Chapter 4: Terracon Prime
- (Jaune POV)-
after the events of that whole bounty hunter incident, I ordered the fleet to start repairing their stationed ships and freighters and on the Arc's light, my ship was mildly damaged and KVN was singing a song about plugging Holes for some dumb reason. while he was singing, a mysterious drone just entered the ship undetected.
i then was on my way to check on Gary to see if he was ok after what happened yesterday, and what do you know, he is. why you may ask? because i see him adjusting a camera trying to record a video for a special someone he met when he was still training years ago.
Gary: Quinn. it's me Gary, things have been great on my end and i believed that i made another potential new friend. Yes, he boarded the ship to kill me... and take my little green ball friend, but Avocato is one great card player.
He then faces the camera to the table where a tied up Avocato was sitting as Gary stat down in front of him
Avocato: (spits cards out) Any more cards and I WILL shoot myself.
Gary: Then I'm going to shoot you if you don't play cards.
Avocato: oh, I'll let you shoot me
Gary: (stammers) well then i'll shoot myself!!!!!
everyone: NO DON'T!!!!!!!
Avocato: what? why?
Gary: Friggen figured it out. figured out.
then faces the camera at his face
Gary: and our newest little member is this little guy.
Mooncake then floats in front of the camera
Gary: his name's mooncake.
Mooncake then makes an adorable happy noise
Gary: (chuckles) and everyone loves him.
Everyone: AGREED.
Avocato: that little green snot ball is a planet destroying super weapon that's gonna get us killed.
Nova Stardust: No, he's not, he's a bundle of joy and divine cuteness.
Everyone: Yeah.
Gary: and you sir, just stepped over the line.
he slaps avocato on the face, making a meowing noise after that
Nova Stardust: ok, now that's cute. and also, mooncake has feelings you know.
Derrick: and you just peed all over him with your cat whizz.
Gary then resumes talking to the camera for the message he's recording.
Gary: yep, thing have been, uh, going pretty great. get back to me if you get this, it's no rush, it's just that we haven't seen each other in over, like, 5 years. (chuckles) well yours forever, THUNDER BANDIT. message sent. i crushed it, AGAIN!!!!!
- (on earth, Quinn POV)-
Quinn: (sighs then hears a beep) quinn here
Tribore: hey quinn, it's tribore. An infinty guard ship has crashed. how did it crash? (whispers) we don't know. we need you on the scene.
Quinn: on my way.
- (Arc's light command bridge, Jaune POV)-
Jaune: (sighs) hey guys I'll be right back. theres something i need to get off my chest
Trooper 1: I Understand.
Trooper 2: roger that, sir.
SAME 1: see you when you get back.
Jaune then left to his room. and as he entered it, he grabbed his phone and pulled up a song that his dad, John Goodspeed, showed him when he adopted Jaune.
Jaune: (sniffles) I miss my home............. I miss remnant.
in the cafeteria, Gary was playing an arcade game called ''crap attack'' as mooncake floated into the lounge and encountered the drone that entered the ship and as it started to scan mooncake, the alarms went off.
HUE: unauthorized scan detected
Gary and the crew members noticed the drone and ran up to it, then KVN showed up.
KVN; Whatcha doing Gary?
Gary then grabbed KVN and used him to crush the drone like a f-d up pancake
- (Terk POV)-
Terk: gotcha. lord commander
he types on his ship's keyboard, but breaks by shocking him.
Terk: (growls) set course for terracon prime.
he said as his ship light folds to said destination
- (Jaune POV)-
Jaune then enters the cafe and runs to Gary and sees the drone he destroyed
Jaune: Gary, what's the Frick is that?
Gary: i was going to say the same thing.
Derrick: no i was gonna... seriously what is it
Nova stardust: it looks like a drone.
Avocato then walks up
Avocato: it's a ventrexian stealth probe, Terk sent it.
Gary: of course, Terk.
Nova Stardust: who in the name of wetherent is Terk exactly?
Avocato; a bounty hunter. like me. and if he scanned mooncake, he'll be on his way back to the Lord Commander to gather reinforcements.
Gary nods
Avocato: unless we stop him first
Gary nods again
Avocato: cuz if we don't, they will capture mooncake
Nova shakes her heads saying ''no''
Avocato: and take us to the dark zone.
Derrick shudders
Avocato: and torture us with... zargon slugs
Gary shakes his head
Avocato: or we're gonna suffer pain, and anguish... for eternity
Gary: ooh.
Avocato: and the only way to stop them... is with salt. but there is no salt in the dark zone.
moment of silence.
Gary: how do i stop them?
Avocato: you don't. get me out of these cuffs, and we'll go after him.
Gary: yeah, you tried to kill me. if you want me to trust you, first we clasp hands.
Avocato: ... I'm not doing that.
Gary: (chuckles) yes you will, you will do that. we even joined recreational cards together, THIS IS THE NEXT STEP. A hand-to-hand bond that forms the completion of a newfound trust.
Avocato: .... we don't have to get balls down to the wind naked, do we?
Gary: tradition demand: YES. but you're lucky, I'm more of a progressive.
they then clasp hands.
Gary: trust mode engaged.
then Jaune starts to speak.
Jaune: Gary. please don't die
Gary: you got it bro.
they then run to a F71 Hawk to go after Terk.
Gary: i think Jaune just unpunished me and it's been 5 years since I've been off this shop & fleet. I AM PUMPED FOR ADVENTURE!!!! let's get this guy. HUE, open the airlock.
HUE: Before i do, Commander Jaune wanted me to give you something.
Gary: what are you talki...
SAME 2: Inject
HUE: Commander wanted me to tell you that if you don't return to the fleet in 5 hours, your brain will go into convulsive spasms and explode.
Moment of silence as Avocato glances at gary.
Avocato: should we take mooncake?
Gary: it's too dangerous. make haste, MAKE HASTE!!!!!!!
avocato enters the hawk and mooncake then float towards them with a sad face.
Gary: i'll miss you bud, be good and don't WHIZZ on any of my stuff.
door closes and they leave to go after turk.
Disclaimer: you all know what happened on their time on TerraCom prime and the scenes with Quinn & tribore , so I'm not going to write those scenes. so I'm going to write the ending for this chapter.
- (Jaune POV, location: Arc's light fleet flagship)-
Gary then walks into the ship's med bay, shocking the doctors of Gary's condition.
KVN: HEYYYY, GARY. Your arm is gone.
Gary: Oh my gosh, is it? really? I know my arm is gone you DECANED PILE OF FECAL MATTER!!!! now get this thing out of my head Jaune.
Jaune: (snickering in the shadows) oh Gary, I never put anything in your head.
Gary: what? (He said in frustration)
HUE: that's just his sense of humor.
Gary: Jaune, you make ONE joke in all my time working in this fleet, AND THAT IS THE ONE YOU TELL!!!!!!!????
Jaune: hey, timing is everything Gary. but one question: how did you lose your arm?
Gary: oh, (chuckles nervously) funny story, i that.... well...
Avocato: the lord commander ripped it off with his mind powers.
Gary: yeah that.
Jaune: .......................
HUE: I Hate to bring in the bad news, but 2 heavy incinerators are behind us.
this suprised the crew of the fleet and flagship, so Jaune had no choice but to...........
Jaune: HUE: Contact the rest of the fleet, we're going to war.
end of chapter 4
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