Wheels On The Bike
This story contains a scene which might be too steamy for some of y'all.
(The title has been changed from "The Wheels On The Bike Go 'Round And 'Round" to what it's now. My soul can rest in peace now. 11/14/22)
Nya sighed, regretting one of her last decisions she'd made. Looking back at the track, she realized they hadn't even come that far.
"Come on, don't give up now!" Jay cheered her on, standing on the side of the empty trail, wearing a blue baseball cap to shield himself from the burning hot sun.
She groaned, turning towards him. "Can we take a break now?" She asked, doing her, to him, irresistible puppy eyes.
Jay sighed, smiling. "Fine. There's a bench," He pointed in front of them. "we can sit over there."
His girlfriend nodded, and so they walked over to the bench next to each other.
After they sat down, Jay reached into his tote bag, looking for the tuna sandwiches Zane had made for them earlier that day.
Meanwhile, Nya thought back at what happened a few hours prior.
"I am going to meet up with Misako to discuss further information about what we can find about the Vengestone Buyer. I will be gone for until later this evening, so you will be able to do whatever you want for the rest of the day. Cole, stay away from the kitchen. Lloyd, stay away from candy. Kai, stay away from deodorant sprays. Jay, stay away from my scrolls. Nya, Zane, you're the responsible ones, I trust you." Master Wu informed them, standing in the doorframe of the big gates of the monastery.
"Yes, Master." All six of them saluted.
With one last suspicious glance back, Wu closed the gates behind him. His students stayed silent until they were sure that their master was gone before they broke out in loud conversations.
"Come on, the whole fire-deodorant spray incident happened a long while ago, I'm wiser now!" Kai scoffed, talking to no one in particular.
Zane looked at him, unamused. "Kai, that happened fifteen hours ago."
"See, I was a whole other person back then." Kai reasoned, making Zane glare at him.
The Ice Ninja sighed. "Think what you must. But please, don't bother me for the next two hours. I need a break."
He didn't even wait for an answer before making his way inside of the monastery, heading for Pixal's room to rant about basically everything.
"You broke Elsa." Cole glared at Kai who just shrugged.
"If you'll excuse me, I have a stack of candy to eat." Lloyd said, pushing his way through them.
"Yo, Greenie, you can't do that!" Cole warned.
The Green Ninja turned around, facing him with no emotions visible on his face. "I have cake."
Cole smiled devilishly. "Smart."
The two smirked at each other for a solid five seconds before storming inside, leaving the other three Ninja behind.
"They're so weird." Kai crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking back at the doors they just walked through.
"And you're better?" Nya asked sarcastically, putting her hands on her hips.
Kai smiled confidently. "Of course! I'm smarter, better looking, confident, charming, cool-"
His phone's ringing interrupted his little speech. He took it out of his back pocket, his face immediately lighting up. "Oh my gosh, it's Skylor!" He squealed, jumping up and down before finally answering. "Hey Sky!" Then he walked inside.
"He's really something else." Jay laughed.
"Yeah." Nya agreed. "She'll always be his weak spot." She sighed, smiling.
The Blue Ninja wrapped his arm around Nya's waist, pulling her into his side tightly. "I mean, I can't blame him." He smiled, looking at her.
She smiled back, managing to suppress an oncoming blush. "Something tells me you're referring to something else, but... ugh, I just don't know what it is!" The Master of Water said playfully, tapping her chin, trying to seem deep in thoughts.
Jay laughed, making her body turn to his completely to warp both of his arms around her waist. "Try to take some guesses." He said, his voice just a tad bit lower.
"Hmm," She started tapping on his chest with her pointer finger. "I know! You're talking about Pix and Zane! They're totally adobable together!" Nya exclaimed, making him laugh a bit more.
"They are, but wrong answer." He leaned forward to her a little bit.
Nya looked at him, not moving her own head to tease him. "What about Dareth and Gayle? I mean, there has to be something." She suggested.
Jay snorted quietly. "If there is anything between them, I'll eat my toothpaste."
"Then what is it?" She asked, her voice calm and soothing.
The Lightning Ninja leaned down a little bit more, looking deep into her eyes. "You're my weak spot, Nya Smith." He said, his voice calmingly low.
Nya grabbed his collar, pulling him further down herself. "Gosh, how could I have not thought about that?" She whispered while looking at his lips with heavy eyelids before connecting their lips.
Their lips slowly started to move in sync. Nya moved her hand from his collar to the back of his neck, forcing their lips to crash into each other's even though they were already touching. This sudden movement startled Jay who shortly lost his balance and stumbled forwards, automatically making her stumble backwards. Knowing that they would crash into the big statue of the golden dragon, Jay quickly used his reflexes to bring one of his hands behind her head to shield her, just in case she were to hit her head which luckily didn't happen when she was pinned between the statue and his own body mere seconds later, their lips never leaving each other's.
Moving his hand back to her waist from her head, Jay focused back on his main priority: the sweet feeling of his girlfriend's lips on his. Literally sweet because she had eaten a chocolate pudding for dessert after having breakfast which made her taste phenomenally.
He was probably tasting the same as her, though. They all had chocolate pudding for dessert. But he had his with rainbow sprinkles, whereas hers was plain.
Both not being able to make any smart decisions anymore, Jay's lips left Nya's, giving her a chance to breathe again while his slowly made their way towards her chin and gave her sweet kisses along her jawline before heading down to her neck.
Nya panted harshly, enjoying the moment a little too much. She felt him stop near her collarbone, sucking and licking the flesh. Feeling her approve of it, he decided to leave a mark.
"I have recharged my social battery. I thought it would take longer, but thanks to-" Zane walked outside, stopping his little talk once he caught Jay and Nya making out against the statue.
The couple broke apart, breathing heavily while blushing uncontrollably. Nya quickly readjusted her gi to hide the now very obvious hickey.
All three participants looked at each other, not a single word was spoken.
Zane's eye twitched. "Pixal!" The Nindroid screamed, making his way back inside.
"Uhh," Jay started, looking back at where Zane was just standing. "definitely not... awkward."
"I think we broke Elsa now." Nya joked, making Jay giggle.
He looked at her. "So, what do we wanna do now? We have the whole day all to ourselves." He smiled cutely.
Nya thought for a bit. "Let's do something we've never done together before."
"Like what?" Jay asked, already agreeing to her plan.
"I don't know, you're usually the one with the goofy ideas." She rolled her eyes playfully.
"How about we go roller skating?"
"Nah, I'm not in the mood for that. Besides, the others would kill us if we went without them, you know they like to skate too." Nya said.
Jay chuckled. "All except for one."
"Well, Kai still hasn't gotten the hang of it." She laughed.
"Then how about we go to the Mega Monster- no wait, we've been there already." He remembered, continuing his mighty thinking.
Nya looked at him, waiting for a good idea to pop up in his head. Her boyfriend had always been the one to come up with the funny ideas of what they could do, and she liked most of them.
Then it clicked in his head. "I know! Let's go cycling! We've never done that before!" He jumped up and down excitedly, looking at her.
Nya's eyes widened before she quickly looked away from his eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea, Jay. The others-"
"Forget the others!" He walked up to her, taking her hand in his. "This is about us. Come on, I haven't been able to ride my old bike ever since I moved in with you and the others." He pleaded, pouting.
She bit her lip, thinking about an excuse to refuse without making him sad. "But... I... I don't have a bike!" She quickly exclaimed. "Yes, I don't have a bike and so it's not even possible to-"
"I'll give you my Ma's, she won't mind!" Jay cut her off with a good point.
Nya scrunched her teeth. This was a though one. "I think I just heard Kai calling my name-" The Water Ninja said, already making her way over to the door.
However, a hand held her back by pulling on her own.
"Nya, what's really up? I know Kai didn't call you, stop making up excuses to get away."
She sighed turning around. "You know how Kai and I used to work in my parents' blacksmith's shop?"
"Yeah." He nodded.
"Well, you see, since we were basically working all the time..." She cut her own words, not wanting to admit it.
Jay stepped closer, holding his hand up to caress her cheek. "You were never able to learn how to ride a bike?" He assumed.
She nodded her head, a little bit of embarrassed to admit it.
"Naww, that's no problem, I'll teach you!" Her Yin said enthusiastically.
"Jay," Nya smiled sadly. "isn't it a bit too late to-"
"Pshh, no way, Nya. You're never too old to learn something new!"
Nya giggled. "Now you're just sounding like Master Wu."
Jay smiled proudly. "If that's what it takes for you to say 'yes', then it's worth it."
She sighed, smiling. "Fine."
"Great! Now let's get going, we have a long day ahead of us!"
End of flashback.
"Are you not hungry?" Jay asked, looking at his Yang.
Nya snapped out of her thoughts. "What?" She asked, blinking rapidly before looking back at him.
"Your sandwich." Jay pointed at the sandwich in her hands which was barely nibbled on. "You barely even touched it. Is everything okay?"
"Y-Yeah." She answered, looking at the tuna sandwich in her hands before taking a big bite out of it.
Jay leaned backwards, enjoying the birds chirping in the far distance. He closed his eyes, focusing on nothing but himself, his girlfriend's presence, and the nature surrounding them. It was calming, very calming. He loved it.
"There's something you want to tell me."
Jay opened one of his eyes to look at Nya who was staring right back at him, a playful smile on her face. He sighed happily. "When I was little, my parents and I would always cycle on paths like these. I guess I just remembered how much I've missed it."
Nya nodded understandingly, taking another bite of her sandwich. She took another look at Jay who had his eyes closed again, his food already eaten up. She looked away, scooting a little bit closer to him before gently resting her head on his shoulder.
"You know," She started. "I've heard there's a nice restaurant a few miles from here."
Jay immediately started to laugh whole heartedly, looking at her once he controlled his laughter. "If you're just trying to get out of learning, then that ain't working, but nice try."
"Come on." He jumped off of the bench and extended his arm out to her, wearing a huge smile on his face. "The sooner you learn it, the better you'll get."
She swallowed down her last bite before taking his hand and standing up. She looked back at the tree they had put their bikes against and walked up to hers - Jay's mother's.
She admired the woman's handiwork. It was clear that Edna must've built it herself, just like Jay told her he made his all by himself. The gray metal holding everything together, the dark blue saddle, the different shades of blue all around the bike. Everything was just so perfect.
Jay grabbed her bike and rolled it onto the trail. "You should wear a helmet, just in case." He advised.
Nya turned to face him, raising an eyebrow. "You're not wearing one either."
"Well, I happen to know how to-"
"You forgot yours, didn't you?"
Jay sighed. "Yes, ma'am."
She giggled. However, it stopped once she realized he was motioning for her to get on the bike he was holding. Taking slow steps, she grabbed the steering wheel and shakily sat herself on the saddle.
Just as she was about to fall on her side, she realized Jay had his firm grip on the bike, keeping her safe.
"It's all about balance. If you can't get that right, you might as well just give up." Seeing her look at him sadly, he realized his choice of words. "No, no, no, I mean you can do it! Don't even think about it that much. Try to clear your mind, and just paddle."
She nodded absentmindedly, looking ahead of her to see nothing but a pebbled trail. There were trees and bushes all around them. She took a deep breath before nodding to Jay, indicating for him to let go of the bike.
He nodded back, slowly releasing his grip while still being on high alert.
Nya put both of her feet on the paddles and pushed one forward at a time, repeating the process over and over again. Her hands were still shaky, thus why she couldn't ride in a straight line, but she still managed to keep going.
"You're doing it!" She heard Jay shouting from behind.
She smiled happily. "I'm actually doing it!" She screamed back.
After some more struggles, Nya got the hang of it and rode the bike much better than before. She smiled to herself, however couldn't look back at Jay because of the fear of losing her balance.
Just as she was about to yell something to him, she heard another bike next to her. Taking a glance to her left, she could see Jay on his own bike, smiling at her proudly.
"Didn't you tell me there was a restaurant near?" He asked.
She nodded.
"Well, let's ride there together. What do you say?"
Nya's face lit up. "Okay!" She beamed.
And so they rode side by side, enjoying the little time they could get alone together.
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