Boobytraps And How To Apply Them

"Are you sure about this?" a male voice whispered.

"Yes, now shut up before anyone hears us!" another male voice whispered back as he got on his tippy toes.

His friend nodded before peeking around the corner. If anyone were to catch them, they'd be done for.

"I'm not so sure about this, Jay," he whispered again.

Jay rolled his eyes as he stood up straight again and stretched his body. "This is gonna work, Cole," he assured. "Besides, he totally deserves what's coming for him," he smirked.

The two quickly rushed to the living room and threw themselves onto the couch. Cole grabbed the remote and turned on the TV which immediately landed on a news channel that was currently telling about a cat that was caught peeing on Gayle Gossip.

"When's he going to be home?" Jay asked Cole who was bickering about the news.

Cole then sighed, smiling. "He should be here in about," he took a glance at the screen of his phone, "four minutes."

Jay nodded and relaxed into his spot. He had a lazy grin on his face that wasn't planning on vanishing any time soon.

He was so laid back and sure of his plan to succeed that he almost missed the shriek that erupted throughout the monastery.

Cole and Jay's heads whipped towards each other and they had mischievous grins on their faces before they leaped up from their seats and rushed over to the scene.

"Ha, gotcha!" Jay yelled as he arrived. But when he finally took a closer look at the victim of his prank, his eyes bulged out of his head, his skin paling and his blood instantly running cold.

The person on the other side of the door had a gray, plastic bucket above their head which was dripping with green dye.

All three figures froze, but Cole slowly walked backwards until he was gone when he saw who exactly was hit with their prank, leaving Jay alone.

Although Jay wanted to yell at his friend for abandoning him, he couldn't get a word out when the person slowly reached up and grabbed the bucket before slowly lifting it over their head.

Jay gulped when his victim slowly turned around and let the bucket fall to the floor.

With a wipe of the eyes to get rid of the green liquid, he found his girlfriend's fiery eyes boring into his frightened ones.

"Nya, I am so sor-"

When Nya brought her hand up to silence him, he stopped speaking and just watched as she let out a heavy huff.

Before he could say or do anything else, Nya stepped out of the room, avoiding his apologetic look, and walked towards the bathroom to take a highly required shower to get rid of the nasty green dye that was completely covering her head and shoulders.

When she was gone, Jay glanced back inside Kai's room and started panicking. Not knowing what to do, he went on a murderous quest to find his best friend who had decided to ditch him like a coward.

He found him in the kitchen eating chocolate cake with shaking hands.

Of course he did.

"Dude!" Jay whisper-yelled, gaining his attention. "What was that?!"

Cole aggressively shook his head before shoving another small piece of his comfort food into his mouth. "This wasn't part of our plan," he said, quickly swallowing the food. "Nya was no part of this."

"I know!" Jay exclaimed. "Why would you just ditch me like that?!"

"Sorry for that, but there's no way I'll be at the receiving end of Nya's wrath," Cole visibly shuddered.

After another ten minutes of arguing back and forth, basically blaming each other the entire time, another voice interrupted them.

"Sup, people that I was once forced to live with?" Kai asked, entering the kitchen and immediately walking to the fridge to get himself a can of Coke. When he turned back around, he found both Cole and Jay frozen in their spots, staring at him with wide eyes. "What did you guys do?" he asked suspiciously, narrowing his gaze at them.

After a few seconds of complete silence, footsteps came closer towards the kitchen which made them all look at the doorway.

Once the person entered the room with a never-ending glare, Kai spat out his drink and choked on his laughter.

"What," cough, "the hell," cough, "happened," cough, "to you?!"

Whereas Kai continued to choke on his laughter and the carbonated drink that had somehow reached the insides of his nostrils, and Cole avoided eye contact with Nya like his life depended on it, Jay couldn't look away from the mess he made.

Nya's entire black hair had been turned into a dark shade of green. Heck, even a small part of her forehead was green.

Her glare was directed to him, that was for sure.

Jay gulped before trying to explain his failed prank. "Look, Nya, that really wasn't supposed to happen to you, I swear!" Then he pointed at Kai. "It was meant to be him, not you. I didn't know you would walk into his room before him, but I genuinely didn't mean to make the bucket fall on your head! I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry!" he spoke quickly, trying to make her understand his point of view.

Yet he was met with silence. Complete and utter silence. This automatically made him even more scared of the consequences.

Kai's laughter quickly died down. "Wait, so you wanted to hurt my baby?!" he glared at Jay, referring to his own hair.

"Yes, Kai," Jay answered bitterly.

"Why?!" The Red Ninja exclaimed, touching his spiky, gelled hair.

Jay rolled his eyes at that sight. "Because," he emphasized. "You replaced my body wash with hair-removal cream," he deadpanned. "You can be glad that I only used it on my legs before anything else could happen."

Kai shrugged. "At least you have shiny legs now?"

"That's besides the point," Jay said through gritted teeth. "Where even have you been?"

"At Sky's."

"Of course."

The two glared at each other for a few more moments before they broke away and looked at Nya who walked over to the fridge and opened it before pulling out a water bottle. Then she turned back around and left the room.

Jay waited until he was sure that she was far away before looking at the other two men in the room. "What am I going to do?!"

"I'll plan your funeral," Cole muttered.

"I'll invite the guests and choose the music," Kai volunteered.

Jay rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, you're so funny, I cannot stop myself from bursting out of laughter. Oh, look, I'm choking on my own spit," he said sarcastically in a monotone voice.

Kai shrugged. "You pranked my sister. You're practically dead. These are your last moments and you're spending them with us," he pointed at himself and Cole. "I'm very honored to be the last face you'll ever see."

"Come on," Jay whined, groaning. "Take this seriously and tell me what I can do to make it up to her."

Cole looked at him weirdly. "Aren't you," he pointed at his best friend with his spoon, "the one who's betrothed to Nya? How long has it been, four years?"

"Four years and seven months," Jay nodded.

"Yeah, yeah," Cole rolled his eyes. "You've been with her for four years and yet you ask us what to do when your girlfriend's pissed at you?"

Jay shrugged. "Pretty much."

"You're weird," Kai commented, taking another sip of his beverage.

His friend gave him a pointed look. "Nya is your sister, you know she's unpredictable."

"Meh, that's true. Good luck, brother, I'm rooting for your survival," Kai said, raising his can as if he was raising a toast before drinking from it.

"Ugh, you're no help!"

"I've never tried to be," Kai sucked his teeth. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go make a funeral invitation list."

With that, he walked out of the kitchen, leaving Cole and Jay alone with their thoughts.

After a few seconds of taking in what their friend had just said, Jay frowned. "Do you think he's actually gonna make that list?"

"You know he is," Cole confirmed, taking another bite of his cake.

Jay groaned. "You know what? This is ridiculous! I'll just go and talk to Nya about this," he said, walking out of the room without waiting for an answer.

"Rest in pieces, my friend," Cole said, sighing and looking down at his food. "You will not be missed because of your stupidity and suicidal behavior for actively going to Nya, knowing she'll kill you. Love or not, she'll get her revenge in some way."

With that, he stabbed his cake before bringing a bigger piece to his mouth.

In the meantime, Jay found himself struggling to bring his fist up against Nya's door. She was his girlfriend, he knew he shouldn't be behaving that way, but he knew better.

He knew Nya.

Which meant that there was no way he could know what she'd do in a moment like that.

"Come on, stop being a scaredy-cat," he told himself quietly. Then he chuckled. "Meow." Shortly after, he shook his head at himself disappointedly. "You're such an idiot."

When he finally managed to build up just a tad bit of courage inside of him, he took a deep breath and knocked on Nya's wooden door twice.

Then, Jay waited. Time seemed to slow down as he felt his palms get sweatier with every second passing by. No matter how many times he rubbed his hands against his clothes, they didn't seem to lose their sweatiness by any means.

He gulped, going through every single way to apologize and survive the day in his head.

He was tempted to call it his 'foolproof plan', but even he knew he was playing in dangerous territory.

Why was he dating Nya again?

Oh, right, love.

Well, at least he was going to die in the arms of his killer but also his love?

Just as he thought about backing away and fleeing the monastery, the door opened, revealing his stunning, green-haired girlfriend who had a scowl on her face as her eyes landed on the perpetrator himself.

She opened the door just enough to let her whole body out, but that was also a sign for Jay that he was not welcome in her room in that moment.

"So," he awkwardly said. When Nya didn't answer, or even show any signs of breathing for that matter, he continued. "Look, Nya, you're my girlfriend, my Yin, the love of my life," he looked into her eyes to search for some sort of softness, but only came across anger and agitation.

Ah, yes, a classic.

"You know I would never do that to hurt you intentionally," he told her, gulping. "I would rather lose my high score in Prime Empire than hurt you, and you know how much I cherish my superiority over the others," he snickered before he paused and waited for an answer.


"Okay, I know you're mad at me, and I can totally understand why you are, but I need you to communicate with me," Jay said, awkwardly gesturing between himself and his girlfriend.


"Come on, Nya! You know you love me."


"You know, this is getting really frustrating-"

He was cut off by the door shutting into his face.

The door was shut into his face!

That had never, in their four years of dating and living together, happened before.

"This is bad," Jay muttered to himself, his gaze transfixed on Nya's door. "This is so bad."

Since he was rudely shut away from his angry girlfriend, all that Jay could do was locking himself inside his room and anticipating the worst.

And that was exactly what he did.

He ran to his bedroom and locked the door before jumping into his bed and pulling the covers over his head. The Blue Ninja cradled Mr Cuddlywomp close to his chest, squeezing the nonexistent life out of him. It did relieve some of his stress, but most of it still remained.

In that moment, he was safe in the comfort of his room. Yet he was also aware of the fact that he had to emerge out of his bedroom once dinner rolled through. And that meant that Nya had about four hours to plan and do whatever she wanted with no one disturbing her.

By the time dinner was ready, Jay had almost — keyword: almost — fallen asleep, given that he had done nothing but spend the hours in his bed. But of course the adrenaline in his veins wouldn't just disappear like that and let him rest, no. He had to be on high alert the entire time. So, he basically wasted four hours of his life mentally preparing for something that he didn't know the exact answers of.

A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts, instantly making him tense up. "Jay, move your butt to the dining room, dinner's done!"

Jay sighed in relief upon hearing Lloyd's voice on the other side. "Okay!" he yelled. When he heard Lloyd's footsteps leading away from his door, Jay wrestled himself out of his sheets before standing up and leaving Mr Cuddlywomp in the place he had been occupying.

Then he crept up to his door and slowly twisted the key in the lock before carefully pulling the door open. He looked up, expecting to see a bucket that resembled his own towering above him, but found nothing.

Letting out a small sigh of relief, he pulled the door completely open and then peeked down the hallway from left to right, seeing nothing and no one.

As he walked up to the dining room, he looked out for anything he could be getting pranked by: tripwires, spitball attacks, marbles on the floor, water buckets attached to the ceiling, his underwear stolen and scattered around, his playlist with his embarrassing comfort songs randomly playing through the loudspeakers, his comic books torn apart and hung up on the walls, anything.

Well, it wasn't like those things hadn't happened before; the other boys loved to torture the Blue Ninja. And he loved to strike back.

But the only difference was that no one, not a single soul in the monastery, had ever tried to prank Nya.

When he entered the dining room unharmed, he quickly sat down on his regular spot which also was next to Nya.

Why? Because he was still in love with her and wouldn't miss up an opportunity to be close to her.

Only Lloyd and Zane were already sitting around the table, with Kai and Wu closely following after Jay. Then Cole came and sat down, looking around the table before his eyes settled on Jay.

"You're still alive?" he asked him.

"Why wouldn't he be alive?" Zane asked Cole.

Kai snorted. "Haven't you seen what he's done?"

"Done what?" Lloyd chimed in.

"Oh, he's just signed his death certificate," Kai explained cryptically.

Zane and Lloyd looked at each other questioningly, but before they managed to vocalize their thoughts, they were interrupted by footsteps nearing. So, like everyone else, they turned to look at the doorway.

And low and behold, there stood Nya with her infamous scowl.

Lloyd broke out in laughter whereas Zane couldn't help but show a small smile on his face.

"Since when have you joined the Shrek gang?" Lloyd choked out, still laughing.

Nya then glared at him as she made her way over to her usual spot next to her boyfriend who shuddered as she passed him. When she sat down, she served herself and began to eat while actively ignoring everyone around her.

"Or have you managed to ruin everyone's Christmas, madam Grinch?" Lloyd asked, snickering.

"We get it, Lloyd," Jay gritted through his teeth.

"No, I have a good one! Yo, Nya, have you managed to get the Crabby Patty formula yet?"


"Hey, where did Perry go? Oh, right, he's right here!" Lloyd interrupted loudly, getting into yet another laughing fit.

"I don't think Perry is green," Cole mentioned.

"He is not. Perry the Platypus is technically the color teal," Zane explained.

"Whatever," Lloyd said. "Let's ignore that. Anyways, where's your brother, Luigi? Right, he's right there!" he pointed at Kai who was desperately trying to keep his laughter on the inside.

Just as Lloyd came up with yet another green cartoon character to compare Nya to, she glanced up at him and let her icy gaze make him stiffen up and stop with his laughter and mockery.

The rest of dinner went on without anyone saying a word, the silence was almost deafening.

Jay kept throwing side glances at his girlfriend whenever he was sure that she wouldn't notice. He watched as she peacefully ate her food without acknowledging anyone and anything around her. He was wondering what was going on inside her head.

After dinner, everyone parted ways, with Kai and Lloyd going to the gaming room to play some video games together and Pixal and Zane hanging out in the vehicle bay. The rest of the ninja went to their bedrooms.

As the Master of Lightning entered his room, he closed his door again and quite literally threw himself onto his bed face first. He hated to admit it, but that hurt his nose more than he would've wanted.

He groaned into his sheets frustratedly. He knew he somehow needed to make it up to Nya, but he could also understand her.

Before purchasing the green dye, he had made sure it was hard to wash out for a short while to really get on Kai's nerves.

So, Nya had to live with green hair for quite some time.

And Jay was aware of how much Nya cherished her hair. No, she was not displaying her love for her hair as openly as her brother, but the love was still there and he knew it.

Besides, at some point she was bound to exit the monastery, so she also had to be publicly seen with green hair.

Rolling over in his bed, he stared at his ceiling glumly. He was feeling bad. Really bad.

But what else could he do other than mope around when his girlfriend was too keen on ignoring him and his apologies?

A knock on his door pulled him out of his self-mourning. "Go away," he groaned out, not in the mood to speak to anyone.

But when the door opened, Jay didn't bother to look at the person, knowing one of his friends was probably going to invite him for a round of Fist 2 Face 2 or Prime Empire.

When the person closed the door instead of speaking already, Jay furrowed his eyebrows, but that was still no reason for him to look away from the ceiling.

The second he realized the person was standing close to his bed, he sighed and decided to look at them.

But when he saw the brown eyes of his girlfriend looking back at him, he felt his blood run cold. Not knowing what to do, he averted his gaze back to the ceiling.

Yep, that was it. He was about to get killed.

Then he felt the spot next to him dip down and her smaller figure began to hug his side.

He was not getting killed?

Jay felt her head press against his chest and followed his gaze down his body to see her cheekily grinning up at him.

"You're confusing me, but I'll take it," he said before relaxing and closing his eyes while hugging her even closer to him.

"You know," she began, speaking to him for the first time on that day. "You're cute when you're nervous."

Jay chuckled. "How are you not using this chance to get back at me?"

"I'm not going to do that. It was a prank gone wrong, I get that. I was mad in that moment, yes, but it wasn't your fault that it was me that got hit and not Kai, although I would've loved to see my brother with green hair instead of me."

"So you're not mad at me?" Jay opened his eyes to look at her.

She shook her head. "I can't be mad at you for a long time. Besides, after I took a shower, I found the paint bottles under the sink, so I googled the brand and found out that the dye should wash out after the fourteenth shower. And my hair being black should help the process to go faster."

Jay smiled at her as his hand found her hair and stroked it slowly. "You know, I really am sorry about your hair."

"It's fine. I already forgave you after you were at my door."

"So you've been pretending to be mad at me this whole time?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Nya grinned. "Watching you get terrified was quite funny."

"Shut up, Hulk."

Nya let out a laugh and playfully slapped his chest. "Hey!"

"I'm sorry... Kermit."

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