That Damned Smile

It was a rather quiet Sunday afternoon. Everyone seemed to be off doing whatever they wanted to.

Nya, wanting to make herself a coffee, headed out of her bedroom and walked over to the kitchen. Once she stepped inside, she saw her brother leaning against the counter with his back to her, so she walked up to him and positioned herself next to him, also resting her elbows on the countertop.

"Hey bro," she said, startling him.

He breathed heavily as he clutched is chest. "When did you get here?!"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "First, I'm a ninja, being stealthy is part of my job. Second, I wasn't even creeping up on you, I was just walking."


"What's wrong?" Nya asked, walking up to the coffee machine to make herself her favorite drink.

He let out an awkward laugh. "What do you mean? Nothing's wrong, sis."

Nya looked back at him with a look on her face that said 'there is definitely something wrong'.

When he stayed silent, she sighed. "Kai, I've known you for way too long to know there's something on your mind."

The Fire Ninja sighed, giving in. "Fine, you got me." He scratched the back of his neck, looking back down at the countertop where nothing was placed on. "I'm just... worried, that's all."

"Worried about what?" She asked, waiting for her coffee.

He squinted his eyes at her, trying to look for something in her eyes. "Why aren't you worried?"

"Well, my least favorite brother, maybe I'd know what you mean if you told me what you think I should be worried about."

"Well," Kai mocked. "First, I'm your only brother. Second, ouch!"

Nya chuckled, turning back around to pour her coffee into a mug. "Now tell me."

Kai sighed. "It's Jay. Don't you think there's something... off about him lately? I mean, he's been training extra hard for the past week or so. I'm not saying he needs to, it's just weird since he's usually so calm and retreated. And it's been a little while since I've seen him genuinely laugh or crack a joke... It feels illegal to see him like this."

Nya swallowed down a lump in her throat before taking a sip of her steaming hot coffee and burning her tongue in the process, still not facing her brother.

"You know something that I don't, don't you?" Kai asked suspiciously. When she didn't answer, he walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Sis? What's wrong?"

Nya sighed before putting her mug down on the countertop and turning around to look into her brother's eyes. "Tomorrow's the day he got put on Ed and Edna's doorstep nineteen years ago."

Kai's eyes widened. "Oh," he breathed out. "That's why he's been like this around this time of the year for the past few years," he realized.

His sister nodded, letting out a long breath.

"Can't you do something? I mean, you are his girlfriend," he said.

"Don't you think I've tried?" Nya asked. "Every time I've tried to talk to him, he either pushed me away or cut the conversation short. I know he didn't mean to be like that to me, I know he's just upset."

"Come here," Kai said, wrapping his arms around Nya's shoulders, pulling her into his embrace.

Nya hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulder.

"It's fine, baby sis."

"Don't call me that!" Nya exclaimed, slapping his shoulder lightly.

Kai rolled his eyes, pulling away. "You'll always be my baby sister."

"Whatever, I'll go to him now. At least he knows how to call me correctly," Nya said, smiling. Then, without waiting for an answer, she walked out with her coffee mug in her hand.

She knew exactly where she had to go, so she headed outside. She sighed when she was close enough to hear him grunting and panting.

Once she opened the doors, she looked ahead and saw him hitting an innocent piece of wood over and over again on the ground. That piece used to be a part of the training dummy which was already torn into pieces.

She took one last sip of her coffee before putting it down into a corner and walking out. As her feet slowly strutted down the few stair steps, she thought about different ways to get through to him.

"Jay?" Nya asked quietly, yet it was loud enough for him to stop in his tracks and freeze on the spot.

"What's up?" Jay asked back, not turning around to look at her.

"Nothing," she hummed. "Just wanted to ask you something."

Jay sighed, standing up and turning around, finally facing her. Nya could see he was exhausted based on the dark circles under his eyes and the sweat droplets dripping down his forehead.

"Go on," he said, walking over to the stairs to grab his water bottle.

"Umm, you wanna... hang out and go for a walk?" She cringed hearing herself say that, although she didn't take it back.

Jay stopped drinking his water and looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "What's your real question?"


"Nya, I know for a fact that you didn't come out here to ask me that."

"Fine," she gave in, scratching the back of her neck. "How are you feeling?"

Jay sighed, putting the water bottle back down. He walked up to her and stood in front of her. "Just peachy," he said before he walked past her and grabbed the piece of wood he had beaten earlier and held it up in the air for her to see. "We need a new dummy."

Nya didn't answer but walked up to him and took the piece out of his hand, throwing it down. Then she wrapped her arms around his torso and rested her head on his shoulder. Jay didn't say anything either as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer into him. He kissed her forehead, resting his lips against it for a few moments longer than needed.

"I know you're not feeling that peachy," she murmured, rubbing his back.

Jay looked off into the distance. "I can't help it, Nya."

"I know, Sparky. I know," she sighed before she pulled a bit back to look into his eyes. "I know you can't stop feeling hurt about it but you can't dwell on it any longer," she said sympathetically.

Her boyfriend looked away as he nodded slowly. "I just... I just want to know why, Nya."

"I know you do, but I think it's time for you to accept that you probably won't find out anytime soon," Nya looked deeply into his eyes.

Jay gulped slowly before looking back at her. He only nodded, not attempting to open his mouth to answer verbally.

"Alright, boy, we gotta get you distracted now. There ain't no way my cheerful boyfriend is drowning in his self-made misery. Come on," she said optimistically before grabbing his hand and dragging him back inside the monastery.

Jay laughed, trying to keep up with her tempo and not trip down. "Slow down!"

"Never!" Nya yelled out, laughing, before running even faster.

They came to a halt in front of Jay's bedroom. She turned to look at him. "You have exactly ten minutes to get dressed before I storm in and drag you out. Your time starts now!"

"But wait- woah!" Jay yelped out as he was pushed into his room.

Nya sped off quickly, leaving him stunned for a few seconds. But then she came back and peeked inside his room. "Oh, and dress casually!" Then she ran off again.

Jay laughed as he closed the door and walked up to his closet. He decided to wear dark blue ripped jeans and a white shirt with a blue zip up jacket. Then he put on white sneakers and put his phone into the back pocket of his jeans.

When he was ready, he opened his door and decided to walk over to Nya's bedroom. Before he could knock, she opened her door and looked a bit startled that he was there but smiled nonetheless.

He smiled back, admiring her. She was wearing lighter blue skinny jeans with a blue hoodie and the same white sneakers that all of the ninja owned. Her hair was in its usual ponytail.

"So, where are we going?" He asked, breaking the silent staring session.

"Psh, as if I'll tell you," she answered, smiling sheepishly. Then she grabbed his hand and led him to their vehicle bay.

There she walked up to the big computer and pushed a big black button. Then a big part of the floor on the other side of the room opened, and a black car was being transported up.

Jay's eyes widened. "Since when do we own a BMW?" He walked over to it to admire it.

"Ever since I decided that I didn't want to arrive there in a battle vehicle," she rolled her eyes.

Jay tried to open the car but the doors were locked, so he looked at Nya and pouted. Nya chuckled before she pulled out the car keys and pushed the button which made the car's lights blink and a beep beep sound erupt from the big vehicle.

He opened the driver's door and settled on the seat, but was forced to sit on the passenger seat once Nya told him she was the one to drive.

On their way to the mystery place, Jay decided to break the comfortable silence. "When are we there?"

"In a bit, Jay, be patient," Nya answered calmly.

Two minutes later

"When are we there?"

"I said be patient. We'll be there when we will be there."

Five minutes later

"When are we there?"

"I don't know, Jay."

Seven minutes later

"When are we there?"

"Stop asking."

Nine minutes later

"When are we there?"



"Get your hand off me before I cut it off!"

Twelve minutes later

"When are we-"

"We have arrived!"

Jay sighed in relief as he removed his favorite travel pillow from around his neck. He looked out of the windshield to see a familiar parking spot they had parked their vehicle in.

He gasped. "Nya..." He looked at her with his mouth agape.

She smiled at him as she turned the engine off and pulled the keys out of the slot. "Yes Jay, it's exactly what you think it is."

Jay opened his door and flew out of his seat, startling Nya, before he sped over to her side and opened her door. "M'lady," he said as he bowed slightly and held out his hand for her.

Nya chuckled as she took his hand and got out of the car. "Thank you, my dear," she said in a horrible British accent, making them both laugh.

Jay then turned around to look at the big gates, sighing with a small smile on his face. "The Mega Monster Amusement Park?"

"Yeah," she said, squeezing his hand. "Brings up some memories, eh?"

He chuckled, looking back at her. "Most definitely."

"And as I remember correctly," she smirked up at him, slowly dragging her other hand across his hard chest, feeling him tense and relax again under her touch. "We still have a meal to finish."

Jay's face lit up, and before Nya could even register what was happening, he was the one to drag her inside the park now, giggling like a little child.

As they entered the restaurant, they could see that it was quite crowded inside, but luckily they found a booth in the far corner which was separated from other booths. They sat down across from each other with big smiles on their faces. Then a young man came up to them to take their orders.

"I'll have a-" Jay's eyes widened in realization. "Scratch that, let's order those huge-"

"Jay," Nya warned, holding her finger up to shut him up. "Whether we had time or not, there is no way we could ever finish those monstrosities." Then she turned to look at the patient waiter. "I'll have a cheeseburger and some medium fries with mayonnaise and a coke, please."

The waiter smiled and wrote down her order before looking at Jay. "What about you, sir?"

"I'll have some medium fries as well and the chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce. Oh, and a big sprite, please!" Jay smiled.

The waiter also wrote down his order before disappearing behind the kitchen doors.

"So, when did you decide to bring me here? And is this a date?" Jay wiggled his eyebrows at her, making her roll her eyes playfully.

"I've wanted to come back for a while now, and I just needed to find the prefect timing. Besides, I know you too well to know that you could never say 'no' to a date," she said, now wiggling her own eyebrows at him.

He laughed, causing her to grin. "I could never," he repeated, putting his hand on hers on the table. He stroked her knuckles as he looked into her eyes lovingly.

"Sir, ma'am, your meals," the same waiter from earlier announced as he handed them their plates with a polite smile on his face. Jay and Nya thanked him before he walked off again.

"Ooh, chicken nuggets!" Jay grinned excitedly before he ripped open the sweet and sour sauce's package and dipped a nugget into the sauce. Then he threw it into his mouth, smiling at the familiar, delicious taste.

Nya chuckled at his behavior as she took a long French fry and dipped it into her mayonnaise. "Didn't know I was on a date with a toddler," she muttered, making him clutch an already dipped nugget close to his chest without managing to stain his clothes.

"Don't act like you didn't know what you were getting yourself into as you accepted to be my Yang! Now if you'll excuse me, my mouth has a very important meeting with this nugget."

Quite some time passed as the two ate their meals and talked about random things, never letting silence take over. After more than an hour passed, the two were ready to pay for their finished food and drinks. They called over the nice waiter from earlier.

"That would be $17,65, please."

Nya smiled as she gave him a twenty dollar bill right as Jay pulled out his wallet. He gasped when he saw his girlfriend paying.

"Nya, what are you doing?!"

She looked at him quizzically. "Paying for our food?" Then she looked back at the waiter, smiling. "You can keep the change."

The waiter nodded gratefully before walking away.

"But I was going to pay!" Jay whined, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a pout on his face.

Nya grinned at him. "I took you out, so I get to pay. Now come on, we've got to get going now!" She dragged him out of the restaurant.

"Where do we go to next?" Jay asked, looking around.

"Wanna ride the rollercoaster again?" She smirked up at him.

Jay choked on his own spit as he tried to control his breathing. "I don't think that'd be such a good idea."

"I know, I'm still traumatized too," she assured him, making him sigh in relief that he wasn't the only one who was still scared to go on the rollercoaster again after the mess that had been their first date many years back.

Then he gasped, pointing at a small stand in the distance. "Cotton candy!"

Nya chuckled, leading him over there.

"What will it be?" The old, cheery man behind the counter asked.

"I want that one!" Jay pointed at a big cloud of blue cotton candy on a stick. The man took it and handed it to the Blue Ninja, making his smile turn brighter.

"That'll be two bucks," the balding man said. Nya quickly paid him the money, due to Jay being distracted eating one of his favorite candies, and took Jay's hand, leading him away.

Nya sighed, looking down at the park below them. As the Ferris wheel reached its peak, the entire park with a small radius of the surrounding areas was in perfect view. It was more beautiful than she would've guessed.

Looking beside her, she saw her boyfriend still happily eating his cotton candy which was still not finished, much to her surprise.

She smiled, knowing this was one of the rarer moments they could really enjoy with each other. Always being around the others or constantly fighting was a big part of their lives, that's what they had signed up for. And being in a relationship on top of that was just meant for their moments to be interrupted by something or someone, whether it'd be Kai being too overprotective, Lloyd being too Master Wu-ish, Zane being oblivious to ruining their moment, Cole suddenly storming in on their make out session, or some criminal having the audacity to attack the city in the middle of their cuddling time.

"You want some?" Jay asked her, holding out a bit of his blue cotton candy in his hand.

Nya, being Nya, would've surely declined his offer due to her not having much of a sweet tooth, but the smile on his face was enough for her to make an exception.

That damned smile.

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