Freezing Hearts
Set during the ice chapter of season 11, Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu. Jay and Nya are on their way to "save Cole from Krag".
Shivering, Jay tried to keep the same pace as Nya who was trying hard to keep going faster and faster. They were walking up a snowy mountain, and it was quite steep for their likings.
"Can we... walk a bit... slower, please?" Jay panted, running the last few steps to walk right next to his girlfriend.
Nya turned towards him, not reducing her speed. "No, Jay. We need to keep going before something happens." She reminded him.
"I know but we're not gonna be able to save Cole if we die due to exhaustion." Jay reasoned.
Nya suddenly stopped in her tracks, startling Jay who almost crashed into her. "You think so?"
"I mean, we're not even wearing appropriate clothes for this weather here, so yeah."
She sighed. "Fine, we'll walk slower." Then she actually started to walk at a normal pace.
After a while of walking up the mountain aimlessly, Jay looked up at the sky to see the sun, even through it was barely visible, setting. He sighed.
"We should probably find shelter."
Nya, who was crossing her arms in front of her chest to try to keep herself warmer, turned to face him. "We need to keep going. The sooner we find Cole, the earlier we'll be back in the village."
She did have a point, Jay had to admit that. But he could barely feel his feet, that's how cold it was. "I know, but Nya, we-"
"Jay, you know we can't do that." She let out a shaky breath.
"But you're gonna make yourself sick." He creased his eyebrows in worry.
Yes, Jay was feeling very cold, but he could see that Nya was in a much worse condition, though she was trying to hide it from him, obviously. He did catch her quietly sneezing and coughing in her elbow, after all. And the way she was shivering like that was clearly not normal at all.
"Jay, I'm fine. We should-" She stopped herself when she saw something in the distance. She tilted her head, focusing her gaze on a black piece of cloth lying on the snow a few feet away. "What's that?" She shakily pointed at it.
Jay turned around and followed her finger to lay his eyes on the black cloth as well. Silently, he made his way over to it quickly. Once he was in proximity, he could recognize it as a strong piece of fabric. He bent down slowly, picking it up with his clothed hand, holding it in both of his hands while slowly getting back up. It was a black piece of fabric, and the way it felt, Jay knew it had to be Cole's. After all, all of the Ninjas' gi's were made out of the same, strong fabric, only in different colors.
Jay let out a long sigh, watching his hot breath meeting the cold air and swaying away. A lot of images crossed his mind at once, imagining what could've happened to Cole while he was still alone with that monster up there. What if they were too late? What if Cole was already done for? What if when they reached the top of the hill, they would only find his dead body? What if-
A loud growl coming from the top interrupted both of their thoughts. Their heads whipping up, they tried to look for a source, only to find nothing. Then both faced each other, worry and excitement (the bad kind) were plastered across their cold faces.
However, their eyes widened once they heard another loud noise. It did not sound like whatever the heck that previous thing was, though. Their heads turned back towards the top of the steep hill, and their hearts started to beat faster.
It was like the snow was getting closer and closer every second. However, it didn't seem like an illusion. The white was too clear, too much to be just their imaginations playing tricks on them.
An avalanche.
Their eyes as wide as ever, Jay realized they didn't have enough time to safely make it down again. His head quickly turned to his other side to see a space where the snow wouldn't fall down to. They would have to make it over there.
"Nya!" He screamed out to his girlfriend from the distance they were still in.
However, Nya didn't even stir when he called out for her which put him on high alert. She was staring at the avalanche getting closer and closer even faster now. Jay knew he needed to think fast, or else neither of them would make it out alive.
Jay gasped when he looked back at the avalanche and saw that it was deadly close now. Then he looked back at Nya and realized she wasn't able to move, so he sprinted off towards her with every muscle he was able to move in his body. Though his movements felt rusty due to the extreme cold.
It was too late.
Before he could reach for her, they were both swept away. Hard.
~ oOoOoOo ~
Seeing a piece of blue in the snow, he dug faster and harder. "Jay? Jay!" He pulled out the weakened, cold body and brought it up to a nearby cave.
It wasn't that far away from the area the avalanche had hit. It was a little, not so deep cave in the mountain.
Lying him down on his back on the cold, hard ground, he started to shake Jay's shoulders. "Jay, wake up!"
His eyes shot open, his breathing rapid. "What the- Cole?" Jay asked shakily, seeing a huge blob of black in front of him.
"Yes, it's me, buddy!" Cole smiled, helping his friend to sit upright.
"What h-h-happened?" Jay asked, immediately going back to shivering and stuttering due to the cold.
Cole held him by his shoulders, looking him deeply in his eyes. "Dude, the freaking avalanche buried you! Krag and I were on our way down the mountain, and you can be lucky I saw your gi peeking out of the snow." Cole sighed, imagining what could've happened if he hadn't found his friend just in time before everything could've been done for.
Jay tilted his head, wincing as his head started to ache. "Krag?" He asked quietly.
"Yeah. Krag. Look." Cole pointed behind him with his thumb.
The Blue Ninja followed his best friend's finger and widened his eyes when he saw a huge creature sitting against the wall, playing with his abnormally huge fingers. Then he looked back and forth between Cole and Krag and felt as if he was just dreaming. If so, it would have been one weird dream, for sure.
"That's Krag?!" Jay squeaked, pointing at the white furred creature that was now looking back at him.
He gulped once Krag opened his mouth in a huge smile, presenting him his uneven, big teeth which could probably rip his flesh apart in less than ten seconds.
"Krag," Cole called out, waving the yeti towards them. "you can come closer, no need to be scared!" He smiled.
"That? Scared of us? Are you nuts?!" Jay panicked, not wanting to be near Krag.
Cole glared at Jay. "Just because he's a little bit bigger doesn't mean he should be feared. He's got feeling too, you know." He lectured. Then he made a head movement towards them again, and this time, Krag slowly stepped closer.
While Krag moved closer towards them, Jay quickly tried to get up, just in case. With the struggling help from Cole, he managed to stand up straight. Watching the creature's every move, Jay realized it seemed as if he was hesitating to pick up pace. He seemed vulnerable. Once Krag was in proximity, he started to sniff the air, taking in Jay's scent.
"He seems nice-" Jay started, but was suddenly picked up from the ground. He opened his eyes, meeting white fur right in front of his face. He was pulled up in a crushing hug. He could even hear some of his bones cracking. "C-Cole, help!" Jay barely let out.
"Just five more seconds." Cole smiled sheepishly, watching the two.
After exactly five seconds, Jay was gently put back on the ground. He panted, holding his hand on his heart, feeling his rapid breathing.
Cole sighed happily. "Ah, what a classic."
Jay glared at him. Something felt off, though. "How long was I out for?" He asked, combing through his slowly drying hair with his fingers.
"Maybe a few hours. I don't know, I kinda don't have my phone with me." Cole rolled his eyes. "What were you doing there, anyways?"
"We were looking for you! We thought Krag was evil and gonna kill you and eat your limbs-"
"Woah, woah, woah, slow down!" Cole stopped his friend's rambling, completely on high alert. "We?"
"Yeah, me and Ny-" Jay's eyes widened.
"Nya was with you?!" Cole squeaked.
Jay ran up to his friend, shaking his shoulders furiously, panicking. "Tell me you found her too! Tell me she's here somewhere, safe!"
Cole opened his mouth, but no words came out. "Jay..." He eventually forced out of his mouth, shocked.
"She's still in there?" Jay whispered, feeling his voice leave his body, leaving him breathless.
When Cole slowly nodded, Jay felt his whole heart shatter, if it wasn't already shattered by the cold. A single tear managed to escape out of his eye, not going unnoticed by his friend.
"We need to find her!" Jay eventually said, making his way out of the cave.
Once he was back outside, he gasped at the sight before him. Almost the entire side of the mountain they were on was covered in snow all the way to its base. And the snow seemed deep.
Jay ran up to the snow and started to dig, not realizing that Cole and Krag were doing the same thing on other sides of the snow.
Feeling as if more tears were about to flow down his face any second, Jay couldn't help but expect the worst case scenario. Although he was hoping that she somehow managed to save herself and get back to the village, he remembered she was barely able to move even before the avalanche had hit. Now not being able to stay positive, he freely let his tears fall down, not caring if Cole could see them or not.
It wasn't the right time to care about seeming tough in front of others.
Many minutes passed, not one word was exchanged, and still no sign of her. The anxiety was slapping both of the boys straight in their faces.
Hearing a loud growl, Jay and Cole's heads whipped to their left to see Krag jumping up and down and pointing to the ground beneath him. Exchanging quick glances, the boys gathered themselves up from the ground and started to hastily run up to the creature.
"What is it, Krag?" Cole yelled, still running.
Jay was the first one to arrive, and when he did, he immediately fell down to his knees.
Nya's unconscious body was barely lifted up from the snow. Her clothes were all wet and stuck to her petite figure and her wet bangs were stuck to her forehead. The skin on her face and hands were inhumanly pale and her lips were completely blue.
"N-Nya?" Jay lifted her up and pulled her into his lap, wiping her bangs out of her face.
When Cole arrived, Jay could hear him gasp.
Jay rapidly searched for a heartbeat, first on her wrist, then on her neck. After not feeling anything, he put his ear flush against her chest.
"Cole, I can't feel anything!" Jay screamed, crying.
"Okay, okay, no need to jump into conclusions." Cole tried to relax his friend, although he himself was panicking hard. "Let's bring her back to the village!"
Jay, still crying, looked down the mountain. "It's too far away." Then he turned towards Cole.
Realizing that he was the only one at least a little bit clear minded, Cole quickly thought about a good idea. Taking a look at Krag who was just as anxious, a solution found its way into Cole's head.
"Alright, Krag, follow my finger!" Cole commanded, pointing down the mountain into the distance. "Can you carry us all down there?" He asked, worried.
Krag seemed to understand what he meant, so he nodded. He came closer to Nya and Jay and opened his arms, indicating for Jay to let her be placed in them.
Hesitating, Jay stood up, holding his girlfriend bridal style, before gently placing her in the yeti's arms. "B-B-Be gentle, please." Jay pleaded, hoping Krag would understand which luckily, he did.
Krag walked away a few steps before slowly bending his knees. Cole and Jay immediately, but gently, hopped on his back.
Then Krag took off, fast.
The two young men could barely hold onto him due to the speed, but managed to have a firm grip so that they wouldn't fall off. Jay kept trying to look above of Krag's shoulder in an attempt to look at his Yang, but the cold wind was hitting his face hard, so he had to keep his eyes shut.
It took them about five minutes until they actually started to see the village in the far distance. Sniffing, Jay turned his head towards Cole who did the same.
Krag started to slow down once he was near the village, and let the boys down.
Jay immediately walked around Krag's back and held his arms out. "I want to hold her." He said, a few new tears rolling down his cheeks.
The creature gently gave the still unconscious girl in his arms to Jay. "Nya?" Jay sniffed, hoping she would wake up.
But she did not.
"Cole? Jay? What happened?!"
They all turned around to see Kai running up to them with Sorla right on his tail.
Once Kai realized his sister was being carried in her boyfriend's arms, he ran even faster. "What happened to her?" He asked Jay with worry in his face.
Jay looked down at her, opening his mouth. However, only loud sobs came out, leaving Kai even more worried.
Sorla made her way over to them, looking at the girl. She took Nya's wrist, feeling for a heartbeat. "Hypothermia. Her heartbeat is very light and faint, but still there. Bring her to the big fire, now!"
Jay nodded, running towards the main hut, the others right behind him. Kicking down the door with his foot, Jay quickly rushed towards the huge fire, lying his girlfriend right next to it. He watched as Sorla brought a swamp green pillow and a thick blanket, using the items on Nya to keep her warm. He didn't realize that Cole and Kai were next to them as well until Kai spoke up.
"Jay, what happened?!" Kai yelled in frustration, seeing his sister not moving a muscle.
"I-" Jay's voice broke, but he still continued. "Avalanche." He only said that one word, but it was like a whole story to Kai who gasped.
"Sorla, is there anything we can do?" Cole asked, looking at the elderly woman.
Said woman sighed, placing a hot, wet towel on the girl's forehead. "It would be best if we give her some time to rest. She has been exposed to the cold for too long, and her state is..." She looked away, not wanting to look at any of them. "critical."
Jay took in the information and took his Yang's hand with no intention of letting go. "I'll stay with her until she wakes up again." He firmly stated, consciously avoiding the term 'if'.
Trusting Jay, Kai and Cole reluctantly left the room together with Sorla, leaving the couple alone together.
The boy in blue let new tears fall down his face, letting his emotions out freely. His hand never leaving hers, he moved his other hand to touch her face. He immediately felt a chill run down his spine when he was met with a stone cold surface instead of his girlfriend's usually hot cheek. His whole surroundings started to spin around, although he wasn't feeling dizzy at all.
Must have been the tears blurring his vision.
He caressed her cheek a little more, hoping his now heated hand would at least make her feel a little bit warmer.
When he looked to his side, he saw another unused pillow lying on the ground. Reaching for it, he laid it down next to Nya's face and slowly laid down himself, facing her the whole time. He was close to her, but also not too close at the same time. His arm faintly slinging across her waist, he couldn't keep his eyes off her. He smiled once he saw her lips slowly but surely losing the blueness in them.
"I'm here, Nya. I'm with you."
~ oOoOoOo ~
Nya grunted, feeling as if she had fallen into a tank of cement twelve times in a row. Her head was pounding while she slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry at first so she looked up at the ceiling until her eyes could find their focus again. After that, she turned her head towards the source of the flickering sounds, only to see the fire mere inches away from herself.
When she turned her head to her other side, she was surprised but not surprised at the same time when she found her boyfriend lying right next to her, sleeping like a baby. She smiled, watching a single string of drool leak out of his mouth. Moving her hand towards his face, she wiped away the drool with her thumb and dried it on the blanket.
That's how far they had come in their relationship.
She sighed, smiling. It felt as if she had slept two days in a row, but that was probably not the case.
Nya propped herself on her elbows and realized his hand was wrapped around her waist. So she carefully grabbed his hand, kissed his knuckles lightly, and placed his arm next to his body.
Then she peeled the blanket off of her and moved in such a way so that she could sit crisscross, which she did. Her head was still pounding, though.
Then it hit her, the memories of what had happened.
Her eyes widened as she slowly turned back towards Jay who was still sleeping on the ground, not stirring.
She started to lightly shake his shoulder due to her not being able to use her strength just yet. She was still weakened. "Jay?"
He mumbled something in his sleep, absentmindedly grabbing her hand from his shoulder and placing it above his heart.
She pouted at his sleeping form, awwing in her head while suppressing giggles.
Nya moved closer to him, making her mouth hover over his ear. "Jay, wake up." She whispered.
His eyes shot up as he laughed because of the heat of her breath meeting his auricle. Then he sighed, looking up. "Oh, hey Nya." He said, closing his eyes again to go back to his dreamland until- "Nya?!"
Jay's whole body stiffened, making him sit upright quickly. He cupped her cheek with his hand, feeling nothing but warmth. The cold was gone. His worries were gone.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her torso, bringing her closer to him until they were hugging.
She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Better. My head's still hurting, though."
Jay slightly pulled away to look at her with pleading eyes. "Nya, I'm so sorry that-"
"Shhhh. Don't. I'm alright. You don't have to worry anymore, boy." She interrupted him, pulling him closer again.
The boy smiled, feeling whole again. He nodded against her shoulder.
After they pulled away again, Jay looked out of the window and sighed. It was pretty dark.
"Are you hungry?" He asked her, looking back at her.
"A little, yeah."
"Then let's go to the others and eat dinner, they'll be relieved to see you up again." He stood up, extending his hand down to her.
She looked at it and grabbed it, squeezing tightly while trying to stand up which was easier than she had thought because of his help.
With him singing his arm around her waist for additional support, the couple left the hut together.
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