Sir Dorkington
Set during episode 2 of season 13, Master of the Mountain.
"And down this hallway, you can find our master bedroom which nobody except for King Vangelis and Princess Vania is allowed to enter," Hailmar told the ninja and Wu while pointing at a set of double doors that were being guarded by two fierce-looking, flying guards with spears in their hands. "But our destination will be on the other side." He turned around and led everyone down a flight of stairs.
The ninja looked around in awe, taking in even the slightest bit of decoration and symbols they could find.
Vangelis had gone into his bedroom with Vania earlier, leaving the group alone with Hailmar.
"Down here," the flying guard pointed down the next hallway they entered together, "you can find our guest rooms which you will be staying in for the night."
Nothing seemed to be out of place in the entire palace. Every potted plant was placed with precision, every window was pointing to a beautiful scenery, every column had its own, personal symbols.
"Each room has a walk-in closet with fresh sheets and blankets, an en-suite with fresh towels, soap, new toothbrushes and toothpastes, and other toiletries, and its own balcony with a gorgeous overview of Shintaro," Hailmar explained. "You will be staying in separate rooms, of course."
His last statement caused both Jay and Nya to look at each other with the same question in mind.
Jay slowly raised his hand.
"Yes, Mr. Walker?" Hailmar said without looking at him.
The Blue Ninja's face scrunched up because of the way Hailmar addressed him but he didn't mention it. "Uh, could we," he pointed between himself and Nya, "maybe share a room?"
Hailmar stopped walking, slightly tensed up, then turned around. "That is out of the question," he answered sternly.
"Why?" Nya asked.
Hailmar's eyes darted over to her. "King's orders," he answered curtly before turning back around and walking again.
The two lovebirds looked at each other, both of them already knowing what they would do later that night.
Nonetheless, they let it go for now and followed Hailmar like the rest of the team.
"The order in which your rooms are is: Cole Brookstone, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, Kai Smith, Zane Julien, Nya Smith, and Jay Walker," Hailmar said. Then he stopped and turned around. "Wu Garmadon's room is the last one down the hall," he declared before nodding at all of them. "You may go inside your rooms and look around, become familiar with your surroundings. Our guards will guide you to the dinner hall at seven p.m."
With that, he left the seven people alone in front of their guest rooms.
"Well, that was something," Lloyd mumbled, staring at Hailmar's retreating form.
"He seems... weird," Cole said, humming.
"He reminds me of someone," Kai muttered. "But I can't quite put my finger on it," he frowned.
Nya slowly turned to look at her brother. "Hutchins," she whispered.
Her brother's mouth formed to an 'O' shape, whereas everyone else looked uncomfortable and sad. Hearing that name alone brought back many unpleasant memories.
"Does this mean Vania was adopted as well and is now planning on getting revenge by blowing up this palace and everyone else inside it?"
Everyone's heads whipped over to the Green Ninja who couldn't keep that bitter comment inside. When he realized he had said that out loud, he shrugged, walked over to his guest bedroom door, opened it, and disappeared behind it.
Wu shook his head disappointedly and silently followed Lloyd into his room, leaving the other five ninja to look at each other with no words needed to be spoken.
Kai was the first one to break the silence. "Yeah, I'll just... go," he said slowly. Then he quickly walked into his own room.
The others followed after his example, parting their ways from the group one by one without much conversation.
When the Blue Ninja opened his door, his eyes almost left their sockets. As he walked inside, his eyes roamed his surroundings quickly. The entire color theme was gold, white, and marble. And never would he have thought that that combination would turn out to look that majestic in his life before.
There was a king-sized bed pushed up against the wall in the center of the room with marble nightstands with drawers on each side of it. On the other side of the room was a round coffee table with a small, green plant on top of it and two white, fancy-looking chairs pushed against it.
When Jay looked up, he couldn't help but let out a quiet gasp when he saw a huge chandelier as his source of light. Hell, even the light switch looked more expensive than his entire being.
As Jay walked over to the closed, white curtains, he noticed how his steps echoed loudly against the plain walls, so he intensified the pressure and enjoyed his small tap-dancing session.
After he grabbed a hold of the curtains, he pulled them aside, his eyes immediately meeting a beautiful view of a clear blue sky and a clear overview of Shintaro. He could also see a few native people flying around without sparing him a look.
Letting out a content sigh, Jay kept the curtains open and walked over to his bed before face-planting into the white sheets that smelled like lavender.
He could definitely get used to living a life like that.
Without even realizing it, he let out a yawn, and as soon as he managed to messily get rid of his shoes by taking them off with his feet, he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
Around two hours later, a knock against his door pulled Jay out of his dreamless sleep. In his half-awake and half-asleep state, he got up and groggily walked over to the door before pulling it open.
When he saw a flying guard on the other side, he straightened up and forced the urge to sleep out of his system.
He cleared his throat. "What's up?" He leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms to showcase his bulging muscles for no reason whatsoever.
The guard lifted an eyebrow. "King Vangelis has ordered me to lead you to the dining hall, Mr. Walker," he explained while trying to hold back his laughter. He was an experienced guard, he had been for almost five years, so he knew that he had to be respectful towards anyone. Even the clumsy ones.
Well, Jay was obviously testing his limits by pushing himself off of the doorway a little too hard which landed him on the floor.
The guard snorted but quickly composed himself again. "Are you alright, Mr. Walker?" he asked while watching as the Master of Lightning stood up hastily.
"Of course," Jay answered, dusting himself off. "And please, Jay is enough. I hate formalities."
"I am obligated to only address you by your last name, Mr. Walker."
"But I am allowing you to call me Jay," Jay reasoned.
"I cannot do that," the guard said. "Mr. Walker," he added with a sly smile on his face. For some reason, messing with Jay was quite funny.
Jay groaned, tilting his head back. "Okay, then what's your name?"
"I am not allowed you to tell that, Mr. Walker."
Jay narrowed his eyes whereas the guard looked fairly amused. "Tell me."
"Dammit," Jay muttered. "Thought that'd work."
"Give it up, buddy," the other male said. "Can we go to the dinner hall now? I have a break after bringing you there and I'd like to enjoy it to the fullest."
"Wow, sassy," Jay chuckled as he stepped out of the room and closed the door.
As the two walked down the huge staircase together, Jay noticed his girlfriend in the distance. She was accompanied by a flying guard like him, the only difference being that her and her guard seemed to be involved in an interesting conversation.
When his guard looked at him, a quiet snort escaped his mouth. "Jealous?"
Jay quickly snapped out of his glaring session and turned to him. "We've just met and you start assuming things about me already?" he asked, putting a hand to his heart.
The guard scoffed, looking back ahead. "It doesn't take a genius to figure you out when you openly start planning my friend's funeral based on the cold look you're boring into the back of his head."
Jay rolled his eyes. "So you're friends with him. Are you even allowed to have friends?"
Furrowing his eyebrows, the guard turned back to Jay. "What makes you think I'm not allowed to have friends?"
"Oh, I just thought you're not allowed to have distractions and stuff," Jay shrugged.
"Just because I'm a guard inside the royal palace, it doesn't mean I can't make friends. You've got to let go of those thoughts, man."
"Sorry," Jay apologized. "Mind telling me his name?"
"So I indirectly sign his death certificate? No, thanks."
The Lightning Ninja shrugged again, humming. "Worth a shot."
When they entered the dining hall, the guard stopped, causing Jay to stop as well. "That is it. Please sit down and enjoy your meal. If you need anything, please either come to me or any other guard. My name is Marcus, by the way."
Jay's eyebrows shot up. "I thought you weren't allowed to tell me your name?"
"Yeah, that was a lie," Marcus smirked and turned around and left the room before Jay could say anything else.
"Huh," he murmured to himself. Then he turned around and saw that everyone else was already seated around the rectangular table in the middle of the room.
Feeling embarrassed, he hurried over to the only open spot which was between Kai and Zane. When he sat down, he looked up and found his Yang smirking at him from across his spot.
"Now that everyone is here, let us begin," King Vangelis announced, looking at his guests with a warm smile on his face.
After dinner, the ninja were free to do whatever they wanted to. They agreed on getting a tour around the palace which made them meet new people and allowed them to take in the beauty that was Shintaro's nature.
At ten in the evening, everyone was led back to their rooms by their guards.
"If you need anything, you know where to find me," Marcus said when they stopped right outside of Jay's door.
"Actually, I don't."
"Sucks to be you, then," Marcus said before turning around and walking away.
"Hey!" Jay exclaimed after him. Then he heard laughter.
"I am just kidding. There's a black button on your left nightstand. Just push it and I'll be on my way," the guard explained before walking away and leaving Jay alone in front of his door.
After walking inside, Jay looked around, finding the same, majestic scenery in front of him. It was all so beautiful... and boring. He could really use some company of a certain someone.
But he wasn't allowed to really be in her company when the king himself told him off... But then again, it was his life...
"Meh," he said to himself and turned around to grab the door handle.
Once he twisted it down, he pulled the door open and took a step forward before he abruptly stopped so that he wouldn't crash into someone's body.
The two stared at each other, with Nya's hand up in the air in a fist and Jay's hands supporting his weight on the doorway to keep himself from falling on top of her.
With only a shared, knowing look, they smiled at each other as Jay then grabbed Nya's hand and pulled her inside before closing his door shut.
He turned to her, shaking his head in fake disapproval. "What do you think you were doing, Nya?"
"I think it's obvious," she responded while walking over to his bed and plopping herself down on it. Then she looked over to the nightstand and opened its drawer to look for what was inside.
Jay watched her with a small smile on his face. He liked how she felt comfortable enough around him to use his things — whether the things were actually his or just borrowed. It made him feel useful.
"Look," Nya said as she pulled something out of the drawer. She held it up for him to see. "They also had one in my nightstand with my logo on it," she explained.
When Jay walked closer, he realized it was a white piece of bar soap that was carved to be in the shape of his ninja logo of an octopus with three tentacles that represented lightning.
His eyes lit up upon seeing even the smallest details that were carved into a usually boring-looking piece of soap. "That's so cool," he gushed, taking it from her hand and examining it in his own.
"I know, right? Here's mine," Nya agreed before she dug out her own piece of soap.
Jay looked up at it and quickly took it out of her hand as well. He held both of the bars in each of his hands and then looked back to Nya who was watching him with a smile of her own.
"These are so cute!" he exclaimed quietly. "We will definitely bring these back home."
"Are you sure that's not stealing?" Nya asked, smirking.
"Psh!" Jay waved his hand dismissively. "They obviously made these for us, they wouldn't mind."
"You're a dork, you know that?"
"A cute dork, yes," Jay answered proudly before widening his eyes and gasping. "I'll be Sir Dorkington from now on!"
Nya let out a small laugh at his enthusiasm, even if it was caused by something as simple as soap that then led to his new name. His carefree and child-like behavior just made him stand out.
She turned her head to the side to see his open curtains and hummed. "It looks pretty outside," she mumbled, standing up and walking over to the window. It was already dark outside, letting the small, white dots that were known as stars shine brightly in the night sky.
Yet even though it was nighttime, the kingdom of Shintaro didn't seem to be asleep. On the contrary, many lights were still on, creating a more beautiful scenery in front of the Water Ninja's eyes.
When a quiet, soothing tune started playing in the background, Nya pulled her gaze away from the outside world and turned around to see her boyfriend standing right in front of her with his hand stretched out to her. She looked down at it.
"May I have this dance?" Jay asked.
Nya pretended to think for a while, enjoying seeing the impatient look he was giving her while still waiting for an answer.
Then she shrugged with a 'hm'. "Sure, why not?"
Jay feigned hurt and withdrew his hand before she could place hers in his, pouting. "That's all I get?"
Nya narrowed her eyes at him. "What else do you want, an award?"
"I mean, if you offered me one-"
"Guess we won't be dancing, then," Nya said sassily while holding her head high and walking around him.
But by a hand clasping around her wrist, she was tugged backwards and felt herself held against his toned chest. She looked at him to see him already looking back at her with a glint in his eyes.
"Really now?" Jay asked her in a lower tone.
Gulping, Nya nodded, the words escaping her brain before they could leave her mouth. His lower voice always meant seriousness. But this time, however, she could see that he was not genuinely thinking she was serious about leaving.
"Use your words, Nya."
"Y-Yes," she answered before she pulled back from him with a disgusted look on her face. "I just stuttered," she mumbled in disbelief. Then she glared at Jay. "Stop doing that."
The smirk on his face only fueled her anger.
"Stop smirking!" she exclaimed. When he raised his eyebrows while still holding the smirk, she groaned, covering her eyes and then dragging her palm over her face. "Stop doing that, too!"
"Doing what?" Jay asked, trying to look innocent.
Nya gestured towards his face. "That!" After a few more seconds, she sighed, giving in. "Fine, I'll dance with you."
A grin then overtook Jay's face. "Great!" he exclaimed, taking her hand and pulling her back to his body before he placed his other hand on her waist and let her place hers on his shoulder.
As they swayed around, they lost themselves in each other's eyes. That was an occurrence that happened almost every time they danced together.
The moonlit darkness around them served as an unplanned perfection. The music turned into a buzz in their ears, almost not seeming to be there altogether.
After a yawn escaped Nya's lips, Jay chuckled. "Tired?" he asked, although he already knew the answer.
"A little bit," Nya said, yawning again. Then she placed her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes.
"Come on, let's get you to bed," Jay murmured, stopping. He led her over to the bed and helped her get under the covers before he turned the music off and joined her in bed. Then he let her snuggle up against his side while placing her head on his chest.
"Good night, Nya."
"Good night, Sir Dorkington."
Without knocking, he pulled the door open and stormed inside. "Kai, get up!" he screamed close to the Fire Ninja's ear which caused him to shoot his eyes open and swing a fist into the person's direction, but he failed to punch them miserably when his fist came back down against his own face. He groaned in slight pain, accepting his own stupidity.
When Kai's eyes adjusted to the new lighting, he yawned before looking at who was standing in front of him. He rubbed his eyes. "What the hell, Cole?"
"Get up, Kai! Team meeting on the stairs in five," Cole said before storming back out of the room.
The Master of Earth did the same with Zane, the only difference being that it was easier for Zane to wake up and be politer to Cole.
Just as he put his hand on Nya's door handle, Cole stopped himself and remembered who Nya was.
Instead of walking straight inside, he knocked and waited. After no one answered, he frowned. "Nya?" He then put his hand on the handle again and opened the door just a little bit to speak. "I am coming inside now, Nya."
Then he walked inside and carefully strolled over to her bed. "I know you're probably asleep, and I'm sorry for waking you up, but-"
He stopped himself when he realized that the bed was empty. Untouched, even.
For a few seconds, Cole just stood there and stared at the bed, wondering where his female teammate might have been. But then he shook his head while muttering, "Walker."
After walking out of the room again, he stared at Jay's door for a couple of seconds before ripping it open. His eyes immediately landed on Jay and Nya who were curled up against each other.
Cole tiptoed over to the bed and looked at them. "They look cute," he whispered to himself. "I would be such a bad person if I woke them up... Oh, well."
Cupping his hands around his mouth, he leaned down to them.
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