Masked Mysteries

His electric blue eyes darted from left to right, watching and observing the many individuals around him enjoying themselves with strangers they had likely never met before.

The elegant, slow song that was blasting through the speakers slowly started getting on his nerves. It was way too slow and way too noble in his opinion.

As he saw a woman who seemed to be in her early twenties approaching him, he shook his head at her, giving her the best serious expression he could.

Getting the hint, the woman smiled politely and walked into a different direction.

He sighed. That was the eighth woman who had tried to dance with him that evening. And he had arrived less than thirty minutes ago, too!

Well, at least she was nice enough to leave him alone, unlike some other women.

He walked around, keeping his gaze on the dancing couples and occasionally glancing away to look at the food table.

A small piece of cake would be good now, given that there was nothing else to do. And he had previously heard that there were many, many options: chocolate cake, strawberry-cheesecake, lemon cake, peach cake, apple pie, and more delicious pieces of baked goodness.

But no, he was not allowed to look away or distract himself with anything else.

By now, he was getting annoyed by that. He could've spent his Saturday evening at home, playing video games or relaxing in his bed, but of course he couldn't do that when his job was all about catching criminals and saving the day.

He was questioning his life choices constantly, but there was no turning back — His destiny had already been set.

"Dude, you could look at least a little happy!" he heard his friend, Lloyd, hiss through his communicator.

Looking away from the crowd, he sighed. "Why do I have to be here? Couldn't you or-"

"You know that's not possible, Jay! Cole and Kai are on another mission, and Zane, Pixal and I are watching the CCTV footage," Lloyd said, sighing himself.

"But I feel so out of place, Lloyd. I don't belong here."

Jay looked down at his clothes and suppressed another sigh upon looking at his black tuxedo and polished, black shoes.

"I know that, but those people don't," his friend answered.

It was true, nobody could know that Jay Walker, the famous Blue Ninja, was in there with them.

It was a masquerade ball after all.

"Don't worry, Nya will be there soon," Lloyd told him, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

"Yeah, but it's been way too long, Lloyd!" Jay exclaimed quietly. "How long will it exactly take?"

"Let me check," Lloyd said before the two quieted down, with Jay waiting for Lloyd's answer and Lloyd looking for an answer. After a few seconds, the Green Ninja's voice came through again. "From what I could find out, she's right behind you."

"What?" Jay wondered out loud before he quickly whipped around, only to be met with what he could only describe as a goddess.

A woman was standing there, dressed in an off-the-shoulder, marine blue ball gown. The fabric on her upper body was tight against her skin, beautifully accentuating her curves without making it seem suggestive in any way. Her raven-black hair was flowing down in loose curls, a small smile on her plump, pale lips. She had a black mask covering the upper half of her face which had different blue patterns decorating the hard, black material.

And that goddess just so happened to be his girlfriend and Yang, Nya Smith.

Smiling, Jay ignored everything and everyone around him as his eyes only took in the beauty of his love.

He somehow felt his feet dragging him closer to her, seeking the near proximity, or else he was afraid someone else might try to make a move on her in the mere seconds of his trance.

"Are you new here?" he jokingly asked.

Nya chuckled. "Yes, I almost got lost while i was desperately trying to find this fine place," she continued, playing along.

"Well, seek no more, because you, my dear Juliet, have just found your Romeo."

He offered her a hand and she purposely slowly placed her hand in his bigger one, her other hand covering her mouth.

"Oh, what a lovely discovery I have made, then," she told him.

Her boyfriend chuckled, wrapping his other hand around her slim waist. "I'd ask if you would want to dance with me, but unfortunately I won't give you much of a choice, sweetheart."

"I wouldn't want to have in any other way," Nya grinned at him before she pulled him over to the main dance floor and placed her other hand on his shoulder.

As they swayed together like many other couples, they stared into each other's eyes, wondering what the other was thinking as they did so.

Although they were both wearing masks to cover their identities just like the rest of the people inside the ball room, they let their eyes roam each other's faces, drawing their features from their memories.

"Have you seen anyone?" Nya asked him quietly, referring to the bad guys they were there for in the first place.

"No," Jay answered her. "They're hiding well."

Before Nya could give him a reply, a man in a maroon red tux and a black mask appeared next to them, looking at the Water Ninja in particular.

"Partner change?" he asked, making the two stop dancing and glance at him weirdly.

Correction, Nya was looking at him weirdly and Jay was fuming.

"No," Jay answered sharply, subconsciously pulling Nya closer to him. When the man didn't walk away, he glared at him. "Look, dude, this is a nice warning. Better scurry away before I do things that I won't be able to undo."

Instead of giving Jay the satisfaction of cowering in fear and rushing away, the mystery man insistingly looked at Nya.

"Just one dance?" he offered.

"Apparently you don't know how to understand basic English, so let me break it down for you," Jay told him as if he was speaking to a child. "You will walk away before I elec-"

"Okay!" Nya quickly chimed in, smiling at the man. "Just one dance."

She let go of Jay and pried his grip on her waist loose before she stepped away from him and took a step closer to the unknown man.

Before Jay could object, Nya grabbed the man's hand and led him away.

Her boyfriend looked at her disappearing figure in disbelief. "This isn't even a partner change when he doesn't have a partner to give me to dance with!" he decided to say instead of questioning her choices.

When he didn't receive an answer, he turned away and decided to go to the food table.

As Nya and the man got into position to dance together, they looked into each other's eyes. Nya could see that he was inspecting her quite intensely, trying to figure her out. She was doing the same.

His brown eyes had a depth to them which she couldn't figure out just yet, but she knew something was off about him.

"You are a very beautiful young lady," the man said, giving her a charming smile, showing her his perfectly white teeth.

She bit her tongue to hold back a fake gag.

And laughter.

And a witty insult.

"Thanks," she said dismissively instead.

She looked around, looking for Jay or anyone else she could recognize. When she saw him happily munching on a piece of cake near the food table while staring back at her, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"What might your name be?" the man asked her, making her look back at him again.

"I could ask you the same thing," she told him instead of giving him an actual answer.

He smirked. "Matt."

Nya smiled. She was sure that that wasn't his real name.

Who would even give their real name at an event where people's identities were initially hidden?

"Layla," she answered, giving him a fake name.

"That is a pretty name, Layla," he said before spinning her around.

"Thanks," Nya said. "Your name's pretty as well. My grandfather was called Matt, too," she said, feeding him false information.


She nodded. "He passed away because of lung cancer a couple of years ago."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Matt apologized, furrowing his eyebrows.

"It's fine, I've learned to cope with it," she assured him.

When she felt his grip on her waist tighten and him stepping even closer to her, invading every bit of privacy she had, Nya went on high alert.

"I know it's you, Smith," the man whispered in her ear.

"Is it now?" she asked back, avoiding giving an immediate reaction.

He chuckled. "Stop doing this," he told her.

"Stop what?" she looked up at him, giving him her innocent doe eyes.

All of his calm and composed demeanor changed in a matter of seconds. His eyes turned darker and his smile vanished. She felt his fingers curl against her waist, gripping even tighter. His nails started digging into her flesh alarmingly, yet she didn't give him a reaction, she only kept dancing with him.

"What do you want?" she asked him, her voice dropping dangerously low.

"I know that guy you were with was Walker," he informed her. "I want you to go up to him, tell him you need to go to the restroom, and go to room sixty-five on the second floor. If you even think about telling him, there will be consequences." Before he let her go, he chuckled darkly. "Remember, there are hundreds of innocent people in your hand, Nya."

With that, he let her go and walked away.

Joke's on you, Lloyd, Zane and Pixal just heard you through my communicator, you idiot.

Rolling her eyes, Nya walked over to her boyfriend — who, by the way, was informed by Lloyd already — and did exactly what she was told to do.

Then she walked through a door which led to the staircase and the restrooms and went up the stairs instead of walking into the women's restroom.

Even though it was expected, Nya still felt like dying when she had to pick up her dress from the floor and push herself through the narrow staircase. Once she was on the second floor, she sighed in relief and let the blue material fall back to the floor.

Then she walked through a set of fancy-looking double doors and found herself on the balcony-style floor which she could look down onto the people on the dance floor from. She stepped closer to the railing, and sure enough, watched in awe as the view she had was prettier than first expected.

But she quickly backed away again, pretending to be scared of being detected by Jay who was 'thinking' she had gone to the restroom.

She walked along the wall which had the famous wallpaper of Pyne Hollyhock by Schumacher that decorated the entire walls of the house in beautiful, dark flowers.

When she reached the other side, she walked through another set of doors and came across an empty hallway with doors to her left and right.

The first door she set her eyes on had no label or room number, so she just put her hand on the fake-golden door handle and pushed it down. Yet it didn't open, so she simply moved to the next door.

After many attempts on many doors, she hadn't found a single door that would open.

"You better get out of that hallway again, Nya. There are no cameras that we can see you on," Zane told her through her communicator.

Said girl then quickly walked back up the hallway again. But before she fully exited the hallway, she heard a clicking sound coming from the first door she had tried to open earlier.

Instead of following her instinct and keep walking, she decided to check it out. So she placed her hand on the cold metal once again and tried to push it down.

And surely enough, the door opened.

Just as she was about to have a look inside the room, an arm coming from the inside reached out for her face and another arm trapped her arms against her body while having a death grip on her.

She tried to squirm and escape the hold of the person, but it was obviously impossible when a cloth drenched in supposedly chloroform was pushed deeply against her face, covering her nose and mouth, preventing her from screaming for help.

Nya furrowed her eyebrows before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body fell limp in the person's hold.

The person, presumably male based on the strength he had on her, then removed the cloth again and let it fall to the ground so that both of his hands were free to carry Nya's body.

When he successfully pulled her inside the room, he shut the door with his foot.

At hearing the sound of the door closing, the guy was startled when Nya's eyes suddenly opened and her entire body jerked forward, making him let go of her.

Nya wasted no time in overpowering him in that moment by firstly punching him in the jaw and using his painful experience as a distraction to then knee him in his family jewels.

When he fell to the floor, groaning and moaning out in pain while holding his crotch and jaw and trying to cradle out the injuries, Nya looked down at him in disgust.

"How stupid are you?" she asked him. "Chloroform takes up to five minutes to take a person down. Do your research."

She looked around the room and discovered it to be a simple office with a computer on a desk and some chairs against it. There was a dark brown shelf pushed up against the wall on the other side of the room and a window right behind the desk, although the curtains were closed.

She then looked back at the man and bent down. Gripping his completely black mask with her manicured, blue nails, she ripped it off and revealed a man with dark green eyes that shortly looked at her in shock before going back to moping around in pain.

"Who are you?" Nya asked him intimidatingly. When he didn't answer, she grabbed his chin tightly and pulled his face up to look back at her, squishing his cheeks in the process. "I don't like to repeat myself, buddy."

"Okay, okay," his voice came out rather squeaky. "I was supposed to kidnap you and bring you to the mechanic!" he said quickly. "Please don't hurt me again!"

Nya blinked. "I asked you for your name and not your part in all of this but thanks."

"Oh... Jack."

"Does Jacky Boy have a last name, too?"

He swallowed. "Anderson."

"How did you get into crime businesses?"

Jack sighed. "I need the money, man."

Nya raised her eyebrows. It was understandable, yes, but going for a ninja was like an instant no-no. It was foolish to even try out a stunt like that.

"What do you need the money for?"

"I have a little brother to take care of. I've tried to get a normal job many times, but none of them wanted to employ someone who's not experienced," he answered.

Nya swallowed. She then pressed the button on her communicator to talk to the others. "Zane?" she asked, knowing him and the others were listening in on them.

After a few seconds of silence, his robotic voice met her ears. "That is correct. His name is Jack Travis Anderson. He is twenty years old. He has a seven-year-old brother called Henley Marcus Anderson. Their parents gave him and his brother up for adoption when Jack was sixteen and Henley three because of financial difficulties. After Jack turned eighteen, he gained custody over his little brother and moved into a one-bedroom apartment with him and has been unemployed ever since then. It does say that he has tried to look for jobs in small businesses and grocery shops, but none of them accepted him because of his lack of experience."

Upon realizing Jack had told her the truth and was doing all of this to earn some money for his brother, Nya instantly felt bad.

She was never able to fully relate to him, but she had an older brother who was once in a similar situation of Jack's.

Yes, Kai had a decent job and never turned to criminality, but he did have a younger sibling to take care of and feed everyday and basically raise as his own child.

"How much did he offer you?" she asked the man while helping him to sit on one of the chairs before taking a seat on the other one.

"Three thousand," Jack told her glumly.

Nya nodded. "Can you answer me some questions about this whole kidnapping thing?"

He shrugged. "Sure, it's not like I'll get my money after failing."

The two chuckled humorlessly before Nya became serious again. "What was supposed to happen after you knocked me out?"

"I'd have to wait here until the party's over and wait for Matt who would take out Jay in the meantime and we'd then bring you to the pier in some white trucks."

"The pier?"

"Yeah, they'd bring you on some ship for god-knows-what, they didn't tell us."

"Wait, so Matt is in the same situation that you're in?"

Jack shrugged. "I don't know, we've never talked about backgrounds with each other. But I still doubt that he is a person who unwillingly does things like these because when the mechanic told us what to do, he seemed a bit too excited."

Nya nodded. She opened her mouth to answer, but closed it shut again after hearing her boyfriend's voice in her ear.

"I've knocked that Matt guy out. He tried to take me down with chloroform but apparently thought that I'd be down instantly instead of after literal minutes of inhaling it," he chuckled. "What an idiot." 

"I will come and pick him up, you go to where Nya is," she heard Lloyd say to him, with him agreeing.

Nya then turned back to Jack who looked back at her almost sadly. "Would you be ready to help us take the mechanic down?" she asked him seriously.

Jack hummed. "Under one condition."

"What is it?"

"You gotta protect my brother in case they find out I betrayed them. If anything happened to him, I don't know what I'd do," he told her back seriously.

"Thank you," she smiled. "Zane?" she then asked for her friend's attention in her ear.

"Yes, Nya?"

"Please deposit ten thousand dollars into Jack's bank account for me."


"You got 'em?" The mechanic's gruffly voice asked them seriously, giving them a warning look.

Jack and Matt nodded and kept their faces neutral. They led the mechanic with his two men over to the back of their truck and opened the two white doors.

The mechanic peeked inside and broke out in a devilish grin upon seeing Nya and Jay's unconscious bodies lying in there motionlessly, still in the clothes they had worn to the masquerade ball.

"Very good," he said, turning back to the two men. "Make sure their hands and feet are bound tightly and follow my truck."

He then walked away, leaving them alone with the bodies of the two ninja. When he was out of proximity, Jack got into the back of the truck and checked Nya's hands.

"Loose enough?" he asked her, tugging on the rope.

"Yeah," Nya's voice came out extremely quietly.

Jack nodded and did the same with Jay before getting out of the truck and closed the doors again. He then walked to the driver's seat and waited for Matt to get in. When he saw the other truck in front of him starting to move forward, he started his truck as well.

"Are we sure we want to do this?" Matt asked Jack, looking at the mechanic's truck through the windshield.

Jack nodded. "It'll help a lot of people."

"Yeah, but we'll get into a lot of trouble if this goes wrong," Matt pointed out.

"Dude, I'm well aware of that," Jack rolled his eyes. "But at this point, we can't go back. Just trust them."

As the two kept following the mechanic, Jay and Nya opened their eyes and looked at each other, making sure this part of their plan was working smoothly.

"Lloyd? Zane?" Jay whispered.

"We copy. We are following from a distance, all is going to plan," Lloyd assured them.

Jay nodded, although he knew he couldn't see him, and decided to focus on his girlfriend instead of the small part of worry that was continuously growing in the pit of his stomach.

He trailed his eyes down her face, going over her features one after the other slowly, taking his sweet time. Once his eyes landed on her lips, he came to a stop upon seeing a knowing smile embedded in them.

She knew what he was doing. And by the looks of it, she was enjoying it.

They knew they couldn't speak to each other unless they wanted to get caught.

But the two didn't need to use words to communicate, their eyes did the job most of the time anyway.

When they felt like the truck was slowing down, they shot the other one last panicked look before closing their eyes and relaxing.

After a few seconds, the doors opened. "This is it," they heard Jack mutter before Nya felt herself being picked up and pulled out of the vehicle. She opened one of her eyes for a second to see Matt doing the same to Jay.

"Excellent," the mechanic said upon seeing them. "Bring them here, boys."

With a wave of his robotic arm, he led them over to an abandoned ship which had a fair amount of space on it.

Once they all entered, the mechanic guided the two down below deck and opened a door to a room which had nothing but cages and crates in all different sizes and forms inside.

"Put them into that big one," he pointed at a pretty big cage with metal bars which had a padlock as a form of lock.

The two ninja were then laid into said cage and the lock was clicked shut by the mechanic before he turned to glare at the two twenty-year-olds in the room.

"You will guard them. Don't let them out or else I'll personally take care of you two," he warned, turning on his heel and exiting the room.

When he was gone and the door was shut, Nya and Jay opened their eyes and sat upwards while glancing around the room they were in.

"Lloyd?" Nya whispered into her communicator.

"We see the ship you're on, don't worry," his response came quick. After Nya explained her and Jay's current situation to him, Lloyd hummed in understanding. "Are there any fatal weapons on board?" he then asked.

Nya turned to Jack and Matt and repeated Lloyd's question.

"Other than some swords and his flame-thrower-arm-thing, I don't think so," Matt hummed. "I might be totally wrong too, though," he clarified, shrugging.

Nya nodded and told Lloyd the information.

"Alright. Find a way to get out of the cage without actually getting out. We'll tell you when we decide to strike, although you'll probably hear the commotion," he chuckled.

"Do any of you have the key to this?" Jay asked the two, pointing at the padlock. They shook their heads. "We do not have the key," he then told Lloyd.

"But isn't it a normal, boring cage? Use your powers, there's no vengestone involved," Lloyd reasoned.

Nya and Jay then tried to use their powers and succeeded when Nya made a small water bubble in her hand and Jay let an electric current jump from one of his fingers to the other.

"I thought the mechanic was better than this," Jay muttered.

"Me too," Nya admitted. "He should've known better."

"He's like a pest," Lloyd said. "The most resilient pest that's ever existed," he added with a huff.

Jay and Nya agreed quickly, recalling the numerous times they had to deal with the mechanic before.

"Okay, we're gonna attack now," Lloyd became serious again. "Zane, freeze the water around the ship so that they won't be able to get away," he instructed.

Just then, the two captivated ninja felt the ship shaking slightly underneath them, quickly realizing Zane had just done what he was told.

"What is going on?!" they heard the mechanic's voice boom out through the wooden ceiling.

"Jay, Nya, get out of that cage and wait for further instructions," Lloyd continued.

Jay muttered a quick 'okay' and grabbed the padlock with one of his hands and let out a massive amount of electricity which made the lock spring open in a matter of seconds. Then he opened the cage and stepped out, Nya following him behind.

"Done," he told Lloyd and waited.

Meanwhile, Nya looked at Jack and Matt. "No matter what happens, don't get in our way. Don't stand in the middle of trouble and always stay away if a fight breaks out."

The two men nodded.

"Ninja!" they heard the mechanic yell in rage.

That must've meant that either Lloyd or Zane was discovered.

"He's on deck with five of his thugs aiming at us with crossbows. Don't know if there are more thugs below deck, but this would be a good time to attack them from below," Lloyd spoke into his communicator.

Jay and Nya looked at each other and nodded together. They then looked at Matt and Jack. "Follow us closely," Jay whispered to them.

Then he looked at Nya, silently asking if she was ready, to which she nodded confidently and gave him a small smile, trying to use that as a sign that everything was going to be okay. But then she widened her eyes, looking down at her very spacious gown.

There was no way she was able to fight in a dress like that.

Jay followed her gaze down her body before meeting her eyes again. His girlfriend put up one finger, silently telling him she needed a second, before walking over behind a big crate and changing into her usual gi in a matter of seconds by using Spinjitzu. Then she came back to the three men and looked at Jay, smiling.

He returned the smile before putting his hand on the door handle and carefully pulling the door open. After no immediate threat followed, he cautiously looked out and glanced from left to right, seeing an unoccupied hallway. Then he looked back at Nya and nodded, silently telling her that the coast was clear.

Jay then slowly crept out of the room, keeping both sides of the hallway under his view in case someone were to attack him. Closely behind him, Nya motioned for the two men to walk, with her leaving last.

With Jay up front and Nya at the back, they were covering both of their front and their back. Once they reached the end of the hallway, Jay brought his hands up to his chest and made them light up with his powers before he stepped on the first step of the staircase that was leading upward.

His gaze was glued to the top of the stairs, preparing himself to get jump scared any second. When he took his last step up, he was met with yet another empty hallway. He let out a small sigh of relief.

He had never been a huge fan of jump scares.

Especially of the ones you expect but still get scared of.

But in that moment, a small yelp escaped from his mouth when a small blow hit the ship which made it sway to the left for a quick second.

"Was that you?" Nya whisper-hissed into her communicator.

"My apologies. I couldn't resist blasting his men with some ice," Zane's apologetic voice came through seconds later.

Before Nya could put her foot on the last step, she was suddenly yanked down.

"Woah!" she exclaimed, feeling herself trip down the stairs halfway through before she managed to catch and steady herself again.

She immediately looked forward, wondering what — or more likely who — caused her to lose her balance in the first place.

Then, before she could see a face, a gun was stuck into her face.

What a pleasant sight.

Nya froze, knowing that a single wrong move could easily send her to the First Spinjitzu Master.

She dared to take a quick glance at the person, seeing one of the mechanic's men smirking at her. So she waited. She waited in dead-silence, closing her eyes and anticipating every end that her predicament could lead up to.

The thing she was wondering in her head was why the person behind the gun wasn't doing anything. He was neither speaking nor moving.

Nor pulling the trigger for that matter.

Nya realized that the man had probably not seen the three other people Nya was with because they had presumably already stepped on the upper floor.

So when her Yin quickly commanded her to duck, she threw herself to the floor and immediately heard another body drop to the floor a second later, together with the sound of the gun dropping.

She looked at the thug and saw him twitching continuously before suddenly stopping and passing out.

Then she stood up and grabbed the man's gun. In that moment, she heard soft footsteps rushing down and then found her boyfriend standing in front of her, checking her up and down for some type of injuries.

"You okay?" he whispered, taking her face into his hands and gazing into her eyes in worry.

"Yeah," Nya smiled, seeing him sigh in relief.

Jay nodded and quickly gave her a kiss to her forehead before letting her go and rushing to the front again.

As she watched Jay disappearing upstairs again, she looked down at the weapon in her hand.

She quietly snorted, knowing there was no way she was using a deadly weapon when she could just blast someone with a bubble of water that could easily knock them out with the right amount of force. The Water Ninja put the gun into the waistband of her gi before following the others upstairs.

Once they heard yelling and screeching, they realized they had to be close to the source of danger, so that immediately brought all of their senses on high alert.

"Give up, there's no point in fighting back," they heard Lloyd exclaim.

"Never! Come on, boys, let's-"

Before the mechanic's command could be finished, he was knocked out by a huge blow to his head, making him drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

"You're getting annoying," Jay told him sourly, looking down at his unconscious body.

All five of his men that had been shooting at Zane, who was in his Ice Jet, and Lloyd, who was on his green dragon, stopped what they were doing and looked at their fallen leader in shock.

"Drop your weapons and put your hands up," Lloyd told them in a warning tone which quickly made them cower in fear and do just what they were told.


"Thank you, ninja," the commissioner's deep voice said in a thankful tone.

The four looked at him and nodded at the same time.

"No need to thank us, commissioner. We only did our job," Lloyd told him humbly with his hands on his hips in that famous superhero stance.

Nya and Jay side-eyed each other and suppressed a laugh at their friend's behavior.

"We will send him to where he belongs, thank you once again," the commissioner sighed. "He's such an annoying villain, I don't know how you can still take him seriously," he mumbled, tipping his hat.

Jay shrugged. "Most of the time, we don't."

"Would it be illegal to detach his robo-arm?" Nya wondered.

The commissioner shrugged. "If it's against his will, then yes. But since it offers a fire hazard, we might need to replace it with a normal robotic arm. But I don't know yet, we'll see when the time comes."

After saying their goodbyes, the ninja watched as the police vehicles that were loaded with the thugs sped away. Lloyd then turned to his friends and rubbed his eyes.

"Let's just go home, I'm tired."

Without waiting for an answer, he created his dragon and flew away.

Zane looked at the couple and gave them a friendly smile. "I agree with Lloyd. I also require some rest. I will see you in the monastery, my friends."

The two nodded and let Zane fly away in his jet before turning to look at each other.

"Movie night?" Nya asked him, seemingly reading his mind.

Jay smiled. "Movie night," he confirmed.

Just when Nya nodded and started walking home, Jay's eyes widened which made him look back at the now-abandoned ship.

He looked back and forth between his girlfriend and the ship before he decided to run back to the sea vessel without a word.

When Nya turned around to ask him why he was so quiet, she noticed that he was gone which made her furrow her eyebrows. But before she could do anything about it, she saw him emerging from the ship and running back to her.

But this time, he was carrying something.

Something blue that he could barely keep in his arms.

Nya chuckled when he was close again. "You couldn't leave the dress behind, could you?"

He shook his head, grinning. "It just looks way too good on you to abandon it like this."

"You're such a dork," Nya laughed, yet she didn't find it in her to disagree.

"I know," Jay told her cheekily while walking beside her. "But you love me anyway."

Nya sighed, looking ahead.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

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