Green Days
"The enemy is strong, but we are stronger," Wu said, walking from left to right very slowly, his hands clasped together behind his back. "They may be ahead of us, but we, my students, are smarter."
The six ninja were all standing in a straight line to the left of Master Wu, all of which looking ahead with stiff, military-like postures.
"All we need to know is when they'll strike again. And for that, we have found out that they're using a map. This map, to be exact," Wu continued, pushing a button on the remote to show the ninja a picture of the map they had to get their hands on. It was shown on the big monitor inside their base which they were currently in.
"Unfortunately for us, we were only able to have a shot of the backside of the map, and both Zane and Pixal were not able to find out what was written on the other side."
It was a rather blurry picture of the map. Its backside was a dirty shade of white, so all they could assume was that the front was also supposed to be white.
"Master Wu," Pixal's voice came from the stairs. They all turned to her to see her hurrying down the steps before running up to them.
Wu stopped and looked at her. "What is it, Pixal? Did you find something out?"
"Indeed, I did."
"Go on."
"I just got a call from Elton Morris," Pixal started.
The ninja looked at each other, confused. "Who?" Lloyd asked.
"He's a bartender at a bar called 'Green Days'. He told me that he saw one of their members entering the bar about two minutes ago," she informed them.
"Where is that bar?" Wu asked as he walked over to the table.
"It's in the middle of Ninjago City-"
"Oh no," Wu turned around to look at his students. "You need to get there as fast as possible. Stop them before they can do something irreversible."
"Pixal, did he say there was more than one or just that one dude?" Lloyd asked.
"He only said he saw one, but he wasn't sure if it would stay that way," Pixal answered.
"Alright, we have to go there quickly, then," Cole said.
"Wait!" Lloyd said quickly. "We need answers before we step into action."
"We need to stay undercover," Kai said, understanding what his friend was saying.
"Sit down, students. I have a plan," Master Wu told them.
The seven quickly walked over to the table and sat down on their usual spots. Master Wu was standing in front of them with his staff in his hand.
"You five-" he pointed at the five boys with his staff. "- will put on your best suits, try to look as professional as possible, and go in that bar, get your drinks, which will not contain any alcohol, and sit down. You'll try to find out whatever you can without making them realize you are the ninja."
"Pixal," he looked at her. "You will be staying here and following everything over the security cameras. If a fight breaks out, you will interfere."
"Now Nya," he turned to her. "You will dress up as a waitress and try your best to stay near them to get as much information as possible. You will not know any of the others and work like it's your everyday job."
"I object," Jay immediately said, raising his hand.
"Why is that, Jay?" Wu asked him.
"It's a bar we're talking about, Wu. There are probably all kinds of drunk men just looking for pretty women to-"
"It's fine, Jay, nothing will happen," Nya assured him.
"I have to agree with Jay here," Kai chimed in. "I won't let my little sis go through whatever the heck those men think of doing."
Nya rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine, guys. Besides, you'll be there too. If anything actually were to happen, you can interfere. Just don't think of coming up to me every two seconds."
When everyone shut up, Wu hummed in approval. "Alright, then it's set. Now go and change, try to get there as soon as possible!"
"Is everyone in position?" Lloyd asked through his communicator in his ear.
After everyone quickly said 'yes', Kai and Zane entered the bar first. They walked up to the counter and sat down on the barstools, waiting for someone to take their orders. As they were waiting, they seemingly started a conversation about something totally irrelevant as they looked around in the bar.
Their eyes darted from costumer to costumer as they were looking for the bad guys they were currently battling.
"And that is exactly why penguins are terrifying... psst, Zane, to your left," Kai hissed quietly.
"But we have the same left-"
"Just look to your left!"
Zane tried his best to look over at the table to his left as unnoticeable as possible to see four of the gang members they were looking for. They knew how their leader looked, so they could rule out that he was one of the ones inside the bar.
"What can I get for you?" A high pitched, nasally voice came from behind.
The two quickly turned around, only to widen their eyes. Standing there, behind the counter, was Nya who was obnoxiously chewing bubblegum, something very unusual for her. She was wearing a tight crop top which had one button undone and a knee-length skirt, both in white and green. It was the dress code for the bar, so all female waitresses were doomed to wear those things. Her hair wasn't in a high ponytail, but loosely falling down in black waves, and she was wearing a lot of make-up which was covering up the mole on her right cheek.
She was waiting impatiently as she was holding a white book and pen, giving them an unimpressed look as the chewing only got louder.
"Uhh," Kai swallowed. She was a great actress, but seeing his little sister in a place like that was too much for him. "I'll have a glass of lemonade."
Nya raised an eyebrow at him before she hummed and wrote down his order. Then she looked at Zane.
"I'll have the same as him, please," he smiled.
Nya blew a big bubble with her pink gum and let it pop before she left without saying another word.
After that, Kai quickly put his head slightly down and pushed the button on his intercom. "Guys, come inside, now! There's four at the table in the farthest left corner," he whispered.
"Understood," Lloyd answered him.
Just then, Cole, Lloyd and Jay entered the bar and shot a quick glance over at Zane and Kai before looking away and acting like they weren't familiar with them at all.
Luckily for them, there was a table to their left, so they quickly sat down. They tried to look over at the enemy's table to see the four members caught up in a conversation.
"Hello and welcome to Green Days, what can I get for you?"
All of their heads shot up and over at the voice. Nya gave them all unimpressed and warning looks, making them realize that she wasn't there to have a wonderful conversation with them.
"Three lemonades, please," Cole said, wrapping his arm around Jay's shoulders, knowing damn well that he was about to blow their cover.
Nya chewed her bubblegum loudly as she wrote down their orders. Then she looked back at them. "Anything else?"
"Nope, thanks," Lloyd said. He widened his eyes at her before his irises shot over to the table behind them and then back to Nya.
Nya raised her eyebrows at him, asking him silently if they were the enemy, to which Lloyd gave a tight nod.
"Your drinks will be here shortly," she nodded before walking away.
As she was walking over towards the kitchen, it was plainly obvious how most of the men inside were watching her disappearing form with lustful looks.
Jay muttered some choice words under his breath before trying to get up, yet he was yanked back down by his best friend.
"Jay..." Cole warned.
"What, Cole?" Jay said through gritted teeth, pulling Cole's hand off of his arm.
"We need to keep a low profile, Jay," Lloyd reasoned.
Jay growled quietly, something that definitely did not happen often. "Didn't you two see how everyone looked at her as if she were a piece of meat that everyone can get a piece of?!"
"Keep your voice down!" Lloyd quickly hissed.
"Believe me, we did, but right now there's nothing we can do," Cole told him.
Jay huffed and leaned back into his seat, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Just then, he saw how Nya got out of the kitchen, looking as stunning as ever in his eyes, and walked behind the counter. Then he realized Kai and Zane were the ones she was currently talking to.
"Here," Nya said, a bored look on her face, as she was handing Zane and Kai their glasses of lemonade. Before they could say anything other than thanking her, she walked away.
And just as Jay thought she was going to walk up to him, he realized she kept walking past their table. To be more specific, she was walking up to the enemy's table. His heart started racing when he saw how they were looking at her hungrily.
And believe me when I say it wasn't the 'I'm-hungry-for-a-burger' hungry.
"Welcome to Green Days, what can I get for you?" Nya asked, eyeing each one of the men as they were staring back at her with smirks on their faces.
Nya internally groaned, she knew that they were looking anywhere but her face.
"Hello, young lady," one of them said, making her turn to him.
He was wearing a gray shirt, which had some sort of stains all over it, and a leather jacket. Nya had to admit that he was pretty muscular based on the fact that his shirt was pretty tight, basically outlining his abs. Nonetheless, she was neither scared nor attracted.
"Hello. What can I get for you, sir?" She asked again.
When he didn't answer, she couldn't contain her eye roll before she looked at the other three men. They were all wearing black leather jackets, and all of them looked in their mid twenties. They definitely had more hair gel in their hair than Kai which was a first Nya had seen yet.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" Another man asked her, his voice deeper than the other dude's.
"Sir, I am only here to take your orders. I will return later if you haven't decided yet," Nya said before she turned around and started to walk away.
Just as she was about to walk past the boys' table, she felt a hand on her wrist which made her breath hitch. She didn't have to turn around to know it was one of them holding her back. Her eyes immediately darted over to Jay to see Cole holding him back in his seat as Jay was basically fuming with anger, she could see it.
She quickly pulled her hand out of his grasp and turned around, hissing under her breath when she saw it was the one who called her 'sweetheart'. "Is there something you need to tell me?"
"Indeed, there is. I would want to know what a beautiful girl like you is doing in a bar like this," he whispered into her ear, making a chill run down her spine.
"With all due respect, that is none of your business, sir," Nya gritted.
All five of the boys could feel how Nya was trying her best to stay calm as they were listening in on the uncomfortable conversation she had with that man.
It was a good thing that the group was split so well, because Zane was holding Kai back and Cole and Lloyd were holding Jay back. Imagine if Kai and Jay were alone now... yeah, all hell would break loose.
"Whatever they pay you, I can triple it anytime, cupcake. I'll only need you to repay me with what you can offer, that is," the man winked at her before he openly checked her out, his eyes landing on her chest for way too long for anyone's likings.
"I do not need your money... sir," Nya responded before she abruptly left and headed for the kitchen.
Once she was inside, there were only cooks who were in on the ninjas' mission, so they didn't question anything. Nya walked up to a quiet corner before pressing the button on her communicator.
"Guys, I am this close to slapping that bi-... man!" She exclaimed.
After a few seconds, Jay's voice came through. "I'll hold him still for you. Kick his nu-"
"Guys, remember the plan!" Lloyd hissed, trying his best to whisper. "Nya, go over to them and see if you can see the map."
"There ain't no way I'm going back to that pedo!" Nya objected. Then she remembered that she was supposed to be an undercover worker, so she rolled her eyes about her own behavior. "Correction, I'm on my way right now."
She grabbed the three lemonades and put them on a tray before she balanced it in her right hand and opened the door with her left one. She took her sweet time as she strutted over to the guys' table.
"Your lemonades," she announced before she placed their drinks in front of each of them. As she was handing Jay his drink, she looked at him and sighed, shaking her head slowly.
This entire mission was testing her limits, and she was definitely going to complain to the boys once they accomplished it.
She dreaded going back to the other table, yet she knew there was nothing she could do at the moment.
"Have you decided what you are going to have?" She asked in a sickly sweet tone, her book and pen ready in hand.
The men looked at each other with smirks before looking back at her. "Tell us your name first, kitten," one of them said.
Nya almost gagged when she heard that. She blinked at him for a few times before silently giving in. "It's Sophia. Now, would you please-"
"That is a very beautiful name for a beautiful young lady, Sophia," the man who had grabbed her wrist earlier said, emphasizing on her name. Well, fake name. "We'll have four beers."
Nya gritted her teeth as she wrote down their order. Just as she was looking back up at them, she noticed something white sticking out of the guy's leather jacket. She internally smirked. There was a high chance that that could be the map.
And at that moment, the perfect plan found its way into her head.
She nodded before she turned around with a victorious smirk on her face which didn't go unnoticed by the boys who immediately started talking through the communicators.
"What did you find out, girl?" Cole asked.
Nya chuckled. "How do you know I know something?" She answered after she entered the kitchen again.
"You weren't smiling like that like five seconds ago, sis, so spill it!" Kai said.
"Okay, okay. I think I saw the map but I'm not sure, so don't get your hopes up. I do have a plan, though. But I can't tell you yet because I know that you'll flip out. All I can say is: Zane, Cole, Lloyd, hold Kai and Jay back for as long as you can because I know that they are going to rage for sure," Nya said.
"I don't like the sound of that," Lloyd said.
"Nya, tell me your plan right now," Kai commanded quietly.
"Can't do that, bro. Jay?"
"I'm listening," Jay said in a calm voice. A little bit too calm for Nya's likings.
"I want you to stay calm, okay? Because I'm planning on doing stuff that will probably be... bad," she said slowly.
She heard Jay sigh. "Fine. I'll try my best. Don't do anything stupid, though."
"You know me."
"That's the problem, sis," Kai chimed in.
Nya let out a fake gasp. "And here I thought you were my loyal brother. Well, guess that was my cue to disown you." As she heard her brother gasp, she let out a quiet laugh and interrupted him before he could say anything. "I gotta go now, it'll look suspicious if I stay back here for any time longer."
She quickly grabbed the beers and headed for the enemy's table with a small smile on her face. The boys slowly drank their lemonades as they tried to look at her without making anyone suspicious.
"Here you go," Nya said, and the others could swear she had a slightly flirty tone in her voice.
"Thanks, gorgeous," the man with the map said, winking at her.
Nya, not believing herself at that moment, bit her lip seductively at him before turning around and feeling his gaze on her body.
She walked over to some other tables, trying to act like a normal waitress and taking orders and bringing different people their drinks and occasionally food.
About half an hour passed by with her being the waitress she pretended to be before she took a peek at the men's table, seeing how they seemed to be slurring their words as they kept shifting in their seats.
They were drunk, just like she had wanted.
Nya grabbed her notebook and pen and walked up to them, a small smirk on her lips. "I see you have enjoyed our beverages. May I ask if you'd want anything else?" She batted her eyelashes.
"Hmm, I'd have an idea of what I want in my bed tonight," the guy with the map smirked smugly.
Out of the corner of her eyes, Nya could see how Cole was holding Jay tightly as he was squirming and trying to get out of his best friend's grasp.
"Me too," she bit her lip seductively at him again before turning around walking down an empty looking hall.
Once she dared to take a look behind, she saw how that guy was standing up and smirking into her direction before he started walking over to where she was. She quickly opened the last door to her right to see that it was an office which was luckily empty. She closed the door again and turned around, only to get pinned against the wall.
She opened her eyes to be met with a pair of brown eyes staring back at her. The man had short, black hair and a nose ring which did suit his eyes, she wasn't going to lie. His breath reeked with alcohol. One of his hands was beside her head against the wall, whereas his other hand was holding her by the side of her waist.
"How 'bout we take this somewhere more private?" Nya asked, unintentionally swallowing the lump in her throat as she hated every single second of her current situation.
Just as the guy was about to slide his hand, which was on her hip, lower, Nya leaned to the side and managed to grab the door handle and opened the empty office.
Nya removed his hand from her body and led him inside before she shut the door quietly.
"Oh, there's a couch in here. Lucky for you, because I was ready to take you on the flo-"
The man quickly grabbed his jaw as he was flown a few feet back. He slowly touched his lip and looked at the blood on his fingertips in disbelief.
"You... punched me?!" He growled, his eyes showing nothing but pure hatred.
Nya rolled her eyes. "Thanks for stating the obvious, I really thought your jaw magically collided with my fist," she said sarcastically.
The man quickly let go of his jaw and stood up straight, his breath heavy. Nya couldn't help but snort at the sight.
He charged forward, but given that he had alcohol in his system, his attack was rather sloppy which made everything easier for Nya. She dodged all of his attempts before he was able to grip her crop top and tried to rip it off.
Nya sighed before she punched him once again which made him let go of her and tumble back. She looked down to see that the top was ripped apart, her plain black bra peeking out.
Before he could stand up again, Nya got on top of him and repeatedly punched his face, effectively knocking him out after only two more punches.
Then she got off of him and zipped open the pockets of his leather jacket.
There was a piece of paper in one of the pockets which she pulled out and unfolded. She smirked, realizing it was the map.
As she was looking at it and trying to study it, the door flew open, revealing a distressed looking Jay.
He had lightning sparks erupting from his hands as he was standing in the doorway with a panicked and worrisome face which was quickly replaced by a surprised one once he actually took the time to focus on what was going on inside.
"I got the map!" Nya beamed, holding it up for him to see.
Jay, not giving a damn about the map, rushed over to her and engulfed her into a tight hug. "What happened?" He asked. Then he pulled away to look at her, only for his eyes to darken and his breathing to speed up when he saw her torn shirt. "What the hell did he try to do?!"
"Don't worry, Jay. I took care of him. Look," Nya smiled as she pointed at the guy on the floor who already had bruises forming on his face.
Jay, upon seeing him on the floor, relaxed and smiled back at Nya before he nodded. "So you got the map?"
Nya smirked as she held up the map again.
He chuckled as he kissed her forehead. "I'm so proud of you," he whispered. Then he quickly unbuttoned his jacket and pulled it around her shoulders. Nya gratefully slid her arms into the jacket's sleeves and smiled at him, thanking him.
"What are the others doing?" She asked, remembering the others were also still in the bar.
"They're taking care of the other thugs."
Nya nodded before she pressed the button on her communicator. "We've got the map. Meet you guys on the rooftop."
Then she took Jay's hand and led him out of the room, smiling back at the guy on the floor victoriously for one last time.
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