Perfume (Part 2)
Jay quickly tried to run up to Nya to hold her, but failed as he realized his shackles held him back. "Nya!" He screamed.
The room got foggier with every second passing, but something was strange. Jay sniffed the scent, but he didn't recognize it as perfume. Sure, he hadn't sniffed the smell of perfume in a very long time, mainly because he was around Nya a lot and he didn't see the point, but he could clarify this as not perfume.
"What is going on?" He heard his Yang ask in confusion.
"Nya? Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. He looked around, but couldn't see her due to the fog.
"Yeah, it's just that-"
"Nya? Nya, are you there? NYA?!" After Jay heard some type of thing falling onto the ground, his worries grew bigger. "NYA!" He shouted. After he didn't get a reply, he feared the worst.
He tried to look around, but still couldn't see anything. Only a few seconds later, he heard more, he assumed, bodies hit the ground.
"G-Guys?" His voice started to shake as he didn't get a response. Jay didn't know what to do, he could neither see nor help. But suddenly, all he could see was black.
Back in the present.
"Where are Jay and Nya?!" Kai's voice sounded numb, but furious at the same time. "Answer me!" However, the guard kept his mouth shut.
"Alright, we get it, you won't tell us what happened to them. But please, WHY ARE WE IN HERE WITH RONIN?!" Cole couldn't take Ronin's presence anymore.
Zane thought for a bit. "I would suppose that Ultra Violet only used him to find our weakness. That being Nya's health. But how did they even get you to work with them against us?" He turned towards him, just like the others in the cage.
Ronin put his hands in the air while talking. "Look, buddy. I was promised a good amount of money I just couldn't not accept."
"SO YOU LET THEM KNOW ABOUT MY SISTER'S ALLERGY, ONLY TO GET MONEY?!" Kai was obviously furious. He could feel his elemental power heating up his entire body, basically begging for him to burst out.
Just as Ronin wanted to defend himself, the monitor suddenly flashed back on. However, they could see that the Commissioner was gone. The chair was also gone. Instead, there were two separate cages standing next to each other in a distance. The Ninja could see that in one of them, there was Nya and Jay was in the other one. They were handcuffed to the bars, unable to move. But they were both still unconscious.
"NYA!" Kai shouted.
"JAY!" Cole shouted right after, but both of them did not react.
"They cannot hear you!" The guard said with a grin on his face.
"Wow, so now you're able to talk." Lloyd said sarcastically, crossing his arms.
They kept watching the screen, when they saw Jay move his head a bit. He was waking up. The Ninja weren't able to talk to them, but could hear everything that was going on at their place.
Jay's eyes looked at his surroundings, trying to figure out where he was. But his eyes shot open, when he realized that he was in a cage and Nya was right in front of him, facing him.
"Nya!" He shouted her name, but didn't get an answer. Her body did not even move. 'Is she...- No, Jay, don't think that!' He thought. "Nya! Can you hear me?!" He tried to break free, but couldn't whatsoever. After trying to use his powers to electrocute the lock, he realized he was still wearing his vengestone handcuffs.
"Oh, is our blue Ninja awake? What a shame, I hoped I could get me a coffee. Well, maybe next time." Ultra Violet said, walking into the view. Her voice was filled with sarcasm, everyone got that immediately. However, she actually wanted to have a coffee.
"What's going on? What did you do to us?!" Jay's eyes filled with anger, a rare sight of the usually optimistic Lightning Ninja. "What did you do to her?!!" His voice reflected the tone his eyes showed.
Ultra Violet walked slowly in between both of the cages, blocking Jay's sight of his Yang. He swung from one side to the other, but Ultra Violet repeated whatever he did, which frustrated him to the bones. He let out a sigh which was filled with hatred and frustration at the same time.
Jay looked at his side, realizing the red flashing dot on the camera in the room. "They can see us, can't they?" Jay assumed.
"Wow, you're smarter than I thought, Sparky!" Ultra Violet was kind of shocked really, but made it seem like sarcasm.
Jay shot up. "Only Nya can call me that!" He said slowly through gritted teeth. "Now WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!"
"I don't think you should worry about what was already done to her, but what is going to happen to her, hahahah." Her laugh was as fake as her sarcasm. It only annoyed Jay when he heard it, but her words rang inside of his head.
"What do you mean?" He said through gritted teeth again, this time with a hint of worry on his face.
Ultra Violet walked away from the cages and out of the screen. After a short while, she returned with something she was pushing to them. It had wheels which made squeaky noises. She stopped in the background and smiled.
"What's that?" Jay asked confused.
She grabbed the white cloth which was covering the big, wheeled thing next to her and pulled it down with one swift move. What it revealed was a huge wheel. A wheel of fortune. It was divided in eight fields, all of them having a different color.
"A wheel of fortune, silly!" Ultra Violet laughed, whereas Jay kept his facial expressions straight, not letting out a single smile or something. "Killow, come over here!" She shouted at Killow who was just coming in the room. After hearing her scream his name, he sped up and was then also visible on screen.
"Yes, Violet?" He asked rather annoyed.
"Killow, dear, could you please bring me the stickers?"
'Stickers?' Jay asked in his head.
"Sure, be right back!" He said while heading back out of the room. It only took him a few seconds to return. "Here." He handed her the large stickers and stepped back a few steps.
She took the stickers and started to put them on each field on the wheel of fortune. She spun it, so that she could put them on the wheel without being too short for the upper fields. Of course she didn't want to ask Killow for help. After she finished, she stepped back to look at her work. "So, what can you see?" She asked Jay. He felt like he was in elementary school, having to describe the obvious. He had never seen the point in doing that, everyone could see it, why all the unnecessary work?
He sighed. "You put the stickers on the wheel."
She clapped hysterically. "You did it! What a smart ninja we have here." She, once again, said sarcastically.
"Drop that! What's this about?" He stopped her cheering and asked angrily. Nya was still unconscious which made his insides tear up. "Why hasn't she woken up yet?" He looked back at her.
"We don't want her to... well... witness her doom, do we?" Ultra Violet seemed as if she was looking for the right words to describe it in the intentionally worst, most innocent sounding way.
"What doom!?" Jay asked through gritted teeth. He basically repeated Kai after he also heard what she said without knowing it.
"You know, we really wanted to get our revenge." She said evilly. "We thought for a bit... until we came up with the ultimate plan." Then she looked at the wheel behind her. "The wheel will decide her fate."
"What do you mean?" Jay asked angrily.
"The wheel will be spun. Whichever field it lands on, will be her prize." She said while walking over to him, until she stopped right in front of him. "But there is a little twist. I won't spin the wheel. Killow won't either. You will."
His eyes went open. "There is no way I'll do that." He hissed back at her.
"Oh, but I bet you will. It will be spun by you. If you refuse, we'll just get Killow over here and he'll take care of her. Besides, there are eight fields. If you're lucky enough, you'll land on the blue one."
"What's with the blue one?"
"Well, let's just say it's the least harmful one. The others are either spraying her with perfume, stabbing her, shooting her, etc etc."
Jay took a look at his girlfriend. She was just in her cage, lying on her back while her hand was handcuffed to the vengestone bars. He had to do it, he knew that. But the risk was just too high for him, which he feared.
He sighed, defeated. "Fine, I'll do it."
"Yayyy, awesome!" Ultra Violet cheered, clapping her hands hysterically while jumping up and down.
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a silver key, almost the size of her palm. Then she inserted the key into the lock, twisted it twice until a 'click' was heard and the cage opened. She went inside. Jay kept watching her disgustedly, while she started to approach him. When she was right in front of him, without any bars between them this time, she reached for his hand. The hand which was handcuffed to the bars. With the same key, she also opened the lock of his shackles. But she quickly locked the shackles on his hands again, so that he couldn't use his powers.
She leaned over to him and whispered into his ear. "I know what you're thinking, but remember: try to escape, and she'll be dead meat."
Jay switched his gaze from Ultra Violet over to his love who was still unconscious which made his heart break more. He looked back at the crazy woman in front of him and nodded, indicating his obedience. 'For Nya.' He thought.
He stood up and walked out of the cage after Ultra Violet. They both walked over to the wheel of fortune.
"The chance of him hitting the blue field is one eighth, which is going to be difficult to-" Zane thought out loud, but Kai interrupted him harshly.
"He has no other choice."
"Yeah, if he refused, she would have been killed in no time." Cole stated.
"But he's not gonna live it down if the wheel stops in a different field." Lloyd said sadly. He imagined everything in his head. From watching his team member and best friend die, to the point of everyone's grief.
They watched Jay stand on the left side of the wheel. He took one last look at Nya, his love, his Yang, his everything. His face was hung low. He did not want to do this, but he knew he had to. "I love you." He said, his voice shaky. He was about to break, but managed to somehow keep himself together. Then he spun the wheel.
He spun it, using his powers for extra speed. The wheel was spinning very fast. Everyone's eyes were fixated on the wheel. It was spinning, and spinning, and spinning, not seeming to stop at anytime soon.
"When is this stupid thing gonna stop?!" Ultra Violet was frustrated after watching the wheel spinning for what felt like hours. It was only three minutes though.
Suddenly, the wheel began to spin slower. The tension was very high. The risk was too high. With each second passing, the wheel lost its speed. It became slower, and slower, until it stopped.
Everyone gasped. The Ninja in the cage, the Blue Ninja in front of the wheel, Ultra Violet, everyone just gasped in what felt like sync.
Jay turned around to the monitor in the room. It was turned off, but he knew his friends could see him. Then he turned towards Ultra Violet.
"How is that even possible??!!" She screamed loudly, stomping one foot on the floor.
You guessed it, the wheel landed on the blue field indeed.
"It's on the blue one. Now, let. her. go." Jay said calmly.
"Oh, I don't think so." Ultra Violet replied just as calmly.
"What do you mean?" Jay asked, once again, calmly.
It had to be a thing that Ultra Violet imitated whatever Jay did. "I said the blue field was the least harmful one. I never said it was not harmful, though." She said.... calmly.
Jay's eyes widened. "Wha-"
"Killow, come in here!" She screamed, interrupting Jay, his mouth still hanging wide open.
Jay looked at the door. There he saw Killow walk in with something in his hand. As he came closer, Jay could see it was a knife. It wasn't a big one. 'For more excruciating pain.' Jay assumed in his head.
"Killow, dear. Could you please do the same things to her that you did during practice?" Ultra Violet said softly.
Killow just nodded and turned towards Nya's cage. "Don't you even think about it!" Jay shouted, but Killow kept on going.
"Here." Killow heard Ultra Violet say after him. He looked back at her. She held out a key which she threw towards him. He caught it with no effort. He inserted it, turned it twice, and opened the cage.
"DON'T YOU DARE EVEN TOUCH HER!!" Jay screamed. He tried to run after Killow, but was kicked to the ground by Ultra Violet who just laughed. Jay grunted under her foot. "You're just getting yourselves in even more trouble!" Jay managed to say, even though his face was smashed on the floor.
"I don't think so, Blue Boy." Ultra Violet said.
'Seriously, how does she know about all of the nicknames Nya calls me?!' Jay wondered in his head. "You're gonna regret it all." He said, his voice sounding a bit muffled.
"As I said, I don't-"
"But I certainly think so." A person said.
Now everyone's gazes turned towards the door. "Commissioner!" Jay shouted in excitement.
The Commissioner was standing in the doorframe. "Get 'em, boys!" He commanded. After that, a countless amount of police officers came rushing into the room.
"How?!" Ultra Violet screamed as she tried to find a way to get away. But the whole room only had one door; the door full of officers. There were also no windows. She was screwed. When she saw the officers run towards her, she got off of Jay and ran into the farthest corner of the room, grabbing a nearby book to defend herself which was no use whatsoever.
Killow, on the other hand, got out of the cage again and tried to defend himself with the knife in his hand. "Drop that knife!" He heard an officer command.
"Never!" Killow screamed. He was then tased by that same officer. "Huh, that one little taser ain't knocking me down." Killow laughed. After that a lot of officers fired at him with their tasers at once, knocking him down in less than a minute.
In the meantime, the Commissioner himself ran up to Jay, took off his shackles, and helped him back to his feet. "Thanks." Jay thanked him and looked at his Yang. She was currently carried out by some officers.
He ran up to her and took her in his arms. "Nya! Nya, wake up!" He shouted at her, hoping for her to hear him. It didn't work, though.
"Jay!" Kai screamed as the other Ninja entered the room. Some officers also freed them from their cage. Kai ran up to the couple and plopped to the ground. "Why isn't she waking up?" He asked no one in particular.
"Zane?" Jay looked up. Zane quickly understood what Jay wanted and started to scan the unconscious Water Ninja. A set of blue rays beamed out of his eyes, scanning every part of her body. After a short while, the Nindroid spoke up.
"She was knocked out by the triple dose of whatever we had to be knocked out. I would suppose that she should wake up anytime soon."
"Do we need to take her to a hospital?" Lloyd asked, concerned.
"No, we can bring her back to the monastery. She only needs some rest. She should wake up on her own." Zane answered, relieving everyone.
"Then we better get going." Jay said, picking up his girlfriend bridal style.
Then they heard footsteps approaching. They all looked at the direction and saw the Commissioner. "I hope she is doing well. Those criminals will get the punishment they deserve, don't worry."
Jay looked down at his girl. "Yes, luckily she is just basically sleeping." Then Jay turned back towards the Commissioner. "Thank you."
"No probs, Jay. Just doin' my job here." The Commissioner tapped his hat, smiling.
"How did you even escape them?" Cole asked him.
"Well, the guards they sent to take care of me where just a bunch of cowards. They were no match for the skills I've gathered all these years." He answered proudly.
The Ninja and the Commissioner gave each other one last smile before the Ninja left the building.
Everyone, especially Jay, was relieved and very happy that nothing happened to Nya. Ultra Violet, Killow, and Ronin got what they deserved. And the Ninja did not have to lose a member just then.
When they arrived at the monastery, Jay brought Nya to her room. He opened her door with his foot, and laid her down on her bed. After he put the blanket on her, he kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams, angel." He whispered sweetly. He turned around to go out of the room, when he heard his girlfriend mumbling his name.
"Jay?" She asked. "What happened? Where am I?" She tried to look around.
Jay walked back next to her. He took her hand. "Nya, it's alright. You're in your room."
She just looked at him. His deep blue, electric eyes were rather stunning. "What happened?"
"You were knocked down by a triple amount of carbon monoxide. We only had a single amount which made us recover quickly." He answered.
Jay just looked at her dreamily. "What?" She asked, confused.
He had a huge smile on his face. "Jay, what?" She said with a few chuckles escaping her mouth.
Without thinking twice, Jay embraced her in a very huge bear hug. It caught Nya by surprise, but she quickly melted into it. It was a tight hug, he wanted to hold her and never let her go. "I'm so glad you're okay." She heard him saying into her hair. He pulled away slightly and kissed her forehead. "I'll make sure to never get you into a situation like that again. I promise."
That was it, I hope you liked it. I just wanted to point out that we were probably never told the name of the Commissioner... weird. (At least I don't know it if it was announced)
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