Just An Old Friend (Part 2)

Didn't expect this now, did yaaaa?

Jay took a sip of his orange juice as he watched his friends eat their breakfast. It was the next day and his conversation with Nya about her former friend had been put on ice.

However, his mind wouldn't leave him alone. What did Nya do with the message? Did she reply to him? He hoped she didn't, but there was a high chance she did, and that fact bothered him a lot.

He looked to his left to see his girlfriend peacefully munching on her avocado toast while listening to her brother as he was talking about how he needed to buy new hair gel once again.

He smiled, taking a bite of his own sandwich. Nya was a wonderful person, how could anyone ever treat her like that? Or did she do anything bad? But no, there was no way in hell Jay would ever think that.

He knew his lover had a golden heart.

"Master Wu, could I talk to you for a second?"

Jay was immediately pulled out of his thoughts when he heard his Yang speak up. He was immediately intrigued; what did she want to talk about?

Wu, who had just walked into the dining room, nodded and went out again, waving for Nya to follow. She quickly swallowed down her bite and finished up her dark coffee. Then she got up, gathered her mug, utensils and plate and put them in the sink before heading out of the room.

Jay watched his girlfriend's every move and waited for her to look back at him so that he could throw her a questioning look, but she never glanced back at him.

Perplexed, he looked at the others who paid minimum attention to her, too focused on their own conversation.

"Do you guys know what they're gonna talk about?" Jay asked the other four boys.

They all turned their heads toward him. "Not one bit, but I doubt it's something too important." Cole said.

"Yeah, I'm sure she would talk to us first if there was anything." Lloyd agreed.

Jay nodded absentmindedly, looking down at his plate. He didn't want to spy on his girlfriend, but now...

No, he could never spy on his own Yang. He trusted her, she would tell him everything!

Then why hadn't she told him what she wanted to talk to Wu about?

Before Jay could jump into any conclusions, he heard footsteps walk into the dining room. Expecting to see Nya again, he shot his head up, only to be met with his master.

He raised an eyebrow. "Where's Nya?"

"She asked me if she could skip training for today to visit her parents." Wu stroked his beard.

Jay raised an eyebrow. She hadn't told him she wanted to go to her parents' that day.

Kai seemed to be just as confused. "I didn't know that... I would've wanted to go as well." He crossed his arms in front of his chest, pouting like a little child.

Cole patted his back, laughing. "Don't think about it too much. You'll get your last three brain cells overworked again."

Kai groaned and punched him in the side, obviously not hard enough to hurt his friend.

Jay frowned to himself, taking another sip of his orange juice. He inspected the glass in his hand closely, swirling the last few orange droplets inside.

He counted the points in his head. First, Nya tried to ignore everything about the message. Then, she kept the fact that she was going to visit her parents from her own boyfriend which was very suspicious, considering the fact that the couple would tell each other everything. And lastly, she didn't even say goodbye. Not even a little kiss or anything.

Very suspicious.

Jay then sighed, knowing exactly what his Yang was up to.

He excused himself and put his dishes into the sink before heading out of the room. On the way over to his bedroom, he pulled his phone out of his pocket to check if Nya had sent him anything which wasn't the case. Hissing, he increased his pace.

He stormed into his room and locked the door before looking at his phone. He hated what he was doing, but to him, it was necessary.

He opened the 'Find Friends' application and looked for Nya's location.

Luckily, her location was turned on. And just as he had expected it, Ignacia wasn't even close to where she was. He frowned when he realized she was in a park near the borderline of Ninjago City and Nom.

He took a deep breath before going over to his closet to change into some regular clothes. He decided to sneak out of his window because he surely couldn't talk to the others.

What would he tell them, 'Hey, just wanted to say that Nya might be in trouble or whatever and she's not really in Ignacia but in some park'? Nah, Nya would kill him.

Master Wu was going to kill him for sneaking out, for sure. And the others would kill him for leaving them alone in training with Wu's wonderful training methods.

The Blue Ninja jumped down from cliff to cliff and rock to rock. He moved as fast as lightning, but that wasn't at any doubt anyway.

Once he was down the mountain, he sprinted as far away from the monastery as possible at a record speed.

He knew the location of the park very well, he used to go there with his parents a lot whenever they had visited the city for their business. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't been to that park in many years.

As he came closer to the city, he could hear the honks of cars and buses. It was pretty early for them to be this loud in a busy city, but it was in Ninjago, there was always something up.

Jay stopped sprinting once he entered the busy streets of Ninjago City. He usually liked going through that part of his home realm, mostly because he loved the attention other people were giving him, but now that was the least he needed.

He speed-walked past many people and many crowds. He groaned once he realized there was a crowd behind him which seemed to recognize him. So he walked inside an alleyway and kept walking until there was no more to walk. So he jumped on the brick wall and climbed up the building. Once he was up, he let out a sigh of relief and started jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

Once there were no more rooftops to jump onto, Jay jumped down on the side of the street and began speed-walking again.

"Excuse me?"

He abruptly stopped in his tracks and turned around to see a little girl, maybe four or five years old, standing behind him with a notebook in her hands which she was holding close to her chest.

Jay looked back and forth between the girl and the way he was going before he turned back to the girl and crouched down to her level.

"Hello, little one." He smiled. It was obvious that he was in a hurry but the child didn't seem to neither mind nor care.

"Hello, Mr Ninja sir!" She beamed.

Jay chuckled. "You can call me Jay."

"Thank you, Mr Ninja Jay sir!" She beamed just as happily before holding her blue notebook out for him. "Can I please have your autograph?"

He laughed, taking the notebook. Then he opened it to see many drawings of mostly unicorns and some poorly drawn portraits of the Blue Ninja himself inside.

Jay smiled. "These are very good drawings, sweetie." Then he looked at her. "What's your name?"

"I'm Amy!" The girl smiled.

"Do you have a pen for me, Amy?"

The little girl nodded before handing him a blue pen which was covered in glitter and pink heart stickers. Jay opened a free page before writing down his signature. He made sure to add some small lightning bolts and hearts for the emphasis.

Then he closed the book again and handed it back to her. "Alright, Amy, I'm sorry but I really have to-"

"Can I get a hug, Mr Ninja Jay sir?" Amy interrupted, making Jay groan on the inside.

Nonetheless he nodded. She practically threw herself onto Jay, making him laugh as he embraced her back. He patted her back a few times before pulling away.

"Where are your parents?" He asked her.

She hummed. "They're not here."

Jay frowned. "Then where are they?"

Amy smiled almost sadly. "I don't have parents. I live in that orphanage." She pointed at a big building across the street.

The Blue Ninja looked at the orphanage as he felt his throat tighten. He slowly looked back at the girl who seemed to be bursting with happiness as she was looking back at him.

"Amy, I have something very important to do now, but I promise I'll come over and visit you as soon as I can, okay?" He smiled, trying to keep his sadness to himself.

The girl gasped. "Really?!"

Jay nodded.

She cheered as she threw herself back into Jay's arms. "Can you bring Nya too?" She asked after pulling away.

At the mention of his girlfriend's name, Jay froze for a second before smiling again. "Sure." Then he ruffled her short, brown hair. "Now go back before anyone notices you're missing, okay?"

"Okay!" She beamed before shyly saying goodbye and walking back inside the orphanage.

Jay watched her until he couldn't see her anymore before standing up and making his way over to his Yang's location.

He went through his hair with his hand as he tried his best to forget about Amy's story for now. As he kept walking, he realized he was close to the park so he pulled out his phone and looked at where exactly Nya was.

He sighed when he realized she was deep in the park. Jay turned his phone on silent mode before finally entering the park. There were many people, mostly parents with their children, walking and talking along the walkways. Jay sped past all of them in an attempt to get away before any of them could recognize him which luckily no one did, or at least no one made an attempt to talk to him.

Looking at every direction possible, Jay just hoped that Nya was okay. Yet he was sure she was since she wasn't one to easily give into the enemy.

His thoughts wandered back to the message he had read the previous day. It didn't really sound nice, especially the insult that Rick had thrown in as if it was something normal.

Jay's feet started to ache a little as all he was doing was walking along different paths. All he could see around him were huge trees and many bushes. His mind started to even play some tricks on him, making him think he would find her body inside of one of the bushes. He shook his head, hoping his thoughts wouldn't turn out to be true.

Once he was sure he heard some familiar voices, he followed them until he walked up to a distant area inside the park. He hid behind a bush to make sure he was as hidden as possible, though his blue outfit choices were quite easy to spot if anyone were to focus on the bush.

He groaned at the scene in front of him. A boy, around the age of twenty to twenty-three, tall, black hair, slim, tanned skin, was standing in front of Nya who's face Jay couldn't see since she was turned to him with her back.

Jay couldn't really make out what they were talking about so he quietly detached himself from the bush and made sure to move as slowly as possible. He then made his way over to another bush which was a bit closer to the two and watched them carefully.

He saw Nya looking at the boy both confused and enraged. "So you're telling me you just want to act like nothing ever happened and be friends again?!" She asked furiously.

The boy scratched the back of his neck, chuckling drily. "I mean, it's been a long time ago-"

"So?! Don't you remember what you did to me?" Nya exclaimed.

Rick sighed, getting more seriously. "Really, Nya? Aren't you a ninja now? Just get over it already." He rolled his eyes.

Nya looked at him as if he were crazy before scoffing. "Of course. You're still the same. And here I thought that maybe we could figure things out."

She turned around to leave, but once she felt a hand on her bicep trying to stop her, she turned back around to see Rick looking annoyed at her.

Jay's breathing hitched as he watched it all. He was ready to step into the scene but held himself back as he saw his girlfriend kick Rick in the stomach, making him let go of her and clutch his stomach tightly.

"Don't touch me!" Nya warned, making Jay smile proudly behind the bush.

Rick cursed under his breath before standing up straight again. "Look, missy, all I'm tryna do is redeem myself. You can play hard-to-get as much as you want but that won't work with me. Either take it or leave it." He said.

Nya hummed. Then she put her hands into her pockets and nodded slightly. "Welp, it was nice knowing you, bud." She said before stepping away and making her way to leave.

Rick muttered something under his breath, his expression enraged. He opened his jacket and began to fumble around.

Jay snickered behind the bush. He loved it when his Yang was that savage.

However, his expressions went from gleeful to high alerted once he realized what Rick was doing inside of his jacket.

The Blue Ninja gasped when he watched as the other male pulled out a small, black handgun. He looked at Nya to see her carelessly walking, so he assumed she wasn't aware of the situation.

Jay instinctively jumped up from his hiding spot and ran up to Rick as he cocked his weapon and was aiming it straight at Nya's head from behind.

The Master of Lightning gave his all as he sprinted over to Rick. "NYA, LOOK OUT!" He screamed as he tackled Rick to the ground.

However, one shot managed to get fired.

After that, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Nya, upon wondering what her boyfriend was doing there, slowly turned around as she heard a loud bang. She spotted him on top of Ryan as a black dot seemed to move closer to her face.

She instantly moved her entire weight to her upper body, making herself fall backwards, also making the bullet miss her by mere centimeters.

Once she hit the ground, she let the shock take over her body before calming herself down again.


She sat up and looked over at her boyfriend to see him casually beating Rick's face, making sure he wouldn't be able to fight back.

Nya held her heart as she nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine!" She yelled back.

Before anything else could happen, loud sirens were heard. Then four armed police officers entered the scene to see the Blue Ninja on top of a civilian and the Water Ninja sitting on the ground many feet away. The people in the park must've heard the gunshot.

Three police officers quickly ran up to Jay and Rick, their weapons drawn, just in case. The fourth officer ran over to Nya to make sure if she was okay.

Jay let the officers handle Rick and rushed over to his girlfriend.

"Nya! Nya, are you okay?" He asked as he slid to her side. He grabbed her head and looked for any injuries rapidly.

"I'm fine, Jay. The bullet missed me." She answered.

"Oh, thank god." Jay whispered as he pulled her into a bone crushing hug. He was close to tearing up but he knew that now was not the time.

The Blue Ninja then slightly pulled away to look at his Yang, his face a bit sterner. "Why didn't you tell me where you were going, Nya? And why didn't you tell me you answered him?"

She sighed, looking away. "I didn't think it was important."

Jay put his hand under her chin and made her look back at him. "Keeping these things from me isn't really a good thing, though. Imagine what could've happened if I didn't interfere." He looked at her sadly.

Nya hugged him again and rubbed his back. "I'm okay. You saved me, Sparky."

He sniffled. "But what if-"

"No, Jay, there are no 'what if's." She said. "Focus on what happened and not on what could've happened."

A police officer stepped next to the couple. "Miss Smith, do you require an ambulance?"

Nya shook her head. "No, thank you. I wasn't hit or anything."

"Alright. We will bring that man to our vehicle. Please come after us once you're okay. We need to ask you two some questions." The officer said. After receiving both of their nods, he walked away.

Jay turned back to Nya. "No more moving behind my back, okay? I'm not going to forgive myself if anything were to happen to you when I'm not even alerted." He pouted.

Nya smiled as she gave his lips a quick peck. "I promise."

Then he returned her gesture. "Good. Now let's go and get that dude behind bars before anything like this can happen again." He said before he stood up and pulled Nya up with him.

She smiled. "You're my hero." She whispered into his ear.

Jay immediately blushed. He tried to look for words but he wasn't able to get out a full sentence, making Nya giggle.

"I love it when you get flustered." She said as she took his hand and led the way.

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