chapter 34: captured by the white fang. (part 1)
morning came and we see everyone at beacon academy sleeping in their dorms, except yang and weiss because of experiencing the punishments jaune gave to them and the fact that weiss has tears in her eyes because she got disowned by her father, knowing what it was like how jaune felt when his dad disowned him. now we see team JNPR, and the infinity guard guests waking up, starting with nora waking everyone up
nora: wake up lazy bubs!!!!!!
she yelled out causing gary to scream, along with quinn and derrick
gary: good lord, nora.
nora: it's morning, it's morning, it's morning, it's MORNANG!!!!
ren: nora, please.
nora: ok, ren. i'm just excited that we'll be finally going to our first space mission, whoohoo!!!!
she cheered
phyrra: i'm excited as well, but has anyone seen jaune?
quinn: kinda think of it, where is he?
she pondered until jaune came in
jaune: sorry guys, i had to tell ozpin about our first space mission and he said and i quote ''yes, you may go'' as he took a sip out of his coffee mug.
ren: that's ozpin for ya.
jaune: uh huh, now...WHO WANTS TO GO TO SPACE!!!!????
NPR: we do!!!
gary: and if we the lord commander, i'm gonna murder his face off!!!
nora: let me guess, because he ripped your arm off with his mind powers?
gary: exactly.
jaune: ok, now let's....
he was cut off by someone knocking the dorm's door, he opened it and sees ruby and her team
ruby: hi jaune.
jaune: hey ruby.
blake: hi jaune.
she said as she gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek, but phyrra walked up to jaune and did the same
jaune: thanks for the kiss but incoming question: what are they doing here.
ruby: well...i told them that me and blake are coming with you on your team's first space mission, but they wanted to come to experience it, but...
jaune: you told the ''no''?
ruby: well i tried but they wouldn't listen.
she said with puppy eyes, but jaune, and his earth companions were trying to resist her cuteness, but failed
jaune: (groans) fine they can come.
derrick: but i'll be watching those two, got it.
he said in anger at weiss and yang as they nodded repeatedly
quinn: good, because i don't trust those two..not after what they did.
gary: exellent answer, now let's go
he said until hue called the gang
hue: guys, i've been getting a distress signal from one of our remnant bases, here's the audio.
trooper 1: there's only two of us left, we need help!!!
he begged as the 2nd trooper cried out in agonizing death and the distress signal was cut off
hue: and that's all i got.
jaune: HUE, where did that signal come from, and by which i mean which base was it sent from?
hue: near that destroyed village called ''kuro yuri''.
everyone's eyes widened, including ren's as they looked at him
gary; hey ren, didn't you say that was your home?
ren: former home, but yeah. we gotta go...NOW!!!!
he yelled as they left to go to that base
(at the base)
we see a dropship and teams JNPR, RWBY, along with the ininity guard guests, including avocato and mooncake because they wanted to see what happened here as they exited the ship and walked towards the base
jaune: ok, here's the plan...split up to find survivors. gary quinn, derrick, mooncake and avocato go together and forward while my team and team RWBY go left and right, got it?
GQDAM: yes sir/jaune/chookity pok.
jaune: (smirks) let's roll out
(transformers reference, i had to ok?)
he quoted as they went to their directions as the screen went black
end of chapter, hope you enjoyed it
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