Drama At The Ceremonies
Enjoy this 8300+ words long thing!
I've cried while writing this, so be aware that there are some sad scenes🤚🏻
"Just one more twirl." He pleaded.
"Jay, I've already done enough twirls for you." Nya rolled her eyes.
"Please." Jay begged with puppy eyes, knowing she wouldn't be able to resist.
And just as he had expected, she groaned loudly before making a few twirls before stopping to look at Jay again.
His grin was contagious, however for Nya, it was not really its best timing. "You look amazing!" He said, making her frown, although getting compliments from him was always a great feeling.
She turned around to look in the mirror. "I look hideous." She stated.
Ninjago's second Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies was going to be in two days. It was an event which happened every five years, and it was the first time Nya was going to participate as an official member of the team. Five years ago, she was only Samurai X who was told to sit in her seat, but this time, she was going to be on the stage just like the other five boys.
And a person that was more excited than herself was her boyfriend. Ever since Skylor had to cancel on Nya because a worker at Chen's Noodle Empire was called in sick, Nya had asked Jay if he could go shopping with her. She needed a new dress to match the boys' style.
Nya didn't really have anything against her boyfriend helping her with choosing a dress, but the problem was that he, being her lover, found her beautiful in every single thing she had tried on. And as fluttering as it was, it wasn't helping.
Right now, they were in a clothing shop in one of the dressing rooms.
Nya looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes showing nothing but annoyance. It wasn't that she absolutely hated dresses, but the fact that it was a necessity that women had to attend to the event in a dress, and men in tuxedos, was what ticked her off. Deep down she knew that she wanted to actually wear a dress for once in a while, but having such rules turned her against the thought, resulting in her hating everything she tried on.
However, no matter how much she stated she hated the dress she was currently wearing, she actually managed to find a liking in it.
(I don't own the picture, it was found on Google)
The Ninjas' styles were supposed to be black tuxedos for the boys with bow ties in their gi color, and a black dress for Nya with her own highlights. That was how they had chosen it at the dinner table a week ago.
Nya sighed, turning around to face Jay. "I... actually love it." She murmured, not wanting to admit it.
Jay grinned. "What was that? I couldn't really understand you." He pushed, crossing his arms.
She groaned. "Fine, I like it." She pouted, looking away.
Her Yin came closer to her and stopped near her ear. "As I said, you look amazing. Now let's buy it already." He whispered excitedly.
Nya smiled, nodding. Then she quickly changed into her gi again and went to the cash register with the dress in her hand.
"Hello." The woman behind the counter greeted with a lovely smile on her lips.
"Hey," Nya smiled back. "I'd like to buy this." She put the dress on the counter and rummaged around in her purse, looking for her wallet.
"That's $450, please." The woman said after she put the dress into a box, and the box then into a paper bag which had the logo of the shop on it.
Just as Nya pulled her wallet out, she saw Jay handing the cashier the money. She narrowed her eyes at him and then pulled her own money out. She reached it out to the cashier. "Please take this, he's already paid enough times." She ended through gritted teeth, looking at him.
"No, please take my money. I'm always happy to pay." Jay told the cashier, side hugging Nya while smiling innocently.
"You will not pay for my dress, Jay." She looked at him, her tone serious.
"Yeah, well, I feel like it." He retorted.
The cashier chuckled, gaining both of their attentions. "How about you just split the bill?" She suggested.
"Fine." Jay and Nya both answered simultaneously.
After finally leaving the shop, the two decided to head home.
~ two days later ~
Nya sighed, looking at herself for what felt like the millionth time now. She was already in her dress, her hair was down, and she wore black high heels for the first time in years. She never had the reason to anyway.
For the first time in forever, she actually liked how she looked in a dress. She went up to her nightstand and grabbed her matching black purse. Taking a look inside, she felt relieved after everything she needed was inside.
Then she heard a knock on her door.
"Come in." She said.
The door opened to reveal Jay, already dressed in his black tux which was complimented by a blue bow tie.
"Hey, gorgeous." He said with a smile while walking up to her.
"Hello, handsome." She complimented him back as he pulled her in a hug.
As he pulled away, Nya could see him looking at her dreamily. "You ready?" He asked.
She nodded.
So he took her hand, intertwined their fingers, and led her out of the room.
The others were waiting on the deck of the Bounty. When they saw the two approaching, they smiled.
"You look great, Nya!" Her brother exclaimed. The other three boys nodded in agreement.
Nya smiled. "Thanks, guys! You look fine, yourselves." She smugly smiled, seeing them getting nervous. Then she turned to her brother. "Is Sky coming?"
Kai laughed nervously as everyone looked at him. He cleared his throat. "Yeah, she said she would be there before us."
Cole smirked. "Looks like someone has a date." He said in a sing-song voice.
"Oh please," Lloyd snorted. "it's Kai we're talking about. He's probably gonna manage to ruin everything and tell her that they're there as friends."
Kai glared at the two, feeling his cheeks burn up. "Let's just get going." He said, marching away.
It didn't take them long to arrive at the festivities. Even before they landed their ship, they could hear the music and loud talking noises from far away. After getting off the Bounty, they walked up to the front gates and were immediately greeted by Skylor who walked up to them, smiling.
"Hey." She said.
"Hi Sky." Kai said back, earning some understanding smirks from the others. Realizing this, he glared at them. "Knock it off, will you?"
"Let's just go in." Jay laughed, walking upfront with Nya around his arm.
After showing the security guards their IDs, they all walked inside and saw many people dancing, talking, and smoking in the 'smokers only' area. There was lots of beer in many of their hands, but Wu had forbidden his students any sip of alcohol, in case anything were to happen.
It was a rare occurrence for them to drink anyway.
Lloyd and Cole walked up to the buffet, leaving the group quickly. After Kai finally managed to properly talk to Skylor after they had walked in, she accepted to be his official date and they parted from the others to hang out alone. Pixal and Zane recognized Cyrus Borg inside the big crowd of people and went to talk to him, leaving Nya and Jay alone. Wu was already gone once they stepped inside, no one knew where he went to.
"What do you wanna do now?" Jay asked Nya, screaming into her ear as the music was too loud to talk properly.
Nya turned towards him to scream back into his ear. "I'm thirsty, let's go to the buffet."
Jay nodded, taking her hand as they tried to squish their way through the crowd, looking for the buffet they were promised was there.
After finally finding it, they immediately recognized Cole who was stuffing his face elegantly with the chocolate cake they were serving there.
"We leave you alone for two seconds, and you've already raided the buffet?" Jay laughed as his best friend glared at him.
"Well, sorry I don't have a date like you. Besides, I like it better this way because no one's gonna expect me to dance with anyone. And I'm quite happy with what I've dedicated my life to, thank you very much." He ended, pointing at his cake with his silver fork.
Jay chuckled at his friend's behavior. "Sometimes I wonder-"
"How my body's a temple? Yeah, me too." Cole laughed before taking another bite of his cake.
The Blue Ninja looked at where his girlfriend was and saw her giving some autographs to people, so he decided to stay with Cole for a while until his girlfriend was unoccupied again.
"Where's Lloyd?" He asked, grabbing a fork and stealing one bite from Cole's cake.
Cole opened his mouth in shock and disbelief, watching Jay chew on his cake. He narrowed his eyes at him and pulled the plate he was holding with one hand closer to his chest. "Hands off my cake, mister!" He warned.
"Hey, what's up?"
Jay turned around to see Lloyd with a glass of kids' punch in his hand. He let out a laugh. "Lloyd, you're mentally a teen now, are you really still into that stuff?"
Lloyd took a sip from his punch and licked his lips. "It's good, Zaptrap. You should try it." He recommended.
Jay rolled his eyes playfully. The three talked a bit more until the Blue Ninja looked back at his girlfriend to see her talking to another girl he hadn't seen before. So he walked up to them. "Hey, who's that?" He smiled politely.
"Oh, this is Seliel. I've just met her. Seliel, this is my boyfriend, Jay." Nya introduced them to each other.
"Nice to meet you." Jay reached his hand out for her to shake, which she did.
"Nice to meet you too." She said back, smiling.
Seliel was a girl just as tall as Nya and wore a purple v-neck dress which was stopping just above her knees. She had pink hair with a blue streak on one side, and was wearing a thin layer of makeup on her face.
"Jay, could you- who's that?" Cole came up from behind his best friend, noticing Seliel.
"I'm Seliel." She answered for herself, smiling.
Cole looked at her, starstruck, as he handed his plate to Jay. "Don't leave your plate with me again." He said absentmindedly. "I'm Cole." He said quite excitedly.
Jay looked at him and smiled smugly, realizing what was going on. "Wanna leave Romeo here with his Juliet?" He whispered to Nya who was also knowing what was happening with her friend.
She nodded, putting her finished glass on the table as Jay put down Cole's plate as well.
They walked up to the dance floor and stopped in the middle of it. They were in the middle of a huge crowd of other dancing couples.
"May I have this dance?" Jay slightly bowed down to his Yang who smiled, and reached out his hand.
She took his hand, stepping closer. "Why of course."
Placing his hand on the side of her waist, he pulled her closer and felt her hand on his shoulder. Both looking deeply into each other's eyes, they started to move around in sync together. After a short period of minutes, Nya rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes, taking in his sweet scent as the loud music serenaded her senses.
Nya's eyes shot back up and she turned around, with Jay following her gaze. They spotted their family walking up to them, so they stopped moving and looked at them.
"Ceremonies are gonna start in less than ten minutes, we need to get to our seats." Lloyd informed them.
The couple nodded. Just then, they realized Cole wasn't alone anymore once they saw Seliel from earlier with them and smirked at him simultaneously.
Cole noticed this and elbowed Jay into his rib cage. "Stop it!" He warned in a hushed tone.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Cole." Jay grinned innocently.
The Earth Ninja squinted his eyes at his friend before clicking his tongue. "You can be happy that we're not alone here."
"Really? Or is it that she is here?"
Cole then smacked Jay's head from behind.
"Okay, okay, I give up." Jay said before he smirked. "But I'll be your best man, right?" Seeing Cole clenching his jaw, Jay got his cue and grabbed Nya's hand and dragged her forwards with him, leaving Cole standing there.
"It's just a matter of time until he finds you." Nya whispered to her boyfriend as they rushed to their seats in the front.
"I know." His answer made her giggle.
The whole gang found their seats right at the front of the stage and sat down. After the lights dimmed down and only the stage was lit up, the crowd went awkwardly silent as the mayor walked up to the stage.
She made her way towards the wooden podium in the middle of the stage and tapped the microphone a bit, making it make some distorted sounds before she leaned down to it.
"Welcome to our second Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies, everyone! Thank you so much for showing up in such a sum to make all of this happen. And I would also like to thank all of our candidates and participants, we appreciate every single one of them." Mrs Heatherfield, the mayor of Ninjago, began, earning cheering and clapping from the sitting crowd.
She had been the mayor for more than a decade of her lifetime, and she wasn't really present in many events. However, for the ceremonies, she was always present and even hosted them herself.
"As for our first participants, I would like to ask for some incredibly strong fighters who defend our homes each and every single day of our beloved lives. These warriors have been in many fights, and I doubt they'll ever give up on the train wreck that is our home realm." She chuckled. "Of course we all know who I'm talking about. It's our well-known Ninja!"
The crowd cheered loudly as the Ninja looked at each other.
Noticing how nervous Nya became, based on her shaking leg, Jay put his hand on her thigh, feeling her relax a bit. She looked at the hand with wide eyes before smiling and focusing back on the mayor.
"I would like to welcome Cole Brookstone, the Earth Ninja, Zane Julien, the Ice Ninja, Jay Walker, the Lightning Ninja, Kai Smith, the Fire Ninja, Nya Smith, the Water Ninja, Lloyd Garmadon, the legendary Green Ninja, and of course their mentor and sensei, Master Wu here up at the stage!"
The crowd seemed to go crazy as the Ninja, together with Wu, stood up from their seats and started to head up on stage. One after the other, they walked up the stairs and entered the stage, waving at the crowd as their names were thrown all over the place.
They came to a halt a little bit behind the podium and stood in a straight line next to each other.
As the mayor continued to give a speech about how much the Ninja had done for the city in the past, Nya couldn't help but feel that something was off.
Before she had arrived at the festivities, she was feeling completely fine and nothing was wrong, but now all of a sudden, she wasn't feeling well at all. Her head was aching and concentration was long gone from her mind.
She pressed her eyes shut several times, but the more she did that, the blurrier her vision got. Feeling as if her head suddenly became featherlight, Nya couldn't help but assume the worst. Nobody seemed to notice, though.
Feeling her legs give in, she reached her arm up to Jay's and without a warning, she dug her nails into his biceps, hoping for some kind of support from him.
Jay yelped quietly. "What the-" He hissed before he realized her girlfriend seemed too distant. "Nya?" He asked, holding her hand that was now lightly holding onto his arm.
After getting no answer, he immediately went on high alert. "Nya, are you okay?"
That's when it happened. Nya's eyes closed shut, her balance non existent anymore. She started to lean to her side, falling behind her boyfriend who used his fast reflexes to catch her before she could hit the ground.
"Nya? Nya!" He screamed.
As the others realized what just happened, the crowd gasped in sync, making the mayor turn around to see the little crowd of Ninja.
Jay very lightly slapped his girlfriend's cheeks, trying to get her to wake up again, but to no avail.
"What just happened?" Kai hissed, trying to shield his sister's head from the many cameras that were trying to get a good glimpse of her unconscious form.
The guys instinctively formed a little circle around their female teammate and prevented anyone else from looking at her.
"Quick, bring her to the hospital. I'll stay here. Make sure to find out why she collapsed." Master Wu instructed.
The guys nodded. Jay picked her up bridal style and all the guys rushed backstage.
They quickly sprinted on rooftops and flew through the cool night sky. Some stars were visible, shining their way along with the several red and green traffic lights on the ground.
For the whole time she was in his arms, Jay constantly looked down to hopefully see her staring back at him, but of course that wasn't the case.
Millions of questions formed inside of the Blue Ninja's brain, trying to find out how something like this could have happened. She was fine when they were dancing!
But then again, it was Nya. She was good at hiding her feelings. Maybe she was in pain for longer? Maybe some days? Weeks? Hopefully not.
Zane, being a highly classified Nindroid, was leading his teammates in the best short cut towards the main hospital in the center of Ninjago City.
Finally seeing the huge, white building with a big, red cross on top of it, the five young men made their way back to ground level and sprinted the last few steps inside.
Basically storming inside the ER, they all started to frantically tell the nurses what had happened.
"Whoa, slow down! What happened?" The female receptionist raised her voice, gaining everyone's attention.
Jay stepped forward, showing her the unconscious Water Ninja in his arms. "We don't know what happened! She just collapsed in my arms!" He blurted out.
It brought back memories, really. Collapsed on the ground... in his arms... in a dress... eyes closed...
Horrible memories which hopefully wouldn't repeat themselves.
The receptionist nodded quickly and called in a doctor who made Jay bring the young woman in his arms into one of the examination rooms before sending him back out again.
Exasperated, Jay sat down next to Nya's brother who was frowning and fiddling with his thumbs, looking at the ground.
Jay could sense the fear in Kai's eyes.
He felt it too.
The Master of Lightning took a deep breath. "What do you think happened?" He asked out of the blue.
They were all sitting in the waiting room together, waiting. Jay and Kai sitting on one side of the room, Lloyd, Cole and Zane on the other one. They were all in what seemed like a circle.
Cole looked at his friend. "I don't know." The others nodded their heads in agreement.
"Did she show any symptoms before she collapsed?" Zane asked.
"No," Jay frowned. "I was with her most of the time. She seemed completely fine."
"It's Nya we're talking about," Kai spoke up, making everyone look at him. "she was probably hiding it all. Typical." He muttered under his breath.
"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Lloyd asked, worried for his big sister.
Cole pulled him into a side hug and squeezed his shoulder with his hand. "Of course, Greenie. As Kai said, it's Nya we're talking about."
Jay chuckled, looking down at the ground. His vision was locked into a small stain. Probably coffee, he assumed. Cole was right after all, Nya was tough. Tougher than probably most of the boys together.
Being prejudiced her whole life for being a girl had its good and bad sides. Mostly bad, of course.
"What do you think the people at the awards are doing right now?" Cole asked, making Kai groan.
"They're probably making up rumors on why Nya collapsed. Ten bucks on that." The Fire Ninja leaned back in his seat as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
That was Zane's cue. "I could show you what's happe-"
"Do it!" Jay ordered.
Zane closed his mouth sharply as he glared at his fellow ninja for a few seconds before sighing and giving in. Jay was distressed, lecturing him on good behavior now wasn't the best time to do.
So the Nindroid opened the latch in his arm and tapped on some buttons multiple times before a white beam appeared in the air.
It was like a TV, actually. Zane didn't have a remote, but with only commands from the inside, he could switch between different channels.
And it was probably not the best situation to do now.
"Why did Nya Smith collapse at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies?" A news reporter began, talking about the one thing none of the guys wanted to see on the internet.
"Flip the channel!" Kai commanded.
Zane did as he was told, but...
"The Girl Ninja just fell on the ground? Was she not even able to hold her own body weight? Did she-"
"Flip the channel!" Jay scoffed.
Again, Zane switched the channel.
"Why did the Water Ninja-"
He switched the channel.
"What could've been the reason for the Girl Ninja to-"
He switched the channel.
"Didn't she take her vitamins?"
He switched the channel.
"Is baby Walker on its way?"
He turned it off completely, making the beam disappear as quickly as it had arrived. Zane sighed. "Everyone's talking about her now."
Jay groaned. "She's going to be so pissed after she sees her name on every page of newspapers again. And all the memes on the internet..." His voice trailed off, recalling the last time she was made fun of on the internet. At that time, she was pretty down for days, however only letting him know about that.
Suddenly the door opened. All eyes were on the nurse as she was practically digging her rather short finger nails into her clipboard. She took a deep breath. "She's awake again."
The five boys let out a held in breath and relaxed in their seats. However, Jay could sense something was still wrong.
"But?" He asked, narrowing his eyes absentmindedly.
"We did a blood test and the results were quite shocking." The young nurse swallowed down a lump in her throat.
"So? What is it?" Kai asked, not wanting to hear something bad.
Yet whenever there was a 'but', it was always something bad.
The Ninja knew it oh so well.
"It indicates that she was poisoned."
Jay's heart stopped. Poisoned? Poisoned?! The memories came back rushing in in mere milliseconds as he recalled the last events when she was poisoned. Feeling tears forming in his eyes at the thought on its own, Jay looked at the nurse who cleared her throat.
"Mr Walker..." Her voice trailed off, leaving the Blue Ninja waiting for her to continue in anticipation. "We would like to talk to you. Could you please come with me?"
Jay nodded, standing up.
"What about us?!" Kai asked, exasperated that he couldn't see his now awake sister.
"You all will be able to go to her a bit later. Please be patient." The nurse pleaded as she left the room together with Jay.
Walking up to one of the patient's doors, Jay realized it had to be Nya's. Watching the nurse in front of him opening the door after a knock, they both walked inside.
The room was a usual patient's room with two beds and some nightstands, nothing fancy.
He saw another nurse inside as well as the doctor from earlier. What caught his eye first was his girlfriend, though.
Nya was still in her dress as she was sitting in her bed and... sobbing into her hands?
"Nya." Jay said as he ran the last few steps towards her and engulfed her into a side hug. Looking down at her, she seemed so hurt and vulnerable.
And the worst thing? He didn't even know why she was in this state.
"Hey, what happened?" He murmured before giving her head a peck.
Nya lifted her head up from her hands and looked at him. He could feel his heart break as he saw nothing but red in her eyes from all the crying. Nya didn't answer, she only threw her arms around him frantically and hugged him as tightly as possible.
This sudden action of hers startled him, but he quickly held her as tightly as she was holding him. Maybe even tighter.
Now she was sobbing into his chest, shaking.
This was a rare sight of the Water Ninja. Seeing her shed some tears alone was a rare occurrence, but experiencing her full-on sobbing like this was... almost unthinkable.
While caressing her open hair with his spread fingers, he looked at the doctor and nurses to see them just as distressed as she was. They weren't crying, but judged by the way they were looking, they probably would have been.
Now he was even more on high alert.
Did someone die or something?
But that was impossible. Nya was wide awake in his arms. Crying, yes, but alive.
Taking another look at his girlfriend, she was still crying. However, not as violently as some seconds ago.
He pulled one of his arms away from her back and loosened his grip with the other as he reached for her cheek and cupped it. He looked deeply into her eyes as he wiped away some tears. "What happened, Nya?" He asked once again.
Said girl lowered her gaze and instead looked at the white bedsheets.
Jay noticed this and turned towards the doctor. "What happened?" He asked him.
The doctor sighed. "Miss Smith, did he... know?"
Jay frowned. Know what? They weren't keeping secrets from each other. Or did she now? They had promised not to!
He looked back at his girlfriend who was shaking her head, letting another tear fall down. "Know what?" He asked Nya. She didn't answer which made him become even more impatient. "Know what, Nya?" He raised his voice a tad bit.
He hoped it wasn't too sharp, though.
Nya finally found her voice again. "I... found something out yesterday night."
"And what's that?" Jay asked.
Not being able to tell her boyfriend, Nya looked at the doctor pleadingly, practically begging for him to continue.
He realized this and took a deep breath. "Mr Walker, there was a five-week-old fetus growing in your fiancé's stomach."
Jay frowned. He could swear he knew the meaning of a fe-
His eyes widened. His heart stopped beating.
"You're pregnant?!" He blurted out, making her want to hide even more now. "Wait, does that mean we're going to be parents?" He asked, a huge smile forming on his face.
"Mr Walker-"
"Nya, why didn't you tell me earlier? This is so awesome!" He cheered.
Noticing the dark mood in the room, he stopped.
Something was wrong.
"Why are you all so down? This is great news!" He tried to cheer them up once again, but no one reacted the way he intended them to.
Something was definitely wrong.
"Jay." A voice crack made him look back down to his sitting girlfriend. "I'm so sorry."
"Sorry? For what?"
"Mr Walker," The doctor made him look back at himself. "I... I'm sorry to tell you that... the poison in her system... wasn't good for the fetus. It wasn't good one bit." He took a deep breath. "Whereas your fiancé could wake up due to medication supporting her, the poison..." He sighed, tears forming in his eyes. "It killed the growing fetus."
Jay's heart dropped. No, it shattered into tiny bits and pieces.
The doctor looked deep into the Blue Ninja's eyes. "I am sorry to tell you that your fiancé has miscarried your child."
"What?" Jay's voice was light and thin, not wanting to come out in full volume.
He looked back at his girlfriend who was sobbing once again. Feeling his own cheek with his fingertips, he realized it was flooded with his own tears already.
"We will leave you alone for a little." The doctor wiped his own tears away as he left the room together with the two nurses.
Only the sound sobbing filled the whole room.
Jay climbed into the bed and took Nya into his arms who hugged him back. He could feel her clutching into his back. This was breaking her a lot. More than anything, he assumed.
They held each other tightly for many minutes, just crying in each other's embrace together.
"It's okay, Nya." He suddenly stated, making her shake her head into his chest before she pulled away to look at him.
"No. It's all my fault, Jay." She blamed herself.
Jay took her hand and kissed her knuckles, rubbing them afterwards with his thumb. "That's not true. You couldn't have known this would happen."
Nya looked down, feeling guilty. "But I should've told you the second I found out. I was actually planning on telling you after the awards were over... but I guess that's not going to happen anymore."
Jay cupped her face with both of his hands and pulled it towards his, giving himself the ability to kiss her forehead. "Listen to me. This isn't your fault, okay? Please stop blaming yourself for something you couldn't do anything about." He brought their foreheads together and closed his eyes. She did the same. "I know this is going to be hard, but we'll get through this together. I promise we will."
And he was going to keep his promise at all costs.
They opened their eyes at the same time, staring into each other's.
She let a single tear drop down as she kept staring into his eyes, probably not even acknowledging the tear. "I love you." She said, shuffling in the bed so that she was leaning against his firm chest, staring at the wall across.
This was the first time.
The first time she said those words to him. The first time he actually heard them coming out.
He wrapped his arms around her vulnerable state and took a big sniff of her hair. "I love you too." He then felt her pressing her head more into him. Probably a sign of her saying 'thank you', he assumed.
They were sitting in each other's embrace for a short while until a light knock was heard on the door. None of them said anything, yet they heard the door open and close again. Then there were footsteps.
Jay turned around to see the others walking up to the bed. They were all pretty sad, as it seemed.
Kai sat down on the bed next to the couple and put his hands on both of their shoulders. "They told us what happened." He stated, directing his gaze back and forth between the two. Letting one tear roll down his cheek, his gaze stopped on his little sister whose eyes seemed to have lost the spark they were usually wielding. "I'm so sorry."
That's when she broke down once again. Not caring that the others were in the room as well, the usually stable Water Ninja buried her face in her fiancé's chest and started to sob once again.
Kai looked at Jay who was holding his little sister tightly as he himself was looking up at the ceiling, probably trying his best to keep his composure.
For her.
The other three males were standing around the bed, watching their fellow teammates break down. Cole wiped away his own tears as he held Lloyd in a side hug once again. The Green Ninja had his head hung down, not wanting to witness reality. Zane was looking at the couple sadly.
Suddenly, the only source of noise went silent. Jay looked down to see that Nya was not crying anymore, but frowning.
She removed her face from out of his chest, however still frowning. "The punch..." She mumbled, catching everyone's attention.
"What?" Kai asked.
"The punch!" Nya repeated loudly. She started to breathe heavily and her eyes kept flicking from place to place, not stopping anywhere.
"Nya?" Jay asked.
Kai suddenly seemed to get anxious as he realized her hand was shaking uncontrollably. He quickly shuffled over to her and pulled her into a hug, making her bury her face into his chest as he gently stroked her head. "It's okay, Nya. Everything's fine." He whispered into her ear as he tried his best to make her calm down.
"What's happening?" Jay asked Kai who slowly turned to look at him, his head on top of his sister's.
"Panic attack." The Fire Ninja turned back around.
Jay opened his mouth, yet nothing came out. This was the first time those two words were even mentioned in the family. He had never seen Nya having a panic attack. Heck, he never even knew it was a thing for her to have.
He turned around to see the others just as shocked as he was.
Feeling Nya calm down, Kai softened his grip until he let go of her completely. He moved to her side.
Nya wiped away some tears before looking down. "Sorry you guys had to... witness that."
Jay opened his mouth. "Nya, I didn't know you-"
"It only happened once when I was around nine." She interrupted him, knowing exactly what he was about to say.
Jay nodded as he didn't want to ask what the cause of the previous one was. He was curious, but now was not the time.
"Nya," Cole spoke up, gaining everyone's attention. Even Nya herself lifted her head up to look at him. "you said something about punch." He reminded her in the sweetest of voices he could muster.
Nya took a deep breath. "Guys, when we were at the buffet, like, me, Jay and Cole, I grabbed some punch. I made sure it was non-alcoholic because... you know." She kept herself from crying any more than she already had. "Then I drank from it. It was pretty okay. However, when I was talking to that girl-"
"Seliel." Cole reminded her. Jay shot him a glare because he interrupted her for something as unnecessary as a name. The Earth Ninja gave an apologetic look to his friend and turned back to his female friend to listen to her story.
"Anyways, while we were talking, she told me she wanted to get some fresh air. So I looked over to you," She looked at Jay. "and saw that you were busy talking to Cole, so I went out with her. It really only took a few minutes because it was quite cold, so we went back inside quickly. But when I came back and drank from my punch again, it didn't taste the same."
"What did it taste like?" Zane asked.
"I don't know, a little bit sourer, maybe. But I'm not sure, I just know it was different for some reason."
Jay took her hand and caressed her knuckles with his thumb. "Why didn't you tell me when you first tasted a difference?" He asked worriedly.
"I don't know, Jay!" She said a bit louder, shutting her eyes as she spoke. "I didn't think it was such a big deal, but if I had known that it was poison, I would've said something. I didn't even suspect anything."
Kai looked at Jay who seemed to be deep in thought. "Jay, could I talk to you for a second?"
Jay's head shot up and into his direction, his eyes reflecting confusion before fear settled in. He just now realized that in order for Nya to have a miscarriage, she had to have slept with someone. And in this case it was him. He nodded before both of them walked out of the room.
There weren't many people in the corridors, only some nurses walking up and down from room to room.
Jay looked at Kai as he sighed. "Look, Kai, I'm sorry I slept with your sister, it's just that-"
"How are you feeling?"
The Master of Lightning stopped immediately and looked at his brother as if he had gone crazy. "What?" He asked, unsure of whether or not it was a trick question.
Kai softened his gaze. "How are you feeling?"
The other male realized that the hothead was serious and went silent. It hurt a lot to even think about what could have happened if the fetus were to be able to grow into a baby, but that was too good to be true.
The news had hit him hard. Incredibly hard. He wasn't mad at Nya for not telling him right after she had found out about it. The way he knew himself, he would've been way too excited to concentrate on anything else and just blurt it out in the whole ceremonies. But the fact that he just found out about it, and at the same time about the death... it was tough.
Seeing his Yang breaking like that must've meant that she had to have been happy and excited to have a baby. He himself had always dreamed about the moment he would finally create his own little family with the love of his life.
Maybe it was only meant to be a dream, though.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and slowly looked at the person in front of him.
Kai sighed. "I'm not mad at you, Jay. I would have been, but... there's no way I can be after all this. It hurt a lot to find out about my possible niece or nephew to die like this, but it's nowhere near the pain you guys have to be feeling. Jay, you know I only want what's best for my little sis, and I've always known you'd be one of her best choices. And I know that no matter how much I'll try to be there for her, we've come to a point in which we both know that one day, you'll fully take that part in for me. And it does hurt to realize she's grown up now, but I'm glad it's you to be with her." Kai admitted.
Jay felt his throat tighten as many reasons crossed his mind to make him cry on the spot. Kai was a hothead for sure, and he had a short temper just like his sister, but just like her, he was also understanding and sympathetic when it came to serious topics.
The Red Ninja watched as a single tear rolled down Jay's cheek and engulfed him in a giant hug, giving him the chance to let his feelings out. Jay embraced him back by wrapping his arms around his brother's torso and dug his face into his shoulder, sobbing.
After sniffing a bit more, Jay pulled away and wiped away the remaining tear stains with his black sleeves. "Thanks." He said, calming down again.
"Nya, you can't!"
Both Jay and Kai's eyes widened when they heard Cole's muffled voice coming through the door. Just as Jay put his hand on the doorknob, it was suddenly yanked open by Nya who looked both distressed and enraged.
She looked at her Yin. "It was the mayor."
"What?" Jay asked.
Nya then grabbed his shoulders and shook him as she raised her voice in desperation. "Jay, it was the mayor! She told one of her minions to put the poison in my drink!"
After realizing what she just said, Jay got confused. "How do you know?"
"We've just seen the security footage thanks to Zane who could hack into it." Lloyd came up from behind Nya.
Jay clenched his jaw. "Why would she do that?!" He yelled, not being able to control his emotions anymore.
"We don't know yet, but we'll find out." Cole smirked evilly as he walked out of the room, cracking his knuckles.
Jay then turned back to his girlfriend. "Nya, we'll go and have a nice, little talk with our beloved mayor. But you have to stay here and rest."
"Rest? Are you nuts?! I wanna go too!" She protested.
"Nya," Her brother started. "you've been poisoned. And you also had a... miscarriage at the same time. You have to rest. Please." He pleaded, his eyes showing nothing but worry.
Nya's face fell. She looked around to see the other four boys all wearing sad expressions on their faces, looking back at her. She sighed. "Fine. But guys..." She hesitated. "Please don't say anything about my miscarriage. I don't want anyone but you to know."
Cole smiled sadly. "Of course."
Jay turned to the others. "You guys go ahead, I'll come in a bit."
They nodded and rushed out of the corridor.
After the others were gone, Jay took Nya's hand and led her back inside the room. The two walked over to the bed and Jay helped her under the blankets. After tucking her into her bed, Jay kissed her forehead.
"I'll come back to you as soon as I can."
"Get some answers. Don't give up." She told him, almost begging.
Jay put one of his hands on his Yang's stomach that was covered with the blanket and sighed. His other hand went up to caress her cheek. He leaned down and gave her a short, yet sweet kiss on the lips. "I promise."
After reluctantly leaving the room, Jay met up with the other four boys on the rooftop of the huge building.
Kai walked up to him. "No mercy?"
"Definitely no mercy."
Just like they had done it before, the five sprinted from rooftop to rooftop until they were able to see the festivity grounds once again. This time with not so much joy.
They ran inside, noticing that the people were long gone. Jay looked at the time on his phone, it showing it was past two in the morning. The ceremonies had ended about an hour ago.
There was one of the few cleaning people that was picking up trash from the ground. Jay ran up to that person. "Excuse me? Do you know where I can find the mayor?" He asked, his tone overly sweet.
The male worker raised an eyebrow before realizing he was talking to one of the Ninja. "She's supposed to be in her guest room, backstage."
Jay smiled thankfully. "Thanks!" He said before he stormed off with the others.
There were some rooms on both sides of the long corridor of the backstage area. The gang had never been there before, and since there were no name tags on the doors, they were basically knocking on every single door they walked past.
Some doors were opened by people they weren't familiar with, others were not opened at all. The guys were ready to break down those doors, but Zane told them not to, reasoning it was in the middle of the night and they were probably asleep on the other side.
They made their way to the very last door in the corridor, when they started to hear faint talking noises. Realizing it was coming from that door, Jay knocked on it. The noises stopped abruptly.
He scoffed. "We know you're in there, open the door!"
There was some shuffling on the other side before the door slowly opened. A woman was on the other side, her eyes wide. "Hello?" She asked.
"Mrs Heatherfield?" Zane stepped forward.
She nodded slowly.
"We have a bone to pick with you, ma'am!" Kai began angrily.
"How can I help you?" The mayor asked sweetly.
None of the guys bought that.
"We have some questions for you, and you will give us answers." Jay demanded.
"And why would I do that?" Mrs Heatherfield huffed.
Jay's eye twitched. "You wouldn't wanna get hurt, would you?" He asked excruciatingly slowly.
She gulped. "You know nothing!" She exclaimed before she slammed the door shut.
The boys stood there for a second, taking in what just happened. Jay's blood started to boil. He started to bang on the door. "Open the door!" He demanded, screaming.
When there was no answer coming from the other side, Jay started to throw his whole body weight against the door for a few times before it flung open.
The room was rather small, there was only a big bed with a dresser and a desk on the other side. The mayor was in front of the window, behind the bed. Her body was trembling at the sight of the angry Ninja in the doorway.
Jay slowly started to walk up to the frightened woman. "Why?" He asked, sending sparks down to his hands as he was stepping forward. "WHY WOULD YOU POISON HER?!" He yelled.
The woman gave a slight whimper as she looked down to his hands. She stepped backwards until her back hit the wall.
"You will answer me, or else..." He said through gritted teeth, never finishing his sentence to arise her anticipation.
Mrs Heatherfield gulped loudly. "You're a ninja, you wouldn't hurt me!" She exclaimed, trying to sound courageous, though the fear was plainly evident in her tone.
She was cowering in the corner as she could feel Jay's eyes piercing into her soul. He was right in front of her. "YOU THINK I GIVE A DAMN?!" He exclaimed as he extended his arm out towards her, ready to send her into shock.
"Jay, stop!"
The other four who were in the doorframe, looking at Jay, turned around to see the commissioner and some other police officers behind him stepping in.
After Jay didn't respond, he repeated his demand. "Jay, stop!"
Jay didn't look away from the cowering woman. "Why would I, huh? This woman caused the worst thing that could happen, to happen. And she should also pay the conse-"
"Jay, please listen to the commissioner."
Jay turned his gaze away from the mayor towards the doorframe to see Nya stepping inside. His eyes widened, his tone softening at once. "Nya, what are you doing here? You're supposed to rest." He said as he lowered his hand, the sparks still there.
Nya stepped closer to him until she reached out her hands and grabbed his. She sighed. "Don't."
The sparks disappeared at once at the contact with her hands and she felt him squeezing back.
The commissioner stepped forward. "Tanya Heatherfield, you are under arrest for attempted assault and murder. Please put your hands behind your back." He pulled out a pair of shackles and went up to her.
"Murder?" She asked as she was turned around by the commissioner. She felt her hands being drawn together and attached to the cold shackles.
"Yes, murder. Nya Smith was pregnant when the poison was inserted into her system." He pulled on the woman's shoulders and started to lead her outside.
Nya then let go of her boyfriend's hands and walked in front of the woman. "Why would you do that to me?"
There was a spark in the mayor's eyes. The spark wasn't a good one at all, though. "Why? Why?! Do you have any idea how boring this event is? I needed some drama, and thanks to you, there were so many people interested in what happened!" She smiled devilishly.
Nya's throat tightened, her hand balling into a fist. "Drama? That's why you would make that man put poison into my drink?! Do you have any idea what you've done to me? To Jay? TO MY DEAD CHILD?!" She snapped, tears escaping her eyes.
The mayor scoffed. "It's only a matter of time until the masses find out about your pathetic, little baby. You're already being dragged on the internet, I'm looking forward to seeing your miserable face on every part of-"
"That's it!" The commissioner yelled at the woman, making her shut up. He then looked over at Nya, sighing. "I'll send you a letter in which I'll tell you the court information."
Nya nodded, watching as the two left the room, together with the other officers. Now there were only the Ninja in the room.
Jay walked up to Nya and immediately pulled her into a tight hug. He kissed her hair. "It's okay. We'll get through this, Nya." He reassured her.
Nya looked up in the hug and met his gaze. Her heart fluttered as she leaned her head back against his chest. She sighed, smiling for once ever since the news were dropped. "I wanna go home." She said, almost whispering.
The others agreed on her proposal and went home. Although it was hard, Jay and Nya managed to cope together over time. And the mayor? She lost her status as mayor and was put into Kryptarium prison.
Why hello there, people who have read this whole thing! Yeah, I've cried while writing this. Both because of the story and my lost patience while writing this... it took me about a whole week to write :,(
Did you like the fact that this was longer than my usuals, or should I keep them shorter? Or should I divide longer stories into more parts?
As I said in the beginning, this whole thing is 8300+ words long. And on my phone, it's freaking 67 pages.🥲
Anyways, thanks for reading!
~ Sev <3
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