***So this oneshot is two parts. It's actually based on the Flumptober Day 15 prompt: "Excuse me, but that's my smoothie."
I've had this idea for a while now, but I never finished it up. I still haven't finished it, technically. There's a part 2 coming in the next few days.
But I promise, this is a creative take on the prompt you'll enjoy...***
***(Jay's POV)***
"I don't understand why I got my super complicated drink before you got your peach smoothie," I frown.
Nya and I are currently seated inside a café. The whole team's out of the temple today, given that Cole spent an hour in the bathroom this morning and clogged the toilet like nobody's business. No one's willing to go in there and fix that mess – not even him – so we essentially have all found other restrooms to use.
On the bright side, Nya and I get a date out of this. I never thought I'd be thanking Cole for his diet choices, but today, I just might.
Nya places her chin in her hands, leaning her elbows against the table. "You wanna go up and see if it's ready?"
"Sure." I extend my hand, and together we walk up to the front counter.
Nya waves a hand at one of the baristas. "Excuse me?"
She scowls at us, finishing up the drink she's making and stalking over. "What do you want?"
Nya raises an eyebrow at the girl's attitude. "My smoothie."
The tension in this room is thick.
I drape an arm around Nya's shoulders, trying to lighten the mood. "We've been waiting for fifteen minutes," I explain. "We're just wondering what the hold-up is."
"What's the name?" the girl monotones.
"Nya," my girlfriend replies, giving me a glare that says 'I could've handled that'.
Well, yes, she could've, but then we might never have gotten her drink. I have a feeling this barista would not be afraid to bite back.
The girl examines a few cups in front of her, then holds one out. "Here. Just came up."
Nya looks down at her smoothie. "I ordered peach. This looks like strawberry."
I pipe up before the disgruntled employee can. "We'll take it," I smile. "Thanks."
Nya huffs as we walk away. "I had that covered. Why'd you step in? And they even got my drink flavor wrong!"
"I'm sorry," I apologize, shrugging. "I'll buy you a new one."
"You don't have any money on you, remember?!"
I sigh. She's right. Nya's the one who paid today.
"Fine. I'll go ask a different employee to fix it, okay?" I kiss her cheek.
She waves me off, taking a sip of the drink. "It's fine. Whatever." She licks the insides of her cheeks. "It's actually not half bad."
"I'm still going to go fix it. It's my fault, and I'm going to make it right for you."
She shrugs, sitting down at our table. "Have fun."
I place my hand at the base of her ponytail and tighten it with my palm, then I head to the front counter to get her the right smoothie.
I find myself waiting behind an elderly woman. She cups her hands around her mouth. "Excuse me?"
Huh. That sounds just like...Mystaké?
One of the baristas comes over, and the woman turns. It is Mystaké!
"Excuse me, but I believe you've given me the wrong drink," she says. "I had strawberry passionfruit mixed with Naivetea."
"What's the name?" the same barista Nya and I talked with asks.
"And what drink did you receive?"
"A peach smoothie." Her face twists in disgust.
Something bugs me in the back of my mind, and I tap her on the shoulder. "Hey, Mystaké," I greet her.
She eyes me, and her tone is not pleased. "Jay. What do you want?"
"Um, see, I think you and Nya may have gotten your drinks mixed up, so if you don't mind, the two of you can – "
Mystaké's eyes widen. "Mixed up?!"
"Well, yeah, but it's no problem. I'm sure she'd be happy to switch with you, so you two can just – "
"Where are you seated?" she asks, her voice panicked.
I scratch the back of my head. "Um...over there?" I point to the table I picked out earlier. Nya is still sitting down there, happily sipping her smoothie. She gives it a funny look.
Mystaké rushes over to the table. "Excuse me," she calls from across the room, "but that was my smoothie!"
I follow hot on her heels. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm sure Nya would be happy to trade you, right?" I look down at my girlfriend.
She pulls the straw from her lips and giggles. "Jay, I feel...weird."
I immediately go on high alert. Nya is not a giggly girl, nor does she talk about how she feels willy-nilly.
"This is what I was trying to avoid!" Mystaké groans, pulling the smoothie from Nya's grasp.
She pouts her bottom lip in a childlike way. "Hey, that's mine! Why'd you take it?"
I frown, placing my hand on her forehead. "You okay, Nya?"
She looks up at me, then bursts into giggles again. "Aww, look at you! You're so cute!"
Okay, something is definitely wrong.
Mystaké mumbles a curse. "She wasn't supposed to drink that tea!"
"What tea?!" I exclaim.
"The Naivetea! It helps me focus for meditation, but it makes humans loopy!"
"Loopy?" I panic. "How loopy?! Does it have any negative side-effects?"
"No side-effects, but she's essentially drugged up for the next twelve hours." She sighs, looking down in the cup. "And there's none left. I guess I'll have to order another one."
"That's what you're concerned about?!" I demand. "How drugged up is she?"
While I'm speaking, Nya pokes me in the arm. I turn to look at her, and she simpers.
"Hi," she beams.
"Hi, sweetie." I pat her shoulder, turning back to Mystaké. "What am I supposed to do about this?!"
"Not much. Just let it wear off. She'll just be high for a twelve hour period. She shouldn't get sick or anything, and she can't overdose on it." Mystaké huffs. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm getting back in line."
I stand there speechless as she walks away. Nya can't be high! She'd hate the guys seeing her do or say anything stupid or embarrassing! I'm not prepared to take care of someone who's drugged up. How the heck do I deal with this?!
"Jay, she took my drink," Nya whines.
I bite my lip, looking down at her. "It's okay, sweetie. There wasn't any left."
"I could've licked it out!" She sticks out her tongue.
"Mm-hmm." Oh, boy, am I in trouble.
"Let's get out of here, okay?" I say. I take her hand and help her up.
She stumbles forward, tittering. "Mmkay. Where are we going?"
I catch her by her other arm so she doesn't fall. "Oh, gosh, I don't know." I rack my brain. I can't take her back to the monastery – what if she gets sick, or she really has to use the restroom or...oh, what am I supposed to do?!
"Wanna know what I think we should do?" she asks.
"Um, what?" Why am I turning to the high girl for ideas?
"We should go get ice cream!" She licks her lips. "I love ice cream."
"You actually don't, Nya." I lead her toward the door. "You're not a big fan of sweets, remember?"
"I'm not?" she gasps. "But that smoothie was sweet, and it was so good! We should get another one of those." She tries to walk toward the line, her steps faltering.
"Maybe later, okay? Let's go...um...to the park! You'd like that, right?"
"Mmmm...I don't know. Can we make snow angels while we're there?"
I mentally facepalm. This is bad.
"There isn't any snow, Nya," I tell her, leading her around to the passenger side of the vehicle.
"Why am I sitting on the passenger side?" she frowns.
"Well, um, you got to drive on the way here, so why don't you let me have a turn driving back, okay?"
"But you like it when I drive," she complains. "You think I'm a good driver, don't you?" Her bottom lip trembles.
"Of course," I reassure her, opening her door. "But can't I take the wheel, just for today? I always let you drive whenever you want."
"Are you sure this isn't about me not being good enough?"
"It's definitely not about that." I help her into her seat, buckling her in. "Don't press any buttons, okay?"
She eyes the panel of buttons. "Okay."
"Nya, don't think I don't see that look. No buttons." I wag my finger at her.
She looks up at me innocently. "Just one?"
"No, Nya. You'll make me sad if you push a button, and you don't want me to be sad, right?" Please say that I'm right.
"Of course, I don't want you to be sad, silly." She laughs like this is the funniest thing ever.
Relief floods me. "Aww, thanks, Nya."
She fingers the dashboard. "Just one button..."
"Okay, no. You're sitting in the back." I quickly unbuckle her. "Get out of the car, Nya."
She giggles. "Nope!"
"Nya," I warn her. "You have to sit in the back of the car."
"No, I don't!" she grins. "Betcha can't make me!" She grabs onto the back of her seat.
I place my hands on her waist and gently tug her toward me. "You can sit in the front later, sweetheart."
"But I wanna sit next to you!"
"Awww, really?" I feel myself soften.
"Plus, there are so many buttons up here – "
"All right, in the back you go!" I pull her into my arms and carry her toward the back of our vehicle.
She places her hands on each of my cheeks and plants a poorly aimed kiss on my nose. "Can I sit in your lap?"
I blush. "Um, I don't think you're allowed t-to sit on my lap while I drive, sweetheart. It's against the law."
She purses her lips. "Who made that law?"
"I'm not sure, honey." I open up the back of the earth drill and set her inside, but she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer to her. "Can you sit in the back with me?"
"I would, babe, but I have to drive."
"Can we just sit in here for a while instead of going to the park?" She tries to bat her eyelashes, but the movement is sloppy due to her decreased muscular coordination.
I sigh. "Okay, sweetheart. I'll sit back here with you for a few minutes."
"Yay!" she squeals, patting the space next to her. "Wanna make out?"
"U-um..." I swallow hard. "N-Nya, let's not do that right now, okay?"
"But they always make out in SUVs in teen movies."
"Mm-hmm. That's because the characters...um...let making out lead to...something more serious, and they don't want their parents finding out."
"You're just saying that because you don't want to kiss me," she accuses me.
"Of course, not! Nya, that's not true. I just..."
She strokes a hand over my cheek, wiggling over to me so her chin rests on my shoulder. "It's just what?"
I blush. "You're not in your right mind, babe. We shouldn't kiss right now." It just seems all wrong.
"My thinking is just fine," she giggles. "And I wanna make out with you!" She places a sloppy kiss on my neck.
"Honey...why don't we just cuddle for a few minutes, okay?" I hug her torso close to mine.
She snuggles into me. "Jay, I'm cold." She widens her eyes. "Can I please have your sweatshirt?"
"I'm not wearing one."
"But I'm cold."
"I'm sorry," I say sympathetically, "but I don't have a sweatshirt with me."
"Aww. I guess I'll just have to stay close to you, then." She holds me tight, burying her head in my shoulder.
I let out a sigh of relief. At least when she's like this, she's not endangering herself. Or me. Or the entire café, if she'd hit one of those buttons.
She runs her hands through my curly locks, roughing them up. "You're the best boyfriend ever."
My heart swells, and my hand comes to cover hers. "You really think so?"
"Mm-hmm. I do." Her free hand traces down from my hair, to my face, to my neck. She fingers the Yin pendant she sees there. "What's this?"
"It's my half of our Yin-Yang pendant, remember?"
She gasps. "I get to marry you?"
"Well, yeah."
She sniffles and buries her face in my sleeve. "That's so amazing," she sobs.
"Oh, Nya, don't – don't cry." I rub her shoulders.
"They're happy tears," she wails.
I press my lips to her hair. "Shh, Nya, it's okay. I'm glad you want to marry me."
She gives me a messy kiss on the cheek, trailing her mouth around to mine. "Let's make out, then," she sniffs.
I try hard not to laugh at her. "Not right now, sweetie." And that's when it comes to me: the perfect plan.
"Hey Nya, you wanna go check out my birth dad's house? I'm sure there's someplace nice and comfortable for you to lie down there. Maybe you can get some rest."
Her voice suddenly perks up. "Really? I would love that!"
"I thought so." I let her go, buckling her into a seat.
"I'm cold," she whines.
"I know, sweetie. I'll turn on the heat for you, okay?" Even though it's the middle of summer and I'll probably bake.
"Okay." She wipes at her eyes. "You're so sweet."
"Thanks, Nya." I brush back her hair. "Sit tight a moment, okay?"
She giggles. "'Sit tight'. That sounds so funny."
"It kind of does, doesn't it?" I blow her a kiss – there's no telling what ideas she'd get in her head if I legitimately kissed her – and head to the front of the vehicle.
"You're back!" Nya exclaims as I climb in the driver's seat.
I smile. "Yep, honey, I am."
"I missed you. It felt like forever."
"Nya, I just walked the few steps to the front of the SUV."
"A few steps, a few miles." She waves her hand in the air. "It all feels the same when I'm not with you. Ooh, a butterfly!" She presses her nose to her window.
I turn on the vehicle's heating system just a little and begin to back out of the parking lot. I look away from the mirror just as I pull around another car's bumper when –
Nya's face appears right next to mine. "I really wanna sit with you, Jay."
I panic. "Nya, get back in your seat and put your seatbelt on!" Good grief, if we were on the road, she could get herself killed!
"But I don't wanna be back here without you," she complains. "It's too far."
"Nya, it's for your own good. You're scaring me to death right now."
She finds this funny. "Boo," she giggles.
"Nya, that's not – "
"Boo!" She laughs and crawls up the console, hugging her arms around me tightly. "Did I scare you?"
"No, but you are right now! Nya, get in your seat before – "
Someone honks behind us, and I jump.
Seriously?! Can't they just go around? We are in a parking lot, after all!
Nya climbs all the way into my seat and cuddles up beside me. She has to move her legs so they're in the passenger seat, but she manages to arrange her torso in my lap and lean against my chest.
"We can go now," she smiles. "I'm comfortable."
"I can tell. Golly, it's a good thing you're cute when you're like this, or I would be seriously mad." I kiss her forehead.
I guess we'll be taking backroads to my dad's house.
I leave the parking lot, driving slowly so I don't accidentally jostle Nya too much. Plus, I can't get in any sort of a collision, or she'll go through the windshield, for sure.
That thought just terrifies me.
"Hey, Nya, would you mind moving back over to the passenger seat? I want you to wear a seatbelt."
"You can hold onto me."
"Um, well, I can't do a very good job of it while I'm driving." She's even more stubborn than normal when she's high.
"You're doing a great job, Jay!" Her gaze drifts to the console. "Just one button..."
"Nya!" I exclaim. "No!"
She reaches a finger out toward the panel, but thank the First Spinjitzu Master, she just turns on the radio.
I let out a huge sigh of relief.
Some pop song fills the SUV, and even though she doesn't know the words, she makes up her own and sings loudly throughout the whole drive.
As we pull up to my dad's gate, her eyes glitter with interest. "Jay, look at all the buttons on that!" She's referring to the gate.
"I see them, sweetheart." I put the vehicle in park and tap in my dad's house key number, holding Nya captive with my free arm so she can't hit any unnecessary buttons. Not that messing up the passcode would be a disaster, but if she decides to hit one of the buttons on our dashboard, the gate in front of us is done for.
Once we make it through the gate, we drive the winding way up to my dad's house. Nya tries to name each decorative tree we pass by, but at some point, she starts her list of names over. I guess she can't remember which names she's used and which ones she hasn't.
Gosh, I'm glad we're finally someplace private.
I park the car in the garage and open my door, house key in hand. Nya wiggles out of my lap and promptly flops on the ground.
I gasp, jumping out of the car behind her. "Honey, are you okay?!"
She giggles, rolling over. "Let's do that again!"
"No, let's not." I grab her hands to help her up. "Let's go inside, okay?"
"Okay. Jay, what if I told you an old friend of ours had come to visit you here?"
"Then I would say you made it up. Hardly anyone knows my birth dad was Cliff Gordon." I fix a few strands of her hair.
"But what if I wasn't lying?"
"Then I would ask you for proof." I bop her on the nose. "Come on, sweetie. Let's go inside and let you get some rest."
"What if I said our old friend was standing right behind you with a crowbar?"
"What the – " Something cracks me over the head, and I topple, seeing stars.
"Pythor!" Nya giggles. "So good to see you again! Wow, you look extra purple today."
And that's when everything goes black.
***So this will go interestingly.***
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