Queen Of Hearts

Ehehehe, let's get to the point. So I had an idea for this concept in my head for a while now, and that's also what I was going to write... but my writing has gotten out of hand and I literally wrote something that randomly popped up into my head *sigh*. And I was definitely not okay with dropping my other idea, so I made two versions. The beginning of version 2 is the same of version 1, so I'll mark the part when I start to write differently with ***. Enjoy!

Set right after the last episode of season 13, Master of the Mountain.

~ Version 1~

Nya walked up the plank while waving to the generous people of the kingdom of Shintaro before she stepped on deck of the fixed Bounty.

"This was exhausting. Right, Jay?" She smiled as she turned around, only to see her brother and Zane stepping on deck after her.

She frowned as she walked over to the railing and looked down at the plank. No one was walking up, so she looked through the crowd.

She could see Lloyd talking to Vania, and then found Cole talking to the 'Upply', as they liked to call their little group.

The Water Master saw a lot of Shintarians and Munces and Geckles chatting and laughing together. It was a great sight to see everyone getting along well now.

Nya leaned her underarms on the railing and watched as Lloyd was walking up the plank, waving back to the people.

"Hey sis, whatcha doin'?" Kai walked up next to her and copied her posture on the railing.

Nya shrugged. "Looking for Jay." She could've sworn she heard Kai groaning quietly next to her. "He didn't already get on board, did he?"

"I don't think so." He answered, now also looking for his sister's boyfriend. His eyes scanned the many people before he set his eyes on a piece of blue clothing and auburn hair. He pointed towards him. "There he is."

Nya followed his finger and set her eyes on her boyfriend as well. She smiled, however it faded once she realized who he was talking to.

Of course he was talking to her.

That was Nya's last straw.

She quickly walked up to Zane, who was talking to Master Wu, and yanked him away from the old man, startling both, and led him over to the railing.

"Nya, what are you-"

"I need you to listen in on what Jay and Murtessa are talking about and tell me, please." She told her robotic friend.

Zane raised his eyebrows at her before looking at his fellow ninja. He opened the latch on his arm and pushed some buttons. Suddenly, many people's voices came out of his arm. Zane quickly pushed some more buttons before only two voices could be heard; Jay and Murtessa's.

Nya smiled thankfully at Zane before directing her gaze back to her boyfriend. She listened in on what the two were talking about intently.

"I will miss you very much." Murtessa said through Zane's arm.

Nya clutched the railing tightly, digging her nails into the freshly painted wood. She could see the Munce queen holding Jay's hand with both of hers.

The Water Ninja could sense her boyfriend's discomfort a bit, however he still held her hand, and smiled at her.

"Uh, I'll, uh, miss you too, my queen."

Nya's entire body froze as she heard those words and watched as he kissed that woman's hand. It was when Murtessa pulled him into a bone crushing hug and him not pulling away, that Nya felt as though she saw enough.

Kai's eye twitched as he witnessed all of it. He instinctively looked at his sister and felt her anger. "Sis..."

"I'm fine." She said too quickly. "It's okay."

"Are you sure?" Zane asked, turning the voices in his arm off once Jay seemed to walk away from the Munce queen.

"Yeah. I'm completely fine." Nya answered coldly, avoiding Jay's gaze once he stepped on the plank.

"Want me to beat him up for you?" Kai whispered to her.

Nya shook her head. "No, that's between me and him. It's okay."

Kai reluctantly gave in and watched as the Blue Ninja stepped on deck and immediately walked over to his sister.

"Whatcha guys doin'?" Jay asked in his usual cheerful tone as he leaned on the railing next to Nya.

"Waiting for the others." His girlfriend answered, not looking at him.

Jay then looked around in the crowd and spotted his best friend. He snorted. "How high are the chances that he'll screw up with Vania?" He asked sarcastically. Then he pushed himself off of the railing and cracked his neck. "I think I'm gonna go and put on my normal gi. This armor is really something I don't want to get used to." He laughed.

When no one said anything, he stopped his laughing. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Nah." Nya answered, watching as Cole was walking up the plank.

An idea then planted in her head which she would most probably regret, however she needed the right timings when doing it.

"Alright, Ninja. Are you ready to go?" Master Wu called out to them.

They all looked up to see him holding the steering wheel with both of his hands, a smile on his face. The six then nodded and felt their ground shaking a bit before they slowly flew away from the kingdom.

Feeling his presence still next to her, Nya turned to face her boyfriend. "Didn't you say you wanted to go change?" She asked, unamused.

Jay could feel that something was not exactly right, but brushed it off. "Right, I forgot." He said before he made his way to his cabin below deck.

Now that he was gone, Nya let out a held in sigh and looked to her side to see the other four boys staring at her. "What?" She asked.

"What was that about?" Cole asked slowly.

"What was what about?" Nya asked, turning to face him completely.

Lloyd cleared his throat, looking away. "Don't you think it was a bit... I don't know... rude what you just did there to Jay?" He slowly made his way behind Kai, just in case.

Nya hummed, eyeing him. "I wouldn't say so. I just reminded him of what he wanted to do. It's not my fault he forgot it." She then looked back at where Jay had just walked to and turned back around. "I'm hungry. Who's turn is it to cook?"

"Mine." Cole said, making Lloyd and Kai groan behind him. He turned to them. "Oh please, my cooking skills have improved over time." He scoffed. Then he made his way over to the kitchen.

After he disappeared from the view, Nya scratched the back of her neck. "I wanna have something edible today so I'll go and help him a bit." Then she also walked away.

Zane sighed, looking into the distance. "She is doing this for a different reason, isn't she?"

"Yep." Kai answered, now also looking into the distance.

Lloyd furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you guys talking about?"

Back to Nya, she was a ticking time bomb on two legs.

She was angry, that was for sure. However, she was also hurt. A lot. She knew Jay was a cinnamon roll with perfect manners, he was well raised by Ed and Edna, but Nya was definitely not feeling well with Jay kissing other women's hands and calling them his queen and hugging them tightly.

Uncomfortable or not, he still did it. He had the chance to back away, but he didn't.

This was what made her lose it.

But jealousy isn't a good look, as they say. So she tried her best to hide everything and act like nothing had ever happened. But she wasn't able to. She knew she hated what she was about to do, but there was no going back at that point.

She could play the jealousy game too.

"Hey Cole, you need some help?" She asked as she leaned against the doorway of the Bounty's little kitchen. She looked at the male as he was cutting a cucumber on the counter.

He didn't turn away from his cutting. "I'm just making a salad right now, the mac and cheese is almost ready. Could you hand me the vinegar?"

"Sure." She answered as she stepped inside the kitchen and walked up to the shelves. She opened the left one and realized that the vinegar was on the top one, making her groan inwardly.

Nya got on her tippy toes and stretched her whole body, trying to somehow make herself become taller. There was a pack of flour right in front of the vinegar.

How funny. In many clichés, the flour would fall down on top of her and cover her in white powder. But not in my stories, I have class and know exactly how to-

Never mind, the flour fell down on her, making her trip back and fall down on the hardwood floor.

Hearing the thump, Cole immediately looked into her direction to see her getting flustered as her whole head and shoulders were covered in flour.

He began to laugh hysterically, making her even more frustrated and angry. Picking up the bag from the floor, she reached inside and grabbed a handful before throwing it into his direction, making him cover his face, yet it was too late.

"Hey!" He yelled as he coughed out a cloud of flour.

"That's what you get for laughing at me!" Nya exclaimed back, sighing and putting the bag onto the countertop.

Cole caught her off guard when he suddenly threw another handful of flour into her face, making her cough and try to get the flour off her face. He only laughed as he watched her struggle.

Just then, her hand hastily reached for the flour pack, which he only held up higher, much to her annoyance. Luckily for her, she managed to reach up to the bag in a quick jump and tried to rip it out of his hand, but he gripped the bag with both hands and fought for it.

The bag was pulled back and forth between them as they were laughing and insulting each other for fun, but once Nya tripped on the kitchen table leg, she fell down, automatically bringing him down with her, making him land on top of her.

Both of their eyes went wide at their current situation. Cole quickly hurried to get off of her and stood up, pulling her up again.

Nya then let out a sigh of relief before letting go of the now ripped flour package. When she unintentionally looked towards the doorway, her eyes widened. Her soul left her body. Her breathing hitched.

"Jay-" She said, looking at her boyfriend as he was holding onto the doorway and staring at the two with hurt in his eyes, his mouth slightly open.

But then he just shook his head and left the room. Nya looked over at Cole to see him staring back at her in shock and worry.

The Water Elemental quickly rushed into the direction Jay had just walked into. She ran and ran until she realized he was in his cabin. She banged on the door, calling his name and practically begging for him to open the door, but there was no answer from the other side.

She tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. She sighed, leaning her forehead against the door. "Jay, it was not what it seemed like! Please, just let me explain!"

Then she heard a faint click before the door opened, making her slightly lose her balance before standing steadily. She looked into Jay's electric blue eyes as he was looking back into her brown ones, not saying a word, probably waiting for her to explain.

"Look, it really wasn't what it looked like, I promise-"

"Then what was he doing on top of you?" Jay cut her word, making her shiver at even the thoughts replaying in her head.

She sighed. "I tripped and fell down and practically pulled him down with me." She answered sincerely.

"Okay, then why did I hear you two laughing loudly in the kitchen?" He raised an eyebrow.

"We were making a salad..?" She said like more of a question than a statement.

"Nya, what's going on?" Jay crossed his arms, watching her as she lifted her weight from leg to leg. She then mumbled something under her breath which he couldn't understand. "What was that?" He asked strictly.

She groaned, looking him straight into his eyes. "I wanted to make you jealous but it wasn't supposed to look that bad!" She exclaimed.

Jay was startled. "Why would you wanna make me-"

"How stupid do you think I am, huh? Did you really think you could just kiss another woman's hand and hug her and call her your queen without me finding out?!" She blurted out. Then she groaned and turned on her heel. "Forget about it, pretend I never said anything. I shouldn't have said anything."

Before she could walk away, she felt him holding her back by her arm. She heard a sigh. "Get inside." Then she felt him lightly pulling her into his room.

Nya sighed, letting out a light groan, before she gave in and walked into his room. She noticed his armor lying on his bed. She turned around to see that he had closed his door and looked at her with his hands in his pockets.

"Nya, you know whatever I did never meant anything, right?"

"Maybe not to you, but what if you're sending her wrong messages? And not to mention me..." She mumbled the last part to herself, yet he could hear it, much to her dismay.

Jay then came closer to her and put his hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry if I upset you. I was just trying to be nice to her for one last time. I shouldn't have-"

"No, I'm sorry." She interrupted him. "I should've talked to you instead of doing... whatever I just did."

"You know," He chuckled as he came even closer to her and held her cheek with his hand as he leaned forward. "you really scared me there for a sec."

She gripped the front of his gi with both of her hands and pulled his chest flush close against hers. "Then I guess my plan worked."

Jay rolled his eyes before raising his eyebrow. "Don't you dare do that to me again, though."

"Then don't give me a reason to."



He sighed dramatically before giving in. "Fine, let's just kiss already."

She laughed as she pulled his face down to hers, connecting their lips in a sweet kiss.

~ Version 2 ~

Nya walked up the plank while waving to the generous people of the kingdom of Shintaro before she stepped on deck of the fixed Bounty.

"This was exhausting. Right, Jay?" She smiled as she turned around, only to see her brother and Zane stepping on deck after her.

She frowned as she walked over to the railing and looked down at the plank. No one was walking up, so she looked through the crowd.

She could see Lloyd talking to Vania, and then found Cole talking to the 'Upply', as they liked to call their little group.

The Water Master saw a lot of Shintarians and Munces and Geckles chatting and laughing together. It was a great sight to see everyone getting along well now.

Nya leaned her underarms on the railing and watched as Lloyd was walking up the plank, waving back to the people.

"Hey sis, whatcha doin'?" Kai walked up next to her and copied her posture on the railing.

Nya shrugged. "Looking for Jay." She could've sworn she heard Kai groaning quietly next to her. "He didn't already get on board, did he?"

"I don't think so." He answered, now also looking for his sister's boyfriend. His eyes scanned the many people before he set his eyes on a piece of blue clothing and auburn hair. He pointed towards him. "There he is."

Nya followed his finger and set her eyes on her boyfriend as well. She smiled, however it faded once she realized who he was talking to.

Of course he was talking to her.

This was Nya's last straw.

She quickly walked up to Zane, who was talking to Master Wu, and yanked him away from the old man, startling both, and led him over to the railing.

"Nya, what are you-"

"I need you to listen in on what Jay and Murtessa are talking about and tell me, please." She told her robotic friend.

Zane raised his eyebrows at her before looking at his fellow ninja. He opened the latch on his arm and pushed some buttons. Suddenly, many people's voices came out of his arm. Zane quickly pushed some more buttons before only two voices could be heard; Jay and Murtessa's.

Nya smiled thankfully at Zane before directing her gaze back to her boyfriend. She listened in on what the two were talking about intently.

"I will miss you very much." Murtessa said through Zane's arm.

Nya clutched the railing tightly, digging her nails into the freshly painted wood. She could see the Munce queen holding Jay's hand with both of hers.

The Water Ninja could sense her boyfriend's discomfort a bit, however he still held her hand, and smiled at her.

"Uh, I'll, uh, miss you too, my queen."

Nya's entire body froze as she heard those words and watched as he kissed another woman's hand. It was when Murtessa pulled him into a bone crushing hug and him not pulling away, that Nya felt as though she saw enough.

Kai's eye twitched as he witnessed all of it. He instinctively looked at his sister and felt her anger. "Sis..."

"I'm fine." She said too quickly. "It's okay."

"Are you sure?" Zane asked, turning the voices in his arm off once Jay seemed to walk away from the Munce queen.

"Yeah. I'm completely fine." Nya answered coldly, avoiding Jay's gaze once he stepped on the plank.

"Want me to beat him up for you?" Kai whispered to her.

Nya shook her head. "No, that's between me and him. It's okay."

Kai reluctantly gave in and watched as the Blue Ninja stepped on deck and immediately walked over to his sister.

"Whatcha guys doin'?" Jay asked in his usual cheerful tone as he leaned on the railing next to Nya.

"Waiting for the others." His girlfriend answered, not looking at him.

Jay then looked around in the crowd and spotted his best friend. He snorted. "How high are the chances that he'll screw up with Vania?" He asked sarcastically.


Nya pushed herself off of the railing and fake yawned, looking towards Kai, Cole and Zane. "I'm tired, I'm gonna lay for a bit. Wake me up if something's up."

"Sure, sis." Kai smiled. The others nodded.

Nya then turned around and went below deck. She sighed when she made sure no one could hear her. She quickly walked down the wooden corridor and went into her room, quickly locking the door.

She leaned against the door and groaned. She had gotten jealous a lot of times in the past, if she were to admit it, but it had never gone this far. Usually Jay would brush other girls that had tried to hit on him off and be around Nya all the time, but this time was... different. She knew that something was different.

Nya then pushed herself off and walked over to her closet and took her heavy armor off, feeling the weight being taken off of her. She stretched, feeling some bones crack, and retied her ponytail.

Then she turned around to look at the clock on her wall to see that there were still around two hours before dinner was ready, so she walked over to her bed and laid down.

Yet no matter how many times she twisted and turned, she just couldn't fall asleep. Those horrible thoughts kept haunting her, not leaving her alone for a second.

There were many times in which she had doubted her worth and thought he could replace her like a single snap with his fingers, yet he used to always reassure her that he would never do that. However, now was different.

Hearing Jay call the Munce queen his queen just wouldn't leave Nya's mind. Yes, he sounded rather reluctant to say that, but he said what he said and that was what bothered Nya.

But she wasn't going to cry. It was just simple jealousy, nothing much. Nothing to cry about, for sure. Or was it? Well, when she felt her cheeks getting wet, she got her answer.

The tears kept flowing out without her consent which made her feel even more miserable. She wiped them away with her gloved hand, but they quickly replaced themselves with new ones, so after a while she gave up and decided to drown in her own misery.

She could just go and talk to him... but we're talking about Nya, she couldn't just do that. She never sought help, she always received help without even asking for it.

Maybe she got too used to that concept.

Nya flinched when she heard a knock on her door. She fell completely silent, trying to convince whoever was on the other side that she was asleep. She waited for many seconds, holding her breath in and slowly letting it out.

Just when she was sure that that person was gone, she heard as they tried to open her door, however it was locked, so the door was pushed back and forth a few times before it all went silent again.

Nya pulled the covers over her head and just laid there silently. She let out a sigh of relief when she couldn't hear anything anymore.

Once she felt her eyelids getting heavier, she made herself more comfortable in her bed before falling asleep.

Many hours passed before Nya's eyes slowly fluttered open. She yawned as she stretched a little. Then she scratched her forehead, automatically messing up her already messed up bangs. She just stared into nothingness for no reason for a while before looking at her clock. She frowned when she realized she slept through dinner. She mentally shrugged, knowing she wasn't that hungry anyway. She'd just eat something small later.

She got out of her bed, readjusted her gi and hair, and then walked over to her door. All of her moves were slow and unfocused, thus why she slowly opened her door. However, her eyebrows shot open when she felt a heavy weight pushing against her door.

The Master of Water slowly opened the door and gasped when she realized Jay was sitting on the floor and leaning his upper body against her door. His eyes were closed, and she assumed he was asleep, so she knelt down and checked his pulse, just to make sure he was actually asleep.

Then she bit her lip and decided to hold his upper body with one arm and sling her other arm under his kneecaps. She made sure he was secure in her arms before she slowly got up and carried him over to her bed bridal style.

Nya laid him down and tucked him under the covers. She looked down at him, seeing him furrowing his eyes lightly in his sleeping form. She tilted her head, thinking he looked absolutely adorable in this state. Then she sighed and decided to let him sleep in peace.

Just as she approached her door, her eyes widened.


She turned around to see him stirring in his sleep, mumbling little things.

Nya walked back to him and realized he was still asleep, so she knelt down next to him and held his hand. "It's okay, I'm here, Jay." She whispered, trying to get him to calm down.

He groaned quietly. "Dachshunds wearing beanies." He mumbled.

She chuckled.

"Please don't leave me." He quickly added, making her wonder if he was talking to her or the dogs. "I didn't mean to hurt you," How could he have possibly hurt do- "Nya." Okay, he was talking about her.

Nya sighed, squeezing his hand. "It's okay."

"Ma, I have enough underwear!" He suddenly yelled, turning around, making Nya giggle. He could get distracted easily, even in his dreams.

Just then, his eyes fluttered open, making Nya widen her eyes a little bit. "In what century are we?" He gasped. Then he looked to his side to see Nya kneeling down next to him, holding his hand. He looked around, realizing he was in her room. "Nya! You opened the door."

"Why were you sleeping against my door, Jay?" She asked.

"I-" His voice cracked as he grabbed both of her hands and squeezed them. "You were obviously avoiding me and when I came to talk to you, you didn't open the door and I could've sworn I heard you crying and I was so worried and then Zane told me you heard in on me speaking to Murtessa and I didn't realize that it was that hurtful for you until I thought about what I had done and it all made sense and then I was scared that you wanted to break up with me because it's your right and I needed to talk to you but you never opened the door so I must've fallen asleep. Please don't leave me, I love you!" By the end of his rant, his eyes were watering.

Nya saw his lip trembling and let out a, to him, cute chuckle. He watched as she got up from the floor and sat down next to him on her bed before she embraced him in a warm hug. He dug his face into her shoulder and managed to force back his tears.

He felt safe in her arms as she was drawing comforting circles on his back. "It's okay, I overreacted a bit." She chuckled.

"But I was-"

"You were being nice. I guess I just wasn't used to you giving another girl too much attention so I overreacted." She admitted, blushing slightly.

He drew his face back and pecked her cheek. "You know you're the only girl for me, right?" He then shuffled in her bed and swooped her into his lap, kissing the top of her head.

Nya smiled and leaned her head against his chest, closing her eyes.

"But it's nice to know you get jealous."

"Excuse me?"

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