A Beautiful Mess

This is basically the Nya version of 'Alone Together' which was requested by @mars-starss. I know this is way longer than Jay's version, but what can I say, I like to add some — sometimes not important — extra content, as you've probably already noticed.

Hope you like it!

As he entered the living room, Jay let out a sigh and headed for an open spot on the couch.

"Was it that bad?" Kai asked, smirking.

Jay looked at him, glaring. "They are not bad. But once they start talking, they won't stop! I don't even know how they can come up with so many things to talk about because every time they finish a sentence, I think 'oh, I guess they're done now', but oh no, they aren't even halfway done which makes me wonder how they managed to raise me without constantly bringing up things they did when they were younger which-"

"Alright, jeez! I have an idea how they might've raised you," Kai muttered, making Jay roll his eyes.

The Blue Ninja leaned his head back against the couch and faced the ceiling with his eyes closed.

"Come on, Zaptrap, your parents aren't that talkative," Cole said, nudging his shoulder.

"You have no right to speak, Dirt Clod! I'm the son here, you're just the obnoxious best friend who gets to see them like every two months."

Cole held up his hands in defense, a playful smirk on his face. "Forget I ever said anything."

Jay playfully punched his shoulder and looked at the TV in front of him. He then snorted. "SpongeBob SquarePants? Really?"

"You're the one who still watches Paw Patrol, so leave Bob alone, mister," Lloyd defended, sending him daggers, before turning back around to look at the TV from where he was sitting on the dark blue bean bag near the couch.

"Fair enough," Jay laughed. Then he looked around the room before scrunching his eyebrows together. "Where are Nya, Zane and Pix?"

"Zane and Pixal are spending some couple time, and Nya is in her room," Kai answered as his eyes were fixated on the TV screen.

Jay nodded before he got up from the couch and headed out of the room. Taking one last look back at the television, he realized he had already seen that episode from SpongeBob SquarePants, so he could leave without regretting not watching until the end.

He strolled down the hallway and opened the wooden door to his bedroom. Closing it after he entered, he immediately walked over to his closet to change into a pair of gray sweatpants and a dark blue hoodie of his. He then neatly combed his hair, only for it to spring back out in untamed curls.

"Meh, good enough," he said, looking at himself in the mirror.

Then he flexed his muscles while looking at himself for a few seconds before hearing his phone ring.

His head snapped towards his desk where he had put it on. He walked up to it and looked at the caller ID.

Sighing, he picked up. "Hey Ma."

"Jay, sweetie, where are you?"

"I'm back at the monastery now," he rolled his eyes.

"Did you get in trouble on the way back?"

"No Ma, I made it home safely."

"Are you sure? You know we could've driven you back."


"Are the others there, too?"


"Darling, why didn't you bring them as well? We would've loved to see them, you know."

"I know-"

"You could've at least brought Nya with you! I've missed her so much. You two are perfect for each other, son. I'm sure it'll result in beautiful grandkids-"

"Ma!" he whined. "I'll make sure to bring her too if you stop talking about children in front of us."

"But don't you want to have children? The clock is ticking, Jay, you won't get any younger."

Jay subconsciously looked back at his door to see it closed shut. He swallowed hard before focusing back on his mother. "Of course I do, Ma, but I'm not sure if she's ready yet. It's her body that's gonna carry the children anyway, she should be the one to choose. Besides, our job isn't really child-friendly, you know."

"Aww, we've raised you so well!" Then her voice seemed a bit more distant from her side. "Did you hear that, Ed? Our son wants to become a father!"

"Mother!" Jay said in a stricter tone. "I never said when it will happen. Don't you dare talk to Nya about this. It's our choice after all, so please stay out of this. Besides, I still have to ask her to-"

"Oh my goodletots, are you ready to ask her to be your wife?!"

Jay could hear her happiness and excitement over the phone which made him smile sheepishly.

"I still have to plan everything, but I think I'm ready."

Edna gasped. "Jay Walker, why didn't you tell us when you were here just an hour ago?!"

"That topic never came up," Jay shrugged to himself.

"We were bugging you about your relationship all the time, son."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Look, I have to go now, I have to do some ninja stuff," he lied. "I'll talk to you later. Love ya, Ma!"

He then quickly hung up before his mother could say anything more. Putting the phone back down onto his desk, he went through his auburn locks with his hand.

He let out a shaky breath before going up to his door and opening it.

Then, he squeaked.

There, on the other side of the door, was Cole, his mouth wide open with a shocked expression on his face and his hand balled up into a fist in the air.

Jay's eyes immediately widened. "Cole," he smiled nervously. "D-Did you hear any-"

"You want to ask Nya to-"

Before Cole could finish his sentence, Jay pulled him into his room harshly, looked down the hallway to make sure no one else was nearby, and closed the door before locking it.

He turned around to look at Cole who was still looking at him with shock written across his face.

"How much did you hear?" Jay asked, rubbing his now-sweaty palms together.

Cole, after regaining his ability to speak, closed his mouth and took a deep breath before looking at his best friend with a small smile on his face. "I think I've heard enough, Jay. You want to ask her the question?"

Jay contemplated answering him vocally, but he was too afraid his voice would betray him and crack, so all he did was nodding firmly.

Cole gasped. "When?"

The Blue Ninja shrugged. "I need to get her parents' and Kai's blessing first before I start planning the exact place and what to do if she says 'no'."

Cole looked at Jay as if he had grown a second head. "You're not actually scared that she'll say 'no', right?" After getting no answer, he continued. "Of course she'll say 'yes', Jay! She loves you as much as you love her."

"I know she does, but you never know..." he gulped. "Maybe-"

"No! She won't find someone better!" Cole then stepped closer to him and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him slightly. "You'll get her family's blessing and ask that question like there's no tomorrow. Just like you've done it before. Got it?" he said sternly.

Jay looked into Cole's brown eyes to see nothing but pure seriousness, tinted with specks of happiness and pride. He gave him a nervous smile and nodded.

"What was that? I couldn't really hear you," Cole asked.

"Okay!" Jay laughed.

"Good," Cole said as he let go of his shoulders and headed for the door. But then he turned back around and walked up to his best friend again, leaning close to his ear. "But I will be your best man and the godfather."

Seeing Jay's cheeks rise up with heat, Cole laughed and exited his room.

Jay let out a huge sigh after silence consumed his room again. Looking at his mirror again, he could clearly see the red color that was tormenting his cheeks, so he decided to go to the bathroom to wash his face.

As he walked down the hallway once again, he walked past Kai and Lloyd's empty bedrooms, knowing that they were inside the living room and enjoying watching the famous yellow sponge doing normal things, like drowning under water or lighting a fire.

You know, typical things a sponge does.

But he came to a halt in front of a specific door once he heard a strange noise.

And surely enough, it was his girlfriend's door.

He walked up to it and waited for something else to come from the other side. He carefully tried to listen for anything, but shook his head and made his way away from her door again.


Okay, now he was sure he heard it.

He quickly rushed back in front of her door and knocked. "Nya," he said, still knocking.

Once he heard what sounded like a whimper, he decided to screw waiting for an answer and put his hand on her door handle. He pushed it down and tried to walk in, yet his movements were cut short when the door didn't budge.

It was locked.

Jay furrowed his eyebrows at the locked door before trying to get her to open the door by knocking once again. "Nya, it's me, Jay! Open the door, please."

After silence was left in the air once again, Jay knocked on the door more harshly. "Nya, open this door now, you're worrying me!"

A few seconds later, he gave up and sighed. Then he decided to let her calm down for a bit before trying to get her to talk to him, so he turned back around to walk down the corridor.


"Okay, that's it," Jay mumbled before he swung at the door with full force, breaking it down at once.

When he looked inside, his body froze. His eyes skimmed around the room, only to find it clean and tidy, as always.

His eyes then landed on Nya's bed. He gasped and ran up to her.

Her bed was a mess. The sheets were all over the place and the pillows beneath her head were anywhere but under her head. Her hair was sticking out in all directions and she was constantly moving around. She was clearly crying, based on the tears that were leaking down her face, and her breathing was quite uneven.

Jay swallowed before he brought a hand up to her shoulder. He gently shook her. "Nya, it's time for you to wake up," he said, his eyes never leaving her distressed face.

She was having a nightmare, that was clear.

Nya's head kept rolling from one side to the other as her arms occasionally shielded her face for a few seconds before they went back down.

Jay furrowed his eyebrows. Was she fighting in her nightmare? Was she trying to defend herself from something dangerous?

Whatever it was, he had to wake her up.

"Nya," he said a bit louder, shaking her more.

"Stop," she whimpered.

But the worst part for Jay was that he was sure that it wasn't meant for him to be heard, it wasn't directed to him.

So he took a deep breath before shaking her furiously. "Nya, wake up!"

And after that, Nya's body shot up, almost knocking Jay down due to the sudden impact.

Her breathing was quick and uneven, and her surroundings seemed to be unknown from all of a sudden. She looked around aggressively, the tears in her eyes blurring everything into giant, colored blobs.

"Nya, hey," Jay tried to soothe her, only to be pushed away in a swift movement, making him actually fall onto the floor that time.

He quickly scrambled back up and looked at her in shock which turned into concern in less than a second.

Looking over at her balled up position, her knees pulled up against her chest and her head inside the mess of her limbs, Jay sighed. That wasn't the first time a nightmare got out of hand, and he was sure it wouldn't be the last one either.

"Nya, it's me," he said while he carefully sat back down next to her, although there was a safe space in-between them for her comfort.

He watched as she tried to shake her head which both of them realized didn't really look as effective since it was buried into her knees.

"L-Look at me, please."

Damn that stutter.

Panic began to rise in Jay as well when Nya didn't move out of her fetal position. That was a first, because since up until then, every time Nya had to endure escaping yet another nightmare, she had always let him get through to her at some point early on.

Jay slowly made his way closer to her, trying his best to make as little noise as possible.

When he was close enough, he slowly brought his hand up to her shoulder. And it was then that he realized how much her body was shaking.

"Don't touch me!" Nya yelled defensively as her whole body tensed up, and she, out of reflex, uncurled out of her position to move away from him.

Her head was turned to him, giving him a clear view of her devastated situation a bit more closely.

She blinked rapidly, trying to look for the source of her disturbance, yet all she could see was the huge blob of blue.

Her breathing sped up again as her hands started to shake furiously beside her on the bed.

"Nya, snap out of it," Jay insisted, sliding closer to her again, making her slide back against the other side of the bed. "Please, it breaks my heart to see you like this," he pleaded.

Nya swallowed before she opened her mouth. For a few seconds, nothing came out, but then she found her voice again. "Go away," she whispered, holding her head.

"But it's me, Jay, your extremely awesome, totally amazing, super-duper friendly boyfriend," he told her.

And just for a second, her entire body went stiff, as if trying to process the information she was just given.


Jay nodded. "Yes, boyfriend. But also your Yin," he added.

Nya coughed before slowly bringing her hands up to her face and trying to wipe away her tears. Then she looked at Jay again, and this time, she could see him a bit more clearly, especially his auburn hair.

Then she slowly, and shakily, extended her arm into his direction. "Jay?"

"Yes," he answered. "It's me, and only me."

"But I th-thought he-" her voice broke, "-he took you and then he..."

Jay sighed, now sure of who she was referring to. He then quickly held her hand in both of his before she could retract it again, and squeezed. And sure enough, she didn't try to pull back.

"He is not here, Nya. You're safe," he tried to smile, yet he couldn't manage to hide the tears welling up in his eyes.

"Really?" she asked, looking around the room.


Nya then nodded slightly to herself, taking in the information, before her head shot up into Jay's direction again. She slowly and carefully crawled up to him, with him not moving away, and shakily brought a hand up to his face. There, she could feel a wet substance on his left cheek.

She sniffed as she brought her other hand up as well to wipe away his tears with her thumbs. "Don't cry, Jay," she told him softly.

A small smile made its way onto his lips as he stared into Nya's — still tear-leaking — eyes. "I'm not crying," he said.

She stopped stroking his cheeks to look at him, unamused. "I may seem like a hot mess right now, but I'm still in my right mind, boy."

He chuckled. "You're right," he said, making her hum in agreement. "You are hot."

Nya stopped her movements again and suddenly burst into laughter, burying her head in his shoulder.

"There is that laugh I love," he mused as he grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a hug.

She then wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kept laughing until she took a deep breath to control herself. Then she looked back at Jay, finding him already staring at her. The fact that her face had been buried in his shoulder allowed the tears on Nya's face to soak into the fabric of his hoodie, making it able for her to finally see her boyfriend normally again.

She sniffed before she rested her head on his shoulder again while staring at him. Then she moved her face into the crook of his neck, breathing in the smell of... fresh cookies?

Then she remembered where he had gone earlier that day. "How was your parents'?"

Jay chuckled. "It was fine. Like the usual, actually. They want to have you there the next time I visit, too," he informed her.

Nya smiled, yet he couldn't see it because of her angle choices. "I'd love to go."

That made him smile too as his hand absentmindedly started to play with the loose curls in her hair. "I'm glad. Let's just hope they're not gonna talk too much."

She chuckled. "They're nice," she commented.

"Yeah, to you. You're their favorite," he fake-pouted.

Nya sighed contentedly. "I know."

"Hey!" he laughed. "No fair!"

"Yes fair!" she laughed, too. "Guess I'm the most lovable ninja," she smirked.

Jay gasped. "Did you-"

"Watch your old show before I went to sleep? Yes. Yes, I did."

His cheeks immediately filled with warmth, painting them red. And Nya, upon being sure that would happen, drew her face from out of his neck to look at her masterpiece.

She chuckled. "It was entertaining, really," she assured him.

He raised his eyebrows. "It was? Well, what can I say, I did rock that show," he said cockily.

"Can't deny that," Nya laughed.

"So," Jay began. "Why was your door locked?"

"Oh, the others kept bugging me about wanting me to watch SpongeBob with them, so I got frustrated and locked the door." Then she scrunched her eyebrows together. "Wait, how did you get in?"

He laughed nervously, making her widen her eyes.

"You did not break down the door!"

"You were screaming in your sleep! And I didn't even know you were sleeping until I was in your room. I was worried," he pouted, holding her waist closer to his.

She sighed, nodding. "It's okay, I can understand."

"So..." he said carefully. "You wanna talk about your dream? And when you said 'him', did you mean... you know..?"

Nya avoided eye contact as she nodded again, making his grip on her become tighter.

"What was it about?"

"He-" she swallowed, still looking away, "-took you away from me and... finished you off in front of me."

After hearing that, Jay immediately pulled her body closer to his, if that was even possible at that point, and shushed her before she could break down once again.

"It's okay, love, it was nothing but a nightmare. Besides, we're far too cool for him to put his dirty claws on us," he said, grinning.

"Or his dirty hook," she murmured into his shoulder.

He chuckled. "Or his dirty hook," he repeated more confidently.

"I don't wanna lose you, Jay," he heard her quiet voice again.

A smile formed on his lips before it turned into a grin as he pulled back to look into her eyes. He grabbed her rather soft hands and held them tightly in his even softer hands, courtesy of his new aloe vera hand lotion.

"You will only lose me when I stop loving you," he said, before he suddenly brought his face closer to hers, their lips slightly brushing against each other's. "Which will never, ever happen, so get used to me being on your tail for the rest of our lives, Smith," he said while keeping eye contact for the entirety of his speech.

Right afterwards, he jerked forward and captured her lips in his. Both of their eyes closed simultaneously as their lips moved in perfect sync with each other's. It wasn't a rushed or too passionate kiss, it was merely a kiss to show nothing but the love and affection that was in the air.

After pulling away, Nya's eyes fluttered open and a smug smile appeared on her face. "Was that a threat, Walker?"

"Why, of course, my love," he smirked.

"Her door is open!"

Both of their heads whipped towards the door where the voice, which could be recognized as Lloyd's, had just come from. After a few seconds, Kai and Lloyd appeared in the doorway.

"Hey sis, would you-" Kai stopped himself as he looked down at the floor to see the destroyed door. He frowned, yet the question in his head was asked by Lloyd before he could open his mouth again.

"What the hell happened to your door?!"

Nya looked at them, an innocent smile on her face. "Nothing important."


"Kai, if you won't drop this subject, you might as well end up like the door," she warned.

Kai held up his hands and took a few steps back. "Just wanted to ask you if you're okay, but I guess I won't be, so... you guys wanna go get some ice cream?" he grinned.

"God, yes!" Jay shouted, jumping up and down like a small child.

Nya chuckled at his behavior and looked back at her brother and Lloyd. "Sure, just give us a few minutes."

Lloyd and Kai quickly nodded before disappearing again, leaving Jay and Nya alone.

"Shall we get ready?" Nya asked him.

Jay nodded quickly. Then he got up and dragged her up with him.

Before anyone could do anything, Jay kissed her forehead and looked at her with concerned eyes. "Are you okay now?"

Nya smiled gratefully and nodded. "Yes," she confirmed. Then she got on her tippy toes and gave him a quick peck. "Now, do you want some ice cream or not?"

"You really don't have to ask me twice, girl!"

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