Fake Smiles
Hello there. I wanted to tell y'all that this oneshot is going to be focusing more on Nya alone than Jaya... There is some Jaya of course, but not as much as in my other stories. I hope that's okay. I've wanted to write this story for a while now and was kinda skeptical whether or not to post it. But here I am, posting it. Wohoo.
She woke up, feeling as if something wasn't right. She turned around to look at her alarm clock, squinting her eyes while trying to read the bright red, digital numbers.
11:47 am. What?
Did she just... wake up on her own?
She slowly sat upright, frowning to herself. Then she tried to listen for sounds, anything, but there was nothing. Something was up, she could feel it. Yawning quietly, she stretched her arms above her head.
She wasn't used to wake up on her own, no one really was. But in her case, she would either be woken up by stupid criminals with no decency of committing crime in the early morning, or the boys. They would usually be up at around nine o'clock, if there was no early sunrise exercise, and would just scream. Sometimes at each other, sometimes at a video game character, and most of the time at each other while playing video games. She was at a point where she didn't even bother anymore, she just accepted it.
However, waking up to no sounds whatsoever was suspicious. Very suspicious. Nya quickly got out of her bed and walked over to her closet. Opening it, she took out her casual gi and got dressed. After releasing her hair from her loose ponytail, the Water Elemental brushed it and tied it back into her ponytail, leaving out a few strands on the sides of her face as well as her bangs. She took one last look at her reflection in her mirror before marching out of her room.
Walking slowly to not make any floorboards creak, she listened carefully for anything. But when she heard literally nothing, she got more suspicious. Forming water around her fists, she made her way towards the living room. Once she was standing in front of the doors of it, she took one deep breath before storming inside, keeping a fighting stance. When she realized that no one was inside, she relaxed, but still frowned.
"Weird." She muttered to herself.
Then Nya thought about another room everyone might be in, that being the dining room attached to the kitchen. She stealthily walked up to it, and once she smelled something, something nice actually, she took a peek inside. Her eyes widened when she saw everyone sitting around the table, and Zane turning pancakes on the stove, wearing his pink apron he'd kept for such a long time now.
She lowered her guard and walked inside. Everyone's eyes turned towards her. "Good morning, Nya." Jay greeted.
Nya looked at him while walking up to her spot next to him. "Good morning." She said, trying so hard to suppress raising an eyebrow. She looked down to her plate. "Why didn't you wake me up?"
Lloyd looked at her. "Oh, you deserved to get as much sleep as possible. You have been straining yourself for quite some time now." He smiled as he cut a slice of his pancakes and put it in his mouth.
That was true, she had been straining herself a lot recently, but it was still nothing new or extraordinary. Everyone has done it at least once, but no one got something like extra sleeping in privileges, so why would she?
"Thanks." She said, though she was still feeling suspicions. But she hid them well.
Zane came up from behind her with a stack of pancakes in his hands. "I have some more pancakes." He then put the plate down and put two pancakes onto Nya's table, to which she thanked him for. "Anyone else?"
"Me!" Cole put his hand in the air like a little child. "Zane, these are the best pancakes in the world, I love it when you cook." He smiled at his robotic, to which Zane returned the smile. Then Zane walked up to him and put some pancakes onto his plate.
"Guys?" Everyone looked at Nya. "Where are Pix and Master Wu?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, they went out to do something with Misako. I don't know what, though." Kai answered.
Nya nodded and went on with eating her pancakes, letting her hand fall to her side. After a little while of silence, she excused herself and exited the room. Only a few seconds later, she walked inside with her spear in hand. She casually walked up to the emergency lockdown button and pushed it, not sparing the others one look.
In an instant, all the doors and windows inside the whole monastery got shut down, trapping the five boys in the dining room together with Nya.
"Nya, why'd you do that?" Kai exclaimed.
She sighed dramatically, leaning against the wall. "Alright, who are you and where are my boys?" She put her spear into her weapon holster on her back and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"What are you talking about?" Cole asked, swallowing his clump of pancake mush down his throat.
"Oh please, stop acting like you're the guys I've spent most of my life with." She rolled her eyes.
"Nya, are you sure you're feeling well? Do you want me to-"
"Shut up, fake Zane!" Nya yelled, making everyone gasp. She then narrowed her eyes. "Now tell me what you did to my boys, or else I will have to attack." She demanded.
Lloyd raised his eyebrow. "Okay then, why do you think we're not your boys?" He asked, quite annoyed.
"Alright, let me start. First, I woke up on my own. No screaming, no yelling, no nothing. Then you tell me I 'deserved to sleep in', like what the hell are you talking about, Lloyd?!"
"I was just being nice-"
"Now onto all of you: Lloyd, we're having pancakes, for goodness' sake! And you just... ate them normally? The Lloyd I know usually cuts little shapes into his pancakes and brings out the child inside of him."
Lloyd wanted to say something, but she ignored him, continuing. "Kai, I'm begging you, I've grown up with my brother, I know what type of hair gel he uses, and for your information, he always uses the one that smells freaking disgustingly, and you're wearing the one that is actually nice. Please go screw yourself for trying to take in my brother's place."
She then looked towards Cole who seemed to get angry, just like the others. "Cole, you just casually complimented Zane's food without getting any teasing about the real Cole's cooking skills. Then again, you complimented Zane's food. Yes, real Cole like real Zane's food, but he wouldn't just admit it like that in front of everyone because of the teasing. Also, you didn't mention anything about cake. Kinda sketchy playing the role of Cole, you know."
"Zane, there was actually nothing that makes you stand out, but the fact that you didn't detect any differences in the behavior of the others makes me feel like you're all in on whatever's going on right now."
Then she looked at Jay. "And last but definitely not least, my perfectly fake boyfriend." She beamed in sarcasm. "Jay, honey, what the hell? You know, whoever you are, you don't know what our ways of communication is."
"What do you mean, Nya? Are you sure you feel well?" Jay answered sweetly.
"Drop that, you're trying too hard! My Jay wouldn't just greet me with a 'good morning' and nothing else. Like, he would add little compliments or ask me how I slept or if I had a nightmare or whatever the heck he asks. All he'd do would be to try and start a conversation. And honestly, I kinda missed that when I just got a 'good morning'." She then frowned. "Gosh, I'm getting too comfortable around his words that I actually need to hear them to function." She told herself loudly.
Then she turned back towards him. "And okay, maybe you weren't in the mood for talking, I might get that. But what really crossed the line was how you didn't take the opportunity to hold hands under the table when I put mine to my side. Hello? My Jay's usually so eager about holding hands that it actually hurts to feel mine empty." She sighed. "You know, it would be pretty embarrassing if the others could hear me right now. If I think about it, I'm getting too spoiled by him, oh my god." She said in disbelief.
Then she saw Jay getting up from his seat and walking towards her. Instead of greeting him warmly, she slowly backed down. "Don't get close to me!" She tried, but couldn't stop him, he was still walking up to her until she felt herself losing the necessary space. She was now pressed against the wall.
"Nya," Jay began, his voice soothing. "I don't know why you're thinking that I'm not myself, but I might know something that can change your mind." He said while he grabbed her hips and slowly leaned down to her, closing his eyes.
Her hands on his chest, Nya felt herself closing her eyes until she realized something.
"Get away from me!" She yelled, rushing to another side. "Now you just added more to the list. Jay would never try to kiss me in front of the others like that, and the way you talked, it was probably gonna be more of a make out than a light kiss." Then she turned towards Kai who was getting more and more fuming. "And the fact that you didn't intervene and scold us makes it even worse for you!" She screamed.
Rubbing his cheek, Jay straightened his back. "Enough!" He screamed while he shot lightning at her, merely missing her.
She gasped, taking her spear out of its holster, getting into her fighting stance.
She then heard Lloyd chuckling. "You know, you're not as stupid as we thought." He smirked evilly.
"You know, you're not as bright as the boys." She frowned. "Did I just... compliment them?" She shook her head.
"But slapping your boyfriend's body doesn't help, sweetie." Cole retorted, getting up from his seat.
"What do you mean?" Nya narrowed her eyes.
Then she turned her head towards Kai who opened his mouth. "Sis, we are your boys. Just possessed, that is." He explained as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Get her!" Lloyd screamed while he ran up to her, trying to punch her which she easily dodged.
Five against one. A totally fair fight.
She groaned as she realized how she had to fight without actually hurting any of them, knowing it was the boys' bodies. She dodged a lot of attacks. It was helpful to have a weapon whereas they didn't, but the fact that she couldn't properly use it to harm them made the spear worthless. When she saw that Kai was forming fire in his hands, she widened her eyes. She quickly formed water in her hands and suddenly, fire and water clashed. Both siblings weren't ready to let the other one win, so they both increased the gratitude, resulting in almost using up more than the capacity of the room.
It was when Nya actually seemed to struggle that she quickly had to come up with an idea. "Master Wu!" She screamed, looking towards the door. That distracted everyone in the room, which she used to her advantage. She suddenly tripled her amount of water and pushed Kai onto the ground with it. She panted a little before she saw Cole running up to her and trying to tackle her onto the ground. She dodged, making him run into the wall instead and knocking himself out.
She smiled. That was it, she needed to get them to fight themselves. The art to fight without fighting. When she saw Lloyd and Zane running up to her from both sides of her, she waited long enough before jumping up into the air, making them crash into each other, knocking Lloyd out. Zane reluctantly got up and opened the latch on his arm to do something, she couldn't really see what he was doing.
Then she took a look at Kai who was still laying on the ground. She then realized that he must've hit the dining table's edge with his head. Luckily she couldn't see any blood from where she was standing.
Three out, two to go.
The Master of Water turned around to see Jay forming lightning in his palm. He was obviously charging up. Widening her eyes, she quickly looked around to see Zane on the other side of the room still looking into the gap in his arm. Muttering a 'sorry' in her head, she slowly back away from Jay into the direction of where Zane was standing. Suddenly, Jay struck. Barely dodging the attack by a few inches again, she threw herself out of the way. Zane made a few mechanical sounds before hitting the ground.
Nya smiled. That quickly faded when she heard a groan and before she could react, she was pinned on the ground. She opened her eyes, seeing her boyfriend's blue orbs, which had a hint of red in them, staring back into hers. She gulped.
"You don't have to fight me, Nya." He said, pinning her hands to her sides while sitting on her stomach, caging her in. She tried to wiggle out of his grasp with no success.
His voice wasn't his usual, slightly squeaky one, this one sounded more... deeper, it was definitely uncomfortable to hear that come out of his mouth. It sent her flashbacks of when she was in Prime Empire and a member of the League of Jay was completely looking like her boyfriend, only his deep voice was sticking out. She knew he was another player dressed as Jay's avatar, but it was still very weird. And to think, it really seemed like he had an interest in her...
She was pulled back into reality when she heard him continue. "It's impressive how you managed to knock out your family."
She smiled. "They pretty much knocked themselves out."
Jay chuckled. "But there's no way you can resist me." He said, his voice even deeper and raspier now.
"What makes you say that?" She smiled, feeling his hands' grips getting lighter. "But you're right, I could never resist him." Then she quickly pulled her hands away from his and cupped his face. After that, she rolled them over, resulting in her hovering above him. She came closer to his face. "But you're not him. Sweet dreams, Sparky."
His eyes widened. "Wha-"
Suddenly his eyes rolled back, his whole body relaxing within seconds. She then pulled the needle out of his arm and straightened her back, still sitting on top of him.
She sighed. She just sedated her boyfriend. Her possessed boyfriend. Normal, right?!
Nya looked around, seeing everyone knocked out. She didn't know whether to be proud of herself or ashamed, really. Reluctantly, she got off of Jay's body and rolled onto her back next to him, staring at the ceiling, catching her breath. She stayed like that for a while until she heard clapping.
In an instant, she shot up, regaining her fighting stance as she dared to look at the source of the clapping. When she looked at the door, which was open now, she saw... the boys?
"What the-" She said, looking around. "Alright what the frickity frack is going on?!" She asked angrily.
"You were incredible, Nya!" Kai complimented as they all entered the room.
Jay rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug. At first, she tried to resist and fight to get loose, but felt herself melting into his touch.
"We were watching you from the base." He said as he pulled away.
Then, Master Wu walked inside, stopping right in front of her. "I'm proud of you, Nya. You showed great courage, thinking you were fighting the guys. From the way you instantly recognized them as fake to the point you resisted your own feelings and outmatched them all." He put his hand on her shoulder, smiling.
"And what are them?" Nya asked, looking at the bodies on the floor.
"Zane and I were working on a new project," Pixal stepped forward. "We created them, and you tested them out for us." She smiled.
Nya looked at her, dumbfounded. "But how did they-"
"Use our powers?" Jay interrupted her. "Easy. As you might have noticed, fake Zane, Lloyd and Cole didn't use their powers. There are integrated flamethrowers in fake Kai's hands, and my fake didn't actually use lightning. That was just a hologram." He explained.
"B-But it knocked fake Zane out!" She protested.
"Nope, it didn't." Cole chimed in. "Each one of us controlled our own clone, and Wu told us when to stay knocked out." He smiled.
Nya pinched the bridge of her nose. "Okay, it's cute and all, but why would you do any of that?!" She could see the boys were suppressing laughter which only got her more furious. "What?!"
They then broke out in laughter. "You just got April fooled!" They exclaimed in unison.
She felt her blood boil inside of her. "What?" She quietly asked.
After the laughter died down, Jay spoke up. "We've been trying to prank you for years, Nya. This was the perfect plan, and you fell right into our trap."
She raised an eyebrow. "But... I figured out they were fake?" She questioned.
"Yes, but that was part of the plan. You believed you were fighting us, and that's exactly what we wanted." Kai smirked.
Nya opened her mouth to protest, but closed it with a frown. "I hate you." She said instead. Then she looked around and started to walk away. "I'm already done for the day. I'll be in bed. I expect breakfast in exactly one hour due to me not being able to enjoy my pancakes. Frick you all. Jay, you come with me and we'll cuddle. I don't accept a no. I'm going to be grumpy for the rest of the day. Peace out." Then she left the room like a drama queen.
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