Chapter 1: New World!

Jayson Pov:

My name is Jayson, Jayson YuGo you are probably wondering what a guy like me is doing well let's just say I am enjoying my life here in New York city since my life back in Japan went down hill after my parents were killed in accident leaving me with nobody just myself. Being was hard for me after I lost my family but that didn't stop me to keep on going and move on because I know that my parents would want me to live and carry on with my life. I moved out of Japan when I was nineteen and moved to New York, the biggest city in the world and there I spent the new four years living a good life as well as getting myself a decent job as well as a nice penthouse. I still think about my family and I miss them dearly but I know that they will always be in my heart no matter how far apart we are. I got job as a comic book artist where I helped make the comics and draw out the characters in which I helped my team make new comics for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I have to say I am huge fan of that show especially the villain known as The Shredder. I been a comic book fan for years but ninja turtles was my absolute favorite, when I was young I used to stay home and watch the classic ninja turtle shows and my favorite one was the 2003 version because it had more action and more adventure. The Shredder of the series was badass even though he was an alien but he was still cool; I used to dress up as him for halloween and mom always takes pictures of me pretending to be the Shredder.

Life was starting to open up for me in New York and I was having the fun of my life until everything changed when I was heading home from my job all of sudden without knowing a speeding truck that went out of control hit me and I fell to the ground badly injured and couldn't move my body meaning that my time has come and that I will soon be joining my parents up there in the heaven or so I thought.

End of Pov.

After the accident with the truck and Jayson was killed all of sudden he wasn't brought into the afterlife but instead was taken to heaven by the god who saw saved him and thought that Jayson should be allowed to live a new life in totally new world. When Jayson woke up and found out that he was in heaven he looked to see the god who looked like around his age but in reality the gob was beyond aged that Jayson couldn't place it. The god explained to Jayson of what happened and Jayson remembered it all that he was walking home from work when he was struck by a speeding truck and ended dead.

God: Amazing isn't it, I have richness lots of people dying at the ages of 20 but never would have guessed your death was quite fast and unknowing.

Jayson: Yea it was quite shocking, I guess I should paid more attention to the streets for now on.

God: Indeed and I am sorry for your death Jayson YuGo, you were an interesting young man who lived a good life and had such wonderful parents though I am truly sorry for their losses.

Jayson: Thank you God, but since now that I am dead I can no longer go back home. My time on earth had come and I guess I will be going into the afterlife.

God: You could or you can except an offer that I have in mind that is far more greater than going into the afterlife.

Jayson: What do you mean?

God: Well you see Jayson I met a lot of people who died of horrible incidents and ended here wanted to go into the afterlife to be with their loved ones but I while they were here I offer them a choice to either be with their loves ones or be transported to a whole new world to start a brand new life after they have died in their old life.

Jayson: Wait you mean like something like those Iseaki anime shows where a person dies and gets reborn into a new world and goes on adventures and have the best life that they couldn't have in their own world.

God: You are correct Jayson. Many have declined my offer but for you I am giving you a choice. And if you except I will give you anything you want as well as special abilities that will make you not only strong but also brilliant. The choice is yours Jayson either take the offer or join your family in the afterlife.

Jayson thought about what god said either join his family in the afterlife or go to a whole new world and start a new life in which he did like those Iseaki anime shows about the characters going to other worlds and starting new lives and it could be something he always wanted and he knows that his parents would want him to keep on going so after thinking for half an hour later Jayson made his decision.

Jayson: My parents would want me to move and keep on going so I guess living a new life in another world would be good for me and you said you will give me anything that could help me.

God: Yes of course why don't you write down what you want and I will make it happen.(God saids and takes out some paper and a pen for Jayson to write on)

Jayson took the paper and pen and began to think of what he wants until something came from the back of his head and it is something he always wanted in his life when he was kid. Jayson wrote down what he wanted along with other things in mind and then he handed the paper to god so he can look it over.

God: Hehehe I had to figured you pick this especially the other things you wrote down.

Jayson: Can it be done?

God: Of course and even though this character you wrote down is a villain I am sure that in the new world he can be a hero though I will have to change the eye colors to blue as well as the symbol. And of course the armor that you will wear will look like his but it will be impervious to any weapon so nothing can penetrate it.

Jayson: Even better and I don't mine if the eyes are blue since my eyes are blue and as well the symbol. As long as I get to wear the armor and have the other abilities that I asked for.

God: It shall be done. Before I sent you away let me tell you that the world you will be transported to will have many cultures, beasts, wizards, knights, kingdoms, princess's and so on since I know that you know about other worlds in the anime shows.

Jayson: Yea I do.

God: All right now that everything is in order ready to start your new life Jayson.

Jayson: Yes and thank you for giving me a second chance.

God: My pleasure farewell Jayson YuGo and I know that we will meet again and enjoy your new home and good luck.

Soon Jayson was engulfed in a huge bright light while god was waving Jayson a farewell and soon after an hour later Jayson began to open his eyes and felt that he was on the ground and looked up and saw that he was in a forest where he heard birds chipping and trees moving from the wind but also felt that he was also wearing something on his body. He then got up from the ground and looked to see that he arrived in another world but inside a forest.

Jayson: Seems like I have arrived, that was quick. Got to say the forest here doesn't look half bad. Huh wait a minute these spikes on the gloves and this dark armor and this helmet that I am wearing could be it be what I think it is!

Jayson saw a stream of water and went over to look at his reflection and when he saw what he had on he couldn't what he was seeing with his own eyes. He was wearing the armor of The Shredder the one from 2003 tv series but with blue and eyes and a blue foot clan symbol on the belt.

Jayson: Holly shit! I actually became my favorite character well more like wearing his armor but still I look exactly like The Shredder and man this armor feels amazing and powerful. It doesn't even feel heavy maybe due to the powers the the god gave me and speaking of powers I should try them out. I did as for powers as well as magic that was on the list I gave to god. I asked for super human strength, laser vision, flight, shape shifting into two of my favorite beast, impervious skin, healing magic and lastly wandless magic. Also I did ask for the....whoah! I actually have it! The sword...the Sword of Tengu.

Jayson looked at his left side of his belt and saw the sword of Tengu just like in the 2003 show and it looked wicked awesome and once held it in his hands it felt like the power was surging through his body.

Jayson: Remarkable, the sword is real and I have in the pawn of my hands, I wonder if it works just like in the cartoon. Hmm..maybe a test run would be a good idea maybe I can use it on that boulder over there.

Jayson took his stance like Shredder did in the cartoon and focused on the swords power and once he felt the energy within it, he fired the beam of energy from the sword and it hit the boulder directly destroying it completely leaving nothing but pebbles.

(Minus the ninja turtles and focus on the swords powers)

Jayson: It works! Impressive very impressive. Now that I know that sword is the real deal I might use it but maybe later for now I want to try out my other abilities before I do anything else.

Jayson spent the next couple hours learning his abilities in which he tested his flight powers meaning he can fly fast as well as move faster than anything that can fly. His super strength was beyond incredible, he can lift things that are bigger than him and crush things with his own two hands and check that he indeed has impervious skin since he took off his armor and saw that he still looked like himself and then dropped a boulder on him and was completely fine. He then used some of his wandless magic where he can a lot things that wizards and witches can create and use for defense, heal and as well as make. After he finished that he decided to get out of the forest and try to find a town so that he can somehow sigh up as an adventurer and join a guild just in those iseaki anime shows.

Jayson walked out of the forest and looked to find a small road meaning it could lead to a town nearby and so Jayson walked down the road so that he can find place that has a guild and possibly a place to eat since he could use some food in his stomach but will have to take adventurer quest in order to get money. Jayson walked a mile later and looked to find a huge wall as well as some people going through meaning he just found a town or more like a kingdom but it was better than nothing.

Jayson: Might as well see if they have a guild here and sign up to be an adventurer.

Jayson headed towards the gate and when the guards looked at him they were in awe of seeing someone in different armor as well as carrying a strange and mysterious sword but Jayson didn't pay no mind to them and just kept on walking and heading into the city itself where he saw lots of people including beast folk.

Jayson headed into the town area and saw a lot of stands and shops open and also good food but due the fact he didn't have any money he would need to join a guild and become an adventurer for now then probably go out and destroy some monsters or do a job to earn money just like those characters in the anime shows.

While walking around and checking out the sites of the area people around him were whispering to each other about Jayson's appearance while some were amazed of the armor and sword that Jayson had on.

Hey check out that guy with the sharp armor and sword.

Yea I know right, I never seen armor like that before. I wonder what that symbol on his belt means.

More importantly those sharp spikes on the gloves they look wicked.

Is he a beast slayer because judging by his appearance he looks like someone who hunts large beast.

Jayson: Seems like I am getting a lot of attention, who can blame them I am new to this world.(Jayson saids in thought)

Jayson looked around and so far he couldn't find a guild so he decided to ask for direction in which he spotted two pink females carrying weapons meaning that they are siblings but also their species are ogres.

Jayson: Pardon me but do you two know where I can find a guild around here.

Hm? Whoah sis check out the armor on this guy!

Strange never seen someone like you around her before and the armor looks nothing like we seen on our travels as well as that sword are you new here.

Jayson: Yes, and I am looking for a guild so I can sign up to be an adventurer. You wouldn't have to know one around these parts would you.

We were just on our way to a guild, you're more than welcome to follow us. The names Lisa Alpacas and this my sister Mimi.

Mimi: Sup!

Jayson: I'm Jayson YuGo.

Lisa: Nice to meet you Jayson. Say after you sign up at the guild myself and Mimi are heading to the arena to see the strongest man Peter Grill face off against bull warrior.

Jayson: Peter who?

Mimi: You don't know who Peter Grill is?

Jayson: I did just arrive here so no I do not know of him. And you said he's the strongest man.

Lisa: He is and the greatest, come to the arena with us and you will know.

Jayson: Very well.

Jayson followed the girls towards the guild that they both go too and once there Jayson went up to the stand and met with a guild girl who was just finishing up with another adventurers quest.

Jayson: Greetings ma'am I would like to sign up to be an adventurer and join the guild.

Oh that is wonderful my name is Mitchy Peligrima the guild girl and I will bring out the paper work for you so you can filled them out and once done you will be a member of the guild. I also see that you new around here which is also good because we've been getting a lot of new faces coming into the guild and signing up to be an adventurer.

Jayson: Thank you very appreciated.

Jayson filled out the papers and handed them back to Mitchy who looked over it for a while and once everything was checked out Jayson became a new member of the guild and thanked Mitchy for everything and was about to head out when both Mimi and Lisa offered him a seat at a table with food.

Lisa: Hey why don't you sit down with us and have some food and a drink, the tournament is not due for another hour so we got time.

Jayson: Well I could use something to drink and some food in my stomach sure why not.

Jayson took his spot next to Mimi and once seated Jayson took off his helmet that got both girls attention and when the helmet came off and both Lisa and Mimi saw Jayson's face all of sudden their noses started to bleed as well as forming big hearts in their eyes of seeing such an attractive and totally hot man sitting next to them.

Jayson: Thanks for this really appreciated.(Jayson saids with a charming smile that made the girls blush as well as their hearts beating like no tomorrow)

Lisa and Mimi: BY THE GODS HE'S MORE HOTTER THAN PETER GRILL?!!(Both said in thought while blushing and their noses bleeding including hearts in their eyes)

While Jayson was eating the food as well as drinking some water, some of the girls besides Lisa and Mimi were eyeing him with interest as well as blushing at the site of the most hottest and good looking man they have ever seen.

Girl adventurers: HE'S SO SEXY!/SO HOT!/OH PLEASE MARRY ME!/HANDSOME!(All said in thought while blushing and passing out after seeing Jayson's face)

Jayson: Hm? Are you two all right you look a little red and why are your noses bleeding?

Lisa: Cough! It's nothing but tell us are you able to hold out your own and also are you strong.

Jayson: Very strong and yes I can hold out my own. I know every fighting style as well as defense and I can use magic, and abilities that can help me win battles. Also a sword that is magical that increases my strength by ten fold.

Lisa and Mimi: Amazing.(Both said in thought)

When all three finished their food and had other conversations about the quest and battles they headed out and headed towards the arena where hundreds of people are bing gathered to see champions fight against others to show who is the strongest in the wring.

Jayson: Not bad of crowd so I take that is Peter Grill the one with the blonde hair correct.

Lisa: Thats right and he's about to face off against a bull warrior. No man in history has ever faced against a bull warrior.

Mimi: But I know Peter can do it since he is the strongest man in the entire world.

Jayson: I see and who are those people in the royal sitting area?

Lisa: That is the GuildMaster Albatross Sanctos and his daughter Lady Luvellia. On the opposite side is the bull king and down there fighting Peter is his loyal champion.

Jayson: Thanks for the information.

Wring Announcer: At last! The combat festival known as The Grand Fighting Tournament has reached its exciting conclusion. Could a human win against a bull for the first time in over a century!

Jayson watched with Lisa and Mimi next to him and saw the fight against Pete Grill the strongest man in the world facing off the bull warrior in combat in which Jayson was impressed of how Grill was holding his own against the bull in which Peter blocked each attack from the bull and when he looked for an opening he cut off the bulls horn and went for the finishing blow that made the crowd go wild.

Jayson: Hmm..his swordsman skills are impressive and his mind is very focused on that attacks have to say not bad.

Mimi: Told you he is the strongest man in the world!

Wring Announcer: Your new champion Peter Grill!

Jayson: So there is no more matches after this one?

Actually my friend there is also the match to see who can defeat an all powerful beast and the award is ten thousand gold coins.(A male saids next to Jayson)

Jayson: Ten thousand gold coins for defeating a beast you say.

Indeed names Tim Robinson, I am friend of Peter Grill.

Jayson: Jayson YuGo, and what kind of beast are we talking about here.

Tim: Who ever can defeat an all powerful troll will revive the award though I can tell no one here will except the challenge.

Jayson: Tell me where do you sign up for this challenge just wondering.

Tim: The sign up is near the entrance not many were signing up to take on a troll.

Jayson: I see thanks for me telling me this.

Jayson told the girls that he was going go somewhere in which they both didn't mind. Jayson had the idea of facing a troll in order to get the money prize and so he went down and signed up for the challenge and the guard escorted Jayson to the wring door and await for the announcer to give out the speech about the troll challenge while Lisa and Mimi have no idea that Jayson was going to take the challenge.

Wring Announcer: What an amazing battle that was thanks to Peter Grill and now for our match for whoever can face off against an all powerful troll and the winner who defeats the beast in combat will receive the ten thousand gold coins as their prize!

The crowd began to clap to see who win against an all powerful beast like a troll in which the guards brought out the beast in chains while the wring announcer stepped off the wring so that the beast can be brought up while carrying a large hammer.

ROARRRRRRR!!!!(The troll let out a roar)

Wring Announcer: And now our challenger will enter the wring and face off against this beast!

The doors opened and soon came out Jayson who everyone looked to see this new being with armor that they never seen before even the royals sitting in the stands were in both awe and shock of seeing something like this. Lisa and Mimi looked closely and saw who was going to face the troll that caused both of their eyes to widen in shock that it was Jayson.

Jayson: Time for some action and to win some money.(Jayson saids in thought while making his way to the wring)

Lisa and Mimi: JAYSON?!!!(Both yelled and saw Jayson heading towards the wring with the troll)

Once in the wring Jayson looked upon the beast in front of him which it was quite tall but size didn't matter to Jayson because now that he has powers and strength with him, he is going to enjoy crushing this troll with his own two hands.


Jayson: Pathetic you don't look that tough.

Wring Announcer: Let the match begin!

The troll made the first move and swung its hammer towards Jayson who just stood still and when the hammer was close all of sudden the crowd went silent where they all looked to see Jayson holding the trolls hammer with one hand that left everyone even Lisa and Mimi including the troll in shock that Jayson blocked an attack with one single hand.

Jayson: Nice swing but not good enough to hurt me. Here let me give you a hand.

Admittedly Jayson took the hammer from the troll and swung the weapon at the beast's face that made everyones jaw drop the ground that the armored warrior swung a giant hammer at a troll and the beast hit towards the ground but was still moving and breathing.

Lisa and Mimi: Holly Shit?!(Both said while in shock of what they were seeing)

The troll soon got back up from the attack but then without noticing was hit yet again with its own hammer when Jayson threw the weapon towards the beast knocking it down one more.

Jayson: Get up beast and come, come and face your doom!

Jayson: Man I always wanted to say that.(Jayson saids in thought)


The troll roared and got back up and then grabbed a chunk of the wring in its hands and threw towards Jayson who smirked under his helmet. When the boulder was near, Jayson slapped it away with one hand that left the crowd speechless even the troll.

Jayson: You call that strength here let me show true strength!

Jayson planted his feet and using his super strength grabbed a much larger chunk out of the wring and lifted it above his head while holding the boulder with his one hand that made the crowds eyes widen like dinner plates even the troll itself was looking quite frighten of how one man in armor can lift something so big and heavy.

Tim: Unbelievable?! He just lifted the whole boulder without breaking a sweat!

Lisa and Mimi: He's even stronger than Peter Grill?!!(Both said in thought while their eyes widen of what they were looking at)

In the royal stands the GuildMaster was in absolute shock of what he was seeing with his own eyes and not just him but his daughter who has never seen such strength in one man before except Peter Grill but this man in the armor facing the troll was beyond strong. Peter himself was in shock of what he was seeing and after his fight, he staid and wanted to watch the next match and when he saw this man in the sharp armor did he was dumbfounded and lost for words.

Jayson: Now let me show you troll what true power is all about!

Jayson threw the large boulder at the troll in which it the beast on its mark and the creature went down in a flash but then got up and still breathing but barley. Jayson saw it was time to end the match and so he took out his sword and the power came to him.

Jayson: Time for this match to end. SWORD OF TENGU!!

Jayson then unleashed a powerful energy blast from the sword towards the troll in which the beast was blasted towards out of the wring and into the wall where it disintegrated into a pile of dust that left the crowd in utter silence while Lisa and Mimi were feeling their bodies all hot after what they just seen.

Wring Announcer: WE HAVE A WINNER!!!

The crowd then cheered loudly for what an amazing and awesome fight that was. Jayson looked at the crowd and saw so many people cheering for him and clapping for what he has shown.

Wring Announcer: Congratulations for defeating an all powerful beast you win the ten thousand gold coins prize. Tell us who is the strong warrior who has defeated a troll with such great strength and carries a magic sword!

Jayson: I am known as Jayson YuGo...though you can call me THE SHREDDER!

Wring Announcer: You heard him folks give it up for The Mighty Shredder!


Lisa: Handsome, super strong, extremely attractive and skilled in combat, Jayson YuGo I will make you mine!

Mimi: He's so sexy and cool, I want to have babies with him!

Lisa: Both agree to share him and give us offspring.

Mimi: Agreed!

After the match was finished Jayson now known as the Shredder headed out and collected his prize money where he saw a lot of gold coins meaning it will be enough to last him for months as well as proudly find a place to rest.

Shredder(Jayson): Arrived in this world for just a day and I already have lots of money, this world isn't half bad and my powers as well as this armor and sword work perfectly. Might as well find myself an inn so I get some rest.

Jayson! Jayson!(A female voice saids that was Mimi)

Shredder(Jayson): Hm? Oh hello Mimi.

Mimi: I wanted to congratulate you on your win against the troll. And as a fellow guild member I have never seen such strength and power from someone like you.

Shredder(Jayson): Thank you most appreciated.

Mimi: You never told us that you were that strong and not only that but your sword was wicked awesome.

Shredder(Jayson): Well I wanted to show you two what I am capable of doing in person but I was almost past out from not having anything to drink or eat so I wanted to wait at the proper moment to share my abilities.

Mimi: Understandable but since it is just us walking together I need a teensy weensy favor.

Shredder(Jayson): Sure whatever it is that you need I will be honor to help. I was just on my way to find an inn to spend the night though I wouldn't mind asking you question. What is it that you wanna ask?

Mimi: Thanks I really appreciated. So I was just thinking...

Shredder(Jayson): Yea?

Mimi: I want you to bare me and my sisters offsprings!

All of sudden Jayson stopped and looked towards Mimi in question of what she just said but he knew what she said but didn't know why she said that in the first place.

Shredder(Jayson): Can you repeat that because I think I didn't hear you clearly?

Mimi: Oh did I say something wrong?

Shredder(Jayson): I heard you say something about baring offspring what did you mean by that?

Mimi: Well for us ogres producing strong offspring is a pretty big deal and well in terms of breeding partners a strong and powerful man like yourself would be perfect.

Shredder(Jayson): Is Lisa part of this as well.

Mimi: Mhm.

Shredder(Jayson): And what made you two think I am the one to help you with your situation.

Mimi: Well at first we had our eyes set on Peter Grill and we thought he would be the perfect man to give us offspring since he's the strongest man in the world or so we thought he was until you came along and changed that in which after we seen your strength at the arena we came to know that you are the most powerful warrior in the entire world.

Shredder(Jayson): Wow I am already in this town for a day and I already have two females who want me. My life couldn't get any more stranger.

Mimi: So uh would you um...

Shredder(Jayson): I think I already know what you going to say next Mimi so don't bother saying it.

Lisa: So this is where you ran off to Mimi.

Mimi: Oh hey sis.

Lisa: Listen Jayson I need tell you something.

Shredder(Jayson): Don't bother your sister told me of what you two want.

Lisa: Oh then you must know that us ogres must require strong offspring.

Shredder(Jayson): Indeed, but I just arrived in this town and got my money so I will think about what you two want and tell you of my decision.

Mimi: So you will have sex with us!

Shredder(Jayson): I said I will give it some thought. For now I am going to find an inn to sleep at until morning. So see you girls later for now.(Jayson saids then took off into the air that made both girls gasp in site)

Lisa and Mimi: He can fly?! Now I want him even more!

When Jayson flew off the girls both agreed to follow him and find the inn that he will be staying at so that they have their way with him. Jayson flew across the town and looked to find an inn with fine dinning and good food, so he drooped down in alleyway and headed towards the inn and told that inn keeper that they he wants to stay for a couple days and then paid the keeper and got his room.

Shredder(Jayson): Not bad, I like it. Might as well get myself comfortable.

Jayson then took off his armor and helmet and put his sword near the desk and then sat on the bed that felt soft and relaxing. Jayson sat on the bed for a while then thought about doing some meditation to help calm the minds of the warrior and while he was doing that unknown to him two female ogres tracked him down and wanted to have their way with Jayson.

Knock! Knock!

Jayson: Sigh...I knew those two will follow me here. Might as well just let them in.

Jayson got up from his spot and headed towards the door and opened to see both Lisa and Mimi wearing nothing but red towels on their bodies while seeing Jayson at the door of his bedroom.

Mimi: Hey guess who.

Jayson: I knew you two would follow me here. Had to figured.

Mimi: Yup, now come on Jayson it is time for you to make us into women.

Lisa: Don't you find us very...

Jayson: Before you two say anything else get inside because you already being seen by everyone staying here.(Jayson saids while the girls looked behind them and saw people staring at them with creepy smiles)

Lisa and Mimi: Uh right...

Jayson: Try anything and barge in this room and you will loose not only loose a head but your man hoods included.(Jayson saids to the guest in the inn who were all men and said the last part with venom that made everyone pale and shut their doors)

Once inside his room he looked to see Mimi and Lisa checking out his armor and sword which Lisa was admiring the blade while Mimi was seeing how heavy the armor was.

Mimi: Wow I thought this armor would be heavy but it feels light and strong.

Lisa: The blade is well crafted hard to believe this sword is magical and can unleashed such power.

Jayson: I thought I told you girls that I will give it thought about what you both want.

Lisa: Oh we know but after seeing how amazing you are we couldn't wait any longer.

Mimi: After all you are very good looking and maybe even more.

Jayson: What should I do, should I give in and or just kicked them out. Sigh I can't do the second option because they will just complain and beg and besides it's my life and I should do whatever I want.(Jayson saids in thought)

Jayson: Before anything happens tell me this do you two just want me for my body and not care about feelings for the man because I seen people like that they just care about the persons body and not have feelings for the man itself and just leave them for somebody else and don't care in the world.

Lisa and Mimi both look at each other about what Jayson said and they thought about it for a moment and then came to terms with Jayson.

Lisa: No we don't just want you for your body but we would like to spend more time with you and get to know you more.

Mimi: You were quite friendly towards us and didn't not flip out about what we said about having offspring. You were more mature towards us and you show compassion and honesty.

Lisa: So after we do this, we want to get to know more about you Jayson and be with you.

Mimi: If you would have us that is if you don't feel the same way.

Jayson: Well while using my magic I can sense that you are both telling the truth and how you feel towards me. I never had someone in my life in years but I guess I wouldn't mind spending time with you girls.

Lisa: Then do you except.

Jayson: Like I have a choice, and besides I do think you girls are very beautiful well for ogres I mean.

Lisa and Mimi: He thinks we're beautiful.(Both said in thought while blushing)

Jayson: Might as well get this over with, I was hoping to loose my virginity in couple years but I guess I can do it now.(Jayson saids then unbutton his shirt that revealed his muscular body and rock hard abs)

Lisa and Mimi: HE HAS A TEN PACK!! BY THE GREAT GODS HE'S EVEN MORE SEXY THAN PETER GRILL!!!(Both said in thought while blushing red and smiling with hearts in their eyes and feeling heat on their bodies)

Lemon Alert 🍋

Jayson moves towards the girls where he put his hand on Lisa's cheek that caused her too blush but then felt a pair of lips on hers meaning Jayson kissed her that made Lisa kiss back and wrapped her arms around him where the two were fighting for dominance. Jayson then let go of Lisa and then started to do the same thing to Mimi who melted into the full make out session with Jayson.

Jayson: Want to know something.

Lisa and Mimi: What?

Jayson: That was my first kiss.

Lisa and Mimi: We're your first.

Jayson: Yes and I enjoyed it.

Lisa: So did we. Now time to have some fun.

Both Lisa and Mimi dropped their towels revealing their perfect naked bodies to Jayson who was amazed of how amazing the girls figures looked and then gave their breasts a squeeze that made the girls moan with pleasure.

Lisa: Ja...Jayson your touch is.....oh....keeping doing what you doing....

Mimi: This...this nice....

Jayson then gave their butts a squeeze where both girls moaned more and then proceeded to let Jayson touch their bodies. Jayson touched every part of their bodies that made them both moan and heat up in which was increasing their sexual sides.

Jayson: How did you like that girls.

Lisa: Loved it.

Mimi: Yea now it's our turn.

Both pushed Jayson onto the bed where Mimi made out with Jayson while Lisa went for his man hood where she looked to see that Jayson was bigger than Peter Grill that made both Mimi and Lisa gasp in shock as well as smile wide that they found the perfect man.

Lisa: Your even bigger than Peter Grill!

Mimi: Ooh mama likes.

Jayson: And how do you know what Peter is like?

Lisa: We may or may not have stalk...

Jayson: You know what I don't wanna know.

Lisa: Sorry darling but here let me make you feel better.

Lisa began to lick and suck on Jayson's man hood where he felt Lisa doing her thing while Mimi asked Jayson to suck on her breast in which he did that caused Mimi to moan with pleasure while also having her lower half rubbed with Jayson's fingers that was causing her to become wet.

Mimi: Ja..Jayson keep doing that! It feels so good!

Lisa: taste so delicious. Now time for the main course, this is my first time Jayson treat me well.

Jayson: Just don't rush yourself take your time.

Lisa lowered her womanhood down to Jayson's where Lisa felt Jayson's man hood go deep inside Lisa that caused her to burst into heavy moans as well as pleasure while causing a little pain but it was worth it.

Lisa: Argh...

Jayson: You all right?

Lisa: I'm fine, we have became one.

Jayson: You're so beautiful Lisa.

Lisa: The way he says my name is so charming.(Lisa saids in thought)

Lisa began to move her hips while Mimi was still enjoying the finger pleasure and waits for her sister to be done so she can have a turn at Jayson. Jayson groan feeling Lisa inside of her while she was enjoying having Jayson in her.

Lisa: Ah...ah...ah oh my gosh this feels so good! Don't stop Jayson!!

Jayson: L..Lisa..

Lisa: This the best day of my life!!! Oh my gosh your hitting my good spot keep going give me more!!!

Lisa speed up and began to bounce up and down on Jayson while Mimi was about to burst any minute.

Mimi: Jayson I am going to burst!!!

Lisa: Me too!! Just a little more!!!

Jayson: L..Lisa I am about too....

Lisa: I know do it inside me!!! I want all of it inside me!!!

Jayson: Lisa Im!

Lisa: I'm cumming!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!

Mimi: JAYSON!!!!! AAHHHH!!

Jayson came inside of Lisa which she felt all of the juices come out of her while Mimi began wetter and then after Lisa felt that her virginity was taken and felt the goodness of what Jayson did she got off him and relaxed for a little while so that Mimi can have her way with Jayson.

Lisa: Path...path...that was great Jayson thank you 💋.(Lisa saids and kisses Jayson on the lips)

Jayson: Happy you enjoyed yourself and I am no longer a virgin. Yippee for me.

Lisa: were incredible better than I hoped you would.

Mimi: Now it's my turn!

Mimi got on Jayson and did the same thing Lisa did in which she was amazed how big Jayson was inside of Mimi now that she burst with such joy and pleasure.

Mimi: You're so big!!! Jayson you feel so good inside of me!!

Jayson: You're a little tight but I can manage.

Mimi: Make me into your woman.

Jayson: Gladly.

Mimi bounced up and down on Jayson while he squeezes her breast and made out with her while he was inside of her that cause Mimi to moan with pleasure and lust. Then Mimi speed up the process and was starting to feel something inside of her as well as Jayson.

Mimi: Jayson!!! I am about to cum!!!

Jayson: I know me too!

Mimi: Go faster and deeper!!!

Jayson speeded up and soon Mimi was feeling the same thing her sister felt when she did Jayson and after a while both Mimi and Jayson were at their limits.

Jayson: Mimi I'm....

Mimi: I know me to do it inside me like my sister!!! Give to me give me all of it!!

Jayson: Mimi!

Mimi: Jayson!! I'm cumming!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!

Mimi came and was filled with the juices from Jayson and soon she got off Jayson and relaxed on the bed with her sister while Jayson did the same thing after doing it with both girls at the same time.

Mimi: Path..path..that was....the came so much in me..

Lisa: Path....he did the same to me...path...

Jayson: Not bad you two not bad.

Lisa and Mimi: Thank you Jayson 💋.(Both saids and kisses Jayson on the cheek)

Jayson: I take that you girls are not done yet.

Lisa and Mimi: Hehehe nope the night is still good, our Shredder.

Jayson: Should've kept my mouth shut.

End of Lemon

The next day morning came at the inn and Jayson who was awake after the night he had with the girls was looking out in the sunning sky seeing that it was a nice day out which he smiled at seeing a wonderful day then looked to see left and right and saw both Lisa and Mimi sleeping peacefully at his side and after having a second round then later passed out and went to sleep.

Jayson: They look so cute when they sleep so peacefully. Only here in this world for a day and I already have two girls in my new life. So begins my new life in a new world as The Shredder and my life with the girls. I wonder what my life is going to be like in the next couple days, but I will have to worry about that later might as well just relax in bed with the girls for a little bit more and then make them breakfast.

Jayson then went back to sleep while the girls moved closer to Jayson and cuddled into his arms.

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