Day 1: Sakura

A loud crack erupted throughout the monastery, its echo lasting for a little longer than needed in the silent building.

She sighed. That was the fourth training dummy that was now pulverized. And it was supposed to be the most challenging one, too.

As she looked down at the fallen robot in front of her feet, she started to plan its funeral. Well, maybe not like a human funeral, but Zane and Pixal would surely try to rip her head off when they found out their newest creation was destroyed after the very first training session it had to endure.

The young Master of Water turned away from the dummy to look for the water bottle she had brought to the training room with her earlier that day. Once her eyes settled on it, she made her way over to it to take a sip of her own element.

And in that moment, while the bottle was above her head and the water running down her throat smoothly, she felt dumb. Stupid, even.

She had been in the newly-renovated training room for nearly three hours, and all she did was whack a helpless robot that was forced to take in every single hit, punch and kick.

But what else could she do?

Her brother was out with Skylor, Cole was in Shintaro and probably out with Vania, Zane was out with Pixal, and Lloyd was out with himself.

Literally, that guy was currently in a movie theater and watching Titanic while eating caramel popcorn and fake-gagging whenever a couple was kissing in near proximity.

The only person whose location she didn't know about was her Yin's. He had escaped the monastery before she woke up. And he hadn't left her a note or a text either, so Nya could only imagine what he was doing on a Valentine's Day.

A part of her thought he was planning something for her, but the more rational part of her mentally slapped her cheek as a wake-up call.

He hadn't shown his face for the past fourteen hours, whatever he might've been planning surely wouldn't have taken that long.

Nya's hand subconsciously tightened around the poor water bottle as she stopped drinking. While screwing its cap back on, she hissed at her own thoughts.

She hated herself for thinking about spending her Valentine's Day all alone at home when she actually had a boyfriend to celebrate it with.

But then again, all she had thought about doing was watch a movie together while cuddling under a huge mass of pillows and blankets. Maybe eat some takeout on the side, but that was all she had planned.

What if she had kept her plans too minimalistic?

Maybe that was it. Maybe Jay already had enough of cuddling with her that he quite literally fled the monastery before she had the chance to see him.

That was something Nya had always been scared of realizing. She wasn't good with words, everyone knew that, so all she had to offer was body language.

And cuddling was one of the most used methods of hers to express her love and gratitude for him.

If that were to be taken away from her, she would have nothing left to show her love with.

Shaking the intrusive thoughts out of her mind, Nya focused back on the plan she had created for herself:

Stay in the training room and punch away the frustration, hurt and anger until the day was over.

A good plan, in her opinion.

So she followed it closely. She grabbed every broken piece of the broken dummies she came across and beat it into tinier pieces until it became unrecognizable.

If Pixal and Zane weren't already going to whoop her butt for the damage she had done earlier, then they were bound to do it after her last stunt, for sure.

Yet Nya didn't care.

Nya didn't care about the fact that her boyfriend was away somewhere without telling her. She didn't care about all the other couples in Ninjago spending the day that was specifically created to be all about couples and love when all she was able to do was beat a useless piece of robot. She didn't care about the roses, the kisses, the cuddles, the 'I love you's she was missing out on.

After an undefined amount of time, the footsteps of another person could be heard as they neared the training room.

"Oh, dear," the person whispered upon seeing what was going on inside.

And, well, seeing the Water Ninja sitting on the floor while blasting a water stream at one of the dummies' decapitated heads that was now rolling around the room wasn't something you'd come across every day.

Just kidding, that was a typical Nya thing to do so it wasn't all that surprising.

Yet for the old man who was standing in the doorway, it was enough to question his student's mentality.

When Nya realized there was someone else in the room, she stopped what she was doing to look at her master, who, by the looks of it, was done with his life.

"Good afternoon, Wu. Wonderful day we have, am I right?"

The spite in her voice was rolling off her tongue easily.

Wu glanced back at the rolling head that found a stop against his feet before looking back up to Nya. "I would normally tell you off, but I'm considering hiring a therapist."

Nya rolled her eyes at him before she went back to retrieve her water bottle. Yet when she grabbed it, she flung it across the room when she found out it was empty.

"Stop being so dramatic," she told Wu.

He only glanced back at her. Then he pulled out a white envelope and handed it to her. "This is for you. I was requested to give it to you."

Nya snorted as she grabbed it. "You don't have a date either?"

Wu then glared at her. "Mind your own business," he told her flatly before gesturing to the envelope in her hands. "Open it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be."

With a huff, he left the room again.

But not before kicking the robot's head against a wall.

"Yeah, he so does not have a date," Nya said after him as she let out an amused chuckle.

Then she looked down at the envelope in her hands. She ripped it open as her curiosity got the best of her, and when she found a white letter inside, she pulled it out and unfolded it.

She frowned at what was written inside.

"Under the stars of a summer night,
Wanna lay with you to my right,
Wanna hold you so tight,
Wanna look at you despite
The darkness of the stars that light
Our way for us because it might
Occur to you that I can't write
A poem so I want to invite
You to where it blooms with delight
The trees, so pink and oh so bright
So yeah, that's it, please book a flight
To where the pinkness will make you blind."

"Huh," Nya said. "Maybe I do have a date." Then her eyes widened. "I have a date!"

She then looked down at her attire which was definitely not made to go on dates with.

Slightly panicking, she rushed out of the training room with the letter in hand and towards her bedroom where she changed into an off-the-shoulder, dark purple summer dress which had a small, lighter purple ribbon around her waist that was then knotted into a bow.

Then she grabbed a matching black purse and put her cellphone, keys and wallet inside.

Before she walked out of her room, she stopped to think about an important factor she forgot about: Jay never told her where he was.

Nya took another look at the poem he had written for her and searched for any clues.

He did mention a tree and it being pink. But a lot of trees had pink blossoms in Spring.

"So yeah, that's it, please book a flight."

That was a weird line, even for Jay's somewhat okay poem. Nya had a feeling that it wasn't just there because of the rhyme.

Book a flight...

Book a flight...

Book a flight...

Book a flight... to the top of a cliff!

There was one tree that had pink blossoms that was hard to reach on foot, and that was a Sakura tree her and Jay had discovered a while back!

With that idea in mind, Nya went to the vehicle bay and got into one of the jets before taking off to her destination.

It was a lucky guess; maybe it was right, maybe it was wrong.

And if it was wrong, she probably had to get Google on her side to find out about other places Jay might've meant.

But for now, while she was sitting inside of the Ice Jet she had chosen, she couldn't help the grin that took over her face.

Jay hadn't forgotten about her, and he was planning something! That thought made Nya happy.

As she flew near the cliff, Nya's eyes lit up upon seeing a familiar person who was lying on his back on a baby blue blanket underneath the Sakura tree.

When she landed, she walked over to him. His hands were under his head, his eyes were closed, and he had a smile on his face. The sun lit his face up, making it seem like he was shining.

Then she let her eyes wander across the scenery. The sun was shining brightly, the sky was free of clouds, and it was all quiet and peaceful around the tree.

Speaking of the tree, its pink and white blossoms were strewn all around the bright green grass, some even landing on the blanket.

"What took you so long?" Jay asked without moving a muscle, as if sensing her presence next to him.

Or it might've been because of the loud noises the jet had made which alerted him of another person's presence.

"I just received your letter," she answered him as she sat down next to him. She brought her hand up to his hair to pull out a pink blossom that found its way into it. "I liked your poem, by the way," she told him softly.

Jay let out a content sigh. "I'm just so amazing."

Nya let out a chuckle as she kept her hand in his hair and began to comb through it slowly. "You're a very humble man, you know?"

"That, I do," he answered as he opened his eyes to look into hers.

In that moment, Nya stopped her movements to look back into his eyes as they were both in a trance in each other's gazes.

Blue eyes looked into brown ones, their gazes holding both love and passion.

Jay smiled softly before he went to sit down. It was then that Nya noticed the brown basket that was behind him. "I hope you're hungry," he began as he opened the basket and looked inside.

"I am," Nya answered honestly.

"Good," her Yin replied before he pulled out a Tupperware box. He put it down on the blanket and opened its lime green lid, revealing a homemade potato salad. Then he went back to look inside the basket.

As he was pulling out more food, Nya smiled at the guy in front of her. How she got so lucky with him, she didn't know. But she surely wouldn't question that, too afraid of jinxing it.

"And in here are some strawberries, cherries, blueberries and pomegranate arils," Jay said as he pulled out another Tupperware box. "I know you like that mix so I-"

Jay stopped himself when he realized that Nya was staring at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, unaware of the fact that she was about to burst into happy tears because of him and his behavior.

Nya snapped out of her thoughts, shrugging. She looked down at the food in front of her. "No reason, I'm just happy about all of this."

And you.

A warm smile found its way onto Jay's lips. He pulled out the last Coca Cola can before he closed the basket, put it aside, and focused back on his girlfriend who was blushing uncontrollably. Even though she was looking down and allowing her hair to cover her cheeks, it was pretty obvious to Jay.

He allowed his feelings to get the best of him as he ignored the delicious food in front of him and instead scooted next to his Yang until they were so close that their thighs were touching.

He then slung an arm around her waist in order to pull her closer against him. She still couldn't look him in his face, knowing her red face was bound to be on full display if she were to do so.

But when she felt his fingers brush against her neck to get to her chin, she knew she was done for. Then, when he moved her face up to look at him, she found him staring at her intently.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look in that dress?"

Before Nya could give an answer, her mouth was occupied by his.

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