Training With True Legends
Two Powers I Forgot To Mention Were These And Because My Dumbass That Can't Help It And I love You Guys For Giving Me The Encouragement To Do These Stories, Have Some More Girls.
1- Electrical Healing- Due To The Demonic Essence Of Nero's Electricity, He Can Heal others From Minor To Life Threatening Injuries.
2- Electrical Transmission- Can Manipulate And Control Technology.
Harem And If It's Not The Rest Then I'm Breaking Both My Legs.
1- Marin Kitagawa.
2- Saeko Busujima.
3- Rei Miyamoto.
4- Ayaka Kagari.
5- Ingrid. (Don't Know Where She's From)
6- Zero Two.
7- Juliet Starling- She's 19 Rather Than 18.
8- Rosalind Starling- She's 18 Hence The Age Difference With Juliet.
9- Cordelia Starling- She's 21.
10- OC Girl- Georgina Reed.
11- Another OC Girl And Hopefully The Last- Brianna Lilac.
Because of the limited picture space I'll type the rest.
12- Cana Alberona.
13- Himeno.
14- Rag Doll/Tomoko Shiretoko.
15- Setsuna Tokage.
16- Shizuka Marikawa.
17- Camie Utsushimi.
18- Pony Tsunotori.
19- Mitsuki Bakugo.
20- Mitsuri Kanroji.
21- Spider Mother- Name Suggestions Welcomed.
22- Tengen's Wive- I Promise There Will Be A Explanation.
23- Black Canary/Dinah Laurel Lance.
(Time Skip 6 Months)
It has been six months since Nero became biological Vergil's and Seraphina's son and since then his training went by with flying colors and amazing results due to Nero's intellect and determination. With Geralt he learned to use anything as a weapon and managed to slaughter several demons on his own with a silver sword than his demonic weapons and had done a few of these missions on his own and with Ciri. With Zoro Nero learned to dual wield his new weapons and the results were amazing when Nero saved all his sisters from a demon knight and it's posse by dual wielding and even impressed Zoro by using a Blood Demon Art.
Zoro had heard of a demonic infestation going on in the woods near Beacon Academy so he told Vergil he was taking Nero there to see how he does and will step in when the time called for it. That was ten minutes ago and Nero was just now fighting off the last demon soldier when he noticed the biggest of them coming towards him with anger clear due to the shocks of purple electricity coming off it.
Zoro:" Proto Angelo in this forest? Huh, it's been a minute since I've seen one and I have to say...I didn't miss it's ugly face.
Zoro readied himself when Nero turned to say he can handle this and to show he could, he shot a lightning ball at the ground in front of it to stir up some dust into it's face the speeding forward and unleashing a small but effective barrage of slashes to it's torso before finishing the attack off with a headbutt right on it's head. The Angelo tried a slash but Nero did a back flip where he noticed the demon was certainly strong physically but in terms of speed it was like a snail so already a plan formed in Nero's mind and he stood still ready for a attack so once the Angelo went for one, Nero parried the slash before sending one into the for the side of the blade to bash hard into the Angelo's face and Nero got behind him to do a stab when he felt his hands heat up drastically before he saw normal flames form on his hands that after a few seconds erupted into powerful blue fire and with his father having told him about Blood Demon Art and the Angelo still being stunned, Nero decided to give it a shot himself.
Nero:" Blood Demon Art: Fire Type- Blue Flare!!"
Nero fired a powerful and long stream blue flame from both his arms and his mouth towards the Angelo's back that ended with a massive explosion erupting from the spot. After several moments of anticipation the smoke cleared to show the Angelo's feet were all that remained from the warrior and that impressed Zoro that Nero was able to finish off this demon easily while unlocking and creating his own Blood Demon Art. Arriving home with his sisters doting on him his family congratulated him for that while showing him the amount of money he made for killing or rather as Vergil put conquering Bronte and it was a staggering 750 million dollars due to how powerful Bronte was with his SS Rank status and as a bonus he was given a big chest filled with something that they didn't know but said they wanted him to open it. Nero walked over to it and with just a small hand he broke the lock easily and opened it to see over hundreds of pretty and shiny diamonds that anyone could tell were real.
Nero*Eyes Sparkling*:" So pretty!"
Seraphina*Giggles*:" And there all your's sweetie. You deserve it."
Vergil:" Just like monster hunters like Geralt and bounty hunters like Zoro, demon hunters like me, Seraphina and Danielle get paid enough cash to make our own kingdom or enough to make a permanent living off though the payment isn't always just dollar bills. It can also be minerals such as gold, silver and as you can tell diamonds. Expect much more money in the future as we are training you to be one though just know that no two demons are ever fully the same. They each have different fight tactics and strategies, understand?"
Nero nodded and was hugged by his sisters and Ciri who have grown closer and closer with the sisters always doting on him and adored how he was so much like their adopted father with the determination and bravery but in a far cuter way. Ciri though had become so far his sole friend since Touya's death and she was the greatest friend a person could ask for and her loyalty was something Nero couldn't get over.
(Flashback Ends)
Nero was known as the smartest kid at school when he returned with all the teachers blown away at his improvement at such a quick rate despite how he was such a failure and ever since he's just gotten better but they were in for a even worse or better surprise depending on your view. Right now Nero was writing in the sixth journal he bought of information he learned from his constant battles with other demons and monsters with the information suiting more a immortal scientist rather than a seven year old boy when the door opened with his mother saying it was time for school so learning from his father how to make portals with his own Yamato, he arrived at school where not even ten minutes later he was called into the principal's office where he saw his former family and Saphron who looked at him with a smile so he ran to her and hugged her when the principal cleared his throat to talk to Joseph and Madeline.
Principal:" Mr. and Mrs. Arc, do you know why I called you here for?"
Joseph:" Did our foolish son mess up or fail a class?"
Madeline:" Did he disrupt the class or get into a pointless fight again?"
Principal:" No actually he's improved on his grades from the Fs all the way to A+s in all his classes and his combat teacher said he had bested all the students with the two exceptions ending in draws. That is a new record in the school's history and this young man named Jaune Arc is so incredibly intellectual gifted that we may have to give him older grade work. He is simply amazing and has the potential to become a pro huntsman."
The family were completely shocked even Saphron but felt glad that both Vergil and Seraphina kept their word of making Jaune powerful so she held him closer to her chest while Nero or as the Arcs still knew him by "Jaune" just looked at his scumbag principal with hatred. Suddenly the door to the office blew off it's hinges with Vergil walking through and that caused the room to completely turn silent at the sight of the six foot five billionaire legend who glared at the people present. Vergil walked over to the principal desk and sat down on the last free chair and continued that vicious and terrifying glare on his face towards the much smaller principal who cowered behind his desk while the Arcs besides Saphron were shocked by his sudden appearance. Did he have a child attending this school? Was Jaune friends with them? Vergil turned to Saphron and smiled to see his child is close to her like he was when he was still related to her before turning back to the principal who knew to choose his words carefully.
Vergil:" I believe I was told to come here."
Principal*Scared Shitless*:" What do you mean Mr. Redgrave? I called in the Arcs."
Vergil:" What I mean is that the child you called in this office of your's name is Nero Redgrave, my son and heir to my business and I want to know why."
Madeline:" You have a son!? I never even knew you were married!!"
Vergil*Glares At Madeline*:" I like my life private and not in society's eyes so I can keep those close to me safe. Is that a problem Arc?"
Joseph:" No Mr. Redgrave, it's just that you are known for many things, a powerful knight like warrior, a amazing and brilliant businessman and even said to be one of the most influential people on Remnant. It's just a surprise because we didn't think you'd ever have a heir to your business. You see like someone who likes being alone."
Vergil:" When I do my side business yes but I do have a family so watch your words Arcs or I'll make sure that you can never speak anymore again."
The Arcs can tell Vergil was serious so they shut their mouths and were ready to talk more to the principal when Nero jumped off Saphron's lap and ran to hug Vergil who finally smiled and patted his head gently.
Principal:" Wait that is Jaune Arc though sir."
Vergil:" No he is Nero Redgrave, do you not see the physical similarities between me and him?"
The Arcs looked to "Jaune" to see that he did look exactly like Vergil would had as a child but that made no sense to the Arcs since he should look like the rest of them with blonde hair and dark blue eyes yet he didn't. The principal then added something that caught all their attentions except Vergil who knew this part was coming.
Principal:" Oh yes I almost forgot to mention that Ja-*Notices Vergil's Glare* I-I mean Nero had unlocked his semblance and it's one of the most extraordinary I've seen since it even effected the screen we use for combat classes in a way I've never seen before. He turned the Aura Meter a bright blue instead of the green it should."
Olivia:" Wait how'd that happen?"
Principal:" We don't know but Nero's semblance seems to allow him to have heightened physical abilities from his strength, durability and speed to even letting use some elements and powerful ones at that."
Karen:" What elements? And how powerful are they?"
Principal:" He's able to use electricity and it is so powerful it was the cause of the blackout that hit us three weeks ago."
Bianca:" What!? That blackout was fixed only two days ago!"
Nero giggled when he was told he did that since his auntie told him to zap a music box to fix it only to cause a black out through out Arcadia and Vale. Instead of anger Vergil was happy and it wasn't the numerous of people who were buying back up generators from him which were just one of many things his business sold but because he despised the Arc family and Arcadia so he was fine seeing them experience darkness.
Principal:" He also can manipulate cold air and cold energy beams from his hands so cold they turned our steel doors brittle enough to just fall to pieces without even having to touch them. He can also seemingly manipulate poison or I suppose as it should be called acidic poison that melted bricks and even some other steel we had to test our other elemental semblance students though his was much more powerful than the others by a very big degree and finally he is able to manipulate fire and create heat beams much like his freeze beams. Unlike any other student we ever had he was able to create blue fire on a whim like nothing. With this for a seven year old he would have no problem to become a pro with more training."
The Arcs started to wonder if "Jaune" actually had their battle prodigy after all while Saphron was so happy to hear that her now formerly baby brother had improved so much as well as having blue fire just like his best friend/brother figure Touya did. Vergil just sat there glaring for a full minute towards the principal before getting while picking up Nero to say they were both leaving.
Joseph:" You can't leave with him!"
Vergil*Makes Portal*:" Isn't that what I'm doing scum?"
Vergil walked through the portal with Nero into a wasteland where they saw grimm everywhere an while Nero learned to not fear them because of learning that Sparda descendants were immortal, he also learned to never underestimate any opponent you will and ever face when his father suddenly transformed into a massive monster with wings before flying into the horde and in half a second, there was nothing but the form coming back and Vergil transforming back into his human form and Nero amazed.
Vergil:" That my child is what is called a Devil Trigger, a form where everything we have becomes enhanced immensely though it will take time for you to earn that since me and your aunt were in our mid twenties when we got ours and your mother got hers in her late thirties since they are not easy to obtain."
Nero:" Okay daddy!"
Vergil:" And for why I killed those grimm is because I got you a job to kill a mob of demons that appeared around here so I will be with you to make sure you kill them."
Nero gave a determined look and summoned Alastor before they started walking around looking for the demons though Nero just used the guns his auntie gave him to kill any stray grimm with a single headshot with a hour having passed since they got here until they found what they were looking for:
(Imagine Ten Of These)
Nero:" Whoa, what are these?"
Nero automatically pulled out a journal from his backpack that was two-thirds done and started to write down any potential notes about the demon and was already drawing a picture of it when Vergil spoke.
Vergil:" These are called Hell Antenora or Brutal Beserkers. Strong demons that have evolved or devolved depending on your stance from a different breed of theirs. Your job is to exterminate the ten of them and you'll get paid 300 hundred thousand since the customer says these things destroyed a gas station and store that he owned in a town nearby that these pest destroyed. Think you can handle that Nero?"
Nero:" Absolutely! I fought Bronte and fought those demon soldiers, I can beat these guys on my own!"
Nero steadied his breathing and with Alastor whizzed past three Beserkers and decapitated them easily before grabbing another and using his electricity to destroy it's head. The rest became aware of Nero's presence but he wasn't gonna give them a moment to prepare so he summoned some poison and readied another Blood Demon Art he had been practicing with.
Nero:" Blood Demon Art: Poison Type- Acid!"
The attack did as it was suppose by not only damaging the demons but also lowering their defensive abilities so now pulling out Yamato, he sped forward to stab three in the stomachs while also breaking their weapons then sliding the blade up to slice them in half. The last three charged at him ready for a kill when Nero charged up his flames to punch the ground to surround the trio in flames.
Nero:" Burn jerks."
The fire coated the Beserkers and with that, Nero was 300 hundred thousand richer with a proud father watching the scene.
Vergil:" Nicely done Nero, you are progressing nicely and steadily, now let's go home since your mother and sisters will want to see you. Also we have to visit Saphron because of the serum I gave her because we need her to take it. You'll understand when you get older."
Nero:" Okay daddy but there is one thing I have to do if it's okay by you."
Vergil:" What is it my child?"
(Timeskip Night Time)
The group of current demon/monster hunters and future ones were on a island in front of numerous lit candles lined up where Nero was standing still until he pulled out a candle to light it where a blue flame flickered alive, casting it's beautiful glow on his face to show a single tear going down his right cheek. He walked over to the middle where a single spot laid darkened until he put it down and it was like the full moon on a starless night with the color illuminating brighter than any of the other candles. Nero's father, mother, his sisters, his uncles, aunt and new best friend watched in respectful silence as Vergil being the amazing father he was had told them of a young boy named Touya Todoroki who was the eldest child of the Todoroki family with the patriarch bastard known as Endeavor having abused them all but Touya befriended the lonely Nero when one day, he used his semblance to sacrifice himself to save Nero and Touya from a horde of grimm. Nero was still kneeling over the candle when Vergil walked over and gentle hugged him with Nero softly and quietly crying into his chest over the death of his one and formerly only fri- no his one brother. After what felt like hours of pure silence, Zoro turned his head slowly to Geralt who was gently holding his daughter's hand to say just five words.
Zoro:" Endeavor will pay for this."
Geralt simply nodded his head with rage flowing through his veins after hearing what this worthless excuse of a father did to a innocent child and still was doing to three others along with his wife. Suddenly the group felt several presences behind them and turning to look they could see the Arc family walking up and looking around the forest. The group grew incredibly annoyed now that these bastards were here but when Joseph stepped closer to the light, Geralt blocked him with a stern look and unyielding authority plastering his six foot eight stature.
Geralt:" You are not welcomed here Arcs. Leave the premises now."
Joseph:" Excuse me!? Your friend took my son and I was told that they came here so I need to take my son back! Who are you to tell me to leave!?"
Geralt:" The one who will be adding a candle here if you choose not to. This is a private meeting and has nothing to do with you Arc. Also Nero is not your son, he is Vergil's and I will not allow you to bring anymore harm to him. Now leave."
Joseph:" Or what fool!?"
Zoro recognized this voice unfortunately and stepped forward to confront the matriarch of the Arc family.
Zoro:" Scram now Joseph or I'll give you a repeat of the last time we met."
Joseph turned to see a long time rival of his and rage filled his eyes at the sight of him, you see Zoro had bested Joseph when Joseph witnessed him kill a entire horde of A Ranked grimm on his own in one attack so he challenged him where in just five seconds, Zoro had the famed warrior on his back with two broken legs and a busted up arm holding a shattered sword hilt. Since then Joseph had been trying to best Zoro to "avenge his honor" though in reality it was just to mend his hurt pride but never could so much as touch a hair on his body.
Joseph:" Why are you here Zoro the Demon? What could you have ever lost?"
Zoro:" We all have or will lose something or someone at some point Joseph and we can't prepare ourselves for it and this is a land meant to honor those so leave or this time will be the last we ever meet Arc.
Madeline:" Is that a threat Zoro?!?!"
Zoro:" No that is a promise so what will it be?"
Joseph was growing annoyed when he looked past the two to see that Nero was hugging onto Vergil in a fatherly and child like way and he definitely wasn't fond of that but when he tried to walk over to tear Nero away from him, Geralt grabbed him by the arm and threw him into his wife with ease.
Geralt:" Leave now fool or I will hurt you and with a large amount of satisfaction."
Geralt pulled out his sword with Zoro pulling out two of his own while Seraphina summoned two blue balls of flames at the sight of Madeline so both Joseph and Madeline pulled out their own weapons but Vergil and Danielle knew this wasn't a place for fights so with Danielle picking up Nero, her brother made a portal and told the group they were leaving. Joseph wasn't having it and angry at Vergil for hugging his son but before he could even think of a attack Vergil sped forward and punched him right in the face so hard he broke his jaw and then they all left barely satisfied but they wanted to respect their fallen comrades. Arriving back to the dimension with the family home, the two women Seraphina and Danielle went into the kitchen to open some wine bottles for the males while the girls took Nero into his room where they laid him down on his unbelievable comfortable bed before all crawling on top of him to have a nap after a day that finally gave the reborn child solace and closure with the older sisters doting on him while Ciri was simply holding his hand with both of her's and her head on Nero's shoulders, making the hybrid child blush.
Nero was still shock despite how for six months this had been his room or more how this part was just a third of it. He had another king sized bed and other things that Zoro had commented looked like a mix of his father's and Auntie's personalities but nevertheless he loved this since it showed they loved him. The bed was amazing and comfortable with the light giving off a kind of relaxing mist with light being so alluring, the comfortable and soft couch near a large window that pointed at the beautiful waterfall that shined like diamonds so the view was always amazing, the snack and soda department/cooler right in front of the bed that always refilled itself which he learned was a combination of highly advanced technology and a wee bit of magic but his favorite was the moon and cloudy ceiling that really did look like there just was no ceiling and when those lights were turned off, the blue light from the bed, the amazing mist and moon made him just feel truly at home as the moon or really night time in general was something so calming despite how others feared it. Suddenly a gentle knock was heard from the door of the large room.
Danielle:" Hey you guys mind if I come in?"
Nero:" We don't mind Auntie."
Danielle entered where she could see the girls all huddled around her new nephew who seemed to enjoy the wholesome feeling. Chuckling to herself, she walked over to Nero before lightly tapping him on the forehead where he felt a kind of energy go into him.
Nero:" What was that Auntie? It felt weird."
Danielle:" A little spell where some of my human aura goes into the person's soul so they mentally contact those they consider friends, family or allies whenever and wherever they are but because you are half demon, I gave you some of my demonic aura though I'm not sure what it would do besides enhancing your senses even better."
Nero:" Oh okay auntie but can I ask you something?"
Danielle:" Yeah what's up lil man?"
Nero:" Do you think I'll ever be stronger than you and daddy?"
Danielle*Dead Serious*:" Absolutely not."
Nero was about to get saddened when a bright smile formed on Danielle's beautiful face.
Danielle:" And that's because I know fo dang sure you will be stronger than not just me and Vergil but Zoro and Geralt because we are the ones training you lil man."
Nero smiled brightly that made all the little girls blush before he hugged Danielle tightly.
Danielle:" Such a cutie but it's time for bed y'all, ya got school tomorrow unfortunately."
The girls besides Artemis and Ciri groaned annoyed but went to their rooms and when Danielle left, Nero gently grabbed onto Ciri's hand and gently placed his forward against her's with his eyes closed. While initially shocked by the sudden move by her closest friend Ciri reciprocated the move and the duo stayed like that for several seconds until they opened their eyes to look into the other's.
Ciri:" Nero, what was that for?"
Nero:" It was what me and Touya used to do whenever we had to go back to our homes. It would mean that no matter what happens, where we go or how long, we would always in a way be together. You are the only friend I've ever had after him so now I feel that I can do this to you to show I'll always be with you in some way."
Ciri blushed and even teared up at the explanation before getting a hug from Nero who led her to his other king-sized bed and they laid their where they cuddled like puppies and decided to sleep the night away.
(Just Focus On The Bed)
Completely unbeknownst to the duo, their fathers heard and just couldn't help but smirk at the two children now sleeping in the same bed.
Vergil:" Your daughter has my blessing to marry Nero, does my son have your's?"
Geralt:" Yes, he does."
And that's all for now folks! Sorry it took a while but next chapter will be of Nero's Pokemon companions since I always wanted to make a RWBY Jaune fanfic with Pokemon.
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