Motivational Training


Chainsaw Man
DC (A Little)
God Of War (A Little)
Soul Calibur
My Hero Academia
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Mortal Kombat
A Array of Other Animes

Siblings By Ranking
Artemis Taurus- Eldest And Stands 6'4
Bryce Wisteria- Second Eldest And Stands 6'2
Naomi Wisteria- Third Eldest And Stand 6'0
Heather Wisteria- Second Youngest And Stands 6'0
Dabi Redgrave/Nero Redgrave- Twins But Dabi Is A Few Hours Older- Dabi Stands 6'3 And Nero Stands 6'4

(No One's POV)

Nero woke up in Artemis's chest and that caused his face to become a crimson red before he tried to get out of her vice like grip with no avail. He looked back up and noticed that Artemis looked very cute sleeping with her little horns in his view when suddenly he felt her grip on him tighten and her strength was no joke but luckily she woke up.

Artemis*Yawns*:" Morning Nero, sorry for holding you like this but you were so soft and nice to snuggle with. Thank you for keeping me warm for the night."

Nero*Blushes Shit Ton*:" Uuuuhhhhh, I got to go talk to da-Vergil yeah Vergil!"

Nero ran outside where he saw Seraphina awake and seemingly sitting on the grass before opening her eyes and seeing Nero so she stood up and hugged her new son.

Seraphina:" Good morning my baby boy! How did you sleep?"

Nero:" Okay ma- I mean miss I me-

Seraphina*Giggles*:" You can just call me Seraphina darling until you are comfortable. No need to rush things. Now you should meet your new auntie."

 Vergil:" Rushing doesn't bring any progress Nero, just failure so calm yourself and follow me to where you will meet my trusted colleagues and your other teachers."

Vergil walked while Nero was shocked to haven't not noticed that Vergil had just popped out of nowhere but followed nonetheless while having excited thoughts when he heard he had a aunt since he never had one before but after walking for eight minutes, they stopped in a large clearing in a forest where he met a tall man with green hair and a stoic look, another tall man with long white hair, cat like eyes and two swords, a woman that looked a lot like Vergil with a red trench coat and finally a girl around his age with white hair and blue eyes.

Vergil:" Hello old friends, it's been a while."

???:" Four months to be exact Vergil but who is this little guy? A new student?"

Vergil:" That and also he's my new son."

???:" Hold on a goddamn minute! I have a nephew!?!?"

The woman came forward and looked down at Vergil's leg where Nero was hiding before Vergil moved aside to allow her to see him and she couldn't help but find him incredibly cute.

???:" Sup lil man, you are currently meeting the greatest aunt of the millennia!"

Nero:" So you are are da-Vergil's sister?"

???:" That I am lil man! The name's Danielle Redgrave but you can just call me Auntie."

Nero just nodded his head and looked at the other two who had stoic faces along with the little girl that was silent and emotionless but Nero couldn't help but blush because of how pretty she was to him. Suddenly Seraphina asked the other two to introduce themselves to Nero and so the green haired man stepped forward.

???:" The name is Roronoa Zoro kid but just call me Zoro."

???:" Hello young one, my name is Geralt and this is my daughter Ciri."

Ciri didn't say anything at all but Vergil said that he wanted to train Nero to prove his former "family" wrong and so Nero can be a Devil Hunter like Vergil and Danielle were and with that, training started and it was anything but easy. Each of the teachers were given a turn to teach Nero something while the others would observe while waiting their turn and Danielle went first to teach Nero how to use the weapon every being was given at birth: There limbs. She told Nero to get into a stance and focus on her movements then copy them and Nero did that.... or tried to since while Danielle's punches, kicks and overall movements were graceful and flawless, his were sloppy and downright awful with his kicks almost making him fall and his punches incredibly weak because of his fear of hurting someone but he knew he had to change that. After a few hours of that and a lecture of what kind of punches to use and the force, kicks that were effective depending on the scenario and about holds that could put others to sleep, Nero was passed on to Zoro who told him to rely on his born instincts and so threw things at fast speeds towards him and told him to dodge those and Nero was trying his best to dodge but the speed was too much but that wasn't the only thing Zoro did. He wanted Nero to strengthen his reflexes, stamina and speed so he gave him a ten pound rock to hold and told him to run until he couldn't no more and that didn't take too long but Zoro got Nero to continue running with heavier rocks each time while also putting random obstacles for him to dodge. As for the mental muscles, Zoro sat the exhausted Nero down and told him to use his mind to tell whatever of the five things Zoro was the sole lie with this time Nero getting most of them right. After several times of this Nero was given to Geralt who wanted his physique to become stronger so he got a wagon filled it with bricks and wrapped a chain around his torso and told him to run around the field and to not stop where this went for a hour then Geralt unchained him and told him to punch and kick a random tree in order to increase the durability of his limbs in order to make them stronger and despite bruises forming on his knees and thighs while his knuckles were busted wide open, he refused to cry because he didn't want to be seen as weak anymore so he forced a smile and continued the attack on his still "opponent" with Geralt looking on with his arms crossed until he became satisfied by Nero's determination so he picked him up and put him in front of a stump with a pile of wood next to it and to Nero's nervousness a incredibly sharp double axe embedded on top of the stump.

Geralt:" Now young one, I want you to take the axe and chop each of these wood in half an when you are done, we'll move on with your training."

Nero nodded and after fifteen minutes finally managed to remove the axe then placed the first wood to chop it but could just barely hold the heavy axe in his hand. After forty seven minutes, Nero was done and returned to Geralt who gave him to his mother who took Nero to the open field he ran around in before sitting down cross legged silently and told Nero to do the same which he obliged to before being told that he would inevitably receive a elemental manipulation ability and that he would have to be ready for it. Nero copied his mother's movement and let out deep breaths though he noticed that her hair was being lit on fire but in a calming and slow steady way with the heat calming and soothing.

Nero*In Thoughts*:" She can control fire!?! That's so cool!!! It reminds me of....of Touya."

Nero let some tears flow from his eyes at the thought of his only friend or more his brother when his mother gently took his chin and made him look at her.

Seraphina*Worried*:" Sweetheart, what's wrong? Are you tired or hungry? Mommy can make you something if you want."

Nero knew it was neither of those but his stomach did rumble and he didn't want just simple fruit or raw vegetables so Seraphina took his hand and led him to the kitchen for some breakfast  and while she was cooking, Nero's mind switch from Touya to Saphron to his new sisters and how this would go. Touya was gone and that hole in his heart would never go away for that, Saphron was okay but he couldn't believe that they would sell her off just because she wanted to be a big sister to him but now he knew she would be okay hopefully but his new sisters seemed really nice and Artemis was really nice for letting him sleep in her bed despite barely knowing him at all but his face burned up a little when he remembered him waking up snuggling her and what she said to him though he knew he should spend some times with his other sisters since he didn't want to play favorites like how his former "family" did. Seraphina returned with some plates and put them on the table where Nero's eye widened in shock at the food in front of him.

Nero:" That's a lot of food Seraphina."

Seraphina felt her heart hurt since this wasn't really a lot of but gave Nero a pat on his head.

Seraphina:" All this food is for you my darling, you need more muscles on your body and that requires that you get more nutrients into your system." 

Nero took a bite into the pancakes and let a lone tear go down his face at the divine taste before he just chowed down the meal with Seraphina standing there and giving him a few kisses on the forehead for her new child finally having something to eat rather than whatever those bastards gave him.

Seraphina:" Sweetie, what did you have for breakfast back there with them?"

Nero:" Just some cornflakes while those jerks got waffles and pancakes."

Seraphina clenched her fists in rage and felt her flames's temperature were rising but not wanting to hurt her child, she calmed herself and told him to return to the field when he was done....only to see he already was so smiling they went back to the the field and back to their positions where she told him to think calm thoughts and to not let anger cloud his mind since despite the amount of elements there are from the four basics, air, water, fire and earth, to those that branch off like ice, electricity, wood and metal to the ones that can be considered ethereal and god like as are the elements of light, darkness, void and time along with the fact that each of them are so incredibly different from the other, one thing they all had in common was that they were connected to the bearer's mind or more their emotional state so becoming angry or distracted would cause them to go unstable and possibly uncontrollable but keeping your cool and a calm mindset will allow you to control that ability so Nero did that and tried to think of happy moments and despite having very little, he thought of Saphron, the times he had with Touya, his new sisters and mother but what he felt brought him the most happiness was of Vergil, his new father for taking in a stranger and training him. Seraphina finally felt Nero's aura become void of any negativity and with a smile they continued for a few hours so Nero can learn to keep his calm and not allow people to get under his skin. Finally Nero was given to his father Vergil who was under a rope and told him to climb it but before that Vergil placed the axe Nero used to chop the wood from orders of Geralt on his back with the uneven weight messing up Nero's climbing but not willing to fail in front of his father he continued  up until he made it to the top where Vergil told him to jump off.

Nero:" B-But I can't fly."

Vergil:" You won't need to."

Nero wasn't exactly scared of heights but more of the landing but trusting Vergil he closed his eyes and jumped off though he didn't feel the grass at all so he opened his eyes slowly to see that he landed in Vergil's arms.

Nero:" You caught me?"

Vergil:" Of course my child I would catch you but I've noticed something when I saw you training with your mother, you were crying tears yet you also hid them from her. Why was that?"

Nero:" I was crying because I remembered someone from a year ago that I saw die. *Sniffles* I miss him so much, he was my only friend but I didn't want to show Seraphina because those jerks say crying is for the worthless and the weak."

Vergil wanted to so badly to kill the Arc family for telling him such disgusting and false blasphemous to say to a six year old child of all people.

Vergil:" Listen and listen well Nero, crying doesn't make a person weak and crying is what makes someone a person in general. A strong person isn't someone who never cried but someone who cries a few tears then gets back up and proves themselves by bringing honor and justice to those that earned it. Believe me when I say my son that I know what it's like to see someone you love die and you couldn't do something to stop it, so I know your pain. You crying for the loss of someone you cared about doesn't make you weak but allow me to ask you this, do you want to bring him justice and honor?"

Nero:" Yes, more than anything and with all my heart!!! I wa- No I WILL bring him justice and honor father!!!!"

Vergil gave a prideful smirk before getting into a stance.

Vergil:" Then show me your motivation!!!"

(Three Weeks Timeskip)

Three weeks have passed with Nero having gotten phsyical stronger, faster, more durable, and gained faster reflexes from the training he had received but as well as more lessons of how true warriors must always conduct themselves if they want what they desire. The first had Nero learn that even the greatest warriors need help at some point so they had him work with Ciri who hadn't spoken a word to him yet for the first week's with that being with Geralt who told them they would be hunting with him with them getting two full grown elks each and carry it back to Geralt's and Ciri's home. Nero and Ciri walked alongside each other with Geralt behind them with a bow and arrow since all they had to do was track two each and tell Geralt so he can kill it but during the three hour trip, neither Nero nor Ciri saw any kind of wildlife and got worried there wasn't any animals, let alone elks.

Nero:" Are you sure this place has elks Mister Geralt?"

Geralt*Chuckles Slightly*:" You don't need to call me mister Nero and yes I assure you there are elks here, you just need to be patient as good things come to those that are patient."

Just then a sould of snapped twigs broke the silence and Ciri pointed to her right side and like a bullet, Geralt fired a arrow right into the neck of a elk right when Nero sensed another presence with his heightened instincts so he quickly pointed at a random patch of trees where Geralt fired a arrow and another elk sound came from the area so he ran over but noticed something strange about the elk Geralt had killed. The fallen beast was a pure white that matched snow while having a kind of blue ice substance coated parts of it's antlers that matched it's eyes.

Nero:" What kind of elk is this?"

Nero just shook his head and with all his might he picked up the fallen beast and walked over to Geralt who was impressed by Nero's strength who saw Ciri with the beast in her arms when Nero felt a tingly sensation going down his spine that told him  presence near him and pointing about southeast of himself, there was another male elk so Geralt shot it down and Ciri saw one rather far so she walked over to it and Nero brought his back when that tingly feeling came back but this time much stronger, as if to tell him there was danger near by and that it was near Ciri so he looked over to try and see what it was and after a minute, he saw something stalking Ciri while she was preoccupied with picking up the deer the stalking creature came out and it was decently tall frog like creature that looked very hungry.

Ciri didn't notice the creature but what she did notice was Nero right next to her like he teleported with her father's sword in his hand with a small and thin trail of blood going down the blade. Nero was shocked by how fast he went but focused by asking Ciri multiple questions like if she was okay and if she knew what that monster was while Geralt smiled at Nero saving his daughter and that he just decapitated a decently strong monster with one slash though was a little annoyed that he would have to explain the blood on him due to the fountain of blood coming from the beast's neck onto him. The second week with Zoro accompanying them they were sent to exterminate a nest of Grim though these weren't the ones from Remnant but rather from Geralt's home dimension with the reward being actual gold and silver coins for each of the kids and the next was ranked D and wasn't big at all so the kids were ready or Nero hoped he was though he was grateful his mother gave him a simple katana and Ciri with a bow and a sword though it was silent since Ciri once again didn't speak at all though it didn't matter when they saw the hive and about seven of these grim monsters and they looked like amphibians creatures that were rather short but they did have sharp teeth and claws to match.

Nero*Whispering*:" Hey Ciri, I have a idea, shoot four in the knees so they don't move and while the other's are distracted, we take them out silently."

Ciri once again didn't respond but did follow the plan by shooting four arrows right into the knee's with three of the still walking capable ones looking around for the culprits. Nero snuck up on one and with his eyes closed he stabbed the creature in the back of it's chest, allowing the katana to stab it's heart before going to another and slashing it's throat open with it's jugular sliding out of it's throat. For Ciri she threw her sword into the last standing one in the stomach before ripping it out and mimicking Nero by slashing it's throat and to finish the mission, the two went and stabbed two each of the remaining monsters in their hearts. 

Zoro*Walks Up*:" Don't worry about cleaning this up, your're a demon hunter and you're a witcher not some maid or janitor besides*Notices Vultures* This freaks were always just some weak prey."

The final week Nero had improved to the point he could run for half a day without breaking a sweat, lift a hundred and fifty pounds and carry it easily and move at speeds that made him seem like a blur but what matched his physical abilities was his intellect, something that he kept sharp in many ways with not only his new family having noticed but also his school when he went back with the teachers and students noticing his new abilities and his brain with him getting his former D-s turned into A+s in days but the final mission was for the duo Ciri and Nero to best a demon and the one Vergil chose was a lesser demon known for it's speed: A Fury.

During the fight of them being on the defensive, Nero examined the demon's behavior and noticed how the demon didn't attack either of them head on but rather teleported multiple times then at a random moment tried a slash but Nero's own speed allowed him to grab Ciri's hand and pull her out of the way but this demon was relentless. Nero took a deep breath and thought a way to counter this demon's speed and it's natural weapon until his eyes landed on Ciri's bow and then his own sword with a idea formed in his head. 

Nero:" Ciri, wherever you see red shoot a arrow as fast as you can but shoot it with the feather going first!"

Ciri looked at Nero like he was crazy but remembering how he had saved her twice already in these three weeks, she trusted him and did just that and heard horrible shrieks of pain come from what she knew was the demon before it appeared for a attack but she noticed it was slower then just fell in pain before Nero ran forward and sliced it's head off by setting the blade on the ground sideways under it's neck and then jump stomping on it with the force leaving it headless. He picked up the sword and looked down at the demon with a smile while Ciri looked on the ground where drops of blood were splattered in a line that led to the slain demon and when she noticed her arrows embedded into it's back, she understood Nero's idea. She shot them backwards so the tips would stab into the demon's back therefore slowing it down and making it attack too early so it would fail to hurt them. It was genius!!! Simply genius!!!

Nero*Hugs Ciri*:" We did it!!"

Ciri was shocked by the action since only her father ever hugged her but she felt herself wrap her arms around Nero and nuzzled her face into his neck without saying a word. They stayed there for ten minutes in their embrace without remembering Vergil was there to witness the fight and he gave a proud and teasing smirk at the scene before walking over and snapping his fingers, bringing the lovebirds back to reality before Nero gained a red face and let go of Ciri but she grabbed his arm and practically pulled him along where Vergil explained to the family the results and added the detail of Nero's plan that impressed them and they said they will be continue the training but suddenly before Ciri left with her father, she held both of Nero's hands in hers and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Ciri:" Bye Nero!"

Ciri ran to her father while Nero stood with a tomato face and still like a statue so Vergil picked him up and carried him back home through the portal.

(Forgot To Mention That Vergil And The Rest Live In A Dimension Sparda Created)

Making it home where Nero finally got his bearings back and he set his eyes on what was his new home and he still couldn't believe how it looked.

Nero*In Thoughts*:" Touya would've loved this but if I do get a elemental power, I really hope it's fire. I wonder where the sisters are though."

Vergil:" I'll be in the office if you need me Nero."

Nero:" Okay daddy."

Vergil smiled and left with Seraphina giving her baby a kiss on the forehead and said she was going to be making dinner so Nero went in and found his older sister Bryce sitting on a chair with a cooler of soda next to her on the balcony and saw a smile on her face when she noticed him. 

Bryce:" ~Hi baby brother, wanna snuggled up with big sister till mama makes dinner~?"

Nero only did that with two girls so decided to make it three and joined Bryce in the comfy armchair and ended up napping in her arms.

Nero:" Good night big sis, love ya."

Bryce*Smiles*:" Love ya too baby brother, sweet dreams."

Nero's Drip- Also The Tattoo From The Information Is Debunked.

The Shirt Has This Symbol In Black In The Front

And Also This Symbol In Black In The Back.

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