chapter 38: rescuing mooncake.
(blake POV)
in the room blake and her team are in, we see the sienna khan glaring at her with the lord commander leaving the room after getting a call from one of his troops that they have mooncake in the arena as blake spoke up
blake: why would you and the white fang side with that midget!!!!! didn't you know that he ripped one of my friend's arms off with his mind.
sienna: i do know and so does everyone else, and he said he had good a reason for doing it. so why don't i do the same for you...a traitor to the white fang. and then your friends will be next.
she said as she pulled out a big knife, making blake's eyes widen in fear at knowing what she's about to do and before she did anything else....
an explosion occured as the door blew open and a circle shaped laser fired at sienna, thus making her fall to the ground unconcious as blake looked at who fired at sienna
jaune: blake, are you and ruby alright?
he asked as he untied his girlfriend and her team as blake hugged jaune while crying
blake: (crying) thank you for being here!!!!
she cried as jaune hugged her back and said
jaune; you're welcome.
he said as ruby noticed mooncake missing
ruby: where's mooncake?
gary: gone, some freaking guy named stevil took him....
phyrra: and put gary's group in something called a lazarus trap.
team RWBY; a what now?
nora: that's what i said, now let's find that stubby love bug of cuteness!!!!!!
ruby: yeah, i don't want him hurt.
avocato: he's going to be ok, he's a super weapon.
gary: wrong, little green ball friend's a harmless gumball of love.
ruby & nora; YEAH!!!!
they said as jaune contacted hue
jaune: hue, you there?
HUE: Where have you been commander?
jaune: long story short, the white fang attacked the kuro yuri base and used it as a trap to get mooncake, can you lock on to his location?
he said as avocato tapped his shoulder
avocato: uh, guys?
he said as he pointed at the tv, showing mooncake in an arena fighting grimm
everyone: MOONCAKE!!!!!!!
(the arena)
stevil; the final sacrifice awaits.
he said as mooncake sees the dead, vanishing bodies of the grimm he killed and started to become exhausted at seeing the bodies and as the final ursa was about to kill him, it got ripped in half by the lord commander, who's floating in the air as he's holding his dead servant, eric
lord commander: hello mooncake.
he said as he threw eric's dead body on the ground
lord commander: i've been looking all over for you.
he said as his eyes glowed and he floated on the ground
lord commander: don't be shy, come in and say hello.
he said as he started to use his powers on mooncake, who used his laser powers on the fun sized devil and staggered him on the ground as he said
lord commander: how did i become so weak?
he asked jaune and the others came in the arena
gary: mooncake?
mooncake; (makes happy noises)
he made the noises as he face hugged gary, who chuckled and made ruby and nora coo at this reunion
ruby & nora: aww.
avocato: guys!!
lord commander: it's over, the gary.
team RWBY & JNPR: the gary?
gary: gary, it's just ''gary''. what is your deal man, why won't you just leave us alone?!
lord commander: you have no idea, do you? mooncake is the key. that being can unlock final (then says in demonic voice) SPACE!!!!
he said as team RWBY, JNPR, and gary's group stare at him in confusion, along with the white fang as gary said
gary: what the mother loving crap is final space?
he asked as the lord commander spoke in a demonic tone
lord commander: (Demonic voice) That's my business!!!! should we play a game, gary? i love games, i always win.
he said as 3 heavy incinerators show up in the sky, making juane's teammates and team rwby stare at them with wide eyes, but blake noticed that one of them had the white fang logo on it's side
lord commander: hand over what i want, and i-
he was cut off as mooncake fired at the middle heavy incinerator, making team JNPR, RWBY, and gary's group, except avocato stare at mooncake in shock at seeing that avocato was right all along about mooncake when gary said
gary: oh my....YES!!!!! (he cheered as mooncake floated by him) sweet grandoyr's glove, you ARE a planet destroying super weapon!
mooncake: chookity.
gary: (gasps happily) that's so freaking tight!
he said as he grabbed mooncake
lord commander: that's not how we play the game, ADAM!!!!!!
he called him using his comms
adam: yes, lord commander?
lord commander: send in the troops to my location.
he said as gary shot him, but missed
lord commander: ha ha, you missed.
he taunted
gary: crap.
derrick: i got a better idea: EVERYONE, shoot for the locks!!!!
quinn: got it.
she said as the huntsmen and co. started shooting at the cage's locks, thus freeing the grimm and the lord commander killing them one by one
jaune: gary, look out!!!!!!
he said as he starts shooting at the white fang and lord commander soldiers, along with his team and team RWBY, then all of a sudden, an arc's light transport freighter arrives at the scene with nova, KVN, team CFVY, and her female troops shooting at the goons to give jaune and the others covering fire in order for them to escape
KVN: we're here to save you gary, we're saving you, the day is saved.
he said as he shoots at the bad guys while laughing
gary: KVN, i hate you so much, i truly can't wait for the day you die! oh my gosh, no one in the fleet will be sad. there will only be happiness for everyone there!!!!
he shouted while kvn was laughing and shooting at the same time as everyone got up and as a white fang trooper with a alien bazooka was about to fire at nova's transport, some mysterious figure snapped his neck and looked at the ship as it left, but others were with the figure as well
(arc's light flagship)
At the flagship in orbit, we see everyone, even jaune's mom and sisters, looking at mooncake, who looked sad at what happened back at the arena as they approach him
gary: mooncake, what's wrong bud?
mooncake: mm...
gary: i get it.
jane arc; so you shoot lasers out of your face hole.
derrick: yeah, it happens to the best of us.
gary; exactly, like just the other day, i had a b-burrito, and you should've saw the freaking murder beam that came out of my
charlotte arc: son, don't put it in our heads.
gary: ok, mom. look, what i'm, no we're trying to say is that it doesn't chang anything from you and this guy.
he said as kvn appeared out of nowhere
kvn: (gasp) me?
arc sisters: (screams in suprise)
gary: not you!!!!!
he said as he smashed kvn onto the ground and looked at the window with his real raw gary face as he said
gary: doesn't make you the bad guy.
nova: it doesn't, it really doesn' makes the scum who wants to use you as a weapon, the bad guy.
nora: more like guys because there's the white fang with ''you know who's'' side now.
june: yeah, look mooncake, you may have dangerous powers like what gary told us, even though we had a hard time believing it until jaune showed us the footage, but you're a good guy.
gary: my new sis is right, you are a good the max core.
mooncake: oooh.
he said adorably while moving his little round stubbies
gary: i'm never gonna let you go again. we all aren't.
he said as mooncake face hugged gary's face, which made the female's, even the arc sisters squeal at mooncake's cuteness
gary: (laughs) i'm starting to like these.
(end of chapter, i hope you liked it because i'll be making chapters like this one once a day because i found out that, a couple days ago, this story became eligible to be in this years WATTY'S CONTEST, and that the grand prize is $5k, and i really hope that i'm one of the winners in november 2022, i hope to count on your support on this)
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