Chapter 8: Beacon.

- (little Cato POV, location: unknown)-

in a dark room, we see little Cato on a chair beatboxing. then stopped as he sees a tablet-like device coming out of a nearby vent.

??? for you. this will help.

Little cato then walks up to the device and grabs it

Little Cato: what is this? Who's there?

then looks at the device curiously, looks around to see if nobody's watching, and taps onto it. it works then starts hearing a door sliding open and runs back to his seat. and then VIro walks up.

Viro: your father is a coward.

Little Cato: my father...will come for me. and he... will kill you if i don't FIRST.

he runs up to attack him, but ends up getting swatted at a wall and viro walks away.

- (Arc's light flagship hallway, Gary POV)-

we then see gary recording himself, obviously for quinn.

Gary: Quinn. Do i look any different? i should because you're looking at a member of the most wanted men and women in the galaxy. OH, look who it is. avocato come say hi to quinn.

Avocato: No

Gary: he's a bit of a grouch, but i told the Jaune and the fleet that his son's been kidnapped. yeah i know. ANYWAYS, BIG DEVELOPMENT HERE, we just found out that my brother is actually from another planet where humans coexist with another race called ''Faunas'' and are sometimes under attack with murderous death beasts called ''the creatures of Grimm'', he had a hard time on that planet Cuz he told us when we arrived on Remnant and forsome unknown reason, WE BECAME YOUNG AGAIN, but we're really proud that we are. Anyways, i have a robot arm just like my brother, look at this. and that's all i have for you today. so, uh, give me a call, Quinn. Oh almost forgot, I'm about to go to the academy where he went...before he got expelled.  

Jaune: gary, come on.

Gary: I'M COMING BRO HOLD ON, Message sent. come on, mooncake.

Mooncake: chookity pok

he then leaves to go to beacon

- (hanger bay, Jaune POV)-

Jaune Sighs

Nova: are you want to do this, commander?

Jaune thinks for a moment

Jaune: yes, I'm sure nova. let's just get on.

Gary: Jaune wait!!!!!!

Mooncake: CHOOKITY!!!!!!

they run/float up to them and started breathing heavily. 

Jaune: glad you two could make it.

Avocato: hey, don't forget me.

he says slightly sternly

Jaune: ok now that everybody's here, let's go.

they get on the dropship and depart for beacon as they exit the hanger

- (near vale, Jaune POV)-

Jaune: open communications to beacon academy.

Pilot: sir, were getting something, it looks like something in the city.

Jaune: put it through.

as they put it through, they hear voices. voices Jaune hasn't heard in a long time.

Ruby: Blake, where are you!? 

Yang: come on, let's talk about this. 

Wiess: why did this happen?

Ruby: probably because of what happened to Jaune.

Yang: Ruby, don't talk about that faker.

Wiess: yang's right, what does he have to do with this

Ruby: because he's not a racist like you.

Wiess: (gasp) excuse me, MY family is the victim here!!

As team rwy continue to argue, they listened to the conversation

Jaune: they lost Blake?

Gary: they drove away another friend?

Avocato: what's wrong with kids these days?

Jaune: let's just continue our way to beacon. pilot!!

Pilot: on it. but we'll be there in 10 minutes, sir.

Jaune: good, everyone put your helmets on. 

everyone does so.

as they reached beacon's landing pad, Jaune told the pilot to remain with the ship until they leave, and as they exited the dropship, everyone, except Jaune, were impressed of beacon's architecture because it was unlike anything they've ever seen. but Gary noticed Jaune looked nervous because he's back at beacon and the fact that everyone was looking at him and the others, even though they're all wearing helmets.

Gary: hey bro, you alright.

Jaune: huh, um yeah i am. just remembering things. i just thought i moved them aside from my life

Nova then walks up to him

Nova: sir, traumatic flashes just don't fade away until you face the source of them. Since you have been fighting in battles, both on ground and in space, you never really had the chance to do so.

Avocato: i may not be a member of the Infinity Guard, but we're here for you.

Mooncake says ''chookity'' in Gary's backpack.

Jaune: thanks guys.

they then heard someone cry, and they see it was velvet pulling on cardin's ears.

Gary: Jaune, is that guy who i think it is? (he said in anger)

Jaune: yeah... it's velvet pulling on cardin's ears. payback

Gary: permission to murder that guy's face off.

Jaune: no, let's beat the living shit out of him. Nova, avocato? wanna join?

Avocato: you bet.

Nova: oh ho ho, yeah.

they approach the two as Jaune tap velvet's shoulder

Velvet: huh? eep, don't hurt me.

Jaune: want us to join in?

Velvet: i don't see why not, even though he deserved it for getting rid of my Jauney.

student 1: yeah, Winchester sucks cocks in hell

student 2: nobody likes you or your family

Student 3: even though everyone is trying to find Jaune and his family wants him back in their lives, but if they do find him, i hope he'll forgive us.

Jaune & Co were stunned at their comments of apology over Jaune and hate over Cardin.

Gary: i got an idea. somebody record us beating up this jerk wad right here, right now. WERE GOING TO MURDER HIS FACE OFF!!!!!!!!

Everyone: HUH!!!!!!!??????

Avocato: he means beating him to a pulp.

Everyone: oh.

Jaune: you guys go on ahead beating this bastard up, i'm going to talk to the headmaster.

Velvet: you're not going to beat him up?

Jaune: no I'm not, little carrot. no I'm not.

as jaune left, the other began recording Cardin getting beaten up by these armored newcomers, but velvet was shocked because only Jaune called her ''little carrot'' as jaune continued to his way to Ozpin's office leaving a frozen velvet just standing there behind his back and his friends & brother beating cardin up as Gary dropped an elbow on him.


Ozpin's office

Ozpin hears the elevator coming up and sees an armored young man coming towards him.

Ozpin: who are you? (he said in concern)

Jaune: hello Ozpin, how's it going?

Ozpin and glynda were shocked at hearing that voice.

Ozpin: MR. ARC!!!!????? Is that you?

he approched them with Jaune removing his helmet. both of their eyes were widened like dinner plates as jaune sat down putting his helmet on the table.

Jaune: and you're probably wondering about what happened at that village that was attacked by the white fang, am i right?

they nod their heads saying ''yes''.


end of chapter 8.

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