Objection At Its Finest

Hello there! This is my first collab with my friend @LatishaZ22 and I'm quite excited about this beautiful trainwreck so enjoy!

"Where's Skylor's invitation?"

"Probably under all the other invitations."

"But I can't find it!"

Jay sighed before he, once again, started to rummage around the pile of invitation cards on the big dining table. He knew Nya liked to be stubborn, but come on, they had just gone through the last cards!

After being betrothed for well over a year, the couple finally decided to tie the knot. As the two had announced they were ready to get married, the others were all pretty shocked. That might have been because they had agreed on not taking any fast steps after Jay had proposed, but it seemed like their minds had changed.

Kai and Nya and Jay's parents were the first ones to know, of course. They had offered to help in any way possible, but the couple didn't want them to. It was their special event which they wanted to take care of, themselves.

Master Wu, Pixal and the rest of the ninja were the next ones to know. Whereas Zane and Pixal were very happy for the two and offered their help and immediately started to look for good wedding venues, Lloyd and Cole had their own little battle on who would become Jay's best man. To make them shut up, the Blue Ninja threatened to choose Kai if they kept arguing which quickly made them fall silent.

The next thing Jay had known was Cole telling him which cake to choose. Typical.

"Here it is." Jay said absentmindedly as he handed Nya a blue envelope with 'Skylor Chen' written on it. He heard her sighing in relief, but he didn't have any time to comment on how much she was worrying because another blue envelope caught his eye.

He frowned as he read over the name.

"Nya?" He asked, still looking at it. He tried to open the envelope, but it was already glued shut.

"Yeah?" She asked back.

He then held the item in his hand up to her face to see. "I didn't know Murtessa would be invited?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh," Nya said as she took the envelope out of his hand. "I wanted her to attend."

Jay was taken aback now. "Why?! You don't like her."

The Master of Water snorted. "Of course I don't. I just want her to know how far we've come."

"So you're doing this out of spite?"

"You could say it like that." She threw the envelope back onto the pile in front of her.

Jay sighed, grabbing it again. "I don't think it's a good idea, Nya."

"Why not, Jay?"

"Because that whole incident happened a while ago. I'm sure she's already over it. Besides, I don't really wanna see her." He shuddered at even the thought of being in the same room as Nya and Murtessa.

Then he took one of Nya's hands in his and rubbed her knuckles. "You need to let go of the past." He smiled.

Nya sighed, nodding. "Fine. But I still don't like her."

Jay laughed, standing up. "I know. I gotta go to the bathroom, could you pack these into the bag?" He looked down at the pile.

Nya smiled. "Sure."

She watched as he walked out of the room. Just before she wanted to start packing, she realized Murtessa's invitation was left on Jay's chair. Despite her own mind yelling at her to not do it, she grabbed the envelope and packed it into the bag along with the other invitations.

Two weeks passed, and the day finally arrived. Many guests entered the wedding venue, the ninjaian-catholic church in the borderline between Ninjago City and Ignacia. They were dressed in suits for men and long, elegant dresses for women, though there weren't any dress codes adressed in the invitations.

Jay was wearing a dark blue tuxedo with white and light blue highlights. His shoes were black and his bowtie was all white. Kai was wearing a dark red tuxedo with a gray bow tie attached to his neck. His hair was still styled as per usual and his shoes were black. Cole was wearing a dark gray-ish colored tuxedo with a black tie and matching black shoes. Zane was also wearing a gray tux, but it was way lighter than Cole's. Black shoes and a white tie did the rest. Lloyd was wearing a dark green tux with a matching dark green bowtie and dark green shoes. That dude loves green. Lastly, Pixal was wearing a light gray, simple dress which faded to light blue around the bottom.

Warning: I have no idea how a wedding is being arranged so if anything's wrong, blame Google :)

After the guests sat down on their seats, the bridesmaids and groomsmen went up to the steps of the altar.

You may have guessed it already; Cole was chosen as Jay's best man, and Zane, Kai and Lloyd were his groomsmen. Pixal was Nya's maid of honor, and Skylor and Vania were her bridesmaids.

Jay was standing on his spot next to the wedding pastor, who also happened to be Master Wu.

Yes, that man was capable of arranging weddings as well.

Once the organs started blaring, Jay realized this was it. This was the moment he had been waiting for more than five years now. Only a few more minutes before he would finally be married to the love of his life.

He had told himself to not cry before, but it was only a matter of time until his rivers would start to flow.

Jay looked intently as the huge doors slowly started to open. All the guests turned around in their seats. The Blue Ninja began to fiddle with his fingers to keep himself busy as he held back a sob.

Once he saw her taking her first steps into the church, he gasped under his breath.

Nya was wearing a beautiful, long-sleeved, white wedding dress. Her dress was cut just above ground at the front, and longer at the back which flowed after her with each step she was taking. Her sleeves had sewn in flowers. There were white crystal patterns across her torso and chest which shone brightly as the sunbeams seemed to be all over her. Nya's face was covered in a see through, white veil, and her black hair was down and falling below her armpits. She was holding a bouquet of blue and purple flowers in her right hand, and her left arm was wrapped around her father's arm, who seemed to keep himself from crying.

They slowly strutted towards the altar as Jay's eyes gave in and the tears started to flow out slowly. He sniffed while watching Nya detaching herself from her father and making her way up the altar before standing in front of Jay and taking his hands in her own. The organs stopped playing, and all eyes were on the two.

"We have all gathered in this facility to witness the bond of two loving people who have decided to tie the knot. Young love is a wonderful miracle. It is tested many times, and a lot of couples would not have been able to come this far. But something I do know is that these two... they went through hell together and back, and everything they've been through caused them to grow closer and stronger in their relationship." Master Wu began, looking at the two in such a proud and mature manner. "And I am very grateful to have been able to accompany them in their journey."

"I myself had the chance to witness their relationship blooming. It all started with a simple, official relationship, then a Yin-Yang promise, and now they're close to becoming married. I couldn't be any prouder." Wu smiled before he took a deep breath. "Jason Walker, you may speak if you want to."

Jay smiled gratefully at him before focusing back on Nya. "Ever since I first looked into this beautiful woman's face, I saw my future with her in it. I never really knew what love was until I met her. My mother once told me, and I quote, 'If you seek love, it's like you're forcing it. If you find love unexpectedly, you've found it, guaranteed', so I never even expected to meet her on that faithful day. I wasn't even expecting for Kai to come alive out of the volcano." The crowd chuckled at that. "But once I saw that majestic dragon, I was sure I wasn't gonna come out alive either." Everyone chuckled again. "Once I saw that Kai was alive, I was quite shocked, I'm not gonna lie. Yet when I realized there was another person on Flame, I was speechless. Literally, I'll never truly recover from Cole's scythe." Jay side-eyed his friend who smiled sheepishly. Then he sighed, his smile growing wider. "I had heard about Kai's sister before, and I gotta say, I was interested almost immediately. And when I actually got to see her in person, I was absolutely sure I was interested, yet never once would younger me think I'd get to see her in a white dress in front of the altar, especially not with the intent of taking my hand. Okay, where am I going with this? Uh, honestly, uh, I could go on for hours but I can't really wait anymore." He smiled sheepishly, making everyone laugh.

After Wu was done with giggling, he looked at Nya. "Nya Smith, would you like to say something?"

She nodded before looking back at Jay. "Before I start, I'd like to say that Cole told me about what you said and did before meeting me." She smirked under her veil when she saw her lover's face heating up. "Anyways, I was never convinced of finding love... at all. It had never been my intention or priority. When I first saw you, I thought you were cute and adorable, and deep down I realized I'd never thought that about anyone before, so I was pretty confused, to say the least. Once we started dating, I knew there was more than just finding you cute and stuff, so I kept collecting my thoughts until I realized that what I felt was love which shocked me... a lot. I tried to get rid of that feeling a lot but now I'm blaming it on that face. And everything else that's attached to it. And after my first we- some events, I just gave up and gave into the feeling. And I can easily say that I've been relieved since. It's a great feeling I nowadays cannot believe I tried to push away, but I'm glad you kept being resilient. And I'm glad to have come this far." She ended, smiling.

"Thank you. Jason Walker, do you swear to stand beside Nya Smith in good times and bad times, in wealth and poverty, in health and until the very end of your lives? Do you take Nya Smith as your lawful wife?" Master Wu asked, getting more serious.

Jay smiled. "I do."

Wu then turned towards Nya. "Nya Smith, do you swear to stand beside Jason Walker in good times and bad times, in wealth and poverty, in health and until the very end of your lives? Do you take Jason Walker as your lawful husband?"

Nya smiled back at him. "I-"

"I cannot believe you really started without me!"

The crowd gasped and turned around towards the doors to see a sight which made them gasp once more. Nya and Jay's eyes widened at hearing the voice, the accent. They quickly looked at the source of the voice and their mouths hung wide open.

There she was; the one person no one really wanted to see.


And to make things worse, she was wearing a dress. A white dress. A dress that didn't really look appropriate for another person's wedding. She was walking down the aisle, even skipping some steps.

Jay, upon seeing Nya was about to rage, grabbed her hands and shook his head before she could make herself go down to Murtessa.

"Alright, there's the door." Kai stood up and pointed at the door, making Murtessa look back before laughing.

"I know, silly, I just came from there. I just wanted to congratulate my friends." She answered.

"We're not friends!" Nya yelled, annoyed.

"What?" The queen of the Munce asked sarcastically. "But I thought we were. I even bought a matching dress!" She twirled around, her dress flowing with a light breeze.

Jay groaned. "Only the bride gets to wear white!"

"Yeah, well, it should've been me! Come on, you deserve someone better, like me. She's not worth it, Jay-boo."

"That's it!" Nya said under her breath as she shoved her bouquet into Jay's arms.

"Nya, don't." Jay said again, holding her back by her bicep.

"She's ruining our wedding, Jay! Let me at her!" She tried to wiggle out of his grasp, yet that stayed firm. Nya watched as Kai and Cole were building barriers out of their own bodies, preventing Murtessa to get to the groom and bride.

Nya's blood boiled and one could swear she was about to do some not-so-nice things to her competitor.

This was her special day and Murtessa had the audacity to come waltzing in and stealing her spotlight.

The two ninja then pushed Murtessa out of the church as gently as possible before closing the doors shut. They walked back to their places. The whole room let out a sigh of relief before Wu cleared his throat.

"Let's try this again. Nya Smith, do you swear to stand beside Jason Walker in good times and bad times, in wealth and poverty, in health-"

The doors slammed open once again, interrupting Wu's speech, making him groan in annoyance.

"Guess who's ba-"

"NO!" The bride and groom roared, looking down the aisle.

"Either leave on your own or we'll call the police and let them deal with you." Kai warned, blocking her way.

Murtessa then whipped out a blue envelope and held it up for Kai to see. "But I have the right to be here. I have an invitation." She was able to shove the envelope into his face before the Red Ninja ripped the paper out of her hand and inspected it.

He read the invitation which everyone in the room had gotten. It couldn't be fake. He turned to look at his sister and Jay in confusion. Upon hearing those news, Jay gave Nya a questioning look.

When she didn't answer, he sighed. "Nya, we've talked about this."

Nya groaned quietly only for him to hear. "I didn't want this to happen." Then she turned towards her brother. "Could you please bring her out and block the doors?"

Kai nodded before giving Cole a head nod, who returned it, and with quite some struggles, the two brought Murtessa outside again. Zane quickly froze the doors with his powers right after his friends came back inside. They could hear some heavy knocks for a short while before everything went silent again.

Wu glared at the door for a few more seconds before blankly stroking his beard. "Nya Smith, do you swear to stand beside Jason Walker in good times and bad times. In wealth and po-" Master Wu stopped when they all heard a thump against a window to their left. They all looked towards that window to see, you guessed it, Murtessa.

She had thrown herself against the window and was now slowly sliding down the glass, her face almost looking as if it was being squished.

Jay tried his best to keep his giggles away, whereas Nya stared at the sliding form of her enemy. "Does this woman ever give up?"

"Master Wu, can we... can we just make this quick?" Jay asked.

Wu nodded, clearing his throat. "Nya Smith, do you swear to stand beside Jason Walker in good times and bad times, in wealth and poverty, in health and until the very end of your lives? Do you take Jason Walker as your lawful husband?"

Nya smiled, looking down at her and Jay's holding hands. "I do."

"Then I would like for our ring boy, Lil' Nelson, to bring us the rings."

Wearing a huge smile on his face, Nelson, who was wearing an adorable, purple tuxedo, walked up the aisle and held up a red pillow with two golden rings. Jay smiled thankfully at the little boy before taking the smaller ring and slowly sliding it up Nya's left ring finger. After that, Nya returned the gesture. Nelson gave the two another smile before going back to his seat.

"If anyone has any objections, may thou speak up now or stay in silence forever." When no one said anything, Wu smiled. "Then I, Wu Garmadon, declare you, Nya Smith and Jason Walker, by the power that has been given upon me, as lawful wife and husband." Wu turned to Jay. "You may now kiss the bride."

Jay's smile grew wider as he stepped closer to his wife and slowly lifted the veil over her head, revealing her face. She was smiling just as widely as himself. Their lips then parted and they started to giggle before Jay swiftly pulled her into his embrace and captured her lips with his.

The crowd cheered and clapped loudly as they individually started to stand up.

Once Nya and Jay let go of each other, they looked down at their friends and family, realizing their marriage was real and not another dream. They were all happily celebrating for hours before everyone went back home the next day.

Everything seemed to be lovely until...

"Nya, someone recorded our marriage and put it online!"

"Wait, WHAT?!"

Yeah, you guys can probably guess why wedding oneshots were something I've been trying to avoid for so long. And honestly, I don't usually feel comfortable writing anything that includes weddings because in my case, it feels like the Jaya story kinda ends with a happy ending and they settle down, blah, blah, and I don't really like that. And I'm also bad at writing weddings because I haven't been on one in many years and since English isn't my first language (or second for that matter), this was more like a challenge for me. I feel like this was my worst written oneshot so far but that may be my own insecurities lol. Anyways, this was fun to write after all and I did giggle here and there so it can't be that bad.

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