An Unexpected Call (Part 2)
"I'm sorry, do I know you?"
Jay's body now entirely froze as he looked at her with confusion written on his face. What was she talking about?
"What?" He asked, disbelieving. Jay then looked at her clothings and realized that she was in her scuba suit she was transformed in.
This was Nya.
"Nya, what are you talking about?" Jay pushed as he stepped closer to her, yet she only took a step back.
She laughed nervously. "I- I don't know who you are, I'm sorry." She seemed so sincere.
"But Nya-"
"Who?" Nya asked.
Jay frowned. "Nya..." He said slowly, watching as she started to frown as well. Then he turned to the police officer who was looking at her sadly. "What's going on?"
The officer sighed. "I don't know, Jay. She... didn't know about anything when she woke up."
Jay let out a shaky breath as he turned to look back at her. "Nya, do you remember anything? D-Do you know who I am?" He asked as he put his hand on his chest.
Nya seemed to contemplate that question but shook her head in the end.
The Blue Ninja's lip started to quiver as he tried to not break down in front of her. "Do you know how you ended up at the beach?"
She shook her head again. Then she squinted her eyes at him. "Are you my brother? I feel like I have a brother." She asked.
"Your bro- no!" He let out a poor laugh. "I'm your boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?" She repeated.
"Yes, boyfriend! Or partner, or significant other, or whatever you want to call it. We're betrothed!" He exclaimed.
Nya looked intently at him before she felt guilty. "I really don't remember you."
"How could this happen?!" He whispered to himself. Then he hastily pulled out his phone. "I have lots of pictures of us, look!" He said as he shoved his phone into her hands after he sorted out his gallery to only show photos of him and her.
She took the phone and looked at the first picture. There were two people on it; a boy and a girl. Nya shortly looked up from the phone and looked at Jay before looking back at the picture. She recognized the boy to be him, although he didn't have any freckles, and his hair wasn't as crazy as it was now. But they did look very similar.
However, the girl with the black bob and bangs was not someone she'd know. She looked at him. "That's you?" She asked for confirmation.
Jay nodded as he pointed at his phone. "Yeah, and that is you!" He said.
Nya looked more closely at the picture before shaking her head, laughing. "That's not me, I have longer hair. And where's the mole, huh?"
"Well, this picture was taken a very long while ago, before we even started dating! Here, let me show you a more recent one!" He pulled his phone away from her and scrolled until he stopped and hastily gave her the phone back. "Look, this one was taken after we came back from the Island of the Keepers." After Nya looked at him questioningly, he continued to explain. "You know, when I was sacrificed to a huge, fake sea serpent we all thought was Wojira." He looked at her hopefully, only to realize she was showing no emotion at all.
His lip started to tremble as he tried so hard to keep his tears from rolling down. He had lost her, and now she was back with amnesia. So close yet so far.
Nya looked at him as she saw his eyes watering. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked.
"You really don't remember me?" He asked again, whispering because he was scared of letting out a cry.
"Can- Can I hug you?" He would've never thought in his entire lifetime that a moment would come in which he felt like he had to ask if he could hug his own girlfriend.
Nya looked reluctant, yet she still nodded softly. Jay then wrapped his arms tightly around her, even almost picking her up from the ground. He cried softly into her hair as he tried to keep his emotions under control.
He wanted to cry about her not remembering him now, and him having missed her for a year later.
Nya didn't say anything, she only slung her arms around his torso gently, not wanting to give off wrong messages.
He claimed to be her significant other, so how couldn't she remember him?
What if he was lying and just trying to get her into his bed?
What if he wasn't lying?
Those two questions were roaming her mind as she tried to remember who he was as badly as ever.
However, she didn't know her own name either, so having lost her memory was a plausible answer.
But did that man really play such an important role in her life?
As they pulled away, she took that opportunity to look at his face more closely. The freckles, the curly brown hair, the electric blue eyes. So this was her type? Damn.
Then she looked at his clothings and had to admit that the white shirt he was wearing was quite tight, so his six pack and muscles were quite visible. Double damn.
Yet still, this wasn't about looks. Now she really wanted to know who he was and what his intentions were.
If this really was her boyfriend, then she felt horrible because she herself would've probably reacted the same way if her boyfriend couldn't be able to remember her.
Jay looked at her. "If you don't remember me, maybe you'll remember the others." He suggested.
She frowned. "The others?"
He scrolled through his phone before he showed her their family portrait. He pointed at every person and told her a bit about them. "So this is Lloyd." He studied her facial expressions and continued. "He's the Green Ninja. He's technically only a teenager because of a potion, blah blah, the usual." He laughed a bit.
"No, I don't know who he is."
"This is Cole. We were once caught up in a love tri-" Jay's eyes widened. Wrong information! He cleared his throat. "His cooking skills are horrible, especially his chili, but at least he knows how to make sandwiches." He laughed again. "He's the Black Ninja, and his element is Earth. Though we always make fun of him by saying his element is rocks and dirt. That's why I call him 'dirtclod'."
Nya frowned at him. "Element?"
Jay raised an eyebrow. So her amnesia was this bad? "Yeah... element. He wields an element, so does Lloyd, and the rest of the others do, too. Well, except for Pix. We all do."
"You have one, too?"
"Yes! I can control lightning. Look!" He raised his hand and let some sparks prickle from his fingers.
He watched her as her eyes lit up in amazement. Yet he only creased his eyebrows. It was as if she had just found out about it, however she had known for many years now.
"You have an element as well." He said, startling her.
She gasped. "I do?"
Jay nodded. "You can control water."
"No way! Water is so cool!" She exclaimed, making him smile.
But then his memories of her using her powers the last time hit him and he hesitated. "Well, yeah, but you probably need to regain your memory to use it first." He reminded her. He hoped that information was true, though.
Nya nodded absentmindedly, which left Jay to wonder: what did he have to do to make her remember.
"Let's continue." He said, hoping one of the remaining Ninja would make her memories click. "That's Zane. He's the White Ninja, and the Master of Ice. You two used to always make a good team in emergencies. You've always created a water orb and shot it at the enemy and he froze it, like, swoosh!" He made some hand movements, impersonating Zane's own movements he'd always make.
Seeing Nya questioning what he was doing, Jay sighed. "Let's just move on. This," He pointed at Kai. "is Kai, your brother."
Nya gasped. "So I do have a brother?"
"Yup, and he's the Master of Fire." He then awkwardly moved with his hands. "You know, fire and water, siblings..."
"Makes sense." Nya answered, seemingly convinced. "Though I would've thought that was more like a couples thing."
"No, no, no, that's a lightning and water thing." Jay answered coolly. "But your parents were a couple, wielding those powers. You and your brother inherited your powers from them."
Nya nodded absentmindedly again.
"Anyways, do you remember Kai?" Jay asked. If she couldn't remember her boyfriend, then she would most probably remember her own brother... right?
She thought about it for a moment before slowly shaking her head.
Jay sighed. "Let's get you home first." He was about to grab her hand before she pulled away.
"Home? We live together?" Nya raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, we all do."
Even though Nya didn't trust him yet, she still went with him anyway. She was curious about where they were going to go. Her suspicions about him didn't go away, though.
After a long walk home, and Jay pointing at everything on the way and telling her something about it, they finally walked up the million steps.
Nya's eyes widened. "We live in a monastery?"
"Uh huh." Jay answered as he pushed the gates open.
They walked inside together as she looked around the courtyard in fascination. After they walked inside the monastery, Nya immediately spotted a picture on the wall in the end of the corridor. She walked up to it to immediately recognize herself and Jay together, arm in arm.
She frowned to herself. "So he didn't lie..."
"Nya? Could you come over here?"
After she didn't respond, Jay walked up to her and tapped on her shoulder. She turned around. "I want to show you your room, maybe you can find something that makes you remember." He said.
She nodded and followed him down the corridor to their left. She watched as Jay opened the door and let her walk in first.
Nya looked around to see a big, neatly made bed with a bedside table right next to its frame. There was a closet in the corner, next to it a desk, and a flatscreen TV in the opposite side of the bed.
Everything seemed untouched and unused.
She turned to face him. "It looks nice here." She smiled.
"It is. Has anything come back yet?" He asked.
Nya sighed. "No."
Jay also sighed. "I'll go and see where the others are. It's gonna be a shock for them to see you again, but they'll probably find a way to make you remember. You stay here, okay?"
Nya nodded and watched as he left the room before she walked up to the door and closed it.
She turned around. "So this is my room..." She wondered out loud.
The Water Elemental walked over to the desk and looked at the blueprints on it. It looked like the design of an unfinished vehicle.
Did she do that?
Nya then opened the closet and looked inside. There were lots of gray and maroon colored gi's. She touched the fabric. She touched the gear. She touched the hood. Yet no memories came back.
She didn't know why, but she felt like her hands moved on their own as she pushed the hangers and the clothes aside and noticed something in the back of the closet.
It seemed to be a panel in which you had to put in a passcode. She frowned, thinking of the right four-digit-number.
She knew these kinds of things had a three-tries-only limit before they shut down, so she tried her best to think about it.
She then set her pointer finger on it and pushed.
'1234' Passcode declined.
She frowned.
'0000' Passcode declined.
Le crap.
Just as she was about to give up, she remembered something. It was a date. A birthday of someone. She took a deep breath.
'0317' Passcode accepted.
She smirked, seeing a small box appear out of seemingly nowhere in front of her. She grabbed it and exited the closet to sit on the bed.
Nya looked intently at the little, blue box in her hands before she took the lid off. She raised an eyebrow when she saw a small piece of jewelry inside. It looked like it was old, and probably meaningful. It looked like a half was missing, though.
She reached inside and grabbed it, putting the box aside on the bed. She flipped the medallion, as it seemed, or pendant, between her fingers as she inspected it carefully.
Her eyes widened.
"Nya, you make me so happy, everyday. When we're not together, I miss you so much that it feels like a part of me is missing. Will you be my Yang?"
She gasped.
"Now you're asking?!"
A small smile crept up on her face.
"We seriously need to talk about your sense of timing, Jay!"
She looked at the pendant.
"There may not be another time!"
She felt her eyes watering.
"Yes! Of course! Yes, yes, yes!"
A very small tear rolled down her cheek.
"I taught him how to do that."
She laughed softly.
Nya quickly wiped her tear away and stood up from the bed and walked over to her body length mirror in the corner. She looked at herself, seeing nothing but clothes and skin.
No water.
"Are you sure you want to do this? There's no going back, you know."
She sighed. "It's the only way back. Are you really sure there's no way I could get it back?"
"No, you will lose your entire memory, and I'm afraid it would take something very strong to break it. It's like a curse at this point."
She hesitated a bit before straightening up. "Do it."
"Are you sure?"
End of flashback.
"Okay, so, uhh... The others are not home, and I have no idea where-" Jay stopped his nervous rambling before he realized that Nya seemed out of it. "Is everything okay?"
"Jay?" She whispered, on the verge of tears.
She then turned to him completely as she put her hand on her mouth and cried into it. The next thing she knew, she felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around her and her face being pressed against a firm chest.
"Shh, shh, what's wrong?" Jay asked as he rubbed comforting circles on her back.
Nya pulled her head out of his chest to look at him. "I remember."
"What?" Jay's eyes widened. "A-Are you sure?"
She nodded.
His lip started to tremble. "Do you... Do you know who I am?"
Nya looked into his eyes before she reached up to his hair and caressed it, looking at his curls intently while doing so. "You're my dork."
Jay let out a happy screech before he swept her off the floor and twirled her around. They both laughed as a tiny bit of dizziness settled in as he put her down again.
Without waiting for her to say anything, he grabbed her cheeks and connected their lips together, sending them to stumble back a little before regaining their balance.
Oh, how much they'd missed that.
After pulling apart, Jay didn't let go of her face as he started to peck her forehead like a woodpecker, making her giggle.
After giving up on doing that, Jay immediately pulled her face into his chest and patted her head. "I've missed you so much." He sniffed happily.
She said something muffled into his chest. He pulled her face back out. "What was that?"
"If you could let go of my face, I would tell you how much I've missed you, too." She pouted.
So he let go of her face and looked at her, waiting for her statement.
Nya cleared her throat. "I've missed you too, Sparky." She said softly, smiling.
However that smile faded as her eyes widened when she heard a squeak again and just as he had done it before, he grabbed her head and obnoxiously patted it.
"And I've also missed whatever the heck this is." She mumbled into his chest, making him laugh.
"Believe me when I say there's more where that came from." Jay said before he pulled her face away again. "Let's go and look where the others are. And you have a lot of exposing to do." He booped her nose before they walked out of her room together.
I've realized that this is the third story in which I kinda make up how Nya would return and how Jay would react, and believe me when I say that this is probably not gonna be the last one👍🏻
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