Sippy Cup
Sighing, the Master of Water threw herself onto the bright orange couch. She was beyond exhausted, yet there was nothing she could really do about that.
"Everything okay back there?" she yelled over her shoulder, too tired to actually turn her head to look over to the kitchen doorway.
But then she heard a sudden, loud noise coming from behind her which made her flinch and turn around quickly to look for what was wrong.
All she could see was a pink sippy cup rolling out of the kitchen and into the living room.
"I'm fine!" her boyfriend, Jay, yelled quickly.
Nya contemplated on whether or not going to the kitchen to check up on him would be worth standing up and straining her already-strained muscles, but then decided against it when she cared about sitting on the couch more.
Jay was an adult, he could take care of himself.
"I said, I'M FINE!" Jay yelled again.
Never mind.
Nya rolled her eyes but still stood up to check up on her Yin who was obviously asking for her attention.
Once she stepped into the kitchen, her eyes immediately met Jay's who was sitting on the floor on his butt. She raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking him what he was doing.
"I was trying to heat up the milk," Jay began, "I really did."
"But the microwave isn't working," he pouted. "I swear it hates me."
"The microwave?" Nya asked him.
Her boyfriend nodded with a heartbreaking look on his face.
"Okay," Nya nodded, taking in the information about the Jay-hating microwave. "That doesn't explain what you're doing on the floor, though."
"I tripped," Jay answered.
"On what?"
"Uhh," her boyfriend hesitated while looking past her.
Nya followed his gaze before whipping her head back to him. "Please don't tell me you tripped on that sippy cup."
Jay blinked. "Okay, I won't."
His Yang rubbed her forehead while trying to process everything. "Are you at least done with the milk?" she asked, hoping that was the case.
"I just told you the microwave isn't working," Jay pointed out.
Nya sighed, knowing he was right. She held her hand out and helped him stand up. When he did, he stretched before looking back at her.
"How's she?" he asked.
"She's asleep," she replied while walking up to the refrigerator.
"Let's hope it lasts for more than just twenty minutes this time," Jay sighed.
Nya pulled out a cold milk bottle and walked over to the microwave. She opened its door and put the milk inside before closing it again.
Jay watched what she was doing closely. "I just told you the microwave isn't wor-"
Nya turned around to look at her boyfriend. Since the microwave that had been claimed to be broken was now heating up the milk inside, she wanted to know why Jay was incapable of using it.
"I swear it wasn't working!" Jay quickly defended himself, putting his hands up in the air innocently.
Too tired to argue, Nya sighed and turned back to the microwave and waited until it binged open.
She held her hand back to Jay with out looking back. "Sippy cup," she ordered.
Jay nodded, although she wasn't looking at him, and turned around and looked for the sippy cup until his eyes landed on it. He quickly grabbed it from the ground and gave it to her.
After Nya poured the warm milk into the pink cup, she let out a small yawn. Then she felt two arms snake around her waist and a clothed chest against her back. She closed her eyes and let herself fall back against her boyfriend who held her closely.
"You seem tired," he murmured, putting his chin on her right shoulder. He, too, closed his eyes.
"No crap," she mumbled back sarcastically.
Jay chuckled. He found it amusing how she was still her sarcastic self, even when she was tired out of her mind.
"When will her parents come back?" he asked her.
Nya hummed, thinking. "Lloyd said they wouldn't return from the precinct until like one."
"In the morning?" Jay exclaimed quietly.
"In the morning," Nya confirmed, nodding. Then she sighed. "They could've just hired a nanny, you know? We're ninja, not babysitters for someone's child we don't even know."
Jay shrugged. "They needed someone, we were here, we got the job. Plus, Lloyd's orders."
"Oh, yeah, I'll trash his room with baby stuff when we get back. Wanna join?" Nya asked tiredly.
"Sure, it's not like I would be able to pass up that opportunity."
A little over six hours ago, the six ninja were called for an emergency at the Wilsons' residence. When they had arrived, they were met with Susan and Mario Wilson who seemed to be severely distressed.
When asked why, they said that all of their money and jewelry was stolen. Granted, the ninja were quite annoyed because they were ninja, and not the police who they should've called instead of them.
But the couple managed to convince them to help them, so the ninja investigated the home before calling the cops and letting them investigate the house, too. After no traces of robbery were found, the Wilsons were sent to the precinct for further information and investigation.
But they could hardly bring their five-month-old daughter, Riley, with them, so Lloyd told Jay and Nya to stay behind to look after the baby.
Why? Because they were a couple and apparently that was good enough to give them the responsibility of taking care of a baby that did not belong to them.
"Come on, it'll give you two some practice," Cole had said cheekily which had earned him a slap on the neck by Kai.
At first, everything seemed fine. Riley looked like a calm baby and nothing was out of order. But of course that thought vanished when her first cry erupted throughout the two-story house.
And after that, it all went downhill.
"We should demand for some sort of payment from Lloyd," Jay mentioned.
"Totally," Nya agreed. "How about money?"
"Nah, that's too basic."
"No training for a day?"
"No training for a week."
"Deal," Nya said, turning around in his grasp. Once she did, she glanced into his eyes with her squinted ones and rested her head against his shoulder. "And if he refuses, we'll hide all of his candy," she murmured close to Jay's armpit, making him suppress a laugh.
He nodded instead and just held her there silently. The atmosphere was pretty calm, everything was silent and nothing was out of order.
Well, that was until they were interrupted by a loud cry coming from upstairs.
Groaning, they both detangled themselves from each other and stepped away.
"Your turn," Nya told Jay who was openly pleading with her.
Yet he sighed, knowing she was right. And with that, he left the kitchen and walked up the stairs.
He opened the master bedroom door and peeked inside, his eyes landing on the small, wooden crib on the other side of the room. And inside of that crib was a small human that was bawling her eyes out.
Jay gently stepped inside the room and closed the door. Then he slowly walked over to the little girl.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked as he reached into the crib and took her small fingers in his hand.
The baby stopped crying for a second and just stared at Jay before crying harder right after.
Jay put a pout on his face as he bent forward and picked up the small girl. He began to gently rock her in his arms.
"What's wrong, Riles?" he asked again, knowing that she wasn't going to answer.
Riley slowly calmed down and let the tears dry out as she focused on Jay's finger that was about to boop her nose.
Jay smiled when he saw that. "Yeah, that's right, Riley. My finger is very interesting, isn't it?" he asked in a higher-pitched tone.
Then, when his finger booped her little nose, the baby began giggling and squealing in his arms which caused Jay's smile to form into a full-blown grin.
A small creak coming from behind him made him turn around to see Nya leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed in front of her chest and a small smile decorating her lips.
"Did you see that, Nya?" Jay asked her, happiness radiating off of him. "I just made her laugh!"
Nya looked down at the baby and saw her looking up at Jay with a toothless grin. Nya couldn't deny it; Jay would make an excellent father.
That thought alone brought butterflies with some moths sprinkled here and there into her stomach.
He had always been caring and sweet towards children, so having his own would mean he'd be even better in the kids' department, right?
When Nya looked back up at Jay, who was looking down at Riley with his finger constantly booping her nose, causing her to giggle harder and Jay to smile more widely, Nya received her answer.
She pushed herself off and walked into the room, the sippy cup in her hand. "You forgot the milk," she reminded him.
Jay's eyes looked over to the cup and his hand reached out for it. Nya handed it to him and watched as he balanced the little baby in his left arm and his right arm held the sippy cup above Riley's head.
The baby's big, brown eyes looked up at the item. She let out a few strangled sounds as she kept looking at it. When Jay brought it a little closer, her eyes widened and her small arms immediately reached out for it.
Jay chuckled, bringing it down to her mouth and letting her suck on it. She was creating quiet noises while doing so which made Jay have a proud smile on his face.
Then he turned to Nya. "Are you seeing this? She likes me!" he whisper-yelled excitedly.
Nya let out a small laugh at his enthusiasm. She nodded. "She seems to like you a lot," she responded, walking closer to him.
She looked down at the baby that had her eyes closed and seemed to enjoy the warm milk she was gulping down rapidly.
The Water Ninja brought a finger up against Riley's five, smaller ones and brushed them gently. Just as she was about to pull her hand away, the baby grabbed her finger and held onto it tightly, making Nya smile widely.
"You would make a great mother."
Nya's smile fell as her head whipped up to look at Jay. "What?" she whispered.
Jay gulped, realizing he had said that out loud. Nonetheless, he stood behind his words. "You would make a great mother, Nya."
His eyes stayed planted on hers, making it plainly obvious how serious he was being.
Nya slowly shook her head as she backed away.
Her Yin frowned. "I'm not joking, Nya."
"No," she kept shaking her head. "I don't know how that works, I never-"
"How you grew up doesn't matter," Jay tried to reason.
"No, that's not true. I was raised by my brother, Jay, I never had a mother figure in my life. I wouldn't possibly know how to be a good mother."
That statement made Jay's heart crack a little. It was sort of true after all.
Nya was only three years old when her parents forcibly left her and Kai's lives, leaving the two children to fend for themselves. How they did that without any bigger problems, Jay could never fully understand.
He was impressed, yes, but he also hated the way they had to grow up.
Jay's eyes softened. "Nya, we've been together for long enough for me to know you'd make a great mother," he said. He then looked down at Riley before glancing back at his girlfriend. "Here," he said, walking closer to her with the baby stretched out.
Nya's eyes widened when she saw how Jay was trying to stretch Riley over to her when she was still trying to take in her milk. "Be careful," she muttered, quickly taking the baby from Jay's arms before she could slip out of his hands and fall onto the laminate floor.
She held the baby close to her body while glaring at Jay. "You could've made her fall!"
Nya was expecting to see some sort of regret in his face, but only came across a toothy grin that stated the opposite. She raised an eyebrow, silently asking him what was wrong with him.
"Your mother instincts kicked in," he said, catching her off-guard.
"Excuse me?" Nya asked him, not wanting to believe him.
"You heard me," her boyfriend repeated, walking behind her and holding her hips.
When Nya looked forward, she found a round mirror on the opposite wall that was conveniently capturing their little moment.
She saw her boyfriend, herself, and a baby that wasn't theirs.
They almost looked like a family... except for the fact that the child wasn't theirs, of course.
Nya looked down shyly, feeling a slight blush forming across her cheeks. "One day," she whispered.
Jay's breathing stopped for a second as he looked at her with a shocked expression which quickly dissolved and turned into a giddy one.
One day, they would have a family of their own.
One day, they could cradle their own offspring.
One day, they would have to change their own baby's diaper.
Okay, that killed the mood.
Anyways, a voice coming from downstairs interrupted their small, comfortable alone time. Nya looked down at Riley and found her asleep with the spout of the sippy cup still in her mouth which made Nya's heart melt.
She got out of Jay's grasp and moved over to the crib and carefully placed the baby inside before slowly taking the sippy cup out of her mouth while trying to keep her asleep.
Once done, Jay and Nya walked downstairs and found everyone back inside the house.
"So?" Jay asked them, unable to hide the tiredness in his voice.
Kai and Cole smirked at the couple while Zane was glaring at the Wilsons' who were looking guiltily and Lloyd was rubbing his forehead.
"They lied," the Green Ninja muttered. Just as Jay opened his mouth to ask about what he was talking about, Lloyd exploded. "They weren't robbed, okay?! They hid all of their 'stolen' belongings at their parents' and attempted to commit fraud!" Then he turned around to glare at the couple. "You disgust me."
With that, he stormed out of the house.
Jay and Nya shared a side glance before turning to the remaining ninja. "How come they're not in a jail cell right now?" Nya asked.
Zane sighed. "Their parents bailed them out."
After a few unprofessional words were thrown around, the ninja left the residence with unspoken words weighing down their hearts. But they knew they couldn't possibly say them out loud when they had such a popular image in the entirety of Ninjago.
When they found Lloyd sitting on a lone park bench across the street, Nya and Jay walked over to him and sat down on either side of him.
"What's wrong?" Jay asked him sweetly, slinging an arm around Lloyd's shoulders and squeezing him against his side.
Lloyd looked up at him and shrugged. "We took everything so seriously and they just-... They did all that for what, more money?!" he exclaimed angrily while flailing around with his arms.
"Well, I know exactly what might calm you down, my friend," Nya said, resting her arm on Lloyd's shoulder that was facing her.
Lloyd looked at her. "And what's that?"
Jay's voice made his head turn to the Blue Ninja again.
"So remember how you made us watch their kid?"
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