my parents died in accident and even if they are no longer with me I will always cherish them in my heart.
Mimi: So you been alone for your whole life.
Jayson: Yea but it didn't really bother me that much but then when things got boring around my old home I decided to leave and search for something greater. So I have decided to become an adventurer and make a brand new life for myself.
Lisa: Well thats good to know that you doing all right and now that you have us you won't be completely alone.
Mimi: That's right and besides I like how you were all tough and showing no fear in the arena yesterday and the way you used your sword against that troll was epic.
Jayson: I attend not to show off that much.
Lisa: And the way you said that line Come and face your doom oh that was so sexy.
Jayson: Oh stop it your gonna make me blush.
Soon after Lisa and Mimi went to tell Jayson all about them as well their races in which Jayson was amazed of how strong ogres were especially how the females dominate the males with such great strength and when then finished telling Jayson about themselves and getting to know more about each other both him and the girls headed out because Jayson was thinking of going on a mission to slave some beast so he put on his armor and went out with the girls.
Lisa: So what are you thinking about slaying today our Shredder?
Shredder(Jayson): Something that will test my other abilities, so maybe a dragon would do nicely.
Mimi: A dragon are you sure about that, a lot of adventurers can hardly lay a scratch on a dragon.
Shredder(Jayson): Well they are in for a real surprise because I intend to slay a dragon but I must know what kind they have on the charts so I know which one would be suitable to face. Though if they don't have any dragon slaying quest I guess I will just see what else they have as long as its big.
Lisa: Killing bigger prey is our specialty.
Mimi: Bigger prey means more moola!
Shredder(Jayson): Exactly.
The three of them headed over towards the guild and went to as Mitchy if there are any beast quest available in which she informed them that there a only a few beast quest left on the charts so Jayson and his girls went to have a look and see what is a good to kill that can get more money.
Lisa: Slimes lame...wolves already did that..bears too weak. Honestly these quest are not even that good enough.
Mimi: I'll say even the fang boars are the worst.
Jayson was looking over the available quest and so far none of them are to his liking until he spotted one behind the others and went to see what it was. Jayson looked at the image and it was a snake beast that was sixty feet long.
Shredder(Jayson): Actually it looks like I found something that we can kill.
Both girls looked over to what Jayson was holding and looked to see a snake beast that was sixty feet long and the reward for killing it is great.
Lisa: Good eye darling.
Mimi: Let's go kill us a snake beast.
Shredder(Jayson): Last seen in abandoned ruins outskirts of where the town is. Better start there and see if it is still in that location.
Jayson hand the quest paper to Mitchy and when she looked it over and saw that everything was to go, Jayson along with Lisa and Mimi headed out out the town to go to the location of where the snake beast is.
Shredder(Jayson): We will get there must faster if we ride.
Lisa: What do you have in mind?
Jayson put uses his shape shifting ability to turn himself into a black wolf the size of horse that left both Lisa and Mimi in awe of what their man just did in front of them.
Lisa and Mimi: He can turn into a wolf!
Jayson nodded his head to the girls saying yes he can change into a wolf and then sat down on all fours to show the girls that he wants them to get on his back. Lisa and Mimi knew what Jayson was doing and they got on his back and hanged on tight and once they were on Jayson using his senses ran towards the direction of where the ruins were located so that they can kill the beast snake.
After running for many miles later all three of them arrive at the front entrance of the ruins and looked to find the place to be quiet, too quiet. Lisa and Mimi got off Jayson and when he changes back to normal he took out his sword while his girls took out theirs to arm themselves while keeping their guard because they might not know what else lies in these ruins.
Shredder(Jayson): Stay on your guards snakes are very clever and they can sense danger from a distance and can easily hid themselves from others and make sure to avoid their venom and powerful jaws.
Lisa: Don't have to tell us twice darling.
Shredder(Jayson): Good then let's head on in.
Jayson took the lead while the girls took the behind guard and watch their every side and so did Jayson. They walked slowly into the ruins and saw so many strikers of the place as well as statues meaning that the place that they were in was some kind of fortress that was abandoned for centuries.
Shredder(Jayson): Seems like this place was an old fortress long ago because there are basically old weapons scattered around the floor area.
Mimi: Not to mention so many skeletons looks like snaky had a lot to eat for living in place like this.
Shredder(Jayson): It would appear so. Make sure to look around the cracks and holes as well sometimes snakes like to slithery around the wall area's and hide in deep dark places to avoid detection.
Lisa: Hey I seen a large opening further down.
Shredder(Jayson): Let's go see but keep your guards up.
All three of them headed towards the direction that Lisa said when they arrived they all looked to find an abandoned hall area filled with vines, trees and busted walls as well as weapons scattered around the floor and skeletons are soldiers who probably fought the snake before they were defeated.
Shredder(Jayson): Whats this?(Jayson saids while picking up a piece of paper on the ground)
Mimi: It's a note. What does it say?
We fought to last man, though our allies and fellow soldiers could no longer stand against this all powerful beast. We have lost too many lives and have taken damage to our fortress. We hoped to hold in the great hall but we do not know much longer we can take until we have to make our last stand against this beast and if we die then we die with honor. We hope that someone with great power and strength will defeat the beast in our honor so that no one will live in fear of the beast no longer.
This is our last stand and we pray to those who have fallen....
End of Note
Shredder(Jayson): It would seem this fortress is not a fortress but tomb. And these men fought for their lives to defend their home from this beast.
Lisa: I am wondering how could such a beast live for so long.
Shredder(Jayson): Well I think I know what kind of snake it is.
Mimi: What kind?
Shredder(Jayson): A Basilisk.
Lisa and Mimi: Basilisk?
Shredder(Jayson): Basilisk are species of snake that can live over thousands of years but they still be killed instantly if you get a clear shot at them without being devoured or injected venom into your bodies. I read about them in books and they are very dangerous especially if they hunt in packs.
Lisa: Let's hope that there aren't a lot of these things here.
Shredder(Jayson): Actually I believe there is only one here.
Mimi: How do you know that?
Shredder(Jayson): Because there is one right in front of us and he doesn't look too happy to see us.
Lisa and Mimi: Oh..
The snake launched its attack towards Jayson with its mouth wide open to bite Jayson until the snake felt that its mouth was being held by Jayson who grabbed the beast by the mouth to avoid being eaten.
Shredder(Jayson): Mimi go left and Lisa go right attack on two different sides while I hold him here!
Both Lisa and Mimi did what Jayson said and attacked the snake on both sides that left the beast scarred while Jayson was holding its mouth until Jayson started to punch the beast with his super strength that caused the beast to feel that pain of how an armored man was so strong that he can bring harm to an all powerful snake.
Lisa looked to the snake pissed off and went to attack Jayson again until Lisa threw her weapon towards the beasts eye that left it blinded but still had the other eye to see. The snakes head then turn towards Lisa but then got hit with another weapon towards the side of the neck by Mimi.
Shredder(Jayson): Lisa, Mimi get down! This beast is about to meet its maker!
Lisa: Go for it darling!
Mimi: Yea show that over grown slimy snake what you are made of!
The snake hissed in a loud roar and moved in towards Jayson who held up his sword like back in the arena and said the words to call out its power.
Shredder(Jayson): SWORD OF TENGU!
Jayson with the sword unleashed its power upon the great snake itself with one slash that cut the beasts head right off in a blink of an eye. Once Jayson looked to see that the snake was now dead and to make sure it was he stabbed his sword into its head because he knows that snakes can still be alive even if their heads were separated from their bodies.
Lisa: Wow nicely done darling you defeated the snake beast!
Shredder(Jayson): You both helped so this was a team effort.
Mimi: That was actually a fast kill though why stabbed its head if it's already been slain?
Shredder(Jayson): A decapitated snakes head can still bite threats for hours after death and its venom is as deadly when it is alive. So to make sure it stays dead I needed to jab my sword through its skull so I know if it is still alive or not.
Lisa: Good point though what do we do with the body?
Shredder(Jayson): I will use a fire spell to burn the body while we take the head as proof the at the snake beast is taken care off. Phenix Oublie!
After Jayson burned the body of the snake he decided to carry the head himself while his girls were following him from behind was still amazed of their mans power and strength. As soon as they got back to the guild everyone even Mitchy were shocked of what they were looking at in which was the head of the beast snake itself.
Mitchy: Unbelievable! You actually were able to defeat an all powerful beast snake that no man could ever hoped to accomplished.
Shredder(Jayson): Correct we also found a note of the soldiers who risked their lives to defend the ruin fortress but now it is nothing more than a tomb. But we were able to kill the snake and bring its fat head as a trophy.
Lisa: You should have seen Shredder in action, the snakes strength was nothing compared to his.
Mimi: He beat that thing with his own two hands and later used his magic sword to slice off its head.
Shredder(Jayson): I couldn't have done it without their help. They did most of the cutting down and blinding the beast while I went for the final blow and burned the body and brought back the head.
Mitchy: Well congratulations to the three of you. And since this was a team effort the award for defeating a snake beast is thirty thousand gold coins.
Shredder(Jayson): Thank you and have the money split into ten equally so each of us will get ten thousand gold coins.
Mitchy: Why of course sir.
While they are waiting two people came into the guild who was known other than the champion of the tournament Peter Grill and the Guild Masters daughter Lady Luvellia who were walking in to see why everyone look so shock and in awe.
Luvellia: I wonder why everyone here is so in shock all of sudden did something happened?
Peter: I am not sure either maybe if we get a closer look we will know.
Peter and Luvellia walked in and headed towards the crowd of people to see what was the commotion about until they both stopped and looked to see the head of a snake beast for the first time and it was slain.
Luvellia: Is that a snake beast. But how can this be, no man has ever defeated such a terrifying creature not many survived from an attack by one and lived to tell the tale.
Peter: Apparently this one was slain but by who?
Hey Peter! Peter!(A female voice saids from in front of Peter who turns out to be Mimi)
Peter: Oh hey Mimi.
Mimi: I see that you are in shock of what you are looking at as well.
Peter: Yea just how is this possible, there is no one in the world that all live on can defeat something this powerful.
Mimi: Oh actually there is, it was done by me and my sisters new teammate who is not only powerful and strong but also very skilled in combat as well as very smart when it comes to facing beasts.
Peter: Oh so it was a friend of yours well I would like to meet him.
Luvellia: I would be honor to meet the one responsible for defeating this monster.
Mimi: Well here he comes right now with my sister.
Both Peter and Luvellia looked to see Lisa as well as the one responsible for the beast snakes defeat until both of them were in absolute shock of who it was in which was known other than the champion who defeated the troll back in the arena yesterday with such incredible strength and a magic sword that destroyed the troll with just one attack.
Mimi: Peter this is our newest teammate. He's calls himself The Shredder but his actually name is Jayson. Jayson this Peter Grill the one we been telling you about the same one who defeated the bull warrior.
Shredder(Jayson): Hello Peter Grill.
Peter: Gulp....his voice sounds terrifying.(Peter saids in thought)
Luvellia: Greetings I am known as Lady Luvellia daughter of the Guild Master it is a pleasure to meet you in person Mighty Shredder or do you prefer Jayson.
Shredder(Jayson): Jayson is fine, I only use the name Shredder when I am on quest. Also pleasure to meet you as well Lady Luvellia.
Luvellia: I have richness your fight against the troll at the arena, I have never seen such powerful strength in one man nor has ever seen such strong armor like yours.
Shredder(Jayson): I attend not to show off too much of myself.
Peter: Say that sword that you used in the fight is it a magic sword.
Shredder(Jayson): It is. The Sword Of Tengu. A magical sword that gives me the power to eliminate my enemies with one single attack and increases my power by ten fold.
Peter: Ooh!
Mimi: He used it on the snake beast and we received thirty thousand gold coins and split it so that each of us gets ten thousand.
Lisa: The other quest weren't that great until Jayson found the beast snake that had a good price for having it killed.
Luvellia: I must tell my father about this, he's been asking if the beast snake was ever defeated and now that it was destroyed by the three of you he will be very pleased.
Peter:(Shiver)....Her father....(Peter saids in a whisper while feeling frightened)
Shredder(Jayson): Hm? Are you all right Peter you look a little pale there.
Peter: Oh hehe it's nothing I am totally fine.
Luvellia: Oh that also reminds me, myself and Peter have to go see my father at the Guild Headquarters today. I plan to inform my father of our engagement.
Shredder(Jayson): Judging how Peter is reacting towards what Luvellia said about her father I take that he is no a fan of Peters nor does he even like him. That would explain while Peter felt so pale under hearing about Luvellia's father.(Jayson saids in thought)
Luvellia: Peter even helped to lend his support isn't that right Peter.
Peter: Y..yes of course. After all you're the only woman I've got eyes for!
Shredder(Jayson): I bet that her father is going to denied the request and Peter will wet his pants.(Jayson whispers to his girls who giggle at the idea)
Luvellia: And course if he excepts there is going to be a party after words with food and drinks and a romantic area for loved ones to spend their time with each other. Would you three like to attend with me and Peter.
Lisa: Could be interesting.
Mimi: What do you think Jayson?
Shredder(Jayson): Sure why not could be fun.
Luvellia: Splendid then let us all go together.
Shredder(Jayson): Girls why don't you two go with them while I get our money and I will meet you outside.
Lisa and Mimi: Ok.
After Jayson got his money from Mitchy and gave the two tens too Lisa and Mim the three of them along with Peter and Lady Luvellia headed towards the Guild Headquarters so that Luvellia can talk to her father about hers and Peters engagement and after they arrived and Luvellia told everything to her father who was sitting on the thrown one word came out his mouth that got both his daughters and Peters attention.
Albatross: Denied..
Luvellia: But father....! You were so enthusiastic about the idea of the Grand Fighting Tournament Champion becoming tour son in law!
Peter Grill started to feel a chill down his spine when he looks upon the Guild Master himself who was glaring deep into Peter soul who later got up from his spot and held his sword to strike down Peter while his assistant was holding him back.
Albatross: Peter Grill...attempting to deceive my daughter are you?! YOUR DEATH SHALL BE SWIFT!
Shredder(Jayson): Just between us girls her father is a total asshole and a douchebag.(Jayson whispers to Lisa and Mimi)
Lisa and Mimi: Mhm..
Luvellia: Father If you cannot accept the reality of our relationship. I am prepared to cut ties with you and move away from home!
The Guild Master felt shocked what his own daughter just said and with that he dropped his sword in defeat while not liking that his daughter will cut all ties with him and move far away from him and home.
Albatross: Ridiculous...a life without my precious Luvellia...?!(Albatross saids in thought while going back to his throne seat)
Luvellia: I have come to this decision of my own accord.
Albatross: Sigh...given the circumstances, it appears I've been left with no choice but to grant you my blessing...but Mark my words Peter will Rue this day! You impudent, conniving...!
Assistant: Let it be known! The Guild hereby recognizes the engagement between Peter Grill and Lady Luvellia! Make preparations for a feast in their honor, and to celebrate our triumph in the tournament!
Everyone cheered for both Peter and Luvellia while the Guild Master himself was still pissed about Peter Grill that made Jayson rolls his eyes at the old man and his obsession to terminate Peter Grill for getting close to his daughter.
Luvellia: Oh father I also bring more news to tell you.
Albatross: And what would that be....?
Luvellia: The beast snake that was tasked to be slain has been destroyed! Everyone no longer has to live in fear of that monster ever again.
Albatross: The serpent have been defeated by who? Don't tell me it was Peter Grill.
Peter: Gulp........
Luvellia: Actually it was defeated by the winner who defeated the troll at the arena yesterday the one known as The Mighty Shredder and I invited him and his friends to attend the feast.
Albatross: Really bring him closer I would like to see this warrior up more closely.
Luvellia: Jayson if would, my father would like to meet you.
Jayson walked over towards the Guild Master and once at front everyone looked upon the armored warrior in awe as well as has never seen such sharp armor nor such a magnificent sword. The Guild Master eyed the the warrior from head to toe as well as seeing how tall the warrior was as well as how he still remembers that this was the same person who defeated an all powerful troll in the arena yesterday with such great power and strength.
Shredder(Jayson): I am known as The Shredder though my real name is Jayson YuGo.
Albatross: Well when I saw you at the arena I didn't expect of seeing someone with such strength and power, you can possibly over power anyone including Peter Grill himself. It would seem that I thought he was the strongest man in the world but after seeing your strength, it would mean that you are the most powerful warrior in the entire world. You armor is very strong, you show no fear towards others and you have fine blade as well as showed that you can hold out your own I must say I am impressed by you Shredder or does Jayson YuGo sound better.
Shredder(Jayson): Jayson is fine, I only used the name Shredder if I am out on quest.
Albatross: And my daughter saids that you have defeated the beast snake correct.
Luvellia: Indeed he has father with the help of his two comrades I have seen the head of the monster for myself.
Solider: It's true sir I was there when this armored warrior brought the snake head into the guild.
Albatross: I see and if you saying what is true, I thank you for your service that monster has been a pain for far too long and with that I thank for defeating it Jayson YuGo.
Shredder(Jayson): My pleasure sir.
Albatross: The feast will begin tonight so have everything prepared right away.
Assistant: Yes sir.
Night came at the Guild Headquarters and everyone was enjoying the feast in honor of both Peter Grill and Lady Luvellia. There was dancing and men drinking while cheering some girls wearing dresses who were dancing around and lots of good food. Back with Lisa and Mimi they were waiting by a table for Jayson to come by and they have already had drinks and food out for him.
Lisa: Wonder where he could be?
Mimi: He said he needed to stop by the inn to do something but I am sure he will turn up soon.
Pardon me but is this seat taken.
Lisa: Sorry but we are saving this seat for........(BA-DUMP!❤️)
Mimi: Sis are you....(BA-DUMP!❤️)
Both stopped talking and looked to see Jayson but Jasyon in a really nice looking dress suit that made the girls hearts thump fast as well as causes them to blush at the beautiful site they were seeing in front of them.
Jayson: Hello m'ladies sorry for the wait I just had to fly back to the inn and pick out my decent suit to wear for the feast hope you weren't waiting too long.
Lisa and Mimi: So attractive....(Both said in thought while blushing and hearts in their eyes)
Mimi: Where did you get such a nice suit like that Jayson?
Jayson: I used my wandless magic to create new outfits for myself.
Lisa: Ooh you should do that for us as well, I would love to wear something that would please you darling.
Jayson: I will think about it so I see that you have the drinks and food out thats wonderful. It is like this is our first date together just the three of us.
Mimi: The more he talks the more hotter I am getting.(Mimi saids in thought while fanning her face)
Jayson: Shall we dine my beautiful ogre warriors.(Jayson saids while holding a glass cup of water since he doesn't drink)
Lisa and Mimi: Yes my love..
Jayson and his girls sat together and dine while everyone else was enjoying the feast and after they were done having their drinks and food Jayson went to take a nice walk and told the girls he will be back in which they excepted and went to have some fun. While walking Jayson looked and spotted what looked like Peter himself who was waiting patiently for someone properly Luvellia. Jayson walked over to see how the guy is doing after that incident with his finances father.
Jayson: Hello Peter, waiting for someone.
Peter: Hm? Sorry have we met?
Jayson: Peter it's me Jayson, I am just not wearing my armor tonight.
Peter: Jayson is that you?!!
Jayson: Uh yea I just said that.
Peter: Wow you look so different without your armor and wow where did you get such an amazing dress suit if I had one of those it would totally impress Lady Luvellia.
Jayson: I used my wandless magic to create this suit for myself. Since this is a feast I decided to wear something nice so I went ahead and make this stylish suit.
Peter: It is very impressive and well made.
Jayson: Thanks so waiting on your lady I see.
Peter: Yes I have everything here for her to arrive.
Jayson: Looks romantic. I am sure she would love it.
Both Jayson and Peter looked to see Luvellia coming in and when she did she stopped and looked to see not Peter but Jayson who she was staring at for a while until she started to blush of this gorgeous and handsome man in front of her that was making her heart thump fast.
Luvellia: Oh my...(Luvellia saids in thought while blushing)
Jayson: Hello Luvellia.
Luvellia: He knows my name.(Luvellia saids in thought)
Jayson: Hey Peter I will leave you and your lady alone see you around. And enjoy your night together.
Peter: All right catch you later. Lady Luvellia you arrived.(Peter saids while Jayson takes his leave)
Luvellia: Who was that man....?
Peter: Luvellia are you all right?
Luvellia: Hm of sorry Peter I was spacing out though sorry to keep you waiting. My father was having another one of his outbursts.
Peter: Heheh...when the Guild Master gets angry, you're just about the only one who can calm him down.
All of sudden the same chill came back to Peter and right in front of him was Luvellia's father who was staring down Peter with a death sentence look that made Peter scared.
Albatross: Peter Grill.....I wish to speak with Luvellia. Lend me your seat, won't you?
Peter: Well...I...I...
Luvellia: Father! I shall accompany you somewhere private...
Albatross: Nonsense! Stay right where you are. Perhaps you didn't hear me, Peter...
On the other side of the three Jayson was listening to the conversation and he can tell that Luvellia father was a total ass while trying to make Peter's life miserable. Jayson thinks whenever Peter is around the Guild Master the old man flips out and tries to kill Peter while he is spending time with Luvellia.
Jayson: For a Guild Master, Luvellia's father is a total nutcase in the head.(Jayson saids in thought)
Peter: I..I am sorry sir but I cannot do!
Albatross: Oh..? Run that by me again. Did you just refuse an order?
Peter: I have no intention of giving up my place at Luvellia's side...consider this proof of my commitment to her!(Peter saids that made Luvellia blush)
Jayson: Wow showed a little backbone not bad Peter.(Jayson whispers to himself)
Luvellia: P..Peter?!
Albatross: Insolent brat! Trying to sway my darling Luvellia with your empty words again, are you?!
Luvellia: Father...!
Luvellia's stopped and started to have flashbacks of how his daughter treated him back in the day then had another flashback of what she said concerning her relationship with Peter about cutting ties with her father and moving away and that made the Guild Master stop and leave.
Albatross: How loathsome! I require more alcohol to endure this wretched party...
Jayson: Geez what a hard case that man is. Can't believe I was even respectful towards him.(Jayson saids in thought)
Luvellia: Peter! Thank you..I never had anyone stand up to my father like that before.
Peter: Luvellia..I feel that same way. You are the only one for me, Lady Luvellia.
Both Peter and Luvellia looked to see the Guild Master having a tempter tantrum after what happened with is daughter and Peter Grill which got the attention of everyone as well as Jayson who was shaking his head of how stupid the man was acting.
Luvellia: Father's lost his temper again...! My apologies Peter I have to go!
Peter: Oh of course and be careful.
Luvellia: Oh before I go who was that person talking with you before he left?
Peter: Hm? Oh that was Jayson YuGo, he thought it would be best to come to the feast without his armor so he decided to wear something nice for tonight.
Luvellia: THAT WAS JAYSON!!! I never knew someone under that mask could be so gorgeous!!!...NO WAIT A MINUTE WHAT AM I THINKING I AM IN LOVE WITH PETER GRILL GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF LUVELLIA!!(Luvellia saids in thought)
Peter: Lady Luvellia are you ok?
Luvellia: Oh yes I am fine thank you for your concern Peter I will seen you soon but for now I need to calm down my father.
Peter: Ok I will wait for you Luvellia as long as it takes!
Jayson: Seems like that well don't you think?
Peter: You're still here?
Jayson: Yea I heard everything and got to say you showed some backbone towards Luvellia's father nice job even though he's a douchebag.
Peter: I...actually for once I agree with you on that one and thanks I needed the support.
Jayson: No problem, well I am gonna go take my leave enjoy spending the rest of your life with Luvellia even if her father doesn't approve just don't let him rise above you. Make a stand and show him how you are worthy of being with his daughter.
Peter: You know what your right I will make a stand to show how much I love Lady Luvellia.
Jayson: Good to know see you later Peter.
Peter: Bye and thanks Jayson.
Jayson smiled for what Peter said to him and headed back to see how the girls were doing and looked to see them having fun where Jayson looks to see Lisa and Mimi dancing and drinking together.
Jayson: Hehehe what am I going to do with those two.
Mimi: Jayson! Jayson hey come and dance with us.
Jayson: Oh no you two enjoy the party I will sit this one out for now.
Lisa: Come on darling have some fun with us.
Mimi: Yea or better yet hows about singing us a song.
Jayson: Hmm..
Lisa and Mimi: Please......(Both said while giving Jayson the pouting face)
Jayson: Oh alright I will do it, it's been a while since I did any singing.
Lisa: Wait so you can sing.
Jayson: Yea I done lots of times during parties.
Mimi: Ooh I want to hear what you sound like.
Jayson: Let me just get on the stage and you will soon find out.
Soon Jayson got on a stage in front of everyone who was partying and when he saw Lisa and Mimi telling them that I was going to sing for them they all stop what they are doing and looked toward him while the girls of the party were blushing at the hot guy on the stage. Jayson then used his wandless magic to bring forth music instruments that everyone never seen before and then used his magic to play them without anyone touching them. As soon as the sound of the music started everyone started to hear and listen to what kind of music this was until someone great happens when everyone hears what Jayson is doing in which he is about to sing a song.
Jayson: 🎶Oh Ho!🎶 Whoah-Hoo Running in the night 🎶
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(Running In the Night by: FM-84 & Ollie Wride)
I used to be the one
I used to be your getaway dreamer
I couldn't get enough
Thinking that we would last forever
Don't know what you're thinking of
Slipping further out of reach
To the edge of town we could go
Away from all the world to see
You were wild trying to set yourself free
I didn't see the signs right in front of me
Oh, I'm running in the night so soon
I've got nothing left to lose
I'm leaving it all behind, running in the night with you
I won't let you get away again
We can see it through to the end
But whatever we do
I'm running in the night with you
Everyone heard Jayson singing in front of them and they were all in awe of how amazing and talented Jayson was doing while the girls were blushing with hearts in their eyes like Lisa and Mimi who were absolutely stunned and smiling big at seeing their man singing in front of them and his voice was pleasing to their ears. Everyone started to clap their hands and dance to this new music that they never heard of until now.
I used to be the one
I used to be your place to land
Under the shadows
Into the palm of my hand
You're always changing the situation
Just when we found paradise
You're always shutting down the conversation
I can never read your mind
Oh, I'm running in the night so soon
I've got nothing left to lose
I'm leaving it all behind, running in the night with you
I won't let you get away again
We can see it through to the end
But whatever we do
I'm running in the night with you
(Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh)
Running with the night
(Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh)
(Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh)
I'm running with the night
(Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh)
Lisa and Mimi hearts were pounding fast and the heat on them were increasing meaning that after the feast they want Jayson to take them again like before. From the crowd Luvellia who stopped helping her father was watching Jayson singing and it was making her heart pound as well that caused the girl to blush at seeing the handsome man she saw was singing in front of everyone.
Oh, I'm running in the night so soon
I've got nothing left to lose
I'm leaving it all behind, running in the night with you
I won't let you get away again
We can see it through to the end
But whatever we do
I'm running in the night with you
Oh, I'm running in the night so soon
I've got nothing left to lose
I'm leaving it all behind, running in the night with you
I won't let you get away again
We can see it through to the end
But whatever we do
I'm running in the night with you
Song Ended
Admittedly everyone cheered for what a great performance that was especially how awesome Jayson sang with that attractive voice that made every girl at feast blush and faint while some like Lisa and Mimi were getting steamy and hot of what their man just did and couldn't believe he could sing so good.
Lisa and Mimi: I want him now...he needs to take us again!(Both said while blushing and their bodies feel pleasure)
Everyone: That was brilliant!/Amazing!/Who knew someone like has such an awesome voice!
Jayson: Thank you thank you. your all too kind.
As soon as Jayson got off the stage both Lisa and Mimi engulfed him in a big hug and start kissing him on the cheeks that made Jayson smile that both his girls liked his singing.
Lisa: You were incredible darling!
Mimi: Never knew you could sing like that, you should sing for us all the time!
Jayson: I am happy that you both enjoyed my performance.
Lisa: We sure did love though I think since you did something romantic for us, we decided to give you something in return.
Jayson: I probably have an idea of what you two want.
Mimi: Yup thats right handsome.
Jayson: Oh all right here I will fly us back to the inn. Mimi get on my back and Lisa I will carry you.
Lisa and Mimi: What a gentleman.
Jayson took Lisa into his arms where she felt her mans chest as well as listened to his heart beat that made her blush while Mimi got on his back and felt his strong back muscles that was making her hot. Soon Jayson took off into the air with the girls hanging on to him and were enjoying the ride but they will soon enjoy the other ride as soon as they head back to the inn. When they arrived through the window of Jayson's room both Lisa and Mimi got out her their mans arms and back then process to strip their clothes off while Jayson did the same.
Lisa: Ready for your reward darling.
Mimi: Take us our Mighty Shredder slash hot singer.
Jayson: The things I do for crazy lovers like these two.(Jayson saids in thought)
All night Jayson made love to both Lisa and Mimi who were enjoying the pleasure a third time which both were having a great time with their lover who is showing them pure love and amazing body touching. Then after going three rounds all of them passed out of the bed and cuddle up next to each other for what a great night it was.
Lisa: Path...path...that was even better than yesterday.
Mimi: Darling made us feel...path...a whole lot amazing...path...path..
Jayson: You girls really are the definition of wild and hardcore.
Lisa: Thank you Jayson for this. 💋 (Lisa saids and kisses Jayson on the lips)
Mimi: Really appreciated hot stuff.💋(Mimi saids and kisses Jayson on the lips as well)
Jayson: You're welcome girls.
Lisa and Mimi: I love you Jayson.(Both said together)
Jayson: Hehehe so do I girls.
Lisa: Goodnight darling.
Mimi: Yawn!...
Jayson: Good night girls and sweet dreams.
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