Heads Are Important For Survival

"Where is it?" Nya asked herself as she threw the covers of her bed onto the other side, pulling a pillow down as well.

Then she grabbed the other pillow she had neatly sitting on the side of her bed before aggressively pulling it up and looking underneath it, finding, as expected, nothing.

She then groaned before pushing the pillow back down onto her bed, this time not caring how messy her bed looked.

After giving up on her bed, she moved on to her nightstand. She opened the silver chest she had been gifted by Kai for her seventeenth birthday two years ago and moved all the small things inside around.

Even though she could see many different necklaces and bracelets she usually never wore, the small remote to her flatscreen TV, a few pairs of bubblegum, peppermint TicTacs, and a few different colored pens, she still couldn't find what she was looking for. She closed the chest again before moving on to her closet.

After tearing down the doors to her closet, she went through her many gi's, sweatshirts and sweatpants, T-shirts, her pajamas, and other clothing, finding nothing. Then she looked down and shuffled through her sneaker collection with no luck whatsoever.

She grew more agitated the more minutes passed.

"Maybe it's in the bathroom," she thought out loud, tapping her chin.

Then she nodded to herself, agreeing to her own statement, and sprinted out of her bedroom towards the bathroom.

As she passed the living room, she made sure not to run but to walk down the hallway, hoping no one would catch on to her desperate and almost angry mood.

Once she successfully avoided the guys who were currently playing some video games together, she started speed-walking the last few steps down the hallway before stopping in front of the unoccupied bathroom.

She walked inside and shut the door before locking it immediately for no possible disturbances.

Then she turned around and headed straight for the sink. Nya opened the upper cabinet and looked around, only seeing some painkillers, a pack of pads they had all agreed on storing there for Nya and other female visitors, and extra toothbrushes and toothpastes.

Sighing, she closed the cabinet before kneeling down and opening the cabinet underneath the sink.

There she could see spare white towels and toilet paper, but nothing else.

Nya then went over to the bathtub and looked inside, finding nothing but a lonely, red bar soap lying inside.

She rolled her eyes. Kai.

Before she exited the bathroom again, she went over to the toilet and pulled the lid up, peeking inside.

Hey, desperate times require desperate measures!

Anyways, just as she got to the door handle to exit, she heard a knock.

"Whoever's in there, hurry up!"

Upon hearing her Yin's voice, she internally panicked. Then she broke out of her trance and went back to the toilet.

"Almost done!" she yelled back at him just before she flushed the toilet and went over to the sink to wash her hands.

After drying them quickly, she opened the door and low and behold, there stood Jay.

"The bathroom is all yours," Nya said as she stepped out and then went to stand to the side so that Jay could pass her on his way in.

He chuckled before he slung his arm around her waist and left a kiss on her forehead, mumbling a quiet, "thank you, my love."

They both smiled brightly at each other as Jay removed his arm from her body again and went into the bathroom, locking it.

Nya left out a breath she had been holding in and headed away. She had looked everywhere, but there weren't even any traces.

She decided to let the matter go for a bit of time before she would start panicking again and went into the living room.

Lloyd and Kai were currently playing a round of Prime Empire which drew their entire attention to the game, whereas Cole and Zane, who were cheering the others on, saw her as she plonked herself down on the other couch.

Cole stopped his shouting and bent down to the ground before lifting himself back up again with an unopened can of Coca Cola. He held it up for her to see. "Coke?"

She nodded and reached out for it. "Sure, thanks."

"No problem."

"So, who's winning?" Nya asked while lazily opening her can.

"Me!" Lloyd exclaimed.

Nya took a sip of her beverage. "Go Lloyd!"

Kai then gasped mockingly. "You're supposed to be on my side, sis!"

"Nah, I don't feel like it today," she responded curtly.

Kai rolled his eyes which was a big mistake since he quickly realized he needed both eyes on the screen to actually play.

After a few more minutes of Cole and Nya cheering Lloyd on, the Fire Ninja gasped. Then he jumped out of his seat, throwing the controller down which hit the floor rather harshly, and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"I DID IT!" Then he turned to Lloyd who was leaning into his seat and crossing his arms while looking away, annoyed. "I WON AND YOU LOST! I WON AND YOU LOST! I WON AND YOU-"

"Boo!" Nya yelled, earning Kai's attention. She threw her empty can at her brother's head. Then she eyed Lloyd who reluctantly looked back at her. "I was really rooting for you, but I'll never make that mistake again," she said seriously.

"It wasn't my fault!" Lloyd defended, earning a chuckle from Cole.

The Earth Ninja walked up to his blonde friend and smacked him lightly across his head. "Whose fault was it then if it was only you and Kai playing?"

Lloyd glared at him before standing up. Then he glared at all three of them. "I will go to Pixal now, at least she appreciates my efforts."

With that, he left the room.

The remaining three looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.

"Alright, what did I miss?" Jay asked as he stepped into the living room, chuckling. "There has to be a reason why Lloyd pushed me against a wall when the corridor isn't even that narrow."

Kai smirked. "I beat him in Prime Empire."

"Of course you did," Jay said, rolling his eyes. He headed over to Nya and plonked himself down next to her.

She smiled as she was pulled into his side with his arm comfortably resting around her waist. By their close proximity, she could feel his breathtaking scent which made her instantly feel more relaxed.

The two watched as Zane and Cole selected their avatars and started a new game.

While they watched the two boys playfully duel each other, they snuggled closer together.

Nya rested her head against his shoulder while she put her hand on his chest. That was when her eyes widened, her body instantly tensing up.

Sensing her change in body language, Jay turned to her. "Everything okay?"

Nya swallowed before going back to her former position. "Yeah."

Jay slowly nodded, not entirely convinced but not wanting to pry.

As everyone around her seemed to be doing what they were doing (Zane and Cole playing and Jay and Kai cheering them on), Nya allowed her thoughts to consume her.

She had a very bad feeling nagging her, and knowing the source of it made everything ten times worse. For a second, she considered talking about it and asking for help, but being the stubborn and independent person she was, she refused.

In fact, she was scared of Jay's reaction if he were to find out.

"Nya?" a voice asked quietly, though Nya was too focused on her thoughts to actually realize.

"Nya!" the voice said a tad bit more forcefully, immediately snapping her out of it.

She looked back at Jay and blinked before realizing Zane's avatar was hugely displayed on the television screen while doing a victory dance with a trophy in his hands and Cole sulking in his seat while Kai was staring at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Are you sure you're okay? You were out of it for a good five minutes," Jay stated, making Nya internally curse.

"Yep, just thinking about what to make for dinner," she quickly made up, mentally congratulating herself on the quickness of her lie.

It was a good thing that it was Thursday, meaning it was her task to cook for the entire day.

At the mention of dinner, Cole was then reawakened from his sulking state and beamed at her. "Can you make Miso Soup? Or some curry rice? Oh, or-"

"I'm up for tacos," Kai said, making Cole gasp.

"Oh, my God, yes! Tacos!"

Nya hummed. "Do we have all the ingredients?"

"Yes, we should," Zane answered.

Shrugging, Nya nodded. "Fine then, tacos it is."

Cole jumped up from his seat and cheered. Then he started doing a little dancy dance while singing, "It's raining tacos... from out of the sky."

Kai grinned before joining him. "Tacos, no need to ask why."

"Just open your mouth and close your eyes," Cole continued as the two headed for the door of the living room.

"It's raining tacos!"

Even though the two were now out of the room, you could hear them continuing singing the taco song from a mile away.

Jay chuckled as he turned to Nya. "I think they like tacos."

"Now what gave you that idea?" Nya asked, smirking. Then she detached herself from her boyfriend and stood up. "I'm gonna start on the tacos before they decide to monitor me in the kitchen. Like last time. And the time before last time."

"That would be a good idea. I would not want to freeze their feet onto the roof again," Zane nodded, smiling.

"Don't be so relaxed, Zane. They could still show up at any minute," Nya told him seriously.

"Of course. I will be at your service as long as you can help me in finding a good birthday present for Pixal."

Nya smirked. "You know I'd do that anyway."

"And you know I would freeze the others' feet to the floor anyway, too," Zane smirked back.

The Water Ninja walked up to her robotic friend and bumped his fist, both laughing.

Jay smiled. "I thought I was your partner in crime?" he asked Nya playfully.

"That's what I want everyone to think. That way no one will suspect our innocent-looking, kindhearted Zane here."

Jay then gasped. "So you've only been using me for your own benefit this whole time?"

Nya nodded, smiling. "Yes, pretty much so."

Then, when Jay pouted and looked away, she walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, you will always be my favorite," she assured him.

"I know," he responded with a cheeky grin on his face.

"I should better go and start now," Nya said before exiting the room and heading for the kitchen.

Once she entered the empty room, she sighed, heading for the fridge to get started. As she prepared the filling of the tacos, she allowed her thoughts to consume her once again.

If she were to tell Jay, he could — no, he would — take it the wrong way and probably distrust her in the future.

Heck, he was keeping it like a holy artifact. She had been, too, but could she really be blamed for losing it for only once in close to two years?

Nya decided on giving up of thinking about the consequences of her negligence when she knew the outcome would be bad for her either way.

As she was cutting some onions, she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist from behind, slightly startling her.

"You seem too tense today," her boyfriend mumbled against her ear before nibbling on it.

Nya couldn't help but giggle when his lips tickled her earlobe. "I don't think so."

Jay hummed. "I sure do."

"Then what makes you think that?" she asked, tilting her head to the side to allow him access to her neck.

"I don't know," he said before placing a featherlight kiss to her neck. "I just do."

"Hmm, that doesn't sound like a valid reason."

"But it is, though," Jay countered, pressing a harder kiss to her neck. Then he frowned to himself. "Why does it smell so weird in here?"

Nya chuckled. "Have you not once noticed what exactly I'm doing?"

At that, Jay looked down at the counter and immediately turned his face away from the halfway cut onions.

Nya laughed as she continued cutting. "Don't be like that, you like onions."

"Yeah, but not raw."

"Well, they're healthier in a raw state. I thought you'd know that from your mom," Nya told him.

"Oh, believe me, I do. But you'd react the same way when you've been told to eat raw onions as much as I was," Jay answered.

Nya shrugged. "And to think you would be used to it by now," she mused.

"Hey, don't mock me!" Jay playfully exclaimed, laughing.

"What?" she asked, laughing as well. "Onions are good, you are not. End of discussion."

Her boyfriend gasped. "That's not true! I'm better than some onions!"

"Then prove it," Nya said, putting the knife down and turning around in his embrace.

"And how would I do that?"

"Simple," the Master of Water said before she turned back around and grabbed an onion slice. "Eat this now and I won't bring it up again."

Jay eyed the onion suspiciously before looking back at Nya. "What's the catch?"

Nya chuckled. "There is no catch."

"But if I eat it, I'll have bad breath," her Yin countered. "And having bad breath means no more kisses until after dinner."

Nya bit her lip, thinking. Then she groaned and threw the onion back onto the cutting board. "Since when are you this smart?"

"I've always been this smart, sweetheart," Jay smirked. "I just never show it."

Nya rolled her eyes. "Yeah, sure."

"It's true. It's what you love about me the most."

"That is not true."

"You're right," Jay chuckled. "What you love about me most is my charm and gentlemanliness."

"Absolutely not."

"Or maybe it's just my amazing sense of humor-"

"Just shut up and kiss me already," Nya mumbled under her breath before crashing her lips to his to shut him up.

She could practically feel his smirk against her lips, making her mentally curse at the amount of time he was spending around her brother. Nonetheless, Jay quickly responded to her kiss.

Noticing how his girlfriend wasn't putting her hands on him, he pulled back a little. "Why won't you touch me?" he asked as he stared at her lips.

"I've just cut some onions, you dork," she answered, making him chuckle.


Then they went back to kissing again, ignoring everything around them.

Even the two people that were now standing in the doorway and waiting for them to finish impatiently. After a few more seconds of just staring at the couple as they were practically exchanging saliva, they couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright, that is enough PDA for today, people," Kai announced while walking up to the two.

As he neared them, he was stopped by Nya's hand that was held out for him while she didn't yet decide on quitting her make out session.

Jay wasn't that bothered to stop either.

"You need to stop before I burn down your clothes," Kai warned before widening his eyes at his own statement. "The ones in your closets, I mean. N-Not the ones you're wearing right now," he clarified.

Chuckling, Cole walked up to Kai and put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Let's give them their privacy. And in the meantime, we can raid Jay's room and look through his things." Then he smirked while looking at his best friend. "We could rummage around in his drawers, especially the last one."

Both Jay and Nya's eyes shot open and they sprung apart in a matter of seconds. They looked at Cole who was smirking at them.

Kai was looking between the three of them and frowned. "What's so bad about his drawer?"

Cole shrugged lazily while grinning at Jay. "I don't think you want to know, Kai."

"If it involves my sister, I need to know. Otherwise, I don't give a single crap about Jay's stuff," Kai stated.

Cole hummed. "In a way it does involve Nya," he mused. "Unless Jay has some other businesses he-"

"Alright, I never gave you permission to be in my room, Cole," Jay said.

"Maybe because I never asked," the Master of Earth rolled his eyes.

Jay sighed, looking at Nya. "I'll lead them to the living room to play some games."

Nya nodded. "Yes, please."

As Jay shooed Kai and Cole through the doorway, Nya turned back around and picked up the knife again to continue cutting the white onions. She sighed, coming down from both the adrenaline of the kiss her and Jay shared and Cole's statement.

"What a day," she muttered to herself, sighing.

Once dinner came around, the whole family gathered around the dinner table and filled their plates with two tacos each. As they all started eating, they made some small talk and laughed and reflected on various different fights they had recently and exchanged tactics.

After they were all full, they collected their plates and cutlery and brought them to the sink in the kitchen. Since it was Kai's turn to wash the dishes for the day, he quickly put his hairnet on and went to work.

While walking out of the room, Jay sneakily put his hand in Nya's and smiled at her. "Movie night?"

Nodding happily, Nya agreed and led him to his bedroom.

"Alright, romance, comedy or horror?" Nya asked as she sat down on Jay's bed and grabbed his laptop to log in.

"I'm up for a rom-com," Jay stated as he closed the door and walked over to the bed.

Nya nodded and scrolled through the many choices. Once she felt the bed dip down next to her, she let him embrace her against this side and placed the laptop between the two of them.

When they finally decided on a specific movie, Nya clicked play and ultimately let herself get snuggled against Jay.

Halfway through the movie, they watched as the two main characters argued over who got to pay for their dinner.

Jay chuckled, turning to look at Nya. "I remember those times," he sighed happily, staring off into the distance. "When we used to constantly fight over who pays for what."

Nya snorted. "Don't we still do that?"

"That's true," Jay nodded, kissing her forehead. "But I'd rather appreciate it if my Yang would just let me be a gentleman and let me pay," he smirked.

His girlfriend visibly gulped before looking back at the movie. "You know I won't let that happen so easily."

"And you know I'll always try to make it happen."

Nya nodded, hoping the conversation would end again.

"Are you alright, Nya?"

Yeah, maybe hoping wasn't enough.

As much as Nya wanted to nod and continue to act like nothing was bothering her, she couldn't take it anymore. So, she paused the movie and turned her body to look at Jay.

"No," she swallowed. "I'm not."

"What's wrong?" Jay asked, taking her hand and squeezing it.

Nya looked into his eyes, seeing nothing but concern, before looking away and not being able to take a second glance at him.

She sighed. "I've lost my part of our Yin-Yang medallion," she blurted out before quickly explaining. "You see, when I woke up, it was still around my neck, but after I took a shower and got dressed, it wasn't there anymore! I swear I've looked everywhere, but I just couldn't find it. And-And I really would've told you sooner but I was scared of your reaction because you always cherish yours, and I usually have, too, but now I've lost it and I'm incredibly sorry and if I could turn back time to find it again, I would, I promise. I understand if you think I'm irresponsible and not trustworthy anymore."

She closed her eyes shut, scared of actually seeing the disappointment in her lover's face. After a few seconds of utter silence, she opened one eye to look at his reaction.

And low and behold, he was grinning like an idiot.

"Why aren't you disappointed?" she asked cautiously.

Jay chuckled. "Took you long enough."


"I mean, it took you long enough to admit your mistake," he said before reaching into his pocket and pulling out her medallion.

Nya's eyes widened before she took it and examined it. "When and where did you find this?"

Jay held back his grin while he watched as Nya put her medallion around her neck and buried it underneath her shirt. "Remember when I had to go to the bathroom and you just came outside?"


"You were trying to hide the fact that you were distressed, but I could see right through you," he teased her. "And I wanted to ask what was wrong, but I really needed to pee, so I decided to finish my business first before going back to you. And, well, after I saw your medallion hanging down the shower head, I put one and one together and realized what was wrong."

"Oh," was all Nya said as she managed to remember how she had pulled her medallion off to shower and hung it on the shower head earlier that day. Then she became serious and glared at Jay. "And instead of just giving it back to me, you decided to keep it until I literally burst due to guilt?"

Jay grinned. "Pretty much."

Nya scoffed before punching his shoulder. "Do you know how scared I was?!"

She kept punching him until he actually started to feel pain, so he grabbed a hold of her fist and used her startled state to kiss her fist that immediately opened up by the touch of his lips.

"I'm sorry, my love," he muttered under his breath.

Nya sighed, trying to hold back the smile that was bound to appear on her lips. "You know I want to chop your head off now," she muttered back, causing him to laugh out loud.

"But I do need my head to survive."

"Well, there's only one way to find out if that's true," Nya smirked before she pulled a dagger out of seemingly nowhere.

Jay's eyes widened. "Where did that come from?!"

Nya shrugged, tracing the outline of the blade with her finger. Though she was then stopped by a hand that pulled her finger away.

"Stop that, you're gonna hurt yourself," Jay mumbled as he examined her finger to look for any blood which, luckily for him, wasn't there. Then he kissed her finger and took the dagger out of her hand and threw it across the room. "No more blades for you."

Nya gaped at him. "But I'm constantly around blades! I'm a ninja, remember?"

Jay aggressively shushed her before pulling her back into his side and pushing her down to lay on his bed next to him. "Start the movie now."


"Start," Jay emphasized, "the movie now."

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