Chapter 10: Explanations.
- (Lord commander POV, Location: Tera con prime, order of the twelve temple)-
the lord commander walked into a giant room and in that room, there's a giant alien woman with multiple eyes floating around her head.
Lord Commander: Helper Hula, i've always respect The Order of the Twelve being the eyes of the universe, where IS E-351!!!???
as he floated up to Hula, his powers started to flicker and he started to groan in pain as helper hula reached her hand to carefully grab him.
Helper Hula: (gasp) you're dying.
Lord Commander: Dying? really genius? I KNOW I'M DYING!!!!!
Helper Hula: everytime you use your light, you quicken your own death.
Lord Commander: that's why i need mooncake, or whatever that idiot calls him. i need him to live, tell me where he is?
Helper Hula: patience.
Lord Commander: That wasn't very helpful.
he then uses his powers to push Hula against the wall behind her, then started to make her floating eyes explode and hula fell down. the lord commander went back to the ground and started to cough up his blood, which is black because he's an alien.
Lord Commander: you will find him for me or next time, i finish the job.
he threatened.
- (beacon Amphitheatre, 3rd POV)-
Jaune: ....and after my dead-beat of a dad brought me back in the family, which i am very happy to be in again, I told Professor Ozpin to tell Ms. Goodwitch to call you in here, and well now you're all caught up after i what i told you all just now.
after hearing his explanation, everyone's reactions, including the staff and arc family were mixed. The professors wanted to ask him what were his battles like in space, wiess desperately wanted to know how they created such technology that allowed them to go into space, Yang became super Jealous that he went fought against aliens. Ozpin was shocked that there's an super evil alien tyrant that goes by the name ''lord commander'' and that he ripped gary's arm off with his mind, same reaction as everyone else. and he started to get worried of what would happen if the lord commander met ''Her''. but what they don't know is that Blake was listening to the entire conversation, but was happy that Jaune is found and back in the family.
Jaune: anybody else have any questions?
velvet raised her hand
Velvet: i have one: do they have faunas on earth.
Gary: if you mean by ''peope with animal parts on their bodies but look human'', then no.
Faunas students: WHAT!!!!!!
Jaune: it's true. Gary's dad, John Goodspeed told me that earth has absolutely no faunas whatsoever.
this answer made them quite disappointed, including blake (who's hiding, but listening).
Jaune: well, i must get going to my flagship, or some of you might want a tour....
then Professor/Doctor Oobleck ran up to him.
Oobleck: yes, absolutely. you must take me with you so that i may learn the mysteries of the universe.
nova: whoa, woah whoa. take a chill pill dude, you didn't let him finish talking.
Oobleck: oh, sorry.
Jaune: as i was saying, i can give you a tour, but i have to choose who goes with me. you, you, you, you, you, and definitely you.
he points at Ruby, team CFVY, the professors, his old team, his mom, and lastly, his sisters
jaune: come on guys, don't make me wait.
they ran up to jaune and got up from their seats and walked to get the tour. and as ruby was about to get up. yang grabbed ruby's arm
Yang: no sis, I won't allow it.
ruby then tugged her arm out of yang's grip, causing her to let go of her.
ruby: i'm going to see my friend.
yang: NO, you're not.
everyone gasped at what ruby said to her big sister, then ruby ran up to jaune to go see the tour. this caused yang to tear up of what her little sis said and called her.
- (Near the dropship, Jaune POV)-
as jaune walked toward the dropship, he bumped into someone he hasn't seen in a long time.
Blake: (whispers) jaune.
Jaune: hi Blake.
Blake: h, hi. (She said nervously)
Jaune: i know what you are, ever since i looked closely at why you wear that bow.
Blake's eyes widened
Jaune: and i think they look adorable.
Blake Blushed at that comment
Ruby: BLAKE!!!!!
she ran up to her and hugged her.
Blake: it's good to see you ruby.
Jaune: um ruby, can we get going.
Mooncake (in backpack): chookity.
everyone with Jaune then stopped for a second
Charlotte Arc: Jaune, what was that?
Jaune looked at gary and nodded
Gary: promise me you won't turd yourselves, everyone meet mooncake.
he opens the backpack and mooncake float out of it, causing the girls and Arc sisters to squeal like fangirls
Maria Arc: it's so cute!!!!!
Lucy arc & Ruby: look at those little stubs of his.
mooncake: chookity pok
June Arc: the way it talks is ADORBS!!!!
Jenny Arc: so much cuter than our nephew.
Saphron Arc: hey!!!!!!
Velvet: (squeals happily out of how cute mooncake)
Gary: that's right. Mooncake is a harmless gumball of love.
Jaune: ok we get it, mooncake is irresistible. let's get going, we have a fleet to tour. you can come too, blake.
Blake blushed and went with them and got on the dropship and took off as it headed toward the fleet in space.
Pilot: we'll arrive at the fleet in about 10 minutes sir.
Jaune: good, you wanna hear some music from earth until we get there?
Ruby: sure Jaune.
Velvet: absolutely
Arc sisters: good idea, brother.
CoCo: music is the best, do it.
Jaune: ok, PILOT.
Pilot: on it sir.
after 10 minutes, they've reached their destination and they were surprised of the fleets size as they've entered the flagships hanger. they exited the dropship and were stunned of how many people were in this ship, but what caught their eyes were the SAMES. they were also surprised of the F71 Hawks that exited the ship and how fast it went once it did. but the arc's light crew members noticed them and started to stare at them.
Jaune: don't worry everyone, they're with me. and guess what, my deadbeat dad officially made me an arc again.
Troops & Sames:
Trooper 1: congratulations, commander.
Jaune: but you can glare at my dad all you want. now if you excuse us, i'm going to give them a tour.
he said as he gave them the tour.
end of chapter 10. hoped you like it
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