Happy Family

Set after season 14, Seabound.
(This story has nothing to do with any of my previous ones, just fyi)

Nya tore open the car door of the earth drill and threw herself onto the driver's seat. She closed the door, locked the entire vehicle, and rolled all the windows up.

She turned on the engine so that her sobbing wouldn't be heard from the outside.

Right, she was crying. Why? Well, it's a long story...

You see, it had been about three months ever since she became a human made out of blood, flesh, organs, and whatever a human usually consists of again.

And boy, was she happy to be back! Her family was just as hyped about her return, and everything seemed to be back to normal. She was a ninja again, fighting poorly trained villains and training as she used to. She could also get back to creating new vehicles and mechs, together with Pixal.

All in all, she was pretty happy. She felt as if her life was complete again.

One of the many reasons why she was so happy was because of the fact that she could be with her Yin again. And he was just as happy, that was for sure.

But here was the thing, Nya hadn't been on her period ever since she was back... three months ago.

No, she had not been intimate with Jay for the whole time being.

And no, she had not cheated on him either.

So why couldn't she be on her period?


Nya woke up because of some sort of abdominal pain that morning, so she ran up to the bathroom and accidentally burst inside without a warning and scared Kai who was sitting on the toilet while being on his phone.

After apologizing to him, and lecturing him on locking the door when occupying the bathroom, Nya left the bathroom and waited until her brother was done before she stormed inside again and locked the door behind her.

She was quite happy that she would finally be on her period again after all this time, however she groaned in frustration when she couldn't see anything red anywhere.

After finishing her business, she had enough of it all and went back to her room. She quickly googled her gynecologist's number and explained her situation. Then they made an appointment for the afternoon and hung up.

Nya used to never really talk about her period with the guys unless they had burning questions or she had to get something off her chest. She would always tell them when she was on her period though, for ninja business and stuff, but it was never anything detailed.

Jay used to always be her comfort 'item', though.

However, she hadn't told anyone about her not being on her period for three months, so she kept the fact that she was going to the doctor to herself.

Since the guys were too focused on their video games, Nya shortly told them she was going outside for some fresh air and left the monastery, seemingly convincing everyone.

The Master of Water chose to take the earth drill and quickly made her way over to Ninjago City. After a short ride, she parked the vehicle in a quiet corner and walked the last few steps inside the building.

She sat in the waiting room for about fifteen minutes before she could finally be checked on.

"Miss Nya Smith, please attend to room number seven. A doctor will be there shortly." A woman's voice announced through the loudspeakers in the room.

Nya immediately got out of her seat and rushed up to the room with the number seven hung right in the middle of the white door. She opened the door and walked inside a basic, typical doctor's office.

She sat down on the stretcher and pulled out her phone, trying to distract herself while waiting for the doctor. After the doctor walked inside, Nya explained everything with the whole merging with the sea and stuff, just in case that person were to live under a rock.

Then the doctor told Nya they needed to make some tests. After around two hours of making the tests and remaking them, just in case they were incorrect, Nya finally had the chance to find out what was wrong with her.

The results were quite shocking, for sure.

The doctor looked at the young adult sadly. "You have amenorrhea."

"A-men-o-what?" Nya frowned.

The other person gulped. "It means that you're not able to be on your period."

"But why?" The Water Ninja asked.

"Miss Smith-"

"Just 'Nya', please."

"Okay, Nya... I don't know how to say this, but we've never had a case like yours before." The female doctor looked into the young adult's eyes. "Since you have been nothing but water for quite some time, it was obvious for you to skip your period for a while. However, since you have a normal body now again, your menstrual cycle is usually supposed to go on regularly again."

"Then why hasn't it started yet? It's been three months."

"We don't know. We have run multiple tests on you to figure out why, but we've only come to the conclusion that you have amenorrhea. We haven't been able to find out the reason."

Nya gulped in realization. "This is only temporary, right?"

The doctor sighed. "I'm afraid not."

Nya's eyes widened. "But doesn't that mean I won't be able to..." She stopped, realizing she didn't want to say it out loud.

With only a slow nod, Nya received her answer. Glumly, she left the building and walked back to the earth drill.

End of flashback.

Nya was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of her phone. She pulled out her phone and looked at the lock screen, only to see quite some messages that were on her phone for a while.

Sparky: Where are you?

Sparky: And what's taking you so long?

Sparky: Is there an emergency? Would you want me to come to you?

Greenie: Wherever you are, bring me cheese dip ASAP. It's a food emergency!

Bro: Sis, where are you? Jay is literally freaking out right now! He thinks you're dead or something... you're not, are you?

Greenie: I mean, would you please bring me some cheese dip? I'll give you back the money later.

Sparky: Nya???

*one missed call from Sparky*

*one missed call from Sparky*


*one missed call from Sparky*

Nya sighed, knowing she had to respond, or else Jay would freak out even more and would call the police or something. However, she didn't feel like talking to anyone, so she texted them all instead in their private chat rooms.

(With Jay)

Me: I'm fine, Jay.

Me: I got a bit distracted.

Me: I'll be back in less than an hour, don't worry.

(With Kai)

Me: I just texted him.

Me: And no, I'm not dead.

(With Lloyd)

Me: I'll make sure to buy you some.

Without waiting for any responses, Nya turned her phone on silent mode and put it away.

She sighed, wiping away her tears with her black gloves. She knew she needed to talk to Jay about her problem, but she was scared.

Even though they had never really talked about becoming a family of their own in the near future, it was quite obvious that Jay wanted to have children with Nya sometime in the future.

And although Nya never really felt ready to become a mother, being with her Yin made her realize that being parents together would be something she'd enjoy.

But now... that wasn't possible anymore.

How was she going to tell him?

Just ignoring everything was most probably not an option, she was too winded up by the news and he would probably figure out that something was wrong with her, anyways.

But if she were to tell him, she could hurt him. What if he would leave her? What if becoming a parent in the future was more important to him than his current infertile girlfriend?

Nya had always been thinking about her being easily replaceable, he was one of the most known, and handsome, people of all of Ninjago, after all.

He would probably be able to find a perfect replacement out of thousands of his fangirls.

But Nya didn't want him to break up with her. However, she had also always wanted what was best for him, and now that that won't be happening anymore, she came to the conclusion that the days of her relationship were counted.

She sighed, knowing it was inevitable at that point.

So she decided to drive back to the monastery. Before she arrived, though, Nya stopped at a gas station to quickly buy Lloyd his requested cheese dip.

After she parked the vehicle in the underground, not-so-secret-anymore base inside of the mountain, she stepped inside the elevator which brought her upstairs, into the monastery.

It was quiet, so everyone was probably in their own rooms, she assumed. So she walked up to Lloyd's bedroom and knocked. In only a few seconds, the door was yanked open, revealing a tired looking blonde on the other side.

At the sight of the dip in her hands, his face lit up. Before he could look for his wallet, Nya handed him the dip. "No need to pay me back, Greenie."

Lloyd smiled. "Thanks!"

Nya forced a smile for him and walked away, hearing his door shutting from behind her. Her face then fell and she sighed, making her way over to her boyfriend's bedroom door. She knocked, however no one responded.

She quietly opened the door, just in case he were to be asleep, but he was not in his room at all. Nya frowned before she realized he had to have been in the workshop, so she walked up to that room.

Before even stepping inside, she could hear some muffled grunts and sighs through the door. Once opening it, she saw her Yin sitting on the desk, leaning over a set of papers.

She made sure to force every part of her body to act normal, so she chuckled and walked over to him. "I'm back."

Jay's head immediately shot up and into her direction, his eyes reflecting worry, exhaustion, and happiness. "Finally, where have you been?"

Nya smiled. "I was on a walk and got distracted for a bit. But that's not important now because I'd like to know what's gotten you so frustrated."

Her boyfriend looked back at the blueprints in front of him and the pencil in his hand. "I've been thinking about creating a new motorcycle, but I just can't figure out where to put the engine without it having to be too small." He then put the pencil down and rubbed his eyes before standing up and walking over to her to pull her into a hug.

The Water Elemental embraced him back and rested her chin on his shoulder, trying to enjoy the moment for as long as it lasted before she would never be able to feel his embrace again.

"Now I'd like to know what's gotten you so distracted." He whispered into her ear which sent shivers down her spine.

She reluctantly pulled away and looked into his eyes for a split second before looking down at her hands. She bit her lip on the inside of her mouth, trying to figure out a way to put the right words into her mouth without sounding too harsh or sad.

But no matter how much she thought about it, she assumed there was no sensitive way to put it.

Nya sighed. "I have a confession to make."

Jay nodded, waiting for her to go on. He noticed her discomfort, which was why he put his hand on her biceps and squeezed it reassuringly.

"I... didn't really go on a walk."

"Then where did you go?" He asked.

His Yang hesitated before she built up the courage to look into his eyes. "I went to the doctor."

Jay's eyes widened shortly. "Doctor? Why? Nya, is something wrong? Why didn't you tell me?"

Questions after questions, just like Nya had anticipated.

"I didn't want to make you worry, and I didn't think it was serious..." She fell silent.

"Nya, what's wrong?" Her Yin asked slowly, his voice covered in nothing but worry.

She tried her best to stay strong. "Jay, before I tell you, I want you to know that... I'd understand it if..." She took a deep breath. "... if you'd want to break up with me."

"B-Break up? I don't want to break up! What makes you think that?!"

Nya sighed before she stepped back from him, making him drop his hand from her arm. "I'm amenorrhoeic."

"What's that?" Jay frowned.

"It means I can't be on my period anymore." Nya answered plainly. She didn't look up at him, but she could feel he was either shocked or confused.

"Why?" He asked after a short silence.

"They couldn't find out why."

"But... isn't that a good thing? I mean, you won't be in pain anymore." He tried to sound optimistic.

Nya fell silent, she didn't know how to form her next sentence. She fiddled with her fingers while inspecting them. "Jay, you're missing the point..."

Jay now feared for what would come next. "Which is..?"

"I-" Her voice broke. "I'm infertile."

After that, the whole room fell quiet. Nya squeezed her eyes shut, anticipating the break up speech of her current boyfriend. The silence was speaking louder than words to her.

Then she released a shuddered breath and her eyes widened to the max. when Nya suddenly felt a pair of arms around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly. She then felt Jay's body shaking slightly. She wrapped her arms around his torso.

"What are you doing?" She whispered.

"You did not just really think I'd l-leave you just like that!" Jay exclaimed, hugging her even tighter.

"B-But don't you realize you'll never be able t-to have children of your own?" She stuttered out.

Jay pulled his head away to look at her, his grip on her still tight. "There will always be a way, Nya. And there's always alternatives, like adoption." He then chuckled slightly. "Since I know what it's like to be adopted, I'm sure another child would be happy to have us as parents in the future."

Nya let a tear roll down her face. "So you won't break up with me?"

He gave her a quick peck on her lips. "Of course not. I love you too much to."

She let out a dry laugh before she slowly laid her back against his chest, sniffing. "Thank you." She said quietly.

Feeling his arms around her tighten even more, she realized he must've heard it.

~ two months later ~

It was early in the morning when there were familiar sounds of Prime Empire ringing through the monastery.

"Cole, don't you dare take that coin!" Jay threatened as his avatar whacked a red visor with his nunchucks.

Cole's avatar seemed to walk back and forth for a quick while before following Jay's. "But the coin might help us in later levels."

Jay didn't avert his gaze from the TV screen as he quickly punched Cole's shoulder as a response.

The Black Ninja groaned. "Fine!"

Suddenly, they could hear heavy footsteps approaching the game room. Lloyd and Zane, who were talking about a critical new fighting technique Lloyd had suggested to start adding to their morning routine, stopped their little talk and looked towards the door. Kai was eating some leftover mac and cheese from the day prior while watching some TikToks on his phone.

Nya then burst through the door and tried to catch her breath. She looked around for Jay before looking at him with wide eyes.

"Nya, what's wrong?" He asked, pausing the game, making Cole groan.

"I'm on my period!" Nya panted.

Jay's eyes widened, the controller falling down from his hands. "What?"

"I'M ON MY PERIOD!" Nya screamed.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he stood up from the couch and walked up to her.

"Jay, I can tell when I see blood on my-"

Jay then screeched and scooped her up in his arms before running out of the game room.

The rest of the guys just shared weird looks before giving up on questioning anything about the couple, and went back to what they were doing.

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