Electrical Outage

Hey guys! Here is a request that's long overdue made by @lightfury56. Thank you for requesting this story, and I apologize for putting it off for so long. However, it was fun to write this and I hope I met your expectations with it.

The request stems from one of their books:

TW: needles/syringes

His footsteps bounced off the all-white walls loudly and reached his ears in screeching click-clacks. The lights he just walked under flickered. The white noise they created didn't scratch an itch in his brain but created one.

He should have brought the others along, he thought, as he called out for someone, anyone. Pulling out his phone, he checked the email he'd received half an hour earlier and looked at the sender.

"Uh, Lippert? George Lippert? Is anyone here?"

His questions were left unanswered. He sighed and put his phone away again, continuing his path down the unsettling hallway.

The laboratory he was called to was a remote one. It had taken him about an hour to get there, and though the text he'd been sent practically screamed "help", there had been no one to greet him at the empty reception.

"Hello," he called out once more, and this time he heard a sound coming from the other side of a door. His steps faltered as he warily eyed the closed door.

A moment later, the door was pushed open with so much force that the door handle slammed against the wall. "Mr Jay Walker!" a smaller, balding man wearing a laboratory coat and dark blue goggles exclaimed. He clapped his gloved hands together and rubbed them rather nervously, quickly looking back at the inside of the room before turning back to the Blue Ninja. "I am so glad you could make it, sir. Come, come inside!" He waved him into the room.

Jay scrunched his eyebrows as he followed him in. "Sir?" he asked himself and eyed his new surroundings.

There was a laboratory on the other side of the door. Two stretchers were pushed up against the wall, which was decorated in all kinds of research and medical papers, and shelves with several jars on them were pushed up against the wall on both sides of Jay. As the two walked deeper into the room, he stopped for a second to glance more closely at a specific jar that had something floating in it. A piece of peach-colored matter. Skin. Or a brain. It was small but still distinguishable, which made Jay's skin form goosebumps. He shuddered to himself and scurried after the doctor.

"He has arrived," the man announced to people Jay hadn't known would be there.

There were two more men standing around a large invention that resembled a smaller, tower-like shape.

Jay shook hands with both of them and nodded as a greeting. "So, I've been called for an emergency." He looked around. "But I don't see an emergency."

"Oh, yes," Lippert said and moved to the invention. He pushed a button on its side and took a step back. The machine turned on and began to rumble before it stopped moving. Thick black smoke erupted out of it.

"That is the problem," one of the other men vaguely explained.

Jay couldn't refrain from giving them an are you serious? look. "The email said someone was being held hostage." He looked at Lippert, expecting an explanation. A good one, he added in his mind.

The old man chuckled nervously and sized up his other. Jay was wearing his gi, every piece of skin except for his face was covered in robust blue fabric, yet Lippert could see Jay was twice his size, both in height and in strength.

"Um, you see." He gave the silver machine a small pat. "This little thing here injured Ron." All heads turned to the guy holding up his hand, showing his bandaged pinky finger to the Blue Ninja. "And at the time it looked very serious and dangerous so we said it's better to be careful than careless."

Jay knew the last thing he said was probably a good thing, but still; they could have contacted the authorities or medical staff. Calling up a ninja was not necessary for an injured finger.

Still, Jay sighed and decided to let it go. "Fine. Now that I'm here, how can I help you three?" He put his hands into his pockets to keep them warm. The laboratory was quite cold, even with all the windows closed.

"Yes, yes, come here." Lippert motioned to the other side of the machine and waited until Jay stopped right next to him. "You see, this is a very important machine. It can change the world as we know it."

When he stopped explaining, Jay asked, "What does it do?"

"It changes the world." Lippert started giggling to himself as he stared at the machine so Jay took an awkward step to the side to be a bit more away from him.

"I would be more than grateful if you looked into it, since you're a mechanic and have a hand in crafting," the man added.

Jay nodded unsurely and took a step closer to the machine. His eyes landed on the place the smoke was coming from and he tried to figure out what caused the smoke in the first place.

When he felt a tug on his left arm, he pried his eyes off the machine and looked at one of the men. Just as he was about to question the distracting skin contact, he felt a painful sting on his right bicep.

He flinched away from Lippert, who was now holding an empty syringe. "What the—"

Lippert giggled and put the small item away. "That should be enough."

"Enough for what?" Jay asked dazedly. His eyes began to droop.

Bad sign. Very bad sign.

He tried to use his powers to fight the men off, but it was like he lost the ability to control his actions. His powers wouldn't obey him and resisted his commands. As a last resort, he lifted his heavy-feeling hand and tried to press down on his communication device in his ear. Yet before he could make contact with his ear, his arm fell down limply.

And a second later, so did Jay.

— — — —

The first thing Jay felt when he began to wake up was the tight rope that was digging into the flesh of his wrists. He couldn't feel any fabric on his hands. Fresh, cold air hit his torso and made him tremble.

His left eye opened first, and then did his right one. Everything was still a mixture of colorful blobs and gray-and-white fog. Once he came back to himself, the alarm bells in his head went crazy. Just like the pounding headache.

He noticed he was still in the room he was knocked out in, the only difference being he was sitting on the cold floor instead of standing on it.

"He has awoken," a voice said and stepped into Jay's view.

"Lippert," he acknowledged. "What the hell have you done to me? Let me go!" He thrashed around and felt a tugging on his ankles as well. All of his limbs were tied to a table.

That's when he noticed the front of his gi was open. His undershirt was still there, white and skintight, but his right arm was out of the sleeve. A syringe was deeply stuck in it and hurt him the more he moved around.

"You are very useful, Jason Walker."

"That's not my name," Jay spat. His eyes quickly examined the needle and the flesh it was digging in. His skin was turning blue and... scaly. "What is that?!"

"Gentlemen," Lippert greeted the other two men who just came into the lab and then turned back to Jay. "Would you like the long story or the short one?"


Lippert nodded and pulled a chair in front of Jay, taking a seat. He straightened his lab coat as he cleared his throat. "Where shall I start? Well, almost two years ago, I came up with an idea. A mind-boggling, craziest-of-crazy, world-changing idea. An idea that is so great that it could-"

"Change the world, yeah, yeah." Jay sighed, shaking his head. "Get to the point."

Lippert huffed. "Fine. The Storm Project. Ring any bells?"

Jay blinked.

"Okay, alright. Yeesh." The scientist pulled a face. "No need to be so serious. That—" He pointed at the syringe. "Is dragon DNA. You're a descendent of the storm gods, Walker. Are you aware of how much power that is? How much power I can absorb?"

"What are you on about?"

Lippert stood up and slowly moved closer to Jay. He stopped a few feet away from him and bent down to his level. His face dropped and the sarcastic and overly enthusiastic facade vanished. "I want to envelope Ninjago into an eternal storm, Walker."

Jay's nostrils flared. He thrashed around again before stopping because of the pain in his arm. "And what's that to do with me?"

"Are you really this dense?" The scientist stood back up and pulled out another syringe. "This is the third one I have to waste on you. Your immune system is a bacterium's worst nightmare."

Lippert harshly pulled the empty syringe out of Jay's bicep and stuck the new one into its place before Jay could wiggle away. The blue mysterious fluid inside became lesser the deeper it was pushed into Jay's body until it too completely disappeared.

Wordlessly, Lippert began to untie Jay's limbs from the table and freed him from his restraints. He even put Jay's arm back into its sleeve as Jay wasn't able to do so himself. He was too dazed.

"Now go," Lippert said and gave the Blue Ninja a pat on the back. "Enjoy the rest of your evening."

"Evening?" It was still noon when Jay had arrived. How long had he been out for?

"Yes, evening. Now go."

After Jay was practically thrown out of the facility, he stumbled back to his lightning jet and activated autopilot. He was in no position to fly the vehicle on his own.

The flight took thirty, maybe forty, maybe sixty minutes. Or hours? Days. No, minutes. But wasn't sixty minutes equaling an hour? Might've been seventy though.

Whatever, Jay wasn't able to tell anyway. By the time he arrived at the monastery and got off his jet, he struggled to stay upright without leaning most of his body weight on the side of his jet. Luckily for him, no one else was currently in the underground base. Nobody had to see him like that, in-and-out of consciousness and completely and utterly humiliated.

What was he supposed to tell the others? Oh, yeah, I followed a false alarm and foolishly let myself get drugged. And not to forget: an evil scientist whose name sounds anything but trustworthy told me about some Storm Project and apparently I'm a part of that. And that project incorporates Ninjago being in an eternal storm. The TL;DR is my day has been fun.

No. That wasn't how he wanted to be remembered.

So Jay straightened up as best as possible, made sure his clothes looked made and his arm was completely out of sight, and walked towards the elevator.

Once he was lifted up to the living room and exited the elevator, he did all he could to seem and appear normal, like his usual, bubbly self.

He could hear sounds coming from the dining room so he headed there. The other ninja including Wu and Pixal were all sitting around the dining table and eating dinner, which he saw was hash browns and German sausages. A weird dinner choice but it was one of his favorites so he didn't complain. And it had been Nya's turn to make dinner that evening so that was a better reason not to complain.

Speaking of Nya, the moment her eyes landed on him, they lit up, shortly before they took in the state he was in. "Where have you been, Jay? I've been trying to reach you for hours."

He waved her concerns off with a small chuckle and took a seat next to her. His plate and cutlery were already set in front of him so he reached to the center of the table and served himself.

Lloyd stood up and got him a glass, pouring him some orange juice. "Yeah, you've been out a while. What happened?"

Jay gratefully took the juice, thanked him, then cut into his food and took a bite. "Some weirdo was holding a scientist hostage. Took him a while to give up and turn himself in." To deflect from that obvious lie, he turned to his girlfriend. "Wow, Nya, this is so good." He referred to the food he was ready to devour.

Nya's smile didn't go unnoticed as she thanked him and looked down at her own plate, her cheeks turning pink. She quickly put another bite into her mouth and hoped the attention would stray away from her.

During dinner, the other kept trying to get more information about what Jay had been doing during the supposed "hostage situation" and how it all went down, but he managed to shut down any suspicions.

Later that night, when Jay and Nya were getting ready to go to bed, Jay locked himself in the bathroom with his pajamas. He told Nya he would just change while using the toilet, which sounded very weird, he had to admit, but he couldn't just change in front of her like he usually would. She would see his arm, ask questions he wasn't ready to answer, call his bluff, and expose his lie.

He was too tired to go through an investigation so he took the cheaper way out and hoped she would let go of the matter.

After changing, brushing his teeth, and actually using the toilet, he flipped off the en-suit bathroom's light and stepped into his shared bedroom. His eyes landed on Nya, who was already under the covers and scrolling on her phone. When she saw him, she put her phone away and directed her undivided attention to him.

"You're acting weird."

Straight to the point, Jay thought and tried not to break down and admit to everything. "How so?" he asked as he lifted the covers and got into bed.

"You're wearing a long-sleeve," she mentioned and let him pull her into his chest. She used his arm as a pillow and closed her eyes, a content breath leaving her nostrils. "It's summer and you're wearing a long-sleeve. You didn't answer any of my calls and messages. You always make sure to answer me. And, not to forget, you never told me where you're going." She lifted her eyelids, and Jay had to force himself not to cave when her innocent brown eyes met his guilty-but-pretending blue ones. "I thought we promised each other we'd always tell what we're doing or where we're going."

Jay smiled and brushed her open locks away from her face and neck. Her eyes shut again as she enjoyed his delicate touch. "I'm wearing this because the lab I was in for hours was cold so I'm still cold." Not a complete lie at least. "And I had to turn my phone off in order for the guy to trust me I wouldn't call the police." Lie. "I'm sorry I missed your calls and messages." Not a lie. "I'll never ignore you again, even if I didn't do it on purpose." Hopefully not a lie.


Jay's eyes widened, luckily when Nya's were already shut. He quickly pulled himself back to reality and reasoned that he was not doing anything inherently bad. He wasn't cheating or committing any crimes.

"I promise." It was a promise that he would tell her of his whereabouts in the future. The promise had nothing to do with what had happened prior that day. That calmed him down a little.

It also calmed her down, he noticed, as she slung her arm around his torso and squished her face against his collarbone, trying to find a comfortable spot to sleep in.

As his Yang began to take even breaths, Jay felt like a bad Yin. He could have told her the truth, but he was always perceived as the naive and weakest ninja. He was funny, which made up for it, but if he were to have told her about his predicament, she would have lectured him and taken matters into her own hands.

He was naive, yes, and what had happened to him was his fault alone, but he also didn't want Nya to be in the possibly same situation.

His fingers brushed against her cheekbone, featherlight and appreciative. He felt a small bump, probably a newly forming pimple, and brushed against it a few times as he smiled sheepishly to himself.

Nya was going to flip out when she'd discover it in the morning. She was a person who took her skincare very seriously.

His eyes felt heavy with sleep, and he saw no point in fighting the darkness that quickly overcame him.

— — — —

Jay's behavior began to change over the next three days. He tried to fight most of it but couldn't help his instincts, the ones that grew anew, together with his new habits.

He began to crave meat. Steak preferably, chicken optionally. When asked about why he would eat chicken, since he had been on a strict no-chicken rule ever since Chicken was first kept as their pet, he would have no real reason to defend himself with. He wouldn't eat anything else, let alone touch any vegetables or fruits that were put in front of him. The fact that he refused to eat his favorite candy and chocolate was also very concerning.

And to make it worse, Jay also began to defend his food viciously. If anyone, even Nya, came close to his meal, he protected his food like it was his firstborn child.

His performance when it came to training and fighting increased by a long shot. It didn't matter who is opponent was, he would make sure he would come out as the winner.

He even injured Nya's shoulder once, which ended up with him getting a black eye by Kai.

He stayed up day and night and only fought. One couldn't even call it training anymore. He destroyed every training dummy in the monastery and went on with using their broken parts as boxing sacks afterwards. Nya, who missed her pillow, told him to come to bed multiple times, but he ignored her every single time.

In one particular instance, when Nya managed to get closer to Jay, she made the horrific discovery that his teeth had grown into fangs. Sharp, pointy, predatory fangs.

Like... a dragon's fangs.

On high alert, she ran to the base and informed the others. She was out of breath by the time she was done, and her heart pounded like a jackhammer inside her chest, her blood streaming to and from her heart like a volcano pumping out fresh magma. She saw red — both figuratively and literally since Kai was immediately standing in front of her and shaking her vigorously to calm her down.

"What do you mean, Nya?" he asked, his eyes wide.

His sister wiggled away from his grasp to catch her breath. "I mean his teeth are not like human teeth anymore."

Lloyd began to pace around, his hand rubbing his face tiredly. "It explains why he's behaving like that."

"Like what?" Cole asked.

"Like an animal."

"What are we going to do?" Zane asked.

Nya sighed. "I know what to do."

— — — —

"We just want to talk," Lloyd said, dodging one of Jay's lightning blasts aimed his way. "No need to—ah!" A blast almost would have hit him if he hadn't ducked in time. "Be so aggressive!"

Aggressive was an understatement.

Jay was different now, fully transformed. His human form was replaced by a winged beast, a dragon. Lightning spewed out of his smelly mouth that was larger and covered in pointy yellow teeth that were larger than his human hand. He was moving heavily on four limbs, all decorated in yellow toenails, and a long, thick tail came out of his rear end. Wings of a size bigger than his body were attached to his back, with some parts having holes in them, creating the image of a well-fought fight in the others' heads. The underside of his stomach was a sky blue color, just like his wings, but the rest of his body was an angry dark blue.

His ginormous head supported a yellow pointy horn that helped direct lightning strikes towards his enemies — in this case the other ninja. Jay was no longer able to distinguish between friends and enemies. All of them were the enemy, because in his head they wanted to hurt him, and he needed to protect himself.

Nya, who couldn't believe the scenery unfolding in front of her, tried to get through to her boyfriend with words of desperation. Every time she tried to get closer to him, he either backed away or shot dangerous amounts of volts at her which she quickly pulled herself away from. She couldn't recognize him, both physically and metaphorically.

"Jay!" She watched as Kai threw himself out of her Yin's path who was about to trample over him. "Jay, please! What's wrong with you?!"

There was a moment that Jay was with his back to her, his smaller yellow eyes now fixated on Zane, who was slowly walking backwards with his hands in front of him. The nindroid had no intention of using his powers on his friend so he tried to solve the issue by being as non-dangerous as possible.

And Nya saw this as a chance to advance on him.

So she slowly and carefully snuck up behind Jay, mindful of the giant wings that kept flapping around. A part of her wondered why he wasn't making any effort to fly away.

Once she felt like the opportunity was at its peak, she said, "Jay," and delicately placed her hand on his back, only for his tail to suddenly slap her back. The Water Ninja crashed against the brick wall of the monastery's courtyard with a loud huff, her body falling to the floor in pain.

Her friends and brother quickly ran to her to make sure she was okay. Cole was next to her first so he flipped her on her back and looked for any injuries.

"I'm fine," she groaned and used Cole's shoulder to lift herself up. "I'm splendid." She looked forward and widened her eyes at the beast storming their way. "Cole, look out!"

But it was too late for that warning. Jay was already on top of the Black Ninja before any of them could blink. Cole's body went rigid. His shoulders were caught under Jay's forefeet that pressed them to the ground. Hot, angry smoke came out of Jay's large nostrils as he stared his best friend down.

"Jay!" Nya yelled and gathered her courage to push against his neck. The dragon's left eye looked at her as his attention was on her now. Suddenly, he didn't feel as intimidated anymore. Nya figured this out quickly and used it to her advantage. "You're squishing Cole."

Jay glanced back down at the Earth Ninja, who smiled warily once the attention was back on him. Jay's feet left Cole's body, letting him take a deep, relieved breath.

Then Jay's body began to twitch and move rapidly. Yellow sparks flew across his entire body as he slowly began to shrink in size. His tail began to disappear, his four legs disappeared, his horn disappeared, all as he transformed back to his old body.

His face was the first thing to reappear, followed by the rest of his body. Only his left arm was not an actual arm but a wing. Jay, still confused and a little intimidated by himself, looked at it and flapped it a little. It made him stumble forward, and Nya caught him before he could fall down.

"Let's get you inside," she said exhaustedly.

— — — —

"Let me go!" Jay yelled, thrashing around in his restraints. He was tied down to his bed, his wing attached to multiple ropes to secure him correctly.

The others had tried to talk to him without taking his ability to move, but he made it difficult to communicate. His dragon urges were too dire. They even had to place vengestone all around him to prevent him from shocking any of them with his powers.

"Sorry Jay." Nya stepped forward and attempted to touch his face but pulled her hand back when he went to bite it. "But it's what we have to do. Now speak."

"I'm fine!" he yelled at her, almost bringing tears to her eyes. He'd never yelled at her so it affected her deeply.

Kai came to stand in front of his sister, blocking Jay's sight of her. "Have you lost your mind, Walker? Yelling at Nya? Really? You better offer a good excuse unless you want your face rearranged."

Jay's slit pupils dilated as he processed the situation. He got a glimpse of his girlfriend, who was staring at him from behind her brother with tears in her eyes.

Making her cry broke him more than the dragon DNA he'd been injected with was breaking his human DNA.

So he caved and told them what had happened three days prior. He came clean, admitting to his lies and apologizing for being stupid and naive. He also added that he accidentally ate one of Zane's socks during one of his fits which Zane did cringe over, though saying it was alright.

The others were understandably upset about him having lied to them and deceived them. But they found the heart to understand him and immediately began to plan their next strategies to go forward.

Their plan included paying a visit to Lippert and his scientist minions, getting a cure, giving the cure to Jay, living happily ever after. Simple as that.

After untying the Blue Ninja, they packed their weapons, just in case a fight were to break out, and took their fastest vehicles to get to the lab.

They arrived in less than half of the time that Jay had. Their plan, though not entirely democratically chosen, was a direct confrontation. No stealthy observations, no waiting for them to attack first, no patience. All they had was the moment, they didn't need anything else.

"What's his name again?" Nya asked Jay as he tried to squish through the narrow doorway with his giant wing.

"Uh, George, I think. George Lippert. Or Lippern? I don't even know." He sighed. "I'm so tired."

Nya's eyes softened. She took his left hand, the one that was an actual hand, and gave him a comforting squeeze. "It'll be done in no time. You'll get rid of that." She pointed at the wing. "And then we can go home and cuddle."

A tired smile pushed onto Jay's lips. He nodded and quickly placed a kiss on Nya's hair while the others were distracted looking for the scientists.

"Stop it right there!" Kai yelled. Jay and Nya straightened up and unhooked their hands to get into fighting stances.

A scientist stood there, at the end of the hallway, with one silicone glove off his hand and the other one hanging on his fingers. He removed the last glove and threw the pair into the bin next to him. It was overfilled but somehow able to hold the trash.

"Hello," he said innocently, his face derivative of what his brain told him him to look like. "How may I help you?"

Nya felt white hot rage bubble up her spine. She speed-walked forward, pushed past Kai and Lloyd, and grabbed the scientist by his lab coat before he could register what was happening. She pushed him against the wall and was directly face-to-face with his wrinkles and moles, all the imperfections his science couldn't alter or hide. Since she was taller than him, she easily lifted him up so that his feet were no longer touching the floor.

"What is going on?!"

Nya pushed him harder against the wall, making him grunt out in pain. "What have you done to my Yin?" Her voice was dripping venom. "What-" She pushed him harder again, "Have you done to him?!"

The man blubbered some nonsense. "I- No- We didn't- I didn't mean to-"

One of Nya's hands released his coat, drew out far, and came down on his cheek harshly, sending his face flying to the right. His other cheek even hit the wall due to the force of the slap.

The guys' jaws dropped open.

Nya made the guy look back at her. She watched tears gathering in the corners of his eyes in glee. "I will not repeat myself, Lippert." She looked him up and down. "If that is even your name."

The scientist sobbed. "It's not! My na-name is Frederic."

The Water Ninja narrowed her eyes at him. "And does Frederic have a last name?"


"Middle name?"



"Aug-gust third." He sobbed. "1981."

"Death date?"

Colters's eyes widened in horror. "What?"

Nya grinned and finally let him go. He fell to the floor but caught himself and stood stockstill. "I'm just kidding."

He let out a sigh of relief.

"Unless," Nya spoke intimidatingly, making him tense up again. "You don't show us the way to Lippie. Lippers. Lippington. Whatever his name is."

"It's Lippert."

Nya glared at him. "I know. It's a terrible last name, I don't like it. Now shoo!" She made a hand movement down the hall. "Lead us to Leprechaun."

When the scientist was unmoving due to shock, Nya made a sudden hand movement which set him off running towards the laboratory.

"Wasn't that a bit harsh? You scared the guy to death." Though Jay tried to display dismay, he couldn't help the small appreciative smile blossoming on his face.

"No," Nya answered, taking his hand again as they trotted behind the frightened man. The others were behind the two. "He deserved it."

"I guess so." Jay glanced at his wing and sighed. In any other instance, he'd say it was cool as heck, but when it was forced on him without his consent, he didn't find it as cool. He did like the colors though.

The laboratory was colder than Nya's thoughts when they entered it. Lippert was standing with his back to them but turned around once he heard multiple footsteps approaching. His face first lifted when he saw Jay's winged arm but fell again when he saw every other ninja present as well.

He couldn't even get a word out before Nya cornered him. "The cure."


She held her hand out demandingly. "The cure, Lapine. Don't make me repeat myself again."

The man tilted his head to the side. "My name is Lippert."

"Do I look like I care?"

Lippert assessed his options and chose to shake his head.

Nya pursed her lips. She was getting more and more impatient as Lippert dragged on the interrogation. "Look Lipgloss." Lippert pulled a face at the name. "I am not here to ask politely or play twenty questions." She got right up in his face. "Tell me where the cure is or else."

"Or else?"

Nya closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down. Before she could threaten him any further, Lippert nodded quickly and held his hands up in defeat.

"All right, no need to get aggressive." He pointed at the door that led to a room the ninja had yet to see. "The cure is in there." He began to tell them he would get it, but Nya stopped him.

"Tell us how it looks." She moved her head in Cole and Zane's direction. "And they'll get it."

Lippert looked warily at them but still described the cure. Cole and Zane went to the backroom, a few moments passed, and then they were back. Zane was holding a syringe with a red substance inside, just like Lippert had described the cure to look like.

Nya looked at the cure skeptically. "How do we know it's the cure?"

The scientist shrugged. "You don't. You'll have to trust the words of an underpaid medic."

The self-pitying words flew right past Nya's head as she walked up to the others and took the syringe. "Are you sure this'll work?" she asked Zane, who was the only one who could give them somewhat of a medical advice.

"I do not know," the nindroid answered apologetically. "I have never seen this before, and since there is no label attached to it, I cannot definitely say what it is or if it will help Jay's condition."

"It's fine," Jay said. "I say we go through with it."

"Are you sure?" Nya asked him, her eyebrows drawn to a line.

Jay shrugged with his shoulder. "This wing is cool but impractical. I'd rather have my arm back."

Since she couldn't even think about injecting Jay with an unknown substance, Nya handed the syringe to Zane and let him do the job. She watched as the needle slowly sunk into her lover's flesh and disappeared in the broken skin. The red liquid was drained quickly until nothing was left in the see-through part of the syringe.

Jay flinched at first but relaxed the longer the needle was in his arm. His eyes, now a lighter blue and a little droopy, focused on Nya before they fluttered closed. His head fell forward so Nya quickly caught him and shook him awake. "Jay! Jay, are you okay?"

"Yeah," he yawned. "Just sleepy."

Cole turned to the scientist and threw him a glare. "Is this supposed to happen?"

Lippert shrugged. "I would be happy to tell you but unfortunately I'd have to get close to the patient." He eyed Nya. "And I do not think his guard dog would let me."

Nya let go of Jay and turned around. "What did you just call me?"

Kai put a hand in front of Nya's torso to stop her from walking up to the scientist. "Just come over here and fix this before I let go of his guard dog," he told him. When Nya's mouth dropped open, Kai gave his sister a small smirk before looking back at Lippert. He chose to ignore Nya's elbow jab directed to his rib cage.

Lippert shuffled across the room and stood in front of Jay. The others, though very skeptical, let him do what he told them was needed for Jay to get better.

"He seems to take the medication very well."

Nya scoffed. "Him being practically unconscious is what you call well?"


Huffing, Nya trained her eyes on the scientist and watched as he pulled out a metal device. Everything happened in slow motion after that, it seemed.

Lippert managed to put a thick, metallic silver collar around Jay's neck before any of the ninja could stop him. Jay's fingers hooked around the collar, trying to get it off, but without any avail.

Cole and Kai pulled the scientist away from Jay, who began to convulse on the floor before he transformed into a dragon again. Lippert began to giggle to himself as he observed his creation.

Meanwhile, Nya ran up to her boyfriend and tried to help however she could. But the problem was that the collar did things to Jay that she couldn't understand. Once he was completely transformed, he was more aggressive and protective. He was not able to differentiate between enemy and friend, so when he started to come for Nya, she needed to be pulled away by her brother.

Electricity flamed out of his mouth, wrapped around his yellow horn, and spread out in the laboratory, every streak going after one of his friends. Lloyd easily dodged it, Cole threw himself out of the way, Zane took a side step, and Kai kicked down the table and pulled his sister down, using the table as a shield.

While Lippert was still laughing evilly and happily in the corner, he wasn't able to see the raging dragon storming his way. The scientist was quickly knocked out by Jay's tail sweeping him off his feet, making him fall down harshly.

None of the ninja made any effort to make sure he was all right.

Then Jay bolted out of the laboratory. The ninja quickly sprinted after him and caught him flying away in the distance, his direction being Ninjago City. They yelled after him but Jay didn't respond or acknowledge them — he was already out of sight.

"What do we do?" Cole asked the others.

Lloyd quickly calculated the next steps in his head. "Zane and I will stay and look for the cure." He turned to Cole, Nya and Kai. "You guys go and try to stop him before he does some things we won't be able to undo."

— — — —

By the time the three ninja arrived in their home city, all hell was breaking loose. Jay was flying from building to building, his large wings creating strong winds the pedestrians had to fight against to stay on their feet. He broke the occasional window with his large body.

The thunderclouds in the sky blocked out the sunshine and warmth of the summer sun, and lightning struck every other second.

He was building up the storm Lippert had been dreaming about for years.

Nya told her brother she would try to calm him down and, before he could stop her or scold her, jumped out of the moving vehicle Kai was driving. He yelled out her name in shock but his heart calmed down when she safely landed on her feet, though it was still beating anxiously in his chest.

Jay was the living and caring boyfriend of her sister ever since he could remember, but now all he could see was a beast.

Nya sprinted after Jay as fast as her legs would carry her. She used her water powers to boost her jumps and didn't let herself get deterred whenever Jay would not react to her calls.

"Jay, please!" She dodged a shot he aimed at her, which then landed on a pharmacy building and blew it into shreds. "Quit running away from me!"

Suddenly, the dragon stopped rampaging around and abruptly turned around, causing Nya to have to stop quickly as well. They were standing opposite of each other on the rooftop of a very tall building. Nya looked very small compared to Jay, she was basically as tall as one of his claws.

"We could squeeze some info out of the scientist," Lloyd contacted everyone through their ear pieces. Nya listened to him while also keeping her eyes on Jay. "Apparently he has a boss who's controlling the collar from afar. Zane and I are on our way to him. Meanwhile you guys have to distract Jay from destroying Ninjago."

"Nya, stay where you are. You have him still right now," Cole told her. "I'll sneak around his back."

She couldn't agree without alerting Jay so she made a slow head movement up and down.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Cole climbing his way up the building. Since everything around them was in literal chaos, Cole's grunts and huffs were overshadowed by people's screams, cars' ongoing alarms, and ambulances' sirens.

Nya let her eyes roam Jay's dragon form as she thought about her next steps. Or better yet; she needed to know his next steps. Him being unpredictable was a huge problem, one that she had to somehow solve as quickly as possible.

But now that he was actually calmly looking back at her, as if he recognized her voice and knew to listen, she realized this was her moment, the only one she might have to get him under her control.

She took a few cautious steps forward, her hand in front of her. "You're okay, Jay," she said.

Lloyd's voice was back in Nya's ear as she advanced further in Jay's direction. "We've got the cure! We're on our way to you guys."

"How do we get the collar off of him?" Kai asked.

"We have a remote control," Zane answered. "But we have to be in close proximity."

"Hurry up," Nya whispered as quietly as she could.

Then she addressed Jay, who was now curiously sitting there and focusing on her and her only. "You're okay," she repeated. "We are all okay."

Jay titled his head and looked at her hand. He then slowly brought his head down and eyed her hand like it was the most interesting thing in the world. He even went as far as sniffing it.

Once he took in the familiar scent, Nya watched as his pupils dilated. He stomped on the ground repeatedly, like an excited dog about to jump after its favorite toy, before doing a similar such thing. Nya yelped when she was scooped up and squished against the scaly skin of his enlarged cheek. Their gazes met; his excited, hers shocked.

"When I said we're okay, I didn't mean it like this," she chuckled, relaxing.

Suddenly, the sound of metal hitting the ground broke her away from him. She noticed it was the collar that was no longer around Jay's neck. Then she saw Zane's ice jet and Lloyd's dragon flying over to them in the distance.

"Keep him calm." Lloyd stood up and balanced on his dragon's green wing as he took out a large syringe. It contained a red liquid, which made Nya skeptical again.

"Are you sure that's the one?"

Lloyd nodded. "Pretty much." He got as close to Jay as he could and quickly stuck the needle into his robust skin.

Jay winced and clutched Nya tighter. Even though he was immensely larger than his usual human size, he could still feel the poke of the needle, and he had always been terrified of getting a vaccine.

After a few seconds, Jay gently put Nya back down on the rooftop and shook vigorously on his spot. A blue mist surrounded him, with lightning bolts buzzing around, and swallowed his dragon form that got gradually smaller and smaller until the dragon was no longer there.

"Jay?" Nya couldn't see him anymore. All she could see was blue smoke. So she slowly advanced in his direction and tried to make out Jay's body.

Then a cough came. "I'm fine," he wheezed. He stepped out of the cloud and smiled at Nya tiredly, his hand covering his coughing mouth. His body was clothed in his gi again, much to his happiness since he had a track record of being transformed into his boxers only in the past.

Once he stopped coughing excessively, he opened his arms and welcomed his girlfriend's body that melted against his. "Thank you."

Nya looked at him with a smile on her face before it vanished and she punched his stomach quite hard. "That's for keeping secrets from me." She sent another punch his way. "And that's for being stupid." Then she hugged him again, this time more tightly. "You had me worried, Sparky."

"Yeah." He chuckled and rubbed her back soothingly. "Sorry about that. But you gotta admit." He pulled away from her and smirked. "Dragon-Jay was pretty cool."

Nya rolled her eyes and shook her head, a smile on her face.

"I think I like human-Jay more."

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