chapter 40: stopping the giant laser.

after the group and huntsman students sneaked into the outpost without being spotted, we see the group walking out of the elevator and see someone that jaune considered an uncle at the infinity guard academy with quinn saying

quinn: superior stone. that bastard.

nora: who's superior stone, quinn?

she asked as jaune said

jaune; he's one of the infinity guard superiors, he was like an uncle to me during my time at the academy i trained in, not beacon but the infinity guard academy.

nora: ok, thanks for answering fearless leader.

jaune: you're welcome, nora.

he said as quinn looked at the maintenance door

quinn: come on, we have to go around.

she said as they enter the room, but gary had a scared face as he said

gary: Oohhhhhh...crap.

ruby: (wide eyes) that's a lot of shocky pipes.

blake: uh huh.

she agreed as they try to avoid getting shocked by the pipes, but gary got shocked in his ''downstairs mustache''

gary: (gasp) laser hell!!!

quinn: shhh, the walls are thin.

jaune; don't make a sound or they'll hear us, gary.

gary: bro, you expect us to climb through this electric pain maze without making a sound, we're not wizards.

he said as mooncake got electified

jaune; (grits his teeth) will you please be quiet.

he said as he got shocked as well as gary said

gary: AH, tough titty wompus!!!!!

(outside the walls)

IG commander: company hold.

gary (in the walls): titty wompus.

IG commander: did you hear that?

WF trooper: it sounded like ''tough titty wompus''.

IG commander: what the hell is a tough titty wompus?

WF trooper: it's probably a rat. no offense.

Rat faunus trooper: none taken.

IG commander: but do rats say tough titty wompus?

WF trooper: the big ones do.

Rat faunus trooper: (deadpanned) really?

(back with the group)

we then see a volt hitting avocato's head, making it bigger as gary turned around and started to laugh

gary: (laughs quietly) oh my god, you're like a tiny avocato bobble head.

he said as he got shocked and they made it out of the maintenance room and enter the control room, only to be met with a number of IG troopers aiming their weapons at them as quinn and jaune said

quinn: have you lost your minds, your working with the white fang and for the lord commander. we're infinity guard, the last vestige of hope in the universe.

jaune: quinn is right and what you're doing is gonna destroy the earth, and possibly remnant, my home.

quinn: OUR home. stop this, we're begging you.

they said to reason with their fellow infinity gaurd comrades, but....

IG trooper: that's a good speech, but no. no it ain't happening.

he said as the other troops laugh at quinn and jaune, who lowered their heads as gary said this to nora and avocato

gary: nora, break their legs.


she yelled as she brought out her hammer and started to attack them and gary said

gary: you know what to do avocato.

he said as he grabbed avocato and threw him in the air and started firing at them as he grew back to normal

avocato: i'm back baby. whoo!!!! i'm electrifed baby.

he said as ren, phyrra ruby and blake start to attack as well,  quinn punched a trooper and grabbed her pistol and started shooting at the troops, blake started shooting behing quinn and ruby used her crescent rose to slice through the troops, much to her being forced to kill another human, but she had no choice because they were the bad guys. and as a trooper was about to shoot at avocato, mooncake used his powers to incinerate said trooper into nothing, and as they were done, jaune's teammates, ruby and blake put their weapons away, but what spooked them is that gary, quinn derrick and avocato's weapons were shot off of their hands by, to everyone's suprise, superior stone

quinn: stone? you...traitor!!!!!

stone: what i do...i do for the infinity guard.

gary: you double crossing sphincter sack.

derrick: dude, ruby's here.

ruby: umm, what's a--

she was cut off as juane said

jaune; ruby, we'll tell you once we get back.

stone: also, i don't know how all of you became teenagers again, but quinn, jaune, you and your fleet can still join us. you're all just about the only ones who haven't pledged their alliegance, to the lord commander.

jaune: not gonna happen, but why are you doing this, i saw as an uncle back at the academy.

stone: the lord commander has seen what's on the other side....once we break into FINAL SPACE, we'll flood the world with light and there will be no more...death.

phyrra: that's because there won't be anymore life.

ren: exactly, you can't have live without death.

stone: at first, but not at second, and don't get me started o thirdly. anyway, we should thank the two of you.

he said as he referred to jaune and quinn

quinn: what?

jaune; what are you talking about?

stone: remember after gary lost his arm and the lord commander sent an attack force to, well, attack your fleet? right before you and your fleet entered that incursean, one of his fighters secretly placed a tracking device on one of your vessels, meaning that you brought him to your home. and as for you quinn, your scribbling on a bar napkin allowed us to finally break through the quantum barriers and tear though this universe, so you see...this is all you're work, and by which i mean ''both of yours''.

he said to juane and quinn, who had faces of regret and disbelief

jaune: what have i done?

stone: cheer up, you two won't have to live with the guilt much longer.

he said as he shot at the controls, thus destroying them as he said

stone; because now there's no stopping us from tearing a hole into Final Space.

he said as gary had an idea

gary: hey sphincter sack.

stone; what!!!!???

gary: rock paper scissors.

team (J)NPR: rock paper scissors?

stone: i'm not playing this game.

derrick: close...paper.

he said as he grabbed a rifle from avocato's back and shot a tiny black hole next to stone, thus sucking him in and killing him

gary: (chuckles) he just got sucked into a big ole butthole.

nora: (chuckles) butt.

avocato; guys, we got a laser to take out.

gary: ok let's go, come on team.

he said, leaving jaune and quinn frozen in guilt and regret

quinn: it's all our fault.

gary: sweetface, bro, it's not your fault.

jaune: i brought the lord commander to remnant.

gary: ok, you two are digging deep and there's some real poweful self discovery stuff going on here.

nora: yeah, plus there's a GIANT LASER that's about to fire at that hole in the sky!!!!!

gary: right nora, so if we could just stick a pin in this, and pick it up overn snack-soonish.

AI: laser activation in 10 seconds.

jaune: stone destroyed the controls, it can't be turned off.

he said to his group, but gary had an idea

gary: mooncake, shoot the laser.

phyrra; WHAT!!!!!??????

blake: are you insane!!!???

gary: yes, shoot the laser!

mooncake: chookity.

ruby: shoot the laser.

mooncake: chookity.

ren; shoot the laser.

mooncake: chookity.

derrick: shoot it, for god's sake.

everyone: SHOOT THE LASER!!!!!

mooncake: chookity...POK!!!!!

he yelled as he used his powers to destroy the breach opening laser, but the laser manage to destroy the planet's moon

jaune: the elevator, hurry.

she said as everyone left, but gary just high fived stone's dead hand and then he left

(arc's light fleet, remnant)

after they made it back and told them the cause of the breach opening, jaune's fleet members couldn't believe that the organization they work for just joined forces with the lord commander, same reaction as the students at beacon, even the staff and ozpin, and jaune's mom and sisters. now we see jaune in his dorm, looking at the symbol on his uniform before cutting the symbol off of it and then his team, along with the beacon students opened his dorm's door and entered it as a student said

male student 1: hey, juane. what are you doing?

jaune; starting over. and gary, you were right about everything.

gary: i know, i still can't believe that the infinity guard would do such a thing.

jaune: if the lord commander corrupted the infnity guard, the that must mean there's no good guys left.

derrick: you're wrong commander. there are good guys out there.

jaune; who?

ruby: us.

blake: all of us.

jaune; what about them?

he said as he referred to the students of beacon and one of them said

female student 1: hey, we're the good guys too. we may have done some pretty mean things to you, but you forgave all of us, except weiss, yang and team CRDL.

male student 2: including your dad, james arc.

gary; that random student is right. healthy people trust, and we need more of that, not less.

he said as jaune smiled at everyone for being there for him, and realizing that he's not alone to end the lord commander's reign of terror

avocato: we're the good guys now. all of us.

jaune: ok then, but first i need a break from all of this. i'm tired.

he said as he fell asleep and everyone laughs like an ending of an episode until...

jaune: no seriously guys, i'm exhuasted from that mission my team had.

he said as he fell asleep

everyone: oh....ok.

(end of chapter, up next ''the beacon dance'')

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