Chapter 11: The Tour.

previously, on chapter 10

Jaune: But you can glare at my dad all you want. now if you excuse us, I'm going to give them a tour

he said as he gave them the tour

- (Lord Commander POV, location: his flagship)-

Lord Commander: it's not fair, I've been good, i help people, i've been patient. (then says in demonic voice) UNBELIEVABLY PATIENT!!!

Servant: Lord commander, I brought your medicine sir. and i put a little biscuit on the side for you, my special little prince.

he looks at the biscuit and slaps the tray out of the servant's hands

Lord Commander: WHAT IS THIS!!!???

he then starts to choke the servant

Lord Commander: i like the much littler kind of biscuits, i told you this Eric, (then says in demonic voice) I TOLD YOU THIS!!!!!!

then a hologram of one of his troopers popped up from his table 

LC Trooper: Lord Commander sir, remember when you ordered us to track down the Gary to find E-351?

Lord Commander: Yes.

he says menacingly

LC Trooper: well good news Sire, we found its location.

Lord Commander: where IS IT!!!!!

LC Trooper: on a planet called Remnant.

Lord Commander: my patience payed off.

he said as he continued to choke Eric, but he later on died cuz of the strangling and lack of air


- (Jaune POV, arc's light flagship)-

Jaune started the tour by showing them the first room of the ship 

Jaune: as you can see, this is the repercussion center.

ren was impressed by the instruments they had on the ship

Ren: Wow, I never that flagship had such musical instrument from another planet, even though they look similar to the ones we have. 

Jaune: yeah, i said the same thing.

then Nora approached Jaune

Nora: um Jaune? i just... wanted to...

Jaune: you don't have to apologize; you were just upset when you found out, and i forgive and we should be friends again.

Nora: THANK YOU, JAUNE!!!!!!

she said as she hugged him.

Nora: O, ok, nora. but i would like to be a friend with working bones.

Gary: yeah, i don't want my brother to be a pancake.

Nora: (gasp) pancak...oh, sorry.

she then let jaune

Nora: sorry, jaune. i just got excited.

Jaune: it's ok. 

he then looks at phyrra, who was silent while looking at Jaune

Jaune: really, phyrra. you have nothing to say to me, you left me with a LOT of sadness when we last saw each other.

Phyrra then released at tear from her eye after hearing what jaune said, even though it's true.

Jaune: (clears his thoat) anyways let's continue, shall we?

they continued the tour

Jaune: this is the armory.

he opens the door, revealing that the armor had a lot of weapons of different kinds made by the infinity guard. which caused ruby's eyes to go big and squeal like a fangirl.

Ruby: what is this? is this a rocket launcher? can i try it, please please please please!!!!!!?????

Nora: CAN I TRY AS WELL!!!!!!

Jaune: (chuckles) maybe, when the tour is over.

Ruby & Nora: AWW.

then they left to the cafeteria as their next stop of the tour

Jaune: this is cafeteria, here we serve favored dishes and delicacies from earth and other planets that are a part of the Infinity Guard.

Ren was stunned at the earth dishes of how good they looked, while the alien dishes looked wierd.

Nora wondered of do they serve pancake, Cuz she does like em

Ruby then saw cookies and ran up to the cookie machine, but surprisingly it opened up so she can get one and she ate the cookie

Ruby: (munching) this cookie is good.

Gary: that's right, didn't you know that i ate all of these chocolate treasure coins in one Day.

Ruby: (gulped) really? wait, why did you call them ''chocolate treasure coins''?

then derrick walked up behind her

Derrick: that's his nickname for cookies

Ruby looks up and sees derrick's face

Derrick: S'up

Ruby: Eep

she runs up to jaune hugging

Jaune: hey ruby it's ok, it just derrick. Guys, meet derrick. Derrick, meet my family and my newly returned friends.

Derrick: Nice to meet you.

Derrick then notices Jaune's dad

Derrick: let me guess: you're his dad right?

James Arc: y-yes.

everyone then stops what they're doing and start to glare at James Arc.

Jaune: but before you do anything, he brought me back in the family. officially making me an Arc again.

everyone was surprise by their commander's statement

Jaune: but I'm a nice guy, so you can punch him in the face, if that's ok with my mom and sisters, is it ok?

Charlotte Arc: he caused us so much pain and misery when you left, so yeah do it

Arc Sisters: yeah

Gary: but before you do Jaune, can you tell him to make me an arc?

James Arc: why would i do that? don't you have a dad?

the crew was surprised and embarrased of what he said, causing Gary to look down sadly

Gary: no, he was sent on a mission to investigate something in space, but... he never came back.

ruby, Jaune's mom, sisters, dad, Team CFVY, and his old team were shocked of learning that John Goodspeed died. 

Yatsuhashi: when did this happen

Gary: when I was 11 years old. i had a mom, but she abandoned me after that tragedy.

Team CFVY was sad that he went through that and they group hugged him

Coco: we're very sorry

Fox: no one should go through all that

Yatsuhashi: but you have us now.

Velvet: and we'll be there for you

Charlotte Arc: and you don't need my husband's answer because when he brought him back in the family, it automatically made you an Arc as well.

Maria Arc: wait, so you're saying that....

Gary: (long gasp) Dear heavenly lightning lord, I NOW HAVE SISTERS!!!!!!!!!!

they then group hugged gary happily that they now have another brother and were in tears of joy because of what happened as everyone was also happy that Gary has a family again, and has new sisters.

Derrick: can i punch you're deadbeat dad now, Commander?

Jaune: yes, you may.

Derrick: YES!!!!!!

he said as he punched James's arc in the face, knocking him out temporarily

- (after the tour)-

Jaune: well, that concludes the tour.

everyone: AWWW!!!!!!

Jaune: but, since you were all so good, you can stay here for a bit. to get to know everyone on the fleet. 

Jenny: but what about dad.

she said as she pointed him getting dragged on a dropship by some SAMES.

Jaune: oh him,  i told the SAMES to send him home.

Jenny Arc: oh.

then hue buts in 

HUE: Sorry to interrupt, but I'm receiving a mayday call. And Gary, you should hear this.

Quinn (on comms): mayday mayday, this is Quinn Ergon. can someone hear me? HELP ME!!!!!!!

every arc's light crew member, including the SAMES and admirals, were shocked to hear her voice

Gary: Oh, my crap, it's Quinn.

the arc sisters were confused of who that is

Arc Sisters: who's Quinn?

then KVN came up out of nowhere

KVN: She's gary's Ca-ruuuuuusshhhh!!!!!!!

Gary: (Shrieks and pushes KVN) Must you KVN, MUST YOU!!!!!

Blake: what the heck is that?

KVN: oh, you must be Jaune's friends & Family. my name is KVN, I'm the arc's light's deep space insanity avoidance companion, nice to meet you all.

Jaune: (whispers to them) FYI: He's been irritating us ever since we met him, he's also been driving Gary to the brink of his sanity.

his family & friends then glare at him and say this

Friends & Family: we already Hate you.

they say in unison

Gary: that's what i said when i met that horrendous nest of twigs!!!!!!


end of chapter 11. hope you liked it.

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