Pinky Promise

Hi! This oneshot was requested by @AroAceGoose. Thank you so much for your request, and I hope you like what I did with your idea. Enjoy!

"Whenever I look at you, it always reminds me to use condoms. Thank you, sis."

Nya slowly turned her gaze away from the television screen to look at her brother. While she was sitting on the couch with her feet up on the coffee table, he was sitting against the pool table on a barstool. He grinned innocently at her before he took a sip of his energy drink.

"Was that comment really necessary?" Nya asked lowly.

Kai looked down, thinking. Then he looked back up at her and nodded his head rapidly.

Nya sighed. It had been like that for the past few months. Instead of shaming her or being mad at her, Kai kept telling her about how much seeing her growing belly was like a perfect example to always use contraceptive methods in his own relationship. Of course he was just joking around, but Nya did feel like slapping him whenever he opened his mouth.

"Why did it have to be you?" Nya muttered under her breath as she turned back to the TV.

"What was that?" Kai asked her, only hearing incoherent mumbling. He did have an idea on what it might've been, though.

"They could've sent you to the mission as well," his sister said. Knowing what her brother was going to answer, she continued. "I mean, I can still look after myself, you know? I don't need babysitting."

Kai chuckled, shaking his head. "You see, sis," he began as he got up from the barstool and walked up to her. He plopped himself down next to her and slung an arm around her shoulders. "As much as I want to disagree... Well, I'm going to disagree. Your due date is any day now and we can't all go on a mission when you could plop that peanut out any second."

Nya groaned, her head falling back. "That's in, like, two weeks. And stop calling him peanut."

"You know I won't," her brother replied, looking down at her belly before giving it a poke. "That lil' bugger better come out soon, I want to meet him already."

"You're starting to sound like a creep," Nya said, swatting his finger away from her stomach. "Why couldn't Jay be here?" she then whined quietly.

Kai put on a smirk as he leaned against the couch and closed his eyes. "You do know that your hubby is needed in a mission that involves a crazy mechanic threatening to shut down all the power of Ninjago, right?"

Nya gave him a side glance while a scowl decorated her lips. "Don't say 'hubby', it's a weird word."

Then she instinctively glanced down at her left hand that was resting on her belly. She sighed, looking at her ring finger that was currently lacking a ring.

Ever since she had hit the second trimester, her fingers and feet started to become swollen to the point of her not being able to wear her wedding ring anymore. It was a shame, really.

Jay had proposed to her a little over a year ago, and the wedding was soon after. It was a small gathering of their closest friends and families, and they chose to have their monastery's courtyard as the venue.

Little did they all know that Nya was already pregnant while she was holding Jay's hand at the altar.

And now, almost nine months later, baby Walker was close to leave its little nest it had grown in Nya's womb.

Nya had been, of course, forbidden to have anything to do with fighting, whether it was participating in missions, in training sessions, or in personal workouts.

And even though she felt like killing all of them in their sleep to go to the training room, she was understanding enough to let them live.

For now.

Ever since the news got out that Jay and Nya were expecting a baby, the others began to smother Nya left and right. She constantly had to be around someone, and if she managed to get away, they looked for her everywhere until she was found again, which, for most of the time, she was in the bathroom.

And yes, they were ready to gather a search party if the circumstances allowed them to.

"But when you say it, it's okay, right?" Kai asked his sister, huffing.

Nya's eye started twitching as she looked at the guy beside her. "I've never referred to Jay as my 'hubby'. It's weird, I don't like it," she stated.

"You're weird!" Kai retorted.

"Why are you so caught up on that word? Kai, are you interested in my husband?"

As those words left her mouth, Nya watched as her brother began to cough uncontrollably. When he was done and able to breathe again, he glared at her.

He then narrowed his eyes at her. "Why are you my sister?"

"Ask Mom and Dad," Nya said, shrugging. "But then again, my theory is that they were not happy with you and decided to have me. As in, you weren't good enough for them so they chose to have another child," she smirked, sticking her tongue out at him.

Kai rolled his eyes. "You know that's not true."

"Oh, but it is," Nya grinned.

Crossing his arms, her brother looked at her, unamused. "They probably needed another child to pass their powers on to. Mom and Dad don't have a favorite, and if they did, it'd be me."

"Psh," Nya scoffed. "As if. I'm way better than you, everyone already knows that. So, therefore, I am their favorite."

Sighing out of frustration, Kai slowly shook his head. "Would it make you happy if I agreed?"

"Since I already know the truth, yes."

"Then okay, you're right. You're their favorite and I am the unwanted child they forgot to use a condom on. Happy?"

Nya snorted. "Very much so. Now, rub my feet for me," she ordered with a wave of her hand.

Kai shot her a side glance as he contemplated on going after the others instead of doing what his sister wanted him to do.

Nya noticed his glare. "Do you want to make the pregnant woman sad now?" she asked, her eyes challenging him and daring him to give her the wrong answer.

Letting out a defeated sigh, Kai stood up and went to sit down on the floor on the other side of the coffee table. Then he brought his hands up to Nya's feet that were covered in black socks and started to massage them.

Nya closed her eyes and hummed in contentment.

But a sudden kick inside of her stomach made her wince which didn't go unnoticed by her brother who stopped his movements and looked at her worriedly.

"What's wrong?" he asked, immediately on high alert. "Did your water break? I don't see anything wet, though. Maybe it needs some time to soak through-"

"What the hell, Kai?" Nya groaned out, her foot able to kick his hand lightly. "He just kicked."

"Oh," her brother breathed out. Then he rushed back to sit on the couch where he laid his head softly against Nya's stomach in an attempt to hear the little baby inside.

When he put his hand on her stomach next to his ear, he felt a faint kick which made him gasp. His eyes lit up as he looked up at his sister. "I'm already his favorite, I can tell," he told her cockily.

Nya rolled her eyes. "Sure. Now get your butt into the kitchen, I'm hungry."

"Okay," Kai obliged, ready to do anything for his pregnant sister. "What do you want?"

"Just a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, please."

Nodding his head, Kai got up and walked around the couch to walk out of the room. Before he could get away, he felt a hand tugging on his sleeve which made him turn around.

And when he did, he found his sister looking back at him with unshed tears in her eyes and her lower lip trembling slightly.

"I'm sorry that I'm treating you like my servant, Kai. I would do it myself, I really would, but I've been feeling like a completely different person lately and I don't feel like I'm good enough for anything and-"

"Hey," Kai said softly. Then he leaned down and kissed her forehead lovingly. "You're my sister. I would do anything for you, pregnant or not. Don't feel bad for asking for help, Nya."

"Really?" she asked, blinking innocently. When he nodded, she nodded back. "Okay, then can you please make me my sandwich now?"

"Of course," Kai answered, chuckling. Then he left the room to go into the kitchen.

After he was gone, Nya turned back to the TV and grabbed the remote. As she was flipping through channels, she felt the need to use the bathroom.

So, after a few small struggles to get up, she waddled out of the living room and towards the bathroom.

When she arrived in front of the bathroom door, she opened it and walked inside. And immediately after locking the door, she tensed up when she felt a fluid slowly trickle down her black maternity leggings.

Her eyes widened as she looked down.

"Uh, Kai?" she called out loudly.

Only a few seconds later, she could hear footsteps running up to the bathroom. So she unlocked the door again and opened it while staring down at the small pool that was now around her feet.

"What's up?" Kai asked as he came to a halt in front of her. His eyes followed Nya's down to the tile floor. He frowned upon seeing the water. "Couldn't hold it in for just a few more seconds?"

Nya, still wide-eyed, slowly looked up at her brother. "That's not my pee."

"What do you mean? That's clearly water. And it's pretty obvious that it came out of your-" he stopped himself when he realized what she meant. His eyes widened. "Oh, God."

It seemed as if his brain had shut down for a few seconds before it basically exploded by the realization.

Kai looked at his sister, searching for any signs of distress, only to come across confusion and the slightest bit of fear in her eyes. She was clearly in shock, that was for sure.

So, without caring about the fact that her leggings were soaked with her amniotic fluids, Kai picked her up bridal style and sprinted to the vehicle bay where he sat her down in the passenger's seat of the Land Bounty before taking off at full speed.

When Nya's first contraction hit, Kai had to hold himself back as he was already driving sixty km/h (37 mph) over the speed limit.

After entering Ninjago City, he activated a loud siren with red and blue flashing lights that imitated a police siren and enabled the megaphone on the vehicle.

"Get out of the way!" he yelled at the cars that were blocking his way.

They quickly drove away (some even landing on the sidewalk) in a desperate attempt to escape the oncoming Land Bounty which was definitely not going to stop.

Kai deactivated the megaphone again and focused on driving.

He shot his sister a quick, concerned look. "Hold on, Nya."

Yet she was not able to give him an answer as she was still groaning in pain and holding her stomach. A few curse words escaped her mouth, but Kai, who would've usually told her to watch her mouth, didn't seem to care now that he was driving pretty recklessly and swerving through the lanes.

When they reached the hospital, Kai parked the car right in front of the main entrance, which a few pedestrians had to run away because of, and carried his sister inside in his arms.

"I need help!" he yelled, gaining everyone's attention near the reception. "Call the doctors, the nurses, anyone!"

"What's the problem?" The bored tone of the male receptionist came a few seconds later.

Kai glanced at him and looked at him as if he had gone insane. "Can't you see the pregnant woman in my arms who's about to give birth?!"

After the guy behind the desk looked at Nya, he sighed and grabbed the telephone on his desk. Both Kai and Nya looked at him curiously, even though Nya was still in pain.

"We've got a case C by the reception. Yeah, some pregnant lady who's ready to go into labor. Mhm, yes, yes, I think we need a doctor to check up on her, she looks pretty done with her life. No, I don't see blood. Wait, let me ask." He turned to Nya. "Have you seen any blood?"

"No," the siblings answered at the same time.

The receptionist nodded before turning back to the phone. "Nope, no blood."

"Can the doctor come here already?" Kai asked impatiently. He was quite aggravated by the fact that it was taking so long for anyone to come to Nya's aid, and the uninterested and unalarmed receptionist wasn't making it any better.

When another contraction hit Nya and no doctor was in sight, Kai glared at the receptionist before turning away and sprinting down the hallway. There, he came across a nurse who was just walking up to a door.

Before she could enter, she looked over at the commotion before widening her eyes. "Goodness," she whispered. Then she turned away from the door and told Kai to follow her. Together, they ran up to the ER station where they quickly placed Nya into a wheelchair and wheeled her into the delivery room.

"You cannot enter, I'm afraid," the same nurse from earlier told Kai hastily before shutting the door in his face.

Kai stood there, flabbergasted, before he decided against storming inside since he realized that it wasn't him who was supposed to be in there with her, it was Jay's duty as her husband.

Then he realized that Jay and the others still had no idea on what was happening, so he pulled out his phone and tapped on Jay's number.

As the phone rang against his ear, Kai found a chair to sit down on next to the delivery room's door. His right leg kept bouncing up and down as the anxiety in his veins only tripled as more seconds passed by.


"You're surrounded," Cole said with a victorious smirk on his face. "It'd be best for you to just give up and surrender. Seriously, what you're doing is pretty pathetic in my opinion."

The mechanic snarled at the Earth Ninja's remark. Before he could give him a piece of his mind, the Green Ninja cut him off by appearing to his right.

"Cole's right, you know?" Lloyd asked him, stepping a bit closer.

"Yeah," Jay agreed, appearing next to Cole as the two stood in front of the mechanic, blocking his way. "You're just embarrassing yourself at this point."

Cole and Jay fist-bumped before going back to their hero poses.

"I don't usually condone this behavior," a robotic voice came from the mechanic's left. "But I agree with my friends. You are a pathetic, no-good, useless, unintelligent-"

"Okay, I think that's enough now, Zane," Cole cut him off, slightly baffled by his vocabulary.

"My apologies for speaking the truth," the Ice Ninja said politely.

Lloyd rolled his eyes. "Alright, who messed with Zane's wiring again?" As he looked into the others' faces, he could see that one particular pair of eyes was looking anywhere but at him. "Jay?" he asked, crossing his arms.

The Lightning Ninja let out a frustrated groan while tilting his head back. "It's not my fault, Lloyd!" he exclaimed. "He short-circuited back at home before this mission and I had to do a last-second repair job."

"I like my current setup," Zane chimed in, making everyone turn to him to listen to him, the mechanic included. "It does not make me fear the reactions to my words. I feel free to talk about my thoughts now. Like, how I think that with the amount of Cole's cake intake has increased over the past few months, he's going to lose his muscles more quickly. Or, how I'm better than Jay at any video game but I have to hold back to maintain his confidence. Or, whenever it's Lloyd's turn to wash our laundry, I have to keep a close eye on the washing machine because he constantly forgets to put the right setting on."

The others only looked at him with theirs mouths open as he was smiling back at them innocently.

"Interesting," the mechanic said, rubbing his chin. "Got somethin' to say about those siblings?"

"Kai and Nya?" Zane asked, although he didn't wait for an answer before continuing. "Kai is just very cocky, and he overuses his hair gel and therefore wastes a lot of money on new bottles." Then he visibly shuddered. "I'd rather not say anything about Nya. She somehow finds everything out, and I do not even know how."

Lloyd let out a sigh as he ran a hand across his face. "Thanks, Zane. You can shut up now."

Zane glared at his brother. "As you request, Lloyd. However, I do not like the way you're speaking to me, and I would appreciate it if you watched your mouth. You may be the leader, but even then you're not allowed to order me around."

Lloyd's eyebrows rose up at the raw emotion Zane's words expressed. "Sorry," he told his friend before turning back to the mechanic who was just standing against the wall behind him and silently enjoying the show at that point. "Now, let's get back to you. Do you have any last words before we-"

A phone ringing amongst the ninja cut his words off which caused him to groan out of frustration.

"Whose phone is this? Have I not told y'all that all phones are to be turned off during missions?" he asked through his teeth.

"Sorry, it's mine," Jay told everyone as he desperately tried to fish his phone out of his pocket. When he did, he looked at the caller ID. "It's Kai. Give me a sec," he said as he excused himself to answer his phone.

"What's up?" the Blue Ninja spoke into his phone while everyone else stopped to watch him.

"Jay?" Kai's eerily calm voice came from the other side.

"Yeah, it's me. Is something wrong, Kai? Is this about Nya? I told you that she has her favorite specific brand of every food item, so you better listen to her when she tells you which-"

"Jay, move your butt into the local hospital right now."

Jay's body tensed up as his blood ran cold. "What? Why? Is Nya okay?"

A few rustling sounds could be heard from the other side before Kai's voice boomed into his right ear loud and clearly. "Jay, you're about to become a freaking father! Now, come and console your about-to-give-birth wife!"

The sound of beeping was all that Jay could hear as Kai had then hung up.

Slowly lowering the phone from his ear, he stared at his lock screen which was a picture of him and Nya standing in front of a Sakura tree which they had taken on their date on Valentine's Day the previous year.

He then slowly turned around to look at the others.

"What's wrong?" Cole asked, noticing Jay's abnormal silence.

Jay swallowed. "Nya's in labor."

The others collectively gasped, even the mechanic.

"You've gotta get to her!" Cole yelled at him, seemingly pulling Jay out of whatever trance he was in.

"You're right!" Jay yelled back. Then he came to a shocking realization. "Oh, my God, I'm going to become a father!"

Lloyd and Cole both rolled his eyes at their brother's stupidity. "That's kind of the point when you impregnate your significant other," Cole mumbled before becoming serious again.

"Is she in the hospital?" Zane asked.

Jay nodded.

"Great, then get there, now!" Lloyd screamed.

Jay nodded again. Then he turned to leave but stopped when he remembered something. "I'm on the other side of Ninjago!" Then he started to panic. "I'm going to miss my son's birth. I'm going to miss that magical moment I've been waiting for for so long! I'm going to be so dead once Nya recovers."

"Okay, no need to panic now," Cole interrupted him. "Go, run, fly, just get there as soon as possible!"

"You're right," Jay said determinedly.

With that, he sprinted away, leaving the other three ninja behind. They then realized that the mechanic was still to be taken care of so they turned to him.

Only to see him running away from the scene like his life depended on it.

Which it probably did.

With a defeated sigh, Lloyd told Zane and Cole to chase after him.

As the Blue Ninja was running down an empty street, he thought about everything.

This was the day that his life would change forever. His son, his long-awaited son, was in the process of being born in that exact moment, leaving Jay to curse at himself for participating in the mission when he knew he should've stayed with his wife.

He dodged an elderly couple who he almost ran into and kept running. When he realized that even sprinting down the street wasn't fast enough, he stopped and looked around before spotting a narrow alleyway which he chose to run into.

There, he found a few ropes hanging from one building to another, with wet laundry dangling down from them.

It was a bold and rather risky move, but Jay had no time to actually think about what he was doing as he grabbed the closest rope and used it to catapult himself upwards. He repeated those actions a few times before landing on the rooftop of a maroon-painted building.

Then he wasted no time in sprinting towards the end of the rooftop where he jumped to the next building's rooftop.

Jay did this until he had no next rooftop to jump onto. He had no choice but to jump back down to the sidewalk.

Once he did, he nearly missed landing on a gray street cat which hissed at him and ran away out of shock. He ignored it and ran across the street without looking for any oncoming vehicles.

A stupid move since he would've been crushed under a red truck if it weren't for the driver who did an emergency brake.

When he arrived on the other side of the street, he came to a sudden halt when he saw seemingly hundreds of people walking down the traffic which not only stopped Jay but also many cars around them.

Since he had no other way he could run in, Jay decided to squish his way through the people.

They were all silently walking with posters in their hands, yet Jay had no time to stop and read what they were protesting against.

Instead, he kept apologizing to whoever's foot his foot was currently crushing. "Sorry! I have to- Can I please- Just- Please let me-" None of his sentences could be finished since he didn't even know what he was going to say.

When he managed to get halfway through the crowd, he let out a groan of frustration. "What are you even protesting against?!" he yelled, not caring about his sharp tone.

A man stopped walking to look at him. "We're protesting against whoever decided to raise the Pringles prices. They are a menace to society, and we've gathered here today to stop them once and for all."

Upon hearing that, Jay's eyes widened. He gripped the man's shoulders tightly and bore into him with his blue eyes. "If it weren't for my wife giving birth right now, I would've stayed and fought by your side. But since I can't, I need you to promise me something."

The guy, whose shoulders were already beginning to hurt, looked at him wide-eyed and waited for his next words.

"I need you to win this," Jay told him sternly. "Win this battle against those price-raising morons, my fellow Pringles lover."

When the man nodded, Jay nodded back before letting go of his shoulders and squishing his way through the people again.

Once he managed to get to the other side, Jay stopped and turned around to give the man, who was standing in the moving crowd of people and looking back at the Lightning Ninja, one last nod before sprinting away.

He then let out a sigh of relief upon spotting the huge Red Cross on the far end of the street. It was a pretty long street, so when Jay found a yellow bus that was currently driving next to him, he decided to jump on top of it and hitch a ride.

But that had to be cut short when the bus took a turn to the left which Jay hadn't been expecting, so he jumped off the bus again and ran back to the Main Street.

Then he decided to just sprint down the street with all of his strength. His legs were hurting because of the excessive running, his arms were hurting from the movements he was making because of his running, and his heart was hurting because of the constant fear of being too late.

He didn't know what he'd do if he was actually late.

Jay's breathing picked up as his feet led him forward even faster. The thought of leaving Nya alone in a time like that wasn't ready to leave him alone, and the fear only expanded in the pit of his stomach.

When he finally came to a stop in front of the double doors of the hospital, Jay saw a few police cars parked near the Land Bounty that was currently being moved away by a carrier trailer. Ignoring that scene, Jay stormed right inside and came across the same scene that Kai had earlier.

He rushed over to the receptionist. "Hi," he said, his voice airy. "I'm here because my wife-" he coughed, the adrenaline not wearing off. "Because my wife-"

"Nya Walker?" the bored man's voice behind the desk cut him off.

Jay nodded.

"Delivery room number six. Please remain calm and-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Jay raced down the hallway and left the receptionist to scoff and moodily take a sip of his coffee.

When Jay saw Kai sitting in the chair next to the delivery room, he immediately walked up to him.

Upon hearing footsteps close by, Kai's head lifted and his eyes locked with his brother-in-law's. "Jay," he whispered.

Before he could say anything else, the cries of their beloved family member came echoing through the walls.

Kai then almost glared at Jay. "You better go in there now. I'm about to go crazy because of her screams, Jay. My sister's in pain and I can't do anything about that." The frustration in his voice was impossible to miss.

Without uttering a word, the Master of Lightning nodded at his brother-in-law before walking into the room.


"You did so well, my love," Jay said softly before he planted a kiss on his wife's sweaty temple.

Nya, while still panting heavily, managed to shoot him a nasty glare. "Shut up. I did all the work here."

"And I supported you all the way through it," he retorted, holding up his left hand to show her the bandages around it.

"Yeah, after appearing in the middle of me already pushing the baby out of me!" Nya exclaimed. "Let me tell you, Walker, I will not go through this any time soon again. And I swear to the First Spinjitzu Master, if I wake up to a positive pregnancy test in the next few months again, I will rip your di-"

When the door opened, both Nya and Jay straightened up. A nurse walked into the room with a small baby in her arms which was wrapped in a baby blue blanket.

She smiled as she brought him over to his parents.

And Nya's eyes immediately began to water as she accepted to hold the baby. Jay and Nya both looked down at the sleeping baby.

Their sleeping baby.

When the nurse cleared her throat, the two looked up at her. "Congratulations to you two! I'm happy to tell you that he's a healthy boy. I will leave you alone for a little while before I come back with more information regarding his height, weight, and more birth information."

Jay gave her a nod, letting her know that they were okay with her proposal. Nya was just looking down at her and Jay's creation with pure joy and happiness in her eyes.

Once the nurse left, Jay also turned back to staring at his son. As the two admired their baby, Nya let out a strangled laugh because of the sob that was trying to escape as well.

"He has your eyes," she told Jay lovingly as the small baby opened his eyes and looked at his mother.

"And he has your button nose," Jay added, booping his small nose. The baby then looked at his father curiously. "And your hair."

"You can barely tell about his hair, Jay," Nya laughed, looking at their son's bald head.

Jay chuckled as he sat down on the bed next to his wife to get a closer look at the baby. "Yeah, but I can see some black strands there."

Nya then let out a quiet squeal when she noticed something else. "He has your freckles, too!"

Then she looked up at her husband who seemed to be mesmerized by the small human in her arms. She extended her arms out to him. "Wanna hold him?"

Jay's eyes lit up as he nodded frantically before he carefully took his son in his arms. He brought his hand up to the baby's smaller one. His grin widened when the baby grabbed his index finger and squeezed it as tightly as possible, even though it wasn't tight at all.

"Hello, little guy," Jay cooed, shaking his finger up and down which made his son grin toothlessly at him. "I am your father, you may refer to me as 'Dad'. And this," he angled the baby to look at Nya, "is your mother who you shall call 'Mom'."

"Jay," Nya laughed. "He's not even a day old, you know he can't understand you."

"Psh. He's just as smart as his mother, I think he'll manage," Jay responded to her while shooting her a cheeky smile.

When the baby in Jay's arms let out a small yawn, his parents swooned over his cuteness.

But before they could do or say anything else, a knock against their door interrupted them.

"Uh, guys?" Kai's voice rang through the door. "Uh, umm, I know that you probably want some, uh, alone time with him, but could I maybe... uh... Could I maybe-"

"You can come in, Kai," Nya said, bringing his painful stuttering to a halt.

With that, Kai basically ripped open the door before he walked inside. Once his eyes settled on the small bundle of tiredness in Jay's arms, he gasped and walked closer to the couple to get a closer look.

Kai then gratefully took the baby out of Jay's arms when he was offered to. Then he startled cradling his nephew in his hold.

"He's so cute!" he exclaimed quietly. He then turned to look at his sister who was watching him with a tired smile on her face. "You did a great job, sis."

"I know, bro."

Kai then turned to look at Jay's bandaged hand. "Damn, what happened to you, dude?"

"I broke his hand because he broke my insides," Nya responded with a shrug, making Kai choke on a laugh.

"That's fair enough," Jay shrugged as well. "I won't be able to make any pinky promises with my left hand now, but I'd say it's worth it."

"But I can still make them," Kai said, showing them his perfectly healthy pinky finger. Then he grabbed his nephew's smaller pinky finger with his and hooked them together.

"And what are you going to make a promise about?" Nya asked him, rolling her eyes.

Kai grinned at her before looking at the baby which was watching their entwined fingers curiously.

"I promise to teach you everything I know. From how to burn down the kitchen to how to get some girls-"

"Kai," Nya said in a warning tone.

Ignoring his sister's possible death threat, Kai continued. "And I'll also show you the best ways to get on your mommy's nerves."

So yeah, that's it. I've decided against naming the baby since I basically had no idea on what I was doing. Also, you guys really don't want to see my search history after finishing this oneshot 🤚.

I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted because this is going to be my first and only oneshot of Jay and Nya being parents. Maybe I'll upload a oneshot of Nya telling Jay about her being preggo one day, but that's about it.

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