chapter 39: A giant laser.
after the events of what happened at the arena and discovered that the white fang joined forces with the lord commander, we see jaune, his team, ruby, blake, gary, quinn, avocato, and mooncake on a transport freighter in lightfold space (the final space equivelant of hyperspace from star wars) with quinn saying
quinn: ok, in order to find out how the breach i reported is being opened, i need to get the password to the infiny guard network, is that ok jaune?
jaune: by all means.
he said as tribore suprisingly popped up as a hologram
tribore: did someone need a password to the infinity gaurd network?
he said innocently
quinn: how did you know?
tribore: how do i know, i'm always listening.
nora: that's creepy.
quinn: yeah, and can you stop that like, immediately?
tribore: 1: can i, no. i can't and 2: hi jaune, how's it going and who are these people with you all?
jaune: 1: i'm doing good and 2: long story.
tribore: ok, bye.
he said as he left and quinn put the password in and said
quinn: there it is HUE, zoom in.
she said as the AI zoomed in on the hologram and said
HUE: The breach has the characteristics of a black hole, and it's growing.
ruby; what's a black hole?
HUE: it's basically the most dangerous space anomoly in the universe, it's strong enough to suck in an entire planet and destroy anything in it's path.
he explained as ruby's eyes shrunk at hearing that
gary: quinn, you told the infinity guard this, and they didn't listen, and they want to arrest you? they're total bad guys for doing that to you, my love.
quinn: i kinda have to agree.
she said as jaune rolled his eyes as gary coninued
gary: that smell coming from the infinity guard kitchen, even though i ate their during my time at the academy, just a little dish i call ''corruption stew''.
he said as jaune said
jaune: gary, the infinity guard is not corrupt.
quinn: i have to agree with gary, why else would they hack into HUE and try to kill us, even your family.
jaune: gotta point.
he said as kvn showed up
KVN: wow, how pretty! what is that?
he asked as he poked at the hologram
HUE: plasmic energy is firing from that planet and directly into the breach. if the laser continues, the breach will widen and earth will be consumed.
gary: NO, NOT MY HOME!!!!
quinn: exactly, HUE scan that planet for inhabitants.
HUE: there is an infinity guard outpost.
gary: hmm, it's not a soup, it's not a broth, Ha, i know it's a stew, corruption stew!!!!
jaune: there has to be a good explanation. hue, prime the lightfold engines and make sure that the outpost doesn't detect us.
HUE: Ok, commander. but actually we're already here, try to keep up.
he said as they landed and nora said
nora: wow, that was fast.
phyrra: well we are on an advanced space ship, nora, what do you expect.
she said as everyone left the bridge
we see the group exit the ship with avocato literally covered in guns and start walking down the alien forest with ruby and nora having stars for eyes
ruby: i can't believe we're on another planet. alsoe jaune, thanks for upgrading our weapons so they can shoot lasers.
nora: yeah, thanks.
jaune: (chuckles) you're welcome.
he said as they continued walking and mooncake started eating 3 alien bugs, but another bug landed on avocato's node and zapped him as he said
avocato: ow!!!
he yelled in pain, which gained the group's attention as blake said
blake: what's wrong avocato?
avocato: i think that bug thing just bit me.
he said as he started to suddenly shrink into a mini-avocato figurine as gary stared to freak out
he freaked out as the bug thing landed in front of the tiny avocato, ate it's own face and revealed it's true face to be a faceless ''whatever face it is'' and started screeching at him
avocato: (gasp)
as the bug was about to eat him, it was smashed by nora's boot
nora: you're welcome little-cato.
avocato: hey, that's my son's name.
he said, but covered his mouth as ruby, blake, and jaune's teammates widened their eyes at hearing him say that
ruby: YOU'RE A DAD!!!!?????
gary: yes, but we'll tell you about his son later, and also...stay with me buddy.
he said as he grabbed his cat-friend as he said
gary: i won't rest until a cure is found.
he said as a swarm of demon bugs appeared behind them and as they are about to attack, jaune said
jaune: everybody RUN!!!!!
he screamed as they all ran away from them, but gary said this
gary: mooncake, give avocato a ride!
he said as he threw avocato in the air with the harmless gumball of love catching him as the group continues to run from the swarm as he said
avocato: i got your back mooncake, YEE-HAW!!!!!!
he fired his laser, but they were tiny as gary started to laugh
gary: (laughs) what was that? i mean, like was that a little silly string shooting out of your gun? like (laughs horsely) i mean that's like, what were you trying to even accomplish right there? i mean-
he was cut off as they run some more, but fell on a landslide and quinn, gary, team JNPR, and blake start shooting at the swarm, but gary noticed a web with an alien spider on it
he yelled as jaune started shooting at the web, making a path to go through it as the swarm got stuck on it, only to become food for the spider and as they got off the landslide, gary landed on blake, who pushed him off far from her as gary screamed and avocato said
avocato: that's weird. it says we'
he questioned as gary sees something
gary: dear heavenly lightning lord...are you not seeing this jaune.
jaune: seeing what?
he asked as gary walked up to his brother and pushed him to what he found
nora: whoa.
ruby: so this is the infnity guard outpost HUE mentioned.
ren: it's massive.
pyrrha: but what is that thing up there?
she said as the group look at what she saw and gary said
gary: are you talking about the giant laser, pyrrha, because if you're talking about that giant laser, then it's a giant laser.
jaune: gary, we know it's a giant laser.
avocato: ''giant'' doesn't begin to describe what i'm seeing!!!
he said as blake noticed something at the outpost
blake: wait, are those....jaune, do you have binoculars?
she asked as jaune pulled them out and gave it to blake
jaune: just to let you know, i brought them just in case, why?
he asked as blake used them to get a close look at the base and sees what wasn't possible
blake: i knew it.
quinn: what do you see blake?
blake: white fang troops.
jaune, gary & quinn: WHAT!!!???
they eclaimed as they took a close look as well and were shocked at what they're seeing, infinity guard troops talking to faunas terrorists
gary: oh..
jaune: my....
quinn: crap...
she finished as the laser starts absorbing the plant life and a computer voice said
computer voice: laser activation commencing.
it spoke as it fired a giant laser at the breach, thus making it bigger and jaune said
jaune: so that's what's been creating that breach you reported.
he said to quinn
quinn: yeah, i thought the earth was being sucked into a black hole, but i was wrong, so that must mean...
ruby: this whole thing they're doing is being orchestrated or something like that.
gary: by who? or is it whom? either way, it's probably by some serious bad guy.
ren: or maybe?
he was cut off as a giant hologram of the lord commander, who looked like crap, showed up with an evil smile on his face
jaune: i can't believe it.
Infinity guard & White fang troops: FOR THE GALAXY, FOR ETERNITY, FOR THE LORD COMMANDER!!!!!!!!
lord commander: with each blast, we get closer to final keep it up and thank you jeff and deery for doing great things.
jeff: yes.
he said as he pumped his fist in the air with deery shaking her head with a smile on her face
lord commander: how the hell do i turn this off, ERIC!!! how do i turn this off!!! is it the red knob. eric stop crying!!!
jeff: didn't he kill eric?
deery: i don't know?
lord commander: you know what, i'm just gonna walk away.
he said as his hologram deactivated
(and back with the crew)
jaune: the lord commander...has taken over the infinity guard. that must mean that gary's right about them being....
gary: corrupt!!!! told ya. but still i can't believe it myself, right hot-wheels avocato?
avocato: when i lack in size, i make up for it in wisdom.
he said, making the group deadpan at hearing what he said and no idea what it meant as gary said
gary: so now that you're tiny, you're like the new socrates or something? whatever, let's stop that laser.
jaune: good, now let's go.
he said as the group run towards the outpost, undetected as the screen went dark
(end of chapter, hope you liked it now that i finished the chapter and up next is ''stopping the giant laser'')
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