Coffee And Biscuits

"What's gotten you so groggy this fine morning?" Kai asked his sister, laughing.

Nya halted in her steps and just stared at her brother who was seated at the dining table with everyone else already sitting.

She was thinking about many things, but she was way too exhausted to point out how horrible her brother's attempted British accent was.

Nya wordlessly walked over to her seat and plopped herself down next to her boyfriend and Lloyd.

Everyone watched her as she grabbed the chocolate cornflakes and poured some into her bowl that was already placed neatly in front of her, her spoon lying next to it.

"Mom called," she finally answered Kai who instantly froze in his spot.

"Oh God," he commented. "What did she want?"

Again, everyone waited for Nya's answer while she carelessly poured some milk into her bowl. Then she picked up her spoon and stirred around in her bowl before taking a bite.

As she chewed her meal, she stared out the window across from her, completely ignoring her anxious brother who was still waiting for an answer.

"She's gonna visit with Dad this afternoon," she said after swallowing.



"Come on, your parents aren't that bad," Cole chimed in, his spoon full of his own food in his hand.

"Dude," Kai glared at him.

"It's true, Kai. Be glad you have both parents who love you to pieces," Cole sighed, taking a bite.

The others around the table looked at each other, concerned.

"You're right," Kai admitted. "Sorry."

"It's fine."

They all fell silent and ate their food until a phone started ringing loudly among them.

"No phones at the table!" Wu exclaimed. "How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Sorry, Master, I have to take it. It's my Ma," Jay excused himself and walked out of the room.

After a few minutes, Jay walked back into the room and sat back down on his seat. He nervously fiddled with his fingers while avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"Everything alright?" Nya asked him.

Jay let out an awkward laugh. "Yeah, everything's great... Everything's just... great."

"Cool, cool," Nya replied, not buying his statement at all. She knew he was going to burst any second anyway.

Just as she had predicted, he blurted his guts out the next moment.

"My parents are coming to visit this afternoon!"

The entire table froze, everyone only stared at each other in shock. Panic was evident in everyone's features, even in Wu's.

"Oh First Spinjitzu Master," Wu muttered under his breath.

"Are you sure?" Kai asked Jay.

The Blue Ninja nodded. "Yeah. She said, and I quote: 'Jay, my boy, how are you? Oh, it's fantastic that you're doing great! Yes, we're great too! Anyways, I called because I wanted to tell you that your father and I will be coming over later.'."

The others stared at him silently. They didn't know what was scarier; the fact that both the Smiths and the Walkers would be visiting or the fact that Jay was able to do a very impressive Edna impression.

"Okay, okay, nobody panic!" Nya shouted, catching everyone's attention. "Maybe we could invite Misako and Lou, too? Have a small gathering, you know?" she suggested.

"That's not possible," Cole said. "My father's on tour right now."

Nya swore under her breath and turned to Lloyd expectantly.

He only shrugged. "I have no idea where she is. Sometimes she's around all the time, and other times she disappears for a while without telling anyone." He then sighed, looking off into the distance. "Man, I have weird parents."

"I do not understand," Zane said. "What's so horrifying about Maya, Ray, Ed, and Edna visiting at the same time?"

Kai stroked Zane's hair while slowly shaking his head. "Our poor Zane," he said while continuing. "The last time they were all in one room together was the last time we had dignities."

"Correction: It was the last time Jay and I had dignities," Nya rolled her eyes.

Kai laughed humorlessly. "Nope. I'm also their child, so I was doomed too."

"Dude, we're not even their children, yet we still got embarrassed," Lloyd mentioned, making Cole nod.

"Zane's the only one they spared. Barely," Jay shuddered.

"What are you doing?" Lloyd asked his uncle who was typing furiously on his phone.

"I thought we had a no-phones-at-the-dining-table rule?" Kai asked, smirking.

"Silence," Wu told them. After a few seconds, he put his phone away and stood up. "I will be attending an emergency at Laughy's karaoke bar."

"Oh, no, you won't," Kai quickly said, standing up as well. "If we have to endure an entire afternoon with Nya, mine and Jay's parents, you will be here, too."

"No, Kai. There is an emergency and I will be helping the people there."

"No, uncle," Lloyd chimed in, also standing up. "You're staying. In fact, if there's an emergency at Laughy's, wouldn't it be better for us, the ninja, to go and help?"

"There is no need for that, Lloyd."

"You're not getting away from this, mister," Nya said, crossing her arms and glaring at Wu.

"That is no way to speak to your elders, young lady."

"That is no way to speak to your elders, young lady," Nya mimicked quietly with an exaggerated impression of Wu's voice.

"Very mature, sis," Kai told her, laughing.

Nya nodded. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

"I do not owe anyone an answer," Wu said, grabbing his staff from the counter behind him. "Now if you will excuse me, I have to get away," he muttered the last part under his breath and swiftly exited the room before anyone could stop him.

After he was gone, the rest only stared at each other, all of which thinking about what to do next.

Having the Smiths or the Walkers visiting wasn't a new thing; both sets of parents liked to spend as much time with their children as possible. But the fact that both sets were going my to visit around the same time was what was freaking the kids out.

Since Jay and Nya were a couple, Ray and Maya liked to keep a healthy relationship with Jay's parents, Ed and Edna, which was reciprocated on the Walkers' part.

But you can surely guess what it would be like to have both sets of parents at one place.

Lots of chaos and embarrassment.

A perfect mix.

Sighing, Kai looked at the others. "Nya, Jay, go clean your rooms. I'm sure they'll try to get in there at some point. The rest should clean everything inside this monastery."

The others agreed before immediately spreading out and cleaning and tidying different parts of their home.

Jay practically flew through his open doorway and rushed over to his bed. He quickly straightened out his baby blue sheets and placed his pillows neatly against the headboard.

Then he looked at the floor and sighed upon seeing a lot of his clothes scattered across his carpet — He really needed to get a grip on his tidiness.

He walked over to his closet and opened it. After that he picked up as many clothes his arms could hold and shoved them into his closet. Sighing, he closed his closet again and turned around to look around in his room.

His sight caught his rather messy desk and his feet led him over to it. The Blue Ninja collected all of his pencils, pens, erasers and rulers and put them back into his pencil case which was put in the corner of his desk. He decided to leave his blueprints the way they were, there was no need to put them away when his heart and soul were attached to them.

Besides, his parents had been the first ones to discover his talent for inventing, so why not show them what he was currently working on?

Anyways, Jay looked around his room again and noticed the picture frame on his nightstand lying face first on the dark blue-painted wood.

He picked the photo up and glanced at it. A small smile formed on his lips when he realized it was a photo taken on his and Nya's first date.

Not wanting to let himself drown in those beautiful memories at a time like that, he placed the frame back onto his nightstand and took a look at the time.

His parents should be arriving in less than an hour.

Just enough time to mentally prepare for an invasion of his privacy.

A knock on his bedroom door interrupted his thoughts and made him turn around to be faced with the glorious face of his Yang, Nya.

"Hey, your parents just arrived," she informed him.

Jay's eyes widened. "But I thought they'd arrive in an hour?"

This was not going according to his plan.

Nya shrugged. "All I know is that they're with Cole and Lloyd right now."

Sighing, Jay nodded and walked over to her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and led her out of his room. "Let's go, then," he said and closed his door.

The two walked down the hallway and headed for the living room. Even before they were close to it, they could hear Edna gushing over how grown and handsome the others had become.

Once they entered the room, all eyes fell on the two.

"Jay, Nya!" Edna exclaimed as she basically jumped up from her seat and handed her mug of ginger tea to her husband before walking up to the couple.

She embraced the two in a tight hug which barely gave them a chance to sling their arms around her body to reciprocate the hug.

As Edna pulled away, she beamed at Nya who was smiling back at her. "Oh, you've gotten even more beautiful since the last time I've seen you, my dear!" she squeezed Nya's cheeks while speaking. Then she rested her hands on her shoulders and turned around to look at Ed who had already put her mug on the coffee table and was heading for them. "Isn't she just phenomenal, Ed?"

"Certainly so, my sugarplum," Ed answered his wife and looked at his son's girlfriend. He then opened his arms and embraced Nya in a hug, too. "Hello, darling," he told her.

"Hi! Welcome, you two!" Nya said and smiled at her boyfriend's friendly parents.

Jay gaped at his parents. "Can I, your son, get some attention, too?" he pouted.

"Oh, stop being dramatic, honey," Edna told her son in a playful manner and immediately pulled him into a hug again.

"But it's like you love my girlfriend more than you love me," Jay whined.

"That is very much true, son," Ed answered Jay when he got a chance to hug him as well.


"Get over it," Nya smirked at him before looking past Ed and Edna. She glanced at the others and looked at the coffee table which only had two mugs of tea on it. She glared at the other boys. "Are you guys nuts? Go and bring them something to eat!" she ordered and Lloyd and Kai quickly got up and headed for the kitchen in a panic.

"No need for that, Nya. We've already eaten before heading here," Edna politely told her, although it was pointless when it came to arguing with the Water Ninja.

Nya waved her off. "No, it's very disrespectful to have guests over and not to offer anything."

Just then, Kai and Lloyd returned with all types of snacks in their hands and put them down on the table.

Everyone sat down and they started a conversation.

"So, is Jay behaving correctly?" Edna asked everyone, yet glanced at Nya for a second too long.

As Jay whined, the others chuckled. "Yeah, he's alright," Cole answered dismissively while snatching a cookie from the table.

"Alright?!" Jay gasped, putting a hand to his heart. "Not totally awesome, overly handsome, and absolutely wholesome?"

"The rhyming makes my brain hurt," Kai groaned, letting himself lean back into the couch deeply with a cookie in his hand.

"It's technically not rhyming, Kai. It's more like the 'powerful three -somes'," Jay answered.

Kai rolled his eyes. "I cannot believe that-"

"Hello? Is anyone home?"

Kai and Nya's eyes widened before they jumped up and headed towards the voice. They then found their mother and father lingering at the front door.

Upon seeing their kids, Maya and Ray beamed and rushed up to them.

"My babies! I've missed you two so much!" Maya exclaimed as she threw her arms around both of them.

"Hey, Mom!" Kai and Nya said simultaneously. Then, when they were let go, they turned to their father. "Hey, Dad!"

"Hello, kids," Ray chuckled, pulling them into a hug as well.

"Where's Jay?" Maya instantly asked Nya who suppressed a laugh.

It wasn't the first time that her mother was so fond of her boyfriend.

As Nya opened her mouth to tell her that he was in the living room, Jay himself appeared behind her, smiling.

"Right here," he announced.

"Jay!" Maya smiled back and quickly pulled him into a tight hug. "How are you?" she asked him after pulling away.

"I'm good, how are you?" he asked her back before he glanced at a smiling Ray. "Hey, Ray."

"Hello, son."

"Oh, I'm great! We have so much catching up to do," she told all three of them, smiling.

But something in the distance caught her eye which wiped her smile off her face for a small moment.

"Edna?" she asked, stepping past the kids.

"Maya?" Edna asked, looking back at the other woman.

The two just stared at each other for a second before jumping into each other's arms and squealing.

"What is going on?" Jay whispered into Nya's ear as they watched their mothers.

"I have no idea," Nya whispered back.

"This is so weird," Kai's face popped up in between of them.

Jay and Nya nodded at him, still looking at the two women.

"Is that you, Ray?" Ed's voice came from behind his wife and Maya before the person himself appeared.

"Ed, my buddy!" Ray laughed as he walked up to him and embraced his 'buddy'.

"Are you two seeing what I'm seeing?" Kai mindlessly murmured while watching the unexpected reunion of their parents.

"Yes," Jay and Nya said at the same time, just as confused.

"When did you come here?" Maya asked when her and Edna finally calmed down.

"It wasn't so long ago, maybe ten minutes? Is that correct, Ed?"

"I believe so, my dear," her husband answered.

"What are we going to do now?" Ray asked the three adults.

Maya's eyes gleamed in excitement. "There's a new restaurant that's just opened in Jamanakai. We could go there and have a bite?"

"I like that," Ray smiled, admiring his wife's joy.

"What do you say, my sugarplum?" Ed asked Edna who nodded.

"I would like that."

"And afterwards we could go to the Smithy and talk over some coffee and biscuits?" she suggested, unable to get rid of the grin on her face.

"Yes," Edna said. "Let's go."

As the four headed for the front door, their perplexed children all wondered the same thing.

"What about us?"

Maya waved a hand at them and smiled. "You can survive on your own without us adults."


"Bye!" the Walkers and the Smiths said at the same time, all leaving the premises with happy and excited smiles on their faces.

Back inside the monastery, the three ninja watched as their parents disappeared in the distance.

"What just happened?" Jay asked.

"Did they just forget about the reason why they came here in the first place?" Nya followed.

"I need a nap," Kai mumbled as he rubbed his eyes and walked away.

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