An Entry For You
This took off years of my life but it's finally done, just like my will to live. Just kidding, I'm just very happy this is finished.
I had already planned writing something like this with other intentions many months ago, but now that I've hit 100 followers, I thought: "Why not make this a 100 follower special?"
So yeah, thank you so much for everything you've done for me! And even if you're not following me, just thank you for being here and reading my works, I appreciate you all!
Okay, that's it, I hope you enjoy whatever this is!
Her eyes opened, her body tensed up. She looked around, her brown eyes darting everywhere as quickly as possible. Once she realized there was no immediate threat in sight, she sighed, sitting up. The covers slid down to her thighs as she looked around inside the four walls she called her personal home.
Something felt off, but she couldn't put her finger on it yet. It was way too early.
Then she frowned. How early was it exactly?
Her head turned to the right, expecting to see her alarm clock, only to be met with a folded piece of paper instead.
Humming in confusion, she leaned over to her nightstand and picked up the paper before relaxing back against her bed.
Her fingers swiftly unfolded the white, slightly yellow-turning sheet. Once her eyes were met with a handwriting she knew oh-so-well, she chuckled and read the contents out loud.
"Day One,
I honestly thought I would never write anything inside you ever again, or at least I had stuffed you to the back of my closet so that Cole and Zane wouldn't find you and make fun of me about you even existing. Though that was harsh, I have no regrets. You don't even have any feelings, BOOK!
Anyways, a lot has happened over the past few days, even weeks. The first thing to know is that we are four ninja now, not three. Yeah, some dude called Kai apparently wields the Sword of Fire, blah, blah, that's not why I am here."
Nya chuckled.
"He moved into the monastery with us, but with him came what I can only describe as an angel sent by the FSM. Since no one will ever read my entries, I will be as cheesy as I can get, don't judge me.
She is the most gorgeous human being I have ever set my eyes on. Her entire aura is just angelic. You have no idea how much I just want to shove my hand into her hair and touch it. I know that sounds weird but I bet her black hair is as soft as it looks.
Oh, right, I forgot to tell you her name. Nya. You didn't see it? Wait, let me capitalize every single letter of her three-letter name. NYA. Yes, just as angelic as she looks.
I'm honestly scared of getting attracted to her because her brother might kill me and feed me to our new dragons, but who knows? It might be worth it if I catch feelings.
Who am I kidding? I'd be a dead man.
But it's been a little less than a week since I've met her. Today was the day she moved in with me, so I set 'Day One' as the title for this entry.
I'll keep you updated on her, don't you worry. And don't you DARE get found by Kai.
The whole time she had been reading the diary entry, she was wearing a huge grin on her face. Nya reread the whole thing once she was done before the gears in her head started working again.
Why would he give her that? Or did one of the guys find his diary and give her the page for a prank's sake?
Shrugging it off, she opened her drawer and put the paper inside before grabbing her phone and looking at the time.
She smiled. Breakfast was about to be done. Perfect.
The Water Ninja quickly got up and made her bed before walking over to her closet and dressing into a pair of comfortable sweatpants and one of Jay's dark blue hoodies.
It was one of the rarer days that the ninja weren't forced to train like usually. They were given the choice of whether or not they wanted to participate in training, and Nya was sure she was going to pass up on the opportunity, because who wouldn't?
When she walked up to her door, she noticed another folded piece of paper sticking to it, so she took it and unfolded it.
"Day Seven,
So, it's been a week. Quite a lot has happened over this past week. We met Garmadon's little brat who also happened to open snake tombs because he wants to be like his father. Pathetic, in my opinion. After Pythor betrayed him, Sensei decided to take Lloyd in with us. Like, HUH?! He's a real pain, I can assure you that. I mean the kid. And Wu, too.
Then there is also a samurai that keeps stealing OUR job. No, seriously, this guy thinks he's so cool with all the junk attached to his suit and has the audacity to fight our enemy. Oh, and us. He's fought us in Ouroborus, but he also helped us? He's weird.
And then there's Zane. Oh, my, breadsticks, Zane. That dude's a robot. I have no clue on how to describe it, but turns out Zane has been a machine this whole time. No wonder he can hold his breath for more than twenty minutes. He also has a funny switch now. It's about time he finally gets our jokes. Or at least he pretends to now. And on top of all of this, he also UNLOCKED HIS TRUE POTENTIAL! I really thought I'd be the first one to do that, not gonna lie. You have no idea how cool it was when he did that! Like, there were those giant wood creatures with long stick legs that were trying to kill us, but Zane, being the heroic friend he is, saved us by floating in the air and spinning and all that. It was so cool! Okay, I'm done with fangirling about Zane's powers now.
Lastly, I have made a very important decision. You will not believe it, but yes, I made a decision. Shocking, I know. I've decided to ask Nya out. Boom, I said it. I was really nervous at first, but I still asked Kai for advice because we're talking about his sister, he should know her best. At first he laughed, but he still helped me. He told me that Nya loves some good cologne, so I'm going to dose myself in it tomorrow when she teaches us about the snakes and stuff, I don't really pay attention. All I'm there for is to see her and hear her voice, but psst, I didn't tell you that.
I will ask her out when the lesson's over so that we're alone. Hopefully she'll say 'yes'. I'd have a heart attack if she said 'no'. Just kidding, I'll have a heart attack either way. I gotta go now, wish me luck!
"Oh," Nya breathed out, staring at the paper. She looked around in her room, expecting to find another diary entry, but came up empty-handed. Whoever gave her those two pages had been in her room while she was asleep.
She decided to speak with Jay about the entries the next time she were to see him. So she walked back to her nightstand and put the paper inside the drawer that already had the first entry in it. Then she decided to finally leave her room and get some breakfast.
Finding diary entries written by her Yin about her was great, but breakfast sounded even greater in that moment. Her grumbling stomach was proof of that.
Nya opened her door and took a step outside, only to stop in her tracks right after and stare at the wall across from her bedroom door where yet another piece of paper was hung up.
Sighing, Nya quickly grabbed the paper and walked back inside her room with a small smile on her lips. She closed the door again so that she could read the entry out loud.
"Day Eight,
Remember when I told you that Kai was generous enough to help me get on Nya's good side? Yeah, that DUMMY tricked me! Nya is freaking allergic to perfume and he knowingly told me to put on cologne. What older brother would deliberately put his sister's health at risk for a stupid prank?!
Anyways, I, being the gullible person I am, sprayed a lot of cologne on my body and went to today's lesson where the others and I listened to Nya who was explaining something about snake venom and its antidotes being in the snake generals' scepters. It was an interesting (and probably very important) topic, but I really just went there to stare at Nya for thirty minutes straight.
Now I think you can guess what happened... Correct, Nya almost went into an allergic shock in response to my cologne which led to the others getting out of the room when snakes were detected and me feeling like a full, smelly trash can for being stupid enough to listen to Kai's advice.
And I still wanted to ask her out, so I walked over to her and asked her confidently like the manly man I am.
Okay, I might have stuttered a lot, and I was a sweaty mess, but in the end it was worth it because she said 'yes'!!!
After she quickly walked out of the room because of her allergies, I did my little victory dance and did the most stupidest thing ever: I pulled a Princess Aurora and pricked my finger on the sharp tooth of a flipping snake skeleton. And of course I just shrugged it off and went on with my day.
Why? Because I am STUPID. That's why.
Well, it all came back to me when I was getting ready for my date. Date... what a pretty word. While I was giving myself a pep talk in the bathroom, I noticed how my hand had somehow turned green and scaly. Did I tell anyone? Did I seek help? No.
Why? Oh, yeah, because I'm also BRAINLESS.
What a good day to be me.
I decided to ignore my obviously-infected hand and just put my gloves on, because why not? Then I slapped a scarf on my neck and called it a day.
Of course the others made fun of me for my sophisticated look, but I didn't care because hey, guess what! I'm the one with the date and not you, ha!
When Kai told me that I had to cancel my date because of those stupid snakes invading the Mega Monster Amusement Park, I was like 'Whaaat?' and I was sad. Big sad. But then, as if the FSM heard my pleas, a great idea flew into my mind and planted its eggs into my brain. Why not have my date at the MMAP?
So, with my genius idea in mind, I walked over to Nya's room to tell her about my idea. I really hoped she'd be fine with going to an amusement park rather than a fancy restaurant. I mean, I was glad that I hadn't pre-reserved seats at a fancy restaurant because I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have given me my money back.
When I got to Nya's door, I heard some weird sounds coming from inside, but I decided not to ask anything because if she was doing something... embarrassing, I wouldn't want to be the reason she'd feel uncomfortable.
I knocked and waited, just as she had asked me to, and when the door opened, my breath left the chat. No, it evaporated into thin air.
Wait, breath usually does that.
So I told her that we'd have to cancel our date, alright? And her response sounded so sad when I said that which made my heart skip a beat because that meant that she was probably excited about the date. But I could be reading too much into it, maybe she was just pretending. Anyways, I quickly asked her if we could move our date to the MMAP to which she rather quickly agreed and seemed pretty happy about.
When I saw her in her dress, I swear I couldn't feel my heart anymore. I don't even know how to explain it, but she was gorgeous, stunning, breathtaking, beautiful, and fabulous.
I'm pretty sure that was the moment I was convinced I was whipped.
Not that I'd ever admit it.
Anyways, when we arrived at the best restaurant inside of the amusement park, I ordered us the best meal there was to make up for the fancy restaurant we missed out on. While we ate, we started talking about anything until the topic of the samurai came. And right now, I am feeling SO bad, but we'll get to this later.
While I was talking, I started feeding her lies about me having been an honor's scout. Don't judge me, I just wanted to be more appealing for her. Now in hindsight, it was plainly stupid, but in the moment it almost felt good.
At some point, I started to lisp. Oh, joy. What did I do? I looked at the back of a spoon to look at myself and saw that I had grown fangs and also a split tongue.
Like any person who was beginning to turn into a reptile would do, I internally panicked and left to go to the bathroom. I locked myself into a stall and just sat on the toilet seat because I really had no idea on what to do.
When I felt like something was poking out of my pants (no, not THAT), I looked down and found a tail casually dangling down which had also ruined one of my best tuxedo pants. And it was at that moment that I knew, I was sooo done for.
For a second, I thought about leaving and rushing back to the monastery to speak to Wu, but then I also thought about Nya and how unfair it would've been for her. Besides, Wu was gone, so there was also no point in me chickening back home.
I then decided to come clean and humiliate myself in front of Nya because I had nothing better to do. So I wrapped my scarf around my face and walked out. But when I walked back to our table, she was gone. Like, poof!
And there I thought I would be rude for ditching my date.
Before I could go outside and look for her, someone started shouting. When I looked at the person, I realized that that person was pointing at me while shouting, so I looked at myself. Then I realized that my tail was hanging out.
Well, let's just say that an angry mob of people thought I was an actual snake and started attacking me.
I could swear I saw someone hitting me with a baguette.
When I was finally able to pull myself out of that mess, I rushed out of the restaurant to start my search for Nya, but quickly came across Pythor who was holding a fang blade.
So I pulled my nunchucks out and tried to threaten him. But, of course, he only laughed at me and made fun of my snake tail. Just as I was about to follow him and his snake gang, I was stopped by my angel's voice.
I looked into her direction and froze upon seeing her chained to the rollercoaster which had a broken rail and a fire ring up top. When Pythor made one of his snake dudes start the rollercoaster, I knew it was either saving the fang blade or saving my Nya.
And I, of course, ran over to Nya and hopped on to the moving death vehicle.
I tried to pry the chains around her open, but I only showed her how much of a softie I am. Awesome. Then she told me I should just be able to untie that thing with my knot badge and I was like 'Ehehe, about that...'. After I revealed my lie, I hopped in next to her and had a chat with her, because why not? It's not like we were on the verge of death or anything. We just sat there and talked. Man, we're so smart.
Then, when I accepted the fact that we needed the samurai to save us, she dropped that bomb.
Not a literal bomb, but in my mind it boomed, alright?
'I'm the Samurai!', her beautiful voice shouted at me, both confusing me and exciting me at the same time.
Confusing because it was like the biggest reveal of the century.
And exciting because my girl can fight!
Like, she kicked my butt without me knowing back then, and now I'm just so proud. I'm wiping an imaginary tear away, thought I should tell you, diary.
A few sweet talks from her side later, it looked like that was it. The fiery ring of death with the broken rail was awaiting us. I really thought we were going to die.
Spoiler alert: We didn't.
Now that I think about it, I was totally ready to Romeo and Juliet that thing. On the first date. Damn, I am SO whipped.
While I was sitting there and staring death straight into the eyes, I felt her lips brush against my cheek, and OH, MY, GOODNESS!
And that was enough to raise my heartbeat which then led to me being de-snaked. Yes, I just made that word up. After I turned into a normal human being again, well, I was a normal human being again. Gasp.
After the words 'You are the best you' left her mouth, I felt a weird tingle in my belly. At first I thought they were butterflies (because my crush just kinda sorta kissed my cheek and told me beautiful things) but I soon felt myself becoming lightning. Like, I literally turned into a lightning rod thing. But it felt good. It is pretty hard to describe how it was, okay?
To cut to the chase, I unlocked my true potential and saved us both by stopping the rollercoaster before it could reach death's feet.
I am using the word 'death' way too much at this point, it's not even funny.
Okay, maybe a little bit.
And so, this is how our first (and hopefully not last) date ended.
I found out Nya has been the Samurai all along, I found out that lying and trying to impress her gets me nothing, I unlocked my true potential, and my feelings for her only grew.
Man, what a day.
This diary entry was the longest and most detailed one yet, but to Nya, it was the most precious one yet.
She could remember their first date like it had happened last week, and she had loved every second of it.
Okay, maybe not the almost-dying part, but the rest was amazing.
However, she had always wondered what Jay was thinking about the date. And now, she finally, after many years of not knowing, got an answer without seeking it.
Putting the paper inside her drawer like she did with the others, she walked back to her door and opened it.
At that point, she was looking out for more diary entries.
When she was out in the hallway, she made her way over to the kitchen. As she was passing a potted plant that was placed against the wall to her left, she saw a piece of paper sticking out of the dirt.
Smiling, she grabbed the paper and folded it open. When she realized it was indeed another one of Jay's diary entries, she glanced to her left and right to make sure no one was watching her before reading the written text in her head.
"Day Sixteen,
Today was an okay day. We were in Dareth's Mojo Dojo to train little Garmadon. Well, we were trying to train him but he was horrible.
That guy couldn't even light up a light bulb!
After he broke yet another bulb, I gave up and left Lloyd alone to clean up the mess he made to talk to the others about complete and utter nonsense.
I mean, anything we talk about turns into nonsense at this point.
Anyways, while we were talking, Nya came into the Dojo with a letter in her hand and a smile on her face. She looked gorgeous, like always.
I greeted her (the others did, too, but they are not the main topic here). When the others walked away, Nya asked me if I wanted to go to the auto body shop she has a part-time job in to look at her newest invention, and I, of course, said 'yes'.
I couldn't pass up on an opportunity like that now, could I?
Well, after it was announced that we would take a trip to Darkley's (something about Lloyd's old friends), I thought the time would pass by quickly.
But noooo, fate won't let us have a normal day again!
So, Lloyd got kidnapped by his old... friends? Classmates? I have no idea what they were before Lloyd got kicked out of that school, and I really don't care about that now, because after Lloyd got kidnapped, the others and I woke up in a separate room with the teachers of that school who, by the way, fear the kids.
Of course we were panicking because everything we have already taught Lloyd would go to waste if his ex-friends were to turn him to the dark side again.
A few moments of ramming Zane's head against the door later, we realized we were cake (no, not the type of cake Cole was expecting) and turned to the teachers who really deserve a higher paycheck, now that I think about it.
Since the school used to be a school for teaching kids on how to be bad, they told us that there might be some secret passageways, so we looked around for anything.
Well, we did find some secrets, but they included the ceiling slowly coming down on us and then the ceiling having spikes that were ready to stab us to death.
But then we finally found a passageway through the fireplace which we used to escape the evil, spiky ceiling.
And then, we were greeted by spiders which was a rather... unpleasant encounter.
After escaping that hell hole, we casually walked out of a locker and, well, faced ourselves.
No, literally, there were clones of us on the other side of the corridor. It was very weird seeing yourself when a mirror was not involved.
Needless to say, they were bad and we had to defeat them. Or us? I have no idea, man.
While I was battling myself, he started to speak, and boy, was he getting on my nerves.
Wait, does that mean I'm... annoying?
The moment he said that he kissed MY Nya, I lost every sense of self control I had in me. Like, he steps into my life without anyone wanting him here, he thinks he's all that with those shady sunglasses, and then he has the AUDACITY to kiss my girl.
Who does that?!
Copying me is one thing, but kissing my girlfriend was definitely too much.
But now that I think about it, it all made sense. Nya thought I was going to meet her in the auto body shop and he probably went there disguised as me and stole my girl.
What if Nya actually thought it was me?
What if the kiss was so good that her expectations rose?
What if the kiss was so bad that she never wants to kiss me again?
I just really hope what happened won't affect our relationship in any negative way, because I really don't want to lose her over something like this. Wish me luck!
Nya couldn't help it, she blushed as she read over that entry. She could remember that day clearly.
Jay had promised her that he would visit her in the auto body shop, he showed up, he kissed her, he took the Ultra Sonic Raider, he drove away.
But then, after the team had come back from Darkley's, Jay had told her that it wasn't him who kissed her, no. It was a clone.
After finding that out, she had felt so stupid and naive. Who could blame her?
No matter how many times Jay had apologized (even though he was not the one at fault), she couldn't shake the thought off that someone else's lips had been on hers. Heck, it wasn't even a light peck, it was close to a full-on make out session.
Sighing, Nya tried to forget about those memories and folded the piece of paper again before walking down the hallway again.
When she stood in front of the dining room, she found another note sticking to its door.
She, once again, looked left and right before taking the paper, unfolding it, and reading it in her head.
"Day Seventeen,
Today, Dareth told us that Garmadon's corporation told him that his Mojo Dojo would be destroyed if he didn't gather enough money to save his dojo.
When we heard that, we were quite shocked because we still needed a place to train Lloyd for the final battle.
So, when Nya came into the dojo and told us about the Ninjaball Run and how the price was more than enough money to save the dojo, we were all ready to participate in the race.
What we didn't expect, however, was that so many people were participating. And what was even more shocking was that my parents were in it, too! It all honestly felt like a fever dream.
We raced and raced and raced, broke down a few times, then raced and raced and raced, until it was only us versus Garmadon who was participating in OUR flying ship.
When he created a whole fricking canyon with his staff that's made of our Weapons of Spinjitzu, or Megaweapon, as he calls it (which is actually a pretty cool name but there's no way I'm ever admitting that), I really thought we were done for. But then, out of nowhere, we were flying. Flying!
I've always loved Nya's inventions and I've always thought she was really talented, but THIS... This hit a new high. Literally.
So, we were able to fly, too, which gave us the needed chance to beat Garmadon. And we actually managed to win, and that by only a few inches of a rod from my parents' vehicle which I put up front for good luck.
And it did bring us luck!
Man, sometimes I'm so smart that my smartness over-smarts the smart ones.
The Water Ninja let out a laugh after reading that entry, especially the last sentence. She knew that Jay was smart. Smarter than some people sometimes made him out to be.
He had always been known as the joker, the funny one, the ninja who would crack a joke while the world was about to combust.
That was all that people picked out from his many emotions, characteristics and abilities.
Jay was a very smart guy. He was part of the minority that was known for designing and illustrating the many hundreds of blueprints ever created in the monastery. He was the one that was like an encyclopedia when it came to anything technological. Apart from Zane and Pixal, of course. He was not only playing video games for his personal fun, he could as well create his own because he did have the capability to.
Underestimating Nya's Yin was something many people did which also led to many shockers throughout the years.
Like, every time the Blue Ninja showed any hint of anger or violence, the media would freak out and print his face on all the covers of celebrity magazines with titles like,
'The Blue Ninja HOSPITALIZED an innocent Pedestrian! Here's what happened...'
'Jay Walker just SWORE?!?'
'Softie and Innocent Jay Walker just spoke his First Curse Word!'
Yes, those events happened in real life. And yes, they were taken out of context without mercy.
For example, Jay hadn't just hospitalized an innocent person, no. He hospitalized someone who had harassed Nya right in front of his eyes and wasn't willing stop after many warnings.
For the second one; Jay had sworn once on live TV after getting told by Kai that his favorite hoodie had shrunken in the dryer because Kai did a horrible job in monitoring the dryer. The show they were interviewed for was not specifically for children, so slipping in one or two curse words wasn't anything new or forbidden (Especially on Kai's part. That guy was swearing like there was no tomorrow). When Kai said a bad word, nothing was said or done, but when a bad word slipped out of Jay's mouth, he was treated like a sensation.
And for the third one, the ninja actually reported the magazine writers because that title was outright insulting.
The context was that an interviewer had accidentally slipped out a curse word while talking to Jay and tried to save his mistake by saying something like 'You probably didn't even understand what I said' and moved on. But then Jay had told him that he, in fact, understood what he meant and told him that he found it quite inappropriate to not just say a bad word, but to also start assuming stuff about other people and their vocabulary. Needless to say, the magazines saw that as a golden opportunity to make more money.
The fact that Jay was only the cute ninja in the public's eyes was harder than anyone could think. Yes, it was mostly a good thing, but it also had its bad times every now and then.
Breaking out of her thoughts, Nya folded the paper and put both of the papers she was holding into her left hand to use her right one to open the dining room door.
When she looked inside, she sighed. No one was inside the room, the table was not set, and there was no delicious smell of breakfast decorating the room.
As she stepped into the room and looked around, she found yet another note on the dining table.
She loved Jay, she really did, but her stomach was ready to eat itself if no food was to be shoveled into her mouth soon.
Nya pulled a chair out of the table and sat herself down in front of the table. She placed the two diary entries that were in her hand on to the table and picked up the folded one before unfolding it and reading it out loud.
"Day Nineteen,
Today was straight up CRAZY! I don't even know where to start!
Okay, so, Garmadon created a portal with his Megaweapon to go back in time, and we, so Kai, Cole, Zane and I, went after him to prevent whatever he was up to.
Because 'change anything, change everything', or something like that.
Anyways, when we realized where exactly the Megaweapon brought us to, Kai told us that we were in front of his parents' blacksmiths shop when he had first met Wu.
Do you know what that means? I got to see him and Nya for the first time!
But then, just when I thought I was happy with what was going on, Zane said that Garmadon was probably trying to alter the course of the future by changing something in the past.
And if he were to change the past, he would've been the cause as to why Lloyd never became the destined Green Ninja.
He would've been the reason as to why Kai never joined our team.
And that, my dear book friend, would've been a disaster.
While I was in the past, I learned quite a lot about how Kai and Wu's first interaction went which was quite interesting. I mean, Kai was just rude, but isn't he always?
Nya was Nya, meaning she tried to get into her brother's thick skull but his skull was just too thick to get through. Again, that's nothing new.
Everything went kinda meh, we had to stay hidden so that our past versions wouldn't recognize us and change the course of the future.
And, well, after Skulkin failed to kidnap Nya, it was us who had to break into her room to kidnap her."
Nya's eyebrows shot up in confusion. She didn't remember getting kidnapped by the others that day, it was still Skulkin who had taken her.
"It was sad, really. I mean, I've always wanted Nya for myself, but not in the sense of kidnapping her in the middle of the night to hand her over to the enemy."
"What the hell?" Nya muttered to herself.
"After everything was done, and we saved the future, but most importantly my future with Nya, we returned to the present and, for some reason, just continued with Lloyd's training.
Wu could've at least given us the day off!
Letting the paper slip from her fingers, she watched as it hit the table softly. She was beyond confused now. Nya could remember about when the others had to go back in the past when Garmadon did, but they had never told anyone about what they had come across, stating that it might somehow still influence the future.
She was wondering why she was getting these letters now out of all the other days. It wasn't a special date. Their anniversary was still two months away, her birthday was already six weeks ago, and it was also not a day like Christmas or Halloween.
It was just another boring Friday.
When she heard her stomach growling aggressively, she looked down at it, wondering why it was so demanding so suddenly. So, she stood up, left the letters on the table, and quickly walked into the kitchen.
Again, nobody else was in there, and it didn't seem like anyone made breakfast either. Sighing, she walked over to the fridge and stopped when she saw another piece of paper that was stuck to the refrigerator's door.
She quickly unfolded it and found another written entry inside. But she also saw a small, neon blue post-it note stuck to the letter which grabbed her attention.
She carefully removed it from the letter and read what was written on it.
"Please don't eat anything yet. Trust me!"
Nya squinted her eyes at that small request. So he knew she was hungry and breakfast wasn't made on purpose.
Blinking, she folded the letter again, planning on reading it later. Then she opened the fridge — because her hunger was not in the mood of cooperating — and widened her eyes when she saw another letter stuck to the upper row.
Picking it up and unfolding it, she, again, found another diary entry, but also another post-it note.
"I know very well that you did not plan on listening to my first warning, so I'm gonna say it again: DO NOT EAT! You'll find out why soon, don't worry. Love you!"
Even though her growling stomach was protesting profusely, Nya smiled and closed the fridge again. She trusted her Yin.
Walking back to the dining room table with the two new diary entries in her hand, she sat down and opened the first one she had found.
"Day Twenty-four,
It's been quite exhausting ever since we failed to stop the clock on the Dark Island. Yes, we went to the Temple of Spinjitzu and regained our powers (and got some super cool new clothes with matching swords), but we failed. We don't usually fail but... Okay, maybe we fail a lot, but you get what I mean.
We've tried to return Garmadon's helmet to the clock, but as we were looking for the right place to put it on, we ran out of time.
So now, Lloyd has to fight Garmadon in the final battle that's been nearing us day by day. He's pretty stressed out, I can see it. I would've been worse if I was him, so props to him for not actually freaking out and running away.
Anyways, what happened today devastated me to the maximum. I absolutely hate it when someone from our team gets kidnapped. Yes, we always manage to get them back easily, but losing someone to an enemy as evil as Garmadon's army is really concerning.
Especially when it's Nya they've got."
Shuddering from the memories that were now flooding her brain from those horrible days, Nya kept her eyes glued to the text, curious as to how he was feeling about those times.
"You have no idea how much I'm freaking right now, even while I'm writing this. My hands are shaking. Out of anger? Out of fear? I don't know. Probably because of both.
She was taken by Garmadon's stone army while we were falling to our deaths. But, we fell into the ocean instead, so we actually survived that fall.
Even while I was falling, I was livid. Not because I could possibly die, but because while I was too busy falling, I couldn't save my love.
Do you know what that does to me? Knowing I was not there to save her even though I was there?!"
Nya cursed under her breath when she felt her eyes brimming with unshed tears. She felt awful while she was reading because she hated the fact that Jay was blaming himself or was angry at himself when he had not been able to do anything. She knew that all too well.
She thought back to the exact time that had happened. She had been standing on top of the cliff with Kozu's stoney arms all around her, caging her in. All she had been able to do was watch as her entire family was slowly falling down that cliff.
She had felt her heart breaking at the thought of them getting hurt, or worse, of them dying. When they had all swum back to the surface of the ocean, she had felt her heart restore itself with relief. They were okay! But then she had remembered that she was in captivity. The enemy could've done anything they wanted to her with no limits.
Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself for what was to come in Jay's diary entry.
"And then Cole said something like 'It's just the way the cookie crumbles' and that completely pissed me off because he thought everything was fine and we got away but he forgot to think about Nya who was not with us. But apparently she wasn't all that important since he was able to go on with his day without her around. That guy sometimes makes me question why we're best friends.
So, after he said that, I jumped on him and tried to punch him and maybe strangle him a little, too, but of course I was stopped.
I really couldn't believe my eyes and ears. Yes, the others seemed somewhat scared for Nya, but they weren't ready to get her back or spare her another thought. Like, hello?!
They have Nya. The ENEMY has NYA!
As they were walking away to work on a new plan, all I could do was watch as the stone army walked away with Nya in their grasp.
And with her, my heart was gone, too.
"Wow," Nya muttered. Then she felt a tear about to roll down her cheek so she rather harshly slapped it away.
She hadn't even been in the love triangle era yet and they still fought because of her.
Gulping, she thought about what the next diary entry might be about. With her shaking hands, she grabbed the other letter and unfolded it.
Taking a deep breath, she braced herself for another dose of past trauma.
"Day Twenty-five,
Wu, Misako, the others and I were running down the path after the tire tracks and remembering good old times when something caught our attention. Something was watching us, and I was panicking, of course. But I kept it in myself because I'm not a chicken. Well, not on the outside at least.
I let my eyes look around but I couldn't see anything. But when the others also said they either saw or heard something, I knew I wasn't going insane. Yet.
And then, a glittery red Spinjitzu knocked Lloyd down. When the person stopped and looked at us, my heart also stopped.
That was Nya, but also not Nya at the same time.
Her entire skin was an ashy gray color instead of her beautiful light tan skin. And her eyes... the gorgeous brown eyes I always lost myself in... they were purple.
Frankly, purple did look good on her, I'm not gonna lie, but I prefer her brown eyes any day. Besides, she was clearly possessed, so that was a negative point, too.
When she let out some growl noises and was not able to get a normal word out, I really felt like I was going to pass out.
She was obviously there to stop us.
And I swear to the FSM, I wanted to slap Cole when he suggested to fight her off with our powers. I still want to slap him. I always want to slap him.
If I wasn't freaking out earlier, then I was a hundred percent freaking out now. The love of my life was not just taken away from me, but also turned against me.
And the worst thing was that we had to fight her off because she wanted to prevent Lloyd from reaching his father in time. I tried my best to stay as friendly and harmless as possible, but all of that flew out the window when she hit my balls with her spiky ball.
Let me tell you, that hurt more than anything.
The fight went on for quite a while, and the only thing left of Nya that actually reminded me of Nya was her strength because she easily took the four of us down."
That made Nya laugh.
"Anyways, after we managed to cage her in an ice cube kinda thing, we rushed over to Lloyd to see him fighting his dad who was also looking weird. I don't like it. I've never really liked his four arms in the first place but that creature he turned into can stay away from me.
Well, after Lloyd was severely beaten by his father, he couldn't stop them from entering a portal to Ninjago. While we were all trying to make it through the portal, we failed. Again.
And the worst thing was that I saw Nya also entering the portal with our enemy.
I hope we can all make it.
Even though she knew exactly how things were going to come out, Nya was still very invested in Jay's point of view.
But her problem now was that she didn't know where the next diary entry would be. She could go anywhere at that point, and how would she know the right order of the entries? After all, he was not very consistent on his dates and entries.
She grabbed the letters, thinking she could go back to her room to put them to the previous ones.
But before she left, she walked back to the fridge to retrieve a bottle of water. If she couldn't eat anything, she could surely drink water at least.
After opening the fridge again, she leaned down to the water section and blinked when there was another piece of folded paper taped to the wall behind the water bottles.
Baffled, she ignored the bottled water she had initially come for and instead took the paper and stood up straight again.
When she unfolded the paper, she found another post-it note attached to the letter.
"I knew you'd come back for me! *wipes tear*"
Rolling her eyes with a smile on her face, Nya let the refrigerator close on its own as she left the room and walked back to her own bedroom.
After she entered, she quickly put the stack of letters into her drawer before sitting down on her bed and unfolding the new diary entry.
"Day I-don't-know,
Hey, diary, it's been a while. I actually forgot about you, if I'm honest. A lot has happened over the course of the last few weeks. I can't remember what my last entry was about, and frankly, I don't care.
I've stopped caring about a lot of things.
You know, I've always thought of myself to be fortunate. I have two lovely parents who'd do anything for my happiness, a great group of friends and brothers, and a wonderful girlfriend.
Well, you can cross out the girlfriend part now."
"Oh, God," Nya muttered.
She had thought she was ready to read about the love triangle since she was already suspecting it being a part of the diary entries as well. But now that the first letter about it was actually in her hands, she suddenly felt anxious.
"I was ready to give her my everything, and in all honesty, I thought I did give her everything she needed. I gave her physical love, just as much as I told her how much she meant to me, how happy I was with her, how great she was, how amazing she looked, how breathtaking her fighting techniques were, and yet it was still never enough.
Yes, I still hadn't dropped the L-bomb yet, but she hadn't either so I thought I was going to sound clingy if I were to tell her.
Well, I guess the reason why she never told me she loved me was because she actually never loved me."
Nya's heart cracked a little at that thought. Granted, she always knew that Jay had questioned her love toward him (like he should have), but actually reading it on paper written in his own handwriting was a quite harsh reminder of her past actions.
"It hurts, you know? We had been together for about four months at this point and to think she was never in love with me hurts. Yes, I know I can't force someone to love me, but if she never had feelings for me, why did she agree to be in a relationship with me in the first place?
Getting rejected would've surely hurt, too, but getting played is a hundred times worse, believe me.
Oh, I haven't told you why the breakup even happened!
Cole Brookstone.
Cole Brookstone as in my best friend.
Cole Brookstone as in the Black Ninja.
Cole Brookstone as in the Earth Ninja.
Cole Brookstone as in-
Okay, I think you get it. She went for HIM out of all people. And what did he do? He went for her, of course.
You know, the betrayal hurts like crap. My best friend with my girlfriend hurts more than getting stuck in space. Yeah, that happened to us, too.
Nya keeps saying that she doesn't know which one of us she wants to date, but here I am, thinking why she even went for him.
Maybe because he's stronger than me? Maybe because he's more good-looking than me? Maybe because he's smarter and cooler than me? Maybe because he was not raised in a junkyard?"
Nya sighed. The good mood she had been in a few minutes ago was now gone.
"I really don't know but I wish I did. I really hate questioning Nya's feelings toward me, I really do, but right now there's nothing else I can do.
Now I know she never loved me, but has Cole always been in the picture or did it happen recently? I don't even want to think about this, but did they have something going on while she was still with me? Somehow, I'm scared of finding out if that's true or not.
I've been fighting for her for a while now, and Cole has been doing the same. Hell, I destroyed my friendship with him to have the girl back I have feelings for who probably won't be able to reciprocate them, and I don't know how to feel about that.
This fight has been going on for way too long and she still hasn't told us who she wants. I don't even know if what I'm risking is going to be worth it in the end. If I'm honest, I'm starting to lose hope and I'm quite close to giving up.
Maybe that's what she wants.
After reading that, Nya felt like bulldozing down the entire monastery until she found Jay and told her his worries weren't going to be true and smothered him in the love he wasn't expecting in his diary entry.
She put the paper inside her drawer and quickly got up and headed for her door.
But then she froze when she saw a piece of paper stuck to her door. She had already taken the one stuck to it before, so that one was put there after she had left her room earlier.
Nya carefully grabbed the paper and unfolded it. There was another neon post-it note stuck to it.
The Master of Water rolled her eyes playfully but stopped when she realized that someone might still be in her room.
So, she looked around until her eyes landed on the only place someone could hide in: her closet.
She quietly snuck up to it and counted to three in her head before ripping the doors open. Upon looking inside, she frowned.
"What the hell?" she muttered when she saw that all of her clothes were gone from their hangers. There was another piece of paper stuck to the back of the closet so she grabbed it, unfolded it, and read what was on the blue post-it note.
"You've become predictable, Nya :)"
Nya let out a huff of air, although she knew he was right. Or at least he was the only one who could really tell when she would do what. And some part of her liked that idea. The idea that he could read her without much effort.
With the ghost of a smile on her lips, Nya walked back over to her bed and sat down. Then she unfolded the first letter.
"Day Oh-my-FSM,
Okay, so, first off, Nya is an Elemental Master now which is just so insane! Her powers are water, and I think they suit her a lot. She's still struggling a bit, but that's normal for someone who has to speed-train within a short amount of time.
And Lloyd had been possessed by Morro for quite a while before we actually managed to save him. Yes, it cost us the Realm Crystal, but Lloyd is more important than that.
But I came back here to write about the progress I've made about the whole Nya situation.
While we were in the First Spinjitzu Master's tomb, there was a part where we had to find the right way through a maze of ice. Which sounds pretty cool in theory, but the execution was probably on the verge of executing us.
But we also found out that the ice we were looking at could show us our future selves.
Everyone looked at their own reflections, me included. And what I saw was just so awesome!
I saw myself, of course, and I was looking older with a few wrinkles on my face. And I was wearing an eyepatch. But what was so amazing was that I saw Nya next to me, by my side.
That must mean she's going to choose to be with me!
I'm so happy right now. I get to be with my girl again. Not now, I would assume, but in the future we'll work out again.
But I'm also a little worried at the same time. I'm worried for Cole because he couldn't see himself in his reflection. Of course it could just be because he's a ghost, but still. What if it means that he has no future?
I'm glad I get to get with Nya again, but I really don't want to lose my best friend forever.
Humming, Nya took in the information and moved to the other folded piece of paper. She had already been told about Jay's reflection by himself in the past, so that wasn't anything new.
"Day ???,
Diary, man, I don't even know where to start. It's all been nothing but weird lately, I'm not even going to sugarcoat it.
Do you know what déjà vu is? Well, I don't know if you do (you're a book, duh) but I've always been told that déjà vu is just something that happens in your mind.
Well, the fact that Nya died in my arms in a wedding dress in the middle of a floating platform with a djinn right behind us does not feel like something I would ever be able to make up in my mind.
Since I turned back the time, I guess no one can remember what happened. But I sure as hell still do. And Nya does, too.
I'm not going to lie, I'm still very traumatized. I don't even know how to fit everything that's happened onto this piece of paper. So, I'll sum it up for you:
I was friend-zoned by Nya again, I met Nadakhan, I made a wish, apparently I was adopted, we got arrested, we broke out of prison, Nadakhan found a liking in Nya, he kidnapped me, Scrap 'n Tap is a torture game, I got an eyepatch, turns out Nadakhan just wants to use Nya to get unlimited wishes, everyone got sucked into his sword one after the other, Nya, Lloyd and Cole came to rescue me, they were then sucked into the sword as well, Nya and I formed a fusion dragon, I got rid of the eyepatch, we found shelter in Zane's father's old lighthouse, they found us there, Nya pushed me into a portal that the Traveler's Tea created and sacrificed herself for me, she confessed her love for me, I was teleported to my parents' junkyard, I formed a new team because mine was gone, we snuck up to the platform-kingdom thing, I saw Nya in a wedding dress (and DAMN, did she look beautiful), I failed to rescue her but I did manage to take Nadakhan's sword with me, I brought back the others, we tried to stop the wedding, we couldn't stop the wedding, Nadakhan became all-powerful, Nya was possessed by Delara, Nadakhan turned the others into gold, I threw Nya/Delara out of my way, Flintlocke shot Nadakhan with the Tiger Widow's venom, the venom hit Nya too, Nya died in my arms, Nadakhan could rot in hell, I made my last wish, I somehow turned back the time, and everything went back to normal.
Yeah, I think that sums it up well.
I don't know why only Nya and I can remember what happened, but hey, as long as she gets to be in my arms again, I'm not complaining.
We also kissed, so I think we're back together. And I couldn't be any happier than I am right now.
I'm definitely going to suffer from nightmares, and my anxiety, depression and PTSD are thriving right now, but at least everyone I love and care about is back in my life.
Nya blinked rapidly as she tried to get the images that were now flooding her mind back out of her mind. This entry was by far the most devastating one yet which made her sigh out of frustration.
The alternate timeline was alternate for a reason. A reason that she did not want to remember.
She felt pretty exhausted, even though all she did was sit on her bed, walk around a bit, and read some pages of Jay's diary. There was no actual, physical work involved, it was all mental.
Nya folded the two diary entries back up and stuffed them into her drawer.
She was losing her patience, and she did not like that.
What Jay was doing — she assumed it was him who was putting around the entries — was nice and cute, but she wanted to have some answers now.
On top of that, she was hungry. By that point, even the duvet on her bed looked appetizing.
Not knowing where to go next, Nya got up and walked over to her door. When she opened it up, she groaned loudly when she saw another piece of paper hanging on the opposite wall.
She grabbed it, ripped in away from the wall, walked back into her room, sat down on her bed, and aggressively unfolded the paper.
When she saw a blue post-it note attached to the paper, she took it and read it.
"I know you're ready to slice my head off, but I promise it's going to be worth it. Love you, please don't kill me when you see me!"
"You better have a good reason, Walker," Nya said loudly, not caring if he could actually hear her or not.
Then she turned back to the letter.
"Day I-lost-count,
It's actually funny how life works. Wu always says that when one door closes, another one opens, and I think I finally realized what he meant by that.
I mean it's pretty obvious, but what I'm saying is that it has never occurred to me how often those words come true without we even realize.
Another big mission just ended. The time twins (I'm so digging that name) have been defeated by us (because we're awesome) and a lot has been revealed.
Firstly, never trust Wu. That man keeps so much to himself, it's getting ridiculous. He knew about the time twins, he's even fought them before, yet he never bothered to tell us about them. It would've been way better for us to know beforehand, but whatever.
And secondly, well, Nya's parents are apparently alive. I'm not going to lie, I've always thought I wouldn't have to go through the stress of trying to appeal to her parents since they weren't in the picture, but now, poof, they're here.
But I'm so happy for her. I don't know if she knows I know but I know that she has always fantasized about having a parent to talk to. And I also know that she has that covered in my parents which I'm glad about. I love the relationship she has with my parents.
Now, I will never know what's going through her head. Not that I ever have, but going from no parents for eighteen years to meeting them after so many years will never be something I'll properly be able to understand.
I may have been adopted, but I still grew up with two loving people who've been my parents all my life.
Whenever I look at Nya while she's talking to one of her parents, I can see that she doesn't know how to act. She gets nervous easily, and she sometimes even stutters which she usually never does.
Yet I can still see the similarities between her and her parents, especially her mother. Of course, I haven't exactly met them yet, but by the looks alone I can say that they're related.
No matter how nervous Nya can get around her parents, I can tell that she's over the moon to have them in her life again. They've been in captivity of the time twins for fifteen years which is just heartbreaking.
I've been telling you about Nya so far, but we can't forget about Kai here. His emotions are way better to see than Nya's, I gotta say.
Whenever he talks to his parents, especially his father, his eyes start to water. I'm guessing he doesn't think anyone ever sees it but he's not very slick when it comes to turning away to wipe his tears away with his sleeve.
I'm honestly still pretty speechless about this whole situation. I don't know what else I can say, but what I do know is that I have to introduce myself as Nya's boyfriend at some point. Wait a second...
I'm gonna have to meet Nya's parents!
May the FSM have mercy on my soul.
Nya snorted, remembering how the meeting with her parents actually went. It had been very spontaneous and random, actually. In that moment, it had been pretty scary, but now that she looked back, it seemed almost funny.
Sighing in defeat, she put the letter away and moved back to her door.
It felt like a workout on its own, really. All she did was read and walk to the same spots in the monastery. It was getting boring and exhausting.
When she opened her door, a small smile found its way onto her lips upon not coming across another letter.
Then she stepped out and turned to close her door but stopped when she found a letter taped against it.
She let out a chuckle at her own expense and grabbed it before moving back inside her room.
Another blue post-it note greeted her when she unfolded the letter.
"Can't get rid of me that easily ;)"
Shaking her head with a smile, she read the shorter diary entry out loud.
"Day Too-much-to-keep-count,
So... I guess I'm accepted by Nya's parents now? At least I'm sure her mother likes me because she keeps calling us a cute couple and stuff.
But I really have no idea on what her dad thinks of me. He introduced himself, and I'm sure he made himself seem more stoic than he really is because I did see him smile when I pulled Nya to my side and kissed her temple. But I don't know, maybe I was hallucinating or seeing things like I'd want them to turn out. Maybe he was about to attack me and cut my limbs off.
Still, he's just as scary as Kai was. No, wait, I shouldn't use the past tense because Kai is still scary, even though Nya and I have been together for a little over a year now.
Time flies fast, huh?
"You can be glad you're too cute to picture without a head on, Jay," Nya said, assuming he was around there somewhere.
"Believe me, I am!"
Nya gasped when a muffled response reached her ears. She stood up abruptly, let the paper slip from her grasp, and hastily walked towards her door. She pulled it open and rushed out. Even though she looked left and right, up and down, no one was there.
She let out a loud groan of frustration. All she wanted was some answers, that's it.
Maybe a kiss too, but that's not the point here.
When her eyes landed on the floor, she came across, you guessed it, another folded piece of paper.
No longer caring about who was around her, she picked it up and read the post-it note out loud.
"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I love you so much!
PS: This is definitely not just here so that you don't rip my head off. You know how much I've grown to love my curly hair. You have, too. So for the sake of my hair that you love to play with, please don't rip my head off.
PPS: I do actually love you, that was not supposed to come off as that sarcastic!
PPPS: But I would also appreciate it if I could wake up with a head tomorrow."
"I could always play with your hair with your head on my desk," Nya mumbled under her breath as she turned to look at the diary entry.
"Day I'm-too-lazy-to-think-of-a-good-title,
I'm currently in the land of Oni and Dragons while Ninjago is under the attack of Garmadon, nothing new.
I'm glad that you were in the part of the Bounty that was shipped here, so now I at least won't go as crazy as I have already.
I've already started using a piece of wood as my new gaming controller, I think I won't last long if we don't get back quickly.
Anyways, the others are asleep right now, so I thought 'Why not write into the book that I seem to forget to write into and only have, like, entries that are months apart?'.
By the way, I meant Zane, Cole, Kai and Wu by 'the others'. Lloyd and Nya are still in Ninjago, and I don't know how to feel about that.
Yes, it's great that we've been split up so that Ninjago at least has a last hope sorta thing.
But I also don't know what's happening over there. They could already be dead, for all I know.
I'm just left here, praying that I will return to my blossom as we both are still in one piece.
I don't know what I would do without her in my life.
Nya nodded. Then she looked around aimlessly while folding up the paper again. "Can't you just give me the next one to speed up the process? I'm kinda hungry over here."
After a few seconds of complete silence, Nya felt something hit her head lightly. She winced at first out of surprise, but then she looked for the source.
And then she saw a crumpled piece of paper lying on the floor in front of her feet.
Picking it up, she opened the paper to see a big, blue, capitalized 'NO' written across the entire page.
"Come on!" she yelled out in frustration. Her belly yelled in an act of support.
Another thing hit her head. This time, Nya caught the ball before it landed on the floor.
After opening it, she sighed when she found another 'NO' on the page. This time, there was also a small smiley and a yellow lightning bolt in the corner of the paper.
She looked around intently, trying to figure out where Jay might be hiding and throwing papers against her head, but came up empty-handed. The corridor was empty, and the ceiling didn't have any space that someone could hide in.
"You know what? I don't care, I'll get myself a hamburger!" Nya said fiercely. "Even though it's a leftover of yesterday's lunch, the microwave is destroyed once again, and I probably have to eat it coldly," she muttered while she stomped down the hall towards the kitchen.
Upon arriving in front of the door to the kitchen, she hissed when she found another paper taped against the door. She took it off, but refused to read it unless some type of food was in her mouth.
When she walked inside, she immediately locked eyes with the fridge. There was also something taped to its door, yet it did not look like another entry.
Picking it up, she looked at what was written on it.
"Nya No-Middle-Name Smith, you better read the letter you just ripped off the door, young lady!"
Blinking a few times, Nya raised her eyebrows slowly. Then she shrugged and decided to read the letter first instead.
"Day I'm-ready,
I'm ready.
I'm ready to make Nya mine. Officially.
As in, I'm ready to ask Nya to be my Yang.
Boom, bam, poof, I'm ready!
And what better way of asking her than to ask her brother to help me? He's gonna know anyway when I have to ask for his blessing, so why not go for the win?
I already have everything planned: First I'm gonna ask Kai for his blessing, then I'm gonna ask Ray and Maya for their blessings, then I'm gonna ask Kai for help, then I'm gonna ask Nya to be my Yang.
My plan is foolproof, I know it!
Without even knowing it, a smile made its way onto Nya's lips. Thinking about how cute that entry was, she turned back to the fridge and opened it.
Then, the smile disappeared and was replaced with a scowl.
The entire fridge that had been filled with food not even half an hour ago was now completely empty. There was another piece of paper placed inside, so she moodily took it and read the post-it note in the corner.
"You never listen, Nya :(. I'm shaking my head, by the way."
Groaning, she looked at the diary entry.
"Day Maybe-I'm-not-ready,
Guess my foolproof plan wasn't as foolproof as I thought. I forgot to include myself in the people that might mess up which might've caused my intent on being so foolproof in the first place.
Everything is ready. I've asked her parents who both immediately agreed, I've asked Kai who threatened me and then agreed, and now Kai is willing to help me in finding a way of asking Nya to be my Yang.
The only problem? Me.
I might've forgotten that I'm actually a chicken. You have no idea what goes through my head while I am there, on one knee, in front of Kai. Yes, it's Kai that I'm trying it on first, but even then I imagine he would say 'no' because who wouldn't say 'no' to someone who can't get a normal sentence out without shaking or stuttering?
But Nya has survived the past two years with me just fine. Sure, Cole came in, she was kidnapped a few times, and died in my arms, but we all have our quirks.
But still, what if she says 'no'?
What if she decides I'm not good enough for her, says 'no', then goes back to Cole?
What if she starts counting up everything she hates about me and then says 'no'?
I just want everything to be perfect! I just have to wait for the right time.
"You know damn well I wouldn't have said 'no', Jay! You're overthinking a lot, you know?" Nya told the silent air, hoping he was there and listening. When he didn't respond, she continued. "And I knew that you and Kai got along well, but I didn't expect it to go that well," she smirked, knowing she hit a nerve.
And just as she expected, another balled piece of paper struck her head from behind. She quickly spun around to detect her lover but couldn't find him anywhere.
Damn his ninja skills!
"I was just practicing on him!"
"That's what they all say!" Nya laughed.
Another note flew against her head.
"No, they don't!"
"Whatever you say, Walker," she gave in with a chuckle. "Now, can you please tell me where the next letter is?"
A few painfully silent seconds later, another balled note flew past her head and landed on the floor in front of her. Bending down, she picked it up and unfolded it.
"You have to pee."
Nya furrowed her eyebrows. "No, I don't."
Another paper ball hit her head. This time, it felt a little more fierce than the other times her head was targeted by a ball.
"Yes, you do!"
"Oh," Nya breathed out, understanding where this was going. "Oh, look at that, I suddenly need to pee. Guess I will head to the bathroom now. Not because I'm expecting to find another letter or anything, I just really need to pee."
With that, she sashayed out of the kitchen and speed-walked towards the monastery's bathroom.
She smiled when she found another letter taped against its door. Her fingers quickly unfolded the paper before her eyes settled on the blue note in the upper corner.
"Your acting is horrible, love."
Gasping, Nya glared at the small, innocent post-it note that was helplessly dragged into its demise. "My acting is not horrible, Jay! You just have bad taste." She crumpled up the note before focusing in on the actual, important diary entry.
"Day I'm-already-planning-our-honeymoon,
She said, and I quote: 'Yes, of course, yes, yes, yes!'
Sure, I asked her in the middle of one of our biggest battles that we all thought would be our last, but she said 'yes', and we've all survived! Man, I feel like the happiest man in Ninjago right now.
I still can't believe she didn't look at me weirdly and opened the gates to let the Oni in to get rid of me, really.
She has been wearing her part of our Yin-Yang medallion on her gi and she looks so gorgeous with it on. Not that she doesn't look gorgeous normally, but it's just the fact that she looks so proud and happy to be wearing it and it makes me so happy and proud to be her Yin now.
I've never been this happy in my life. Yes, I was over the moon when I was told I could control lightning, and I was also happy when my very first invention didn't blow up in my face like all the previous ones, but this... Nya has changed my life so much and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I've always wanted to have the kind of relationship my Ma and Pa have, and I think it's happening now.
"Aww," Nya cooed. "This is so sweet," she said happily before she looked around. "And is there a reason why the entry about your proposal was taped to the bathroom door?"
Shortly after she asked, a ball hit her right elbow and dropped to the floor. Picking it up, she unfolded it and read what was written on it.
Chuckling, Nya smiled. "I was just messing with you, don't worry."
Another piece of paper hit her head.
"So funny. Haha. Laughter and snorting. I can't breathe. I'm in love with a comedian."
"Don't get all sassy with me, mister," Nya warned with a fake pout on her face. Then she tuned to the door and opened it before stepping inside.
A chuckle escaped her mouth upon seeing a piece of paper taped against the sink. She closed the door and grabbed it.
"Day Uhh,
So, only after three years of being together, I just now find out Nya has a thing for dancing?
Don't get me wrong, that's completely fine by me. But Nya? Wanting to dance? At first I thought it was a trick question, but then she actually showed me that she really wanted to pick up on dancing, so we did.
Since I had never thought that she would want to dance with me before, I've never actually told her that I was quite talented in the dancing department. My parents made me take dancing lessons a few years ago, so I hit it off pretty well again after stopping for years. I'm actually impressed by myself because I've never danced with a partner before and I still managed to get those moves right.
Nya looked great in the pink kimono she was wearing. I mean she never told me to dress up, so I felt pretty awkward being in my ninja gi. There were people around us as well, and I swear I saw Nelson dancing with Antonia, but I didn't really pay much attention to them when my beautiful girlfriend did something that drew all of my attention to her: She existed.
We danced together, and I guess at some point I was too drawn in to my dancing since I suddenly forgot we were doing a partner dance, and not a solo performance.
After dancing with Nya again, we freaking nailed that thing. We're so perfect.
And so, I think, our passion for dancing together blossomed in an afternoon that was initially dedicated to playing video games.
And it was definitely worth getting off the console early for.
Nya smiled, thinking about how far they had come in their lives. They had been together for a little over five years now, and to think about how much their relationship grew in both passion and experience was incredible.
For sure, they knew everything about the other, and that's what Nya appreciated the most.
Jay could read her like an open book. He could tell when she was upset when anyone else would not be able to sense a thing. He knew all the best ways to cheer her up when she was down. He knew what ticked her off, and he knew how to not tick her off. He was also the only one who could really calm her down in the middle of an outburst.
Nya was sure that anyone else would've run off the second she showed her true colors.
After seeing a folded piece of paper lying on the closed toilet lid, she picked it up and unfolded it. There was no additional post-it note, so she just read the diary entry.
"Day My-ego-has-been-boosted-and-I-don't-know-how-to-feel-about-that,
The others and I have just arrived back home from Shintaro, and a lot has happened there.
We were hunted by the Skull Sorcerer, but it's not like that's new.
But what is new is that the Queen of the Munce found a liking in me and Nya freaked out. Quite literally, might I add.
They fought over me. Also quite literally.
I know that Nya can get jealous very easily (she keeps trying to hide it, but I can see right through that forced smile), and I might've made an oopsie by testing her limits.
Maybe I shouldn't have pretended not to be realizing what was going on.
But who can blame me? I haven't seen Nya acting out on her feelings like that before and I couldn't resist the temptation!
Jealousy is an ugly look, they say.
Well, I guess they've never seen Nya then, because she looked so hot while standing in that pit.
Nya's mouth opened and closed several times in disbelief. He'd been faking it. He had been faking it when he was so bluntly ignoring that Munce Queen's many attempts at flirting!
Oh, that little-
In a haze, Nya ripped open the bathroom's door and looked around in that hallway. Even though she couldn't see anyone, she knew that he was there somewhere and watching her.
And he was probably smiling like an idiot, too.
"I cannot believe you were faking that!" the Master of Water yelled. "You're gonna be in so much trouble once I get my hands on you!"
A few seconds later, she felt something hit her back. Turning around, her eyes landed on a paper ball that was lying on the floor.
She narrowed her eyes at the paper while unfolding it.
"Please have mercy on my poor soul!"
"No, I will not have mercy on your soul," Nya replied. "And I don't care if you have a good excuse either."
Another paper ball hit her head.
"But what if I'm about to do something that will make you forget about it?"
Nya rolled her eyes. "I don't think anything is gonna be able to make me forget about plotting revenge on your poor soul," she retaliated, smirking.
Hanging his boxers up on the dragon statue in the courtyard did sound very tempting.
So, without voicing her thoughts, she made her way over to Jay's bedroom. When she entered, she closed the door and hoped that he was not able to see what she was doing.
It was their little thing that entering the other's room without asking became okay over the course of the last few years. They already knew everything about each other, they didn't have anything to hide from the other, and they also spent every spare second with each other, so it was acceptable. It was a shame that the others (looking at Kai) weren't allowing them to share a room although the couple slept in each other's room all the time.
Nya grabbed the knob of his underwear drawer and pulled it open. Then she grabbed a clean pair of blue boxers that were decorated with small, red hearts and yellow lightning bolts. She knew those were his most embarrassing pair that he owned.
With a wolfish grin on her face, she balled up the boxers to make them as small as possible so that no one could see what she was holding in her hand.
Then she left her boyfriend's room again and headed for her own. There, she quickly put all the diary entries she had been collecting inside the drawer that was now filled with entries dedicated for her.
Nya walked back out of her room. On her way over to the front door, she felt someone's gaze on her which made her feel even better since she wanted him to see what she was about to do.
Once she stepped outside, Nya halted in her steps.
The golden dragon statue was gone, presumably made to be moved under the ground of the courtyard by someone of her family.
But it was strange. That statue had always been there unless a special event was taking place or someone wanted to train out in the open.
But there was no special event taking place and no one was currently training.
It was then that she saw something in front of the gate. As Nya descended down the stairs, she realized it was a brown package.
Thinking it was addressed to one of the others (since she knew she hadn't ordered anything off the internet), Nya moved over to the package and looked down before bending down to its level.
Her eyebrows furrowed when she read who the addressee was: Nya Smith.
She definitely had not ordered anything, she was certain of that.
Nonetheless, she decided to have a look inside. When she tried to lift it up, she noticed how light it felt. Whatever was inside was as light as a feather. Now she was left wondering if there even was anything inside.
When she managed to rip off the clear tape on the package, Nya quickly took a look inside.
Her eyes landed on a blue piece of paper.
"Nya, hi. We've been together for a long time now. I know a lot about you, and you know everything about me. We've always been a good team, did everything together and found joy in each other's presence. But there's something that I need to tell you, and I don't know how to tell you in person so I'll write it down for you to read. I've been unhappy for a while now. But I've also been scared to tell you because I didn't want to freak you out. For a while, I thought it would just go away if I didn't think about it, but it only became stronger. The thoughts only became stronger. And I don't know for how long I can keep this facade for, it feels so fake. So wrong. I'm sorry that you're going to find it out this way, but I can no longer be your boyfriend. I just can't do it anymore. Thank you for being my girlfriend for the past five years. I really appreciate it a lot. But I can't keep doing this. It's not what I want to call you anymore."
Nya didn't know how to feel. Confusion, hurt, anger, all three of those emotions seemed to fight to be the most prominent one.
She didn't know what was happening, but she knew that she didn't like it. Not one bit.
Was that an informal way of him telling her he didn't want to be with her anymore? Was he breaking up with her?
And over text? Like, literally over handwritten text?!
The thought of revenge had escaped her mind the second she read that letter and was then replaced with hundreds of questions.
"I'm sorry, Nya, but what I wrote is how I feel," a voice came from behind her.
Nya let out a shaky breath. "What do you mean?" Her voice was meek and quiet, sadness very evident in the way the end of her sentence cracked.
"I can't do it anymore. I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore."
And at that, the anger inside of her won the battle.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! After five years of being together, you're just now telling me you want to break up?" Nya turned around, expecting to be faced with her boyfriend and Yin.
Or ex-boyfriend and ex-Yin?
And there he was. For the first time on that day, Nya finally got to see him in person. He was looking back at her with his face void of emotions. He was only staring back at her blankly which managed to tick Nya off even more.
"Do you realize how much I've done for this? For us? I literally opened myself for you! I let you into my heart when no one else was allowed to enter or even look at it, and this is how it all ends? I know that I haven't been the best girlfriend, and I know that you probably deserve someone better, but you're only telling me you want to break up after five years?!"
Nya's hands were clenched into fists and shaking. Out of anger? Frustration? She wasn't sure.
And finally, some tears managed to escape Nya's eyes which she aggressively wiped away with the back of her hand while Jay was silent the whole time and watching her with an emotionless expression on his face.
"Say something!" Nya then yelled, exasperated. "Tell me you're breaking up with me! I need to hear you say it to believe it, damnit!"
When Jay opened his mouth, she already felt her heart cracking.
"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore."
There, he said it. His mouth let out the words Nya hadn't ever thought she would hear in her life.
A choked sound escaped Nya's lips that she didn't approve of. "Then why would you wait this long to tell me?" Her voice cracked. "Why didn't you tell me you're not happy with me?" she whispered, her voice not willing to come out any louder.
She tried to look at him with a glare, but all that came out was a look of brokenness.
"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore," Jay repeated, taking a small step forward.
Just as Nya opened her mouth to yell at him and tell him she had enough of those words, she stopped herself.
She stopped herself when she watched as he slowly dropped to one knee in front of her while keeping eye contact.
And when he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a small, dark blue box a few seconds later, Nya let out a strangled cough.
As Jay's hands slowly opened the box, a beautiful, silver ring with a blue sapphire attached to the top revealed itself to Nya's eyes.
"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore," Jay told her once again while keeping his gaze on hers with determination swirling in his eyes. "I want to be your husband."
Nya looked into Jay's eyes while trying to stop the waterworks in hers. Then she looked down at the ring in his hands.
She let out a sob before she turned around and rested her forehead against the hardwood gates.
And then she started bawling her eyes out. She didn't care who was there and might've been watching her, all she cared about was the shock she had just experienced that was then followed by another, bigger shock.
The entire courtyard was quiet, all that was heard was the strangled noises of Nya's crying. Jay was still on the ground on one knee with the ring box still held out like before.
After a few more seconds of pathetically crying against the gates, Nya wiped away her tears — not that it mattered because they were immediately replaced with new ones — and turned around to face Jay again.
She looked at the ring again. It looked so gorgeous in that box.
But she bet it would look even better on her finger.
Sniffing, she looked at her lover's eyes as she nodded. "Yes," she whispered.
Jay raised an amused eyebrow. "I haven't even asked yet." When Nya's face hardened, he chuckled. "Okay, okay, I'll keep it short. Nya, you've been with me for five years now. We've been through a lot, and our relationship has been tested many times. You've died in my arms twice now, you married a djinn whose name I refuse to say, Cole tried to snatch you away from me," he chuckled, "And a lot more happened that I really don't want to count up unless you want this to go on forever. I've told you what I wanted to say in my letters you've read anyway. Also, you can be glad I didn't give you the letters I've written while you'd been water for a year. There are, like, probably around two hundred letters since I didn't have anything better to do than wait for you to return." Then he tried to rake his brain for what else he wanted to say. "Hmm, oh, and I love you! I probably should've begun with that," he smiled. "I love you so freaking much to the point that I feel like I need to be with you the whole time to feel the happiest. You might not understand the importance you have in my life, Nya, but it's there, and it's huge. You mean so much to me. Yeah, I think that was my speech. Anyways, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"
Although Nya tried to smile, it came out more like a grimace instead because of the tears soaking her face.
"Yes," she choked out, coughing. "Yes, I want to make you the happiest man on earth, and yes, I will marry you."
Before Nya had the chance to throw herself down onto Jay, he stood up and engulfed her in a tight hug. Then he started shaking in her hold, his sobs not taking long to follow.
So there they stood, in front of the gates, in each other's arms, and full-on sobbing together.
"You're an idiot," Nya told him.
"I know," he replied.
"I thought you just broke up with me."
"I know."
"You scared me."
"I know."
Pulling away, Nya lightly punched him in his ribs. "Idiot," she muttered under her breath as he started laughing. "Aren't you supposed to slide the ring on my finger now?"
"Oh, right," Jay chuckled as he pulled the ring out of the box and took Nya's left hand in his. While staring into her eyes, he slowly slid the ring onto her ring finger.
Nya admired the small item on her hand a little bit before looking back at Jay. They both grinned at each other before Jay turned around and slung an arm around her shoulders.
"She said 'yes'!" he yelled, unable to contain the giant smile that was blooming on his face.
After saying those words, the sounds of clapping erupted throughout the monastery.
Nya looked ahead to see the others sitting and standing on the rooftop, and her and Jay's parents walking out of the door and into the courtyard.
Both sets of parents were in tears, as well as Kai who was desperately trying to hide his tears by dramatically whipping his face away when someone turned to him.
Kai, Lloyd, Zane, Cole, Pixal, Skylor and Wu jumped down as everyone surrounded the newly-betrothed couple.
Nya sniffed before she looked at Jay who was already looking back at her. "As much as staring at our family is entertaining, I'm afraid I will need to eat something unless you want me to be moody for the rest of the day."
Everyone around her let out a chuckle. "Of course," Jay answered. Then he looked at Zane and nodded.
Zane nodded back before he lifted his arm and pressed some buttons.
Then, only a few seconds later, they all (especially Nya's enraged stomach) looked around in awe as the ground in front of the walls around them disappeared before many tables that were filled with foods of all sorts were pushed up.
A few hours into the small gathering/party, all participants were fairly enjoying themselves. Quiet, generic music was playing in the background as the conversations everyone was involved in were in full swing.
Yet when very loud laughter came from the Fire Ninja, everyone stopped what they were doing to look at what was happening.
When Kai turned around to look at them all, he held up an item which was quickly recognized by both Nya and Jay, the latter one immediately flushing in a bright red color.
Laughing, Kai cast him a knowing look.
"Hearts and lightning bolts? Really?"
If you've made it till the end, you deserve a virtual cookie 🍪. Also, I'm sorry if there are any spelling/grammatical mistakes, it's just that proofreading this was just as bad as writing it (because of the length) and I felt like jumping out the window a lot. But I refuse to put two-parters out willingly. No matter how much I'm saying that this made me want to die, I did like writing this because I like the idea of it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, bye!
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