chapter 35: captured by the white fang. (part 2)
(team JNPR location)
as jaune divided his group into 3 teams, we see team JNPR walking down one of the base's hallways as nora looked scared as she looked at ren
nora: umm, ren, what do you think caused this attack?
she asked in a scared way of speaking
ren: i don't know nora, but whatever it is, it's not the grimm.
jaune: ren's right, when me and my fleet arrived here, the first thing i ordered was to build bases all across remnant after we cleared out some areas that were infested with grimm, and one of those areas was your home, ren.
ren: but one question, how did you know this used to be me and nora's home?
nora: yeah how?
jaune: simple, you told me after what happened at the lunchroom, remember?
he answered as ren and nora's eyes widened in realization
nora: Oooohh.
ren: yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
phyrra: guys, what's that?
jaune: what's what phyrra?
he asked as phyrra pointed at what she saw in the distance, and as jaune put his helmet on to see what's over there, his eyes widened in fear at what he's seeing and he activated his comms and said
jaune: GUYS, Ruby, get everyone out of where your at NOW!!!!!!!!
he yelled through his comms, but all he got was static as nora asked
nora: what's wrong jaune?
she asked as jaune used his robot arm and activated it's light and shined it at what he saw and as his teammates saw it, their eyes widened in fear
jaune: trouble.
(team RWBY Pov)
we see team rwby walking down the halls, searching what happened here as they are seen walking around dead bodies of infinity guard troops with blake and ruby having sympathetic looks on their faces
ruby: what happened to them?
she asked in sorrow
blake: i don't know, but what happened here wasn't caused by grimm, but rather something else. got anything yang?
she asked to her partner, but she didn't respond as blake looked at yang, who had a traumatized face as she sees the bodies
blake: yang, what's wrong?
yang: these bodies...they're just as lifeless as the ones in that severed jaw scene in that grudge 2004 movie jaune forced me to watch. it's like i'm in that scene right now.
she said fearfully with ruby and blake watching her in confusion
ruby: yang, it's just a horror movie, it's not real.
blake: i think jaune might've gotten a little too far with yang and weiss's punishments.
ruby: what do you mean?
blake: look at weiss, she still has tears in her eyes after her dad disowned her, remember how broken jaune was when his dad disowned him. she's basically like how jaune was back then before ozpin expelled him.
she explained her point as ruby looked at weiss, who has tears in her eyes like blake said and realized that she was a part of jaune's revenge plan as well because she was with him the whole time
ruby: ok maybe your right, he might've gotten a little carried away.
blake; yeah, i'm not mad at my boyfriend, but still.
she said as blake got a message on her scroll, which got her teammates attention
ruby: what is it, blake?
blake: hold on (she checks her scroll) it's a text from jaune.
weiss: (sniffs) what does it say?
blake: it says....''blake get your team out of there now, the-
she stopped reading as she saw the rest of the message and had a face full of true fear, which made her leader worried
ruby: blake?
she was cut off when a shock grenade was rolled at the group, thus electricuting them until they were unconcious and fell to the ground. but before blake closed her eyes from the volts shocking her and the rest of her team, she began to hear voices
???: (laughs) i can't believe we found blake, and look we got a bonus, and it's a schnee.
??? 2: yeah, with you and the lord commander helping us after high leader sienna pledged our alliegance to his army, we wouldn't have gotten all this stuff that we never thought of making, even possession of laser guns.
LC trooper: yep, we are the best thing that happened to the white fang.
??? 1: if i had food with me, i would say ''i will eat to that''.
LC trooper: same, now let's get these teens back to base and bring blake to adam, he's gonna love the suprise we have for him.
he said as blake closed her eyes and everything went dark
(with gary's group)
We see them onconcious on the ground after they encountered an alien guy named ''stevil'', who took mooncake and made everyone faint by trapping them in a ''lazarus trap'', a trap that only master trap builders and people who love stair can make as the screen went dark
(end of chapter, hope you liked it and i'm sorry that it took so long to make this chapter, i was super busy with a bunch of stuff i had to do with my other stories and stuff like that, hope you understand and enjoy this chapter of this story, and may the titans, including bolo, be with you)
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