What A CATasthrophe
Yeah, I don't know what this is either. I literally had a dream about this so y'all are doomed to read this now-
Nya sighed before she grabbed her white eraser, which was turning black on some sides, and started to rub on the blueprint in front of her. This was the tenth time she felt uncomfortable with the way she drew the front of a new battle vehicle she was working on. She picked up her pencil once again and tried her best to keep the end of it away from her mouth. Biting on pencils and pens was a bad habit she had developed when she was a little child. Nya then put the pencil back on the paper and tried to visualize what she had in mind, though it seemed impossible at this point.
She knew the guys were in the workshop and working on a machine they had been working on on their own. Nya had never really asked what it was, she knew they were probably working on it to impress her and Pixal.
It happened quite a lot that the guys wanted to build something out of the ordinary to impress the girls because they were usually the ones to build all their equipment. Jay and Zane usually helped a lot, too, but most of the works were done by the girls in the end.
Once Nya heard screaming coming from downstairs, she chuckled. The boys liked to get into arguments a lot when they were on their own. Nya didn't really feel bothered by that anymore, knowing they would solve their problems eventually.
However, when the screaming didn't stop after many minutes, she groaned and got up from her desk. She lazily walked out of her room and strutted down the stairs. The closer she got to the workshop, the louder the screams became. She could mostly hear her brother, Cole and Lloyd's voices, making her wonder why Jay's wasn't there. She shrugged the feeling off and sighed before opening the door.
"Okay, what's the problem with you guys?" Nya exclaimed before realizing what exactly was going on inside the room.
She saw what seemed like a cat running around the room while knocking everything down and Cole and Zane trying to catch it while Kai was yelling at it and Lloyd was looking at a smoking machine. The cat's meows filled Nya's ears. "What the-"
Once the cat realized she was in the room, it ran right at her, making her widen her eyes. Nya tried to back away a bit before the cat started meowing loudly and tried to climb up her body without using it's claws.
Nya then bent down and picked the animal up. She looked at the ginger cat with wide eyes before looking at the others. "Whose cat is this?!"
Kai looked at her with a serious expression on his face. "Yours."
When everyone in the room looked at him as if he had gone crazy, he cleared his throat, looking at the cat. "We all know I'm right."
"Kai, what are you talking about?" She asked before looking at Zane. "Zane, what is going on?"
"It's a long story." The nindroid answered.
Nya frowned at him before looking back at the cat which started meowing again. It seemed as if it was trying to get her attention. She brought her hand up to its head and began stroking it's fur and smiled when it began to lean into her touch.
"You tell her."
"No, you!"
"Nuh-uh, you!"
Nya looked back at the others to see Cole and Kai arguing again. "Just tell me alrady." She rolled her eyes.
Cole cleared his throat. "So... we were working on a machine... and it was supposed to make people turn invisible."
"Sounds cool." Nya commented.
The Earth Ninja then let out a dry laugh. "Yeah, well, when we thought we were done, it only needed to be tested." He swallowed, seeing Nya nodding, meaning for him to continue. "Jay wanted to test it out first."
At the mention of her boyfriend's name, Nya stopped patting the cat and focused on Cole fully. "Sounds like him but where is he? Don't tell me he's invisible now." She snorted, imagining him standing behind her to scare her at any second.
"No..." Cole answered slowly.
"Cole... where is he?" Nya asked seriously. She ignored the cat as it began to meow loudly again and even tried to reach for her face with it's paws.
Cole then scratched the back of his neck as he shakily pointed at the cat.
Nya looked at him quizzically before widening her eyes. She looked at the cat in her arms to see it looking back at her, it's paws intracted to it's chest.
"This is not Jay, guys, stop messing with me!" She exclaimed.
"Nya, we do not know how this could have happened, but when Jay was inside the machine, it started smoking." Zane explained.
"Well, once we managed to open the doors, there was just that cat." Zane pointed at the orange cat in Nya's arm.
She looked down to see the cat stretching in her arms. She shakily held up her hand, catching the cat's attention. "Give me your right paw if you can understand me."
The cat then meowed before placing it's right paw into her open palm, making her yelp. "Uh, give me your left paw now." She said, and so the cat did. Nya took a deep breath. "Do something Jay would do."
The ginger cat tilted it's head at her before meowing. It then reached out for Nya's hand which was still in the air and pulled it down with it's paws before licking her knuckles. Nya let out a yelp, realizing Jay would always kiss her hand and knuckles whenever he felt like it. The Water Ninja looked at the cat to see it looking back at her with dark blue orbs.
This cat was Jay.
Nya's eye started to twitch. "Okay, you guys do know how to turn him back, right?"
"Nope, the machine is gone." Lloyd said absentmindedly, still looking at the smoking mess.
Jay, the cat, then started meowing uncontrollably before calming down again after Nya shushed him and stroked his fur. He closed his eyes and started purring, showing usual cat behavior which left everyone in the room shocked.
"Lloyd," Nya started, not looking away from Jay. "I will come for you when you're asleep if you can't get that machine to work again." She said in an overly sweet voice, making Lloyd gulp in fear and nod furiously.
When Jay's stomach growled a bit, Nya looked at the others. "We'll go and grab something to eat while you guys work on that machine together." She then started to walk away.
"Why does he get to be freed from work?!" Kai exclaimed.
Nya turned around to look at her brother, unamused. "How do you possibly expect a cat to work on a machine?" She blinked, awaiting a response.
Kai nodded, understanding. "Right, right."
For the whole time Nya carried Jay towards the monastery's kitchen, he cuddled with her hand which she found cute and weird at the same time. When she entered the kitchen, she set Jay on the countertop and opened the fridge.
"Alright, what do you wanna eat?"
After hearing a meow, she remembered he couldn't really talk so she looked at him to see him looking inside the fridge from the corner of the countertop, his entire torso almost dangling down. He then looked at her and meowed again, making her sigh.
"I can't understand you."
Jay lifted his front paws and tried to reach out for her so she lifted him up again. He then pointed at the bacon strips in the upper left. Nya put him back down and grabbed the bacon strips and pulled a pan out of one of the lower cupboards before placing five strips inside. Nya then turned around to get the vegetable oil before noticing how Jay's face was almost pressed against the bacons.
She laughed, picking him up and placing him on the floor, making him meow at her. "You have to wait until they're cooked, Jay. I wouldn't want you to get salmonella."
Jay meowed again before sitting up straight. When Nya started to season the bacon and stopped giving him attention, he stood up again and started to walk against her legs, his tail high up in the air.
Nya snorted. "Give me a few seconds, Sparky." He meowed again, looking up at her.
After about two minutes or so, the Master of Water grabbed a plate and put the now cooked bacon strips on it and brought it over to the dining table. Jay followed her and climbed up the table and sat down in front of his plate. Nya then turned back around and went over to the fridge to get herself something to eat.
Taking a glimpse back to her furry boyfriend, Nya realized he was staring back at her, his food untouched. "You can start." He meowed at her, making her realize he was refusing to eat before she was ready with her own food.
She smiled as she walked over to the dining table with a plate of leftover macaroni and cheese. When she sat down, Jay meowed.
"You're welcome." Nya answered. She assumed he was thanking her for the food. Her assumption turned out to be correct when he then leaned down and started to eat his bacon.
Then she grabbed her fork and started to eat as well. Hearing Jay munching on his food was one thing, but hearing all the occasional and unintentional meows made her lose her focus and laugh out loud, making him stop eating and look at her almost quizzically. He meowed.
"Sorry, I can't take all of this seriously." She said in between laughs and giggles.
He meowed again, causing her to collect herself and look at him. "When, do you think, will the others get that machine to work again? As much as I like cats, this wasn't the kind I was asking for."
Jay left his plate and walked in front of Nya and stopped, looking at her. He then balanced himself on his back paws and put his front paws on each of her collarbones. He started meowing again, and because he was doing it straight into her face, Nya broke down in laughter again.
"Wait," Nya said, making him fall silent and ready to listen. "can you still use your powers?"
He looked down as if he were thinking before he meowed and let go of her. He sat up straight and lifted one paw. Then he closed his eyes. A few seconds passed, and surely enough, a few sparks started crackling between his small fingers.
Nya smiled, patting his head. "You know, you're such an adorable cat."
Jay meowed sharply, making her chuckle. "Don't worry, you're adorable in person, too." He meowed again as he moved closer to her form and rested his head underneath her chin, his eyes closed and a purr evident in his breathing.
His girlfriend wrapped her arms around him and started patting him from his head to his back and repeated the same process while feeling his small intakes of breath against her neck.
"This is so weird." She said, looking out the window pointlessly.
Jay meowed, still enjoying her touch. Nya then leaned a bit back to look at him. "Are you full or do you wanna finish that?" She pointed at his half-eaten bacon.
He looked at his plate before shaking his head. Nya squinted her eyes at both of their plates. "The others will take care of it." She took the plates and brought them over to the sink before walking over to the doorframe. "You coming?" She asked, looking back at Jay as he was still sitting on the table.
He meowed as he lifted his front paws at her again. Nya rolled her eyes as she walked back over to him and picked him up. "You're like a little baby, you know that?" She said, carrying him over to her bedroom.
She kicked open the door and set Jay down on her bed before closing her door and walking over to her desk. She sat down on her blue chair.
She then turned around to look at her boyfriend who was still sitting on her bed neatly. "I've gotta work on some blueprints, you can do whatever you want in here."
Jay jumped down from the bed and made his way over to her and jumped on her lap before jumping on the desk. He meowed as he looked at the blueprints in front of him.
"Can you still read?" Nya asked. He turned around to look at her and nodded.
Then he leaned down and bit into the paper before picking it up and throwing it down the desk.
Nya laughed. "What was that for?"
Jay meowed as he laid down and rested his head on her hand which was on the desk. He formed a little roll with his body. Closing his eyes, he felt safe in her presence.
She smiled, slowly patting his fur again.
Around thirty minutes passed before there was a knock on Nya's door. Jay had actually fallen asleep in her arms, so she had no choice but to sit in the same position, not wanting to wake him up by moving away.
The door opened, revealing her brother. "The machine's working again." He whispered, seeing his friend asleep, before exiting the room again.
Nya looked back down at her boyfriend. "Jay, wake up." She stroked his small cheek with her thumb.
After a few seconds he made some squeaky noises before slowly opening his eyes. He let out a sleepy meow before covering his eyes with his paws.
She aww'ed at the sight in front of her. "Wake up, Jay, they got the machine to work again."
He uncovered one eye to look at her. His meow in response sounded more like a question to her, so she nodded.
"Let's go." She said as she carefully picked her boyfriend up and held him in her arms like a baby.
Nya walked inside the workshop again to see Lloyd and Cole sitting on the workbench in the corner, seemingly having a conversation going on, and Kai on his phone, his hand going through his gelled hair. Zane was just putting a wrench back into the silver toolbox when he saw her.
He smiled. "Hello again, Nya. I do believe we have fixed the machine now. Could you please place him inside?"
Nya nodded and walked over to the rather big machine and looked inside. There was a small wooden stool inside and a what seemed like a mirror on one side of it's wall. The entire walls inside and outside were painted gray.
She bent down and allowed Jay to sit down. He meowed before letting go of her and sitting down, facing the mirror.
The Water Ninja then backed away from the machine as Zane came over to close it's door.
"What's it gonna do?" She asked, watching her robotic friend type something into a keypad on the side of the machine.
"It is similar to a photo booth. He will look into a camera which is behind a piece of glass. A scan will then engulf the entire inside before the machine starts shaking. At least that's what happened earlier. We are expecting the machine to have the same wiring as before so that the process of him turning into a cat gets reversed." He put his hand on a big red button which was right next to the keypad. "Alright, my friends. Is everyone ready?"
The other boys then let go of everything they were doing previously and nodded. Nya also nodded.
Feeling everyone's approval, Zane pushed the button, activating the machine. Everyone looked at it, seeing it shaking slightly before it began to shake furiously right afterwards.
Nya looked over to the others to see them staring at the machine casually, so she assumed this was supposed to happen, although the fact that her boyfriend was inside that thing was rather discomforting.
After a few more seconds everything went silent, and a little ding sound could be heard.
"At least it's not smoking now." Lloyd commented.
Nya bit the insides of her cheeks as she waited for something to happen. The anticipation rose in the entire room as everyone looked at the completely still and silent machine in front of them.
Just then, it's door opened, and white smoke came out of it before it evaporated again.
When she heard familiar sounds of coughing, Nya's eyes lit up. Then she let out a sigh of relief as she watched familiar feet stepping out of the machine.
Her eyes met with his as he looked around the room.
"Finally." Jay breathed, smiling at her.
Indeed, he was back to normal, not a single trace of him just having been a cat was there. He was in his usual gi again, his hair still just as messy as it had always been.
He walked up to his girlfriend and immediately embraced her in a bone crashing hug. She threw her arms around his neck and took in his smell: smoke.
Meh, she liked the smell of burnt stuff anyway. She did think he was hot after all.
The others around them then started to ask questions.
"What happened?"
"How are you feeling?"
"What was it like being a cat?"
"Can you two just let go of each other already? We get it, you're in love. Jesus."
Jay yawned. "I'll answer all of that later. First I gotta take a nap." He said before he picked Nya up while they were still hugging and walked out of the room together with her.
Believe me, I wanted to put way more into this before thinking 'nah, this contains enough cringe already' 👁👄👁
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