Learning What Will Befall Him
(One thing I want to mention is that Jaune is the youngest in the family so remember that)
(No One's POV)
A little six year old lad named Jaune Arc was a outcast to not only his family but also his family's council because of how they all believed he had no skill or power whatsoever to become a huntsman like the rest of his family who are well known legends across Remnant but Jaune's family viewed him as a pathetic waste of skin with no potential to become anything but a failure in life. Well almost his entire family but there was one who stood by his side no matter what: Saphron Arc, his older sister that actually loved him as compared to the rest of his scumbag family. Saphron always looked after Jaune to the point that she might as well have been his mother since she was the one who bathed him when he was a baby to even feeding him to his current age as his mother refused to even acknowledge that she had a son she believed wouldn't mount to anything and as much as that irritated Saphron that the parents wouldn't aid their only son who was also the youngest all of them, she unfortunately couldn't do anything about it since her parents were adamant that Jaune would forever be weak and the remaining siblings just bossed him around and made him do stupid things for their own entertainment. Right now Jaune was heading to his room after a day of school where the principal would target him due to finding out about his bloodline but also about his lack of power to back anything up while the staff did nothing but at times laugh or even add to the pain he received for something that wasn't his fault but he just laid on his bed in a room where a child couldn't possibly have any kind of fun due to how barren it was with no TV, no games or even him having a scroll to use, just a bed with no pillows and a dresser. Suddenly the door opened with his "father" coming in and looking at Jaune with stern eyes that hid anger behind them.
Joseph:" Jaune, I heard from your principal you've been causing disturbances in classes and that isn't how we raised you. So as punishment you are to stay in your room right when you get back from school for the next four weeks. Understand?"
Jaune simply nodded his head since arguing only got him in more trouble and one time slapped in the face by his own mother so since then he stopped calling her mom and just called her ma'am. What makes arguing worse was that if it was with his sisters he is always the one blamed and even those days not fed by his own kin. Jaune laid back down only for someone else to enter the room but this time it was someone he actually was happy to see, his older sister Saphron who had a tray of food with her. She smiled seeing Jaune still up but her smile was tinged with sadness knowing he was punished for nothing from their arrogant prideful father.
Saphron:" Hey Jaune, I got some food here for you and I know you are hungry so here a simple cheeseburger, some chips, a salad and a glass of iced tea and please Jaune, don't worry about our "father" he won't hurt you as long as I am here."
Jaune:" O-Okay."
Jaune was then lifted up and placed on Saphron's lap since she had become fond of being Jaune's surrogate mother so she also had to feed him for the past six years of his life and genuinely enjoyed it so she continued doing it. Jaune started with the burger and scarfed it down since he lost his food at school because of a known bully having stolen it from him but suddenly he got a piece of ketchup on his lip but the smile he gave after eating the burger warmed up Saphron's heart before she wiped the ketchup off with her thumb.
Saphron:" I know it's good sweetie but please don't make a mess, you know how mother gets when a single mess happens or when we're not in dressing up to her standards."
Jaune understood since that was what got him smacked in the face hard by her but when he saw Saphron's finger having ketchup on it, he decided to just suck on it a little to clean the ketchup off with Saphron blushing a little from the display of affection before rubbing his cheek.
Saphron:" You're so cute Jaune, you know that?"
Jaune*Sadly*:" But I'm so weak."
Saphron:" I know one day you will become stronger, we just need a way besides me since I won't always be around for you so I have to find another for you to train and at least unlock your aura."
Jaune was about to place his head onto Saphron's big chest when he suddenly felt his head pulse not in pain but in a strong enough feeling that made images flash through his head. A cave with a very shiny object on a lone rock and a tall man looking at it with blue piercing icy cold eyes that reminded Jaune of a wolf glaring at a opponent or equal threat. Jaune was confused but something told him to go there and speak to the man since he might be able to help him but then noticed how everyone was at home and wouldn't let him leave his room, let alone leave the entire house.
Jaune:" Saphron, there was a image in my head about a cave and a man with blue eyes!"
Saphron:" A man in a cave? Are you sure Jaune?"
Jaune:" Definitely, it was in my head and I saw that there was a really shiny thing on a rock but I couldn't see it right."
Saphron gasped lightly when she heard that knowing where Jaune was talking about and having a feeling that it may help him, she bent down and grabbed Jaune by his cheeks to tell him of a idea.
Saphron:" Okay Jaune listen to me and listen closely. We will go and see the object because I know what you are talking about but we have to be stealthy and quick, understand?"
Jaune nodded his head fast before Saphron placed him on her back and with great speed, ran out the door where no one was able to see them and with a shortcut she knew made it to the cave where they heard two people whispering something until a voice called out to them.
???:" I know two people are here, come out we won't hurt you."
Jaune remained behind Saphron who quietly and cautiously walked into the cave to see the glow of the two objects Jaune saw but her eyes were on the two tall figures surrounding the objects. One was a tall handsome man with white hair that stood up donning a beautiful blue trenchcoat but she knew this was the man since he had icy blue eyes that gave off a glare that said "don't piss me off". The other figure was a Faunus woman or what Saphron believed to be a Faunus due to the big reddish horns on her head but also the wings on her bat that resembled a bat's.
Saphron*In Thoughts*:" Is she a breed of two different Faunuses?"
Saphron continued to observe the woman and saw that she had reddish amber eyes, long brown hair with red here and there donning a beautiful scarlet red dress showing off her things while chains seem to be tied around the dress. They both were amazingly beautiful and gave off a aura of unrivaled, unlimited POWER. Jaune looked to the man with his own blue eyes becoming fascinated by the man's aura and just the mere sight of him before asking his first question.
Jaune:" Are you the man I saw in my vision?"
???:" I suppose since you are the boy I saw in a vision though I don't know why."
Jaune tilted his head when the woman walked over to the two with her eyes showing observation and curiosity while Saphron was getting nervous by the way they were being look at and knowing very well she stood no chance against just one of them let alone two but Jaune got out from behind her to walk tot he woman.
Jaune:" Hi ma'am, is that big man your friend?"
???*Cocks Eyebrow:" My friend? *Chuckles* He's actually my husband child and how about you two, are you two dating?"
Saphron was aware that the woman was teasing them but blushed nevertheless but Jaune didn't and instead just shook his head.
Jaune:" No Saphron is just the best big sister in the world!!!"
???:" Siblings, huh? I see. Oh where have my manners gone? My name is Seraphina Azer and your's young ones?"
Jaune:" My name is Jaune pretty lady!"
Seraphina:" ~Oh aren't you a little flirt~? You are Saphron I suppose."
Saphron:" Yes ma'am."
Seraphina:" Ma'am? Oh stop it, you'll make me feel old."
Saphron:" Sorry if I offend you but you seem to barely be twenty three years old."
Seraphina*Chuckles Evilly*:" Well I'm much older than you think but hubby, how about you introduce yourself? The little one seems to want to speak to you."
???:" Very well then. Little one my name is Vergil Redgrave The Dark Slayer and the eldest son and child of my father The Legendary Dark Knight Sparda."
Jaune:" A knight!?!?! That's so cool!!!"
Vergil:" Indeed but what is your name child?"
Jaune:" I am Jaune A- no just Jaune."
Vergil*Cocks Eyebrows*:" Just Jaune? No last name?"
Jaune:" I don't like the last name I was given mister. The people are meanies to me."
Both Vergil and Seraphina raised their eyebrows at that answer before looking at Saphron who gave a sad smile before patting Jaune's head.
Seraphina:" What had happened little one?"
Jaune was crying since he didn't want those times he was treated like a piece of trash by his own family with the exception of just one sister but Saphron covered Jaune's ears and told the duo how Jaune was neglected and sometimes abused by their "parents", bullied by their other siblings and ordered around by them and even bullied at school by some of the teachers and even the arrogant principal himself. Vergil felt rage enter his mind at hearing that while Seraphina was being surrounded by flames from her unforgivable rage at hearing what a mere six year old had to go through for such a inexcusable reason. Vergil looked to the boy when suddenly a strange feeling entered his heart that has been known for being very vindictive towards demons, humans, Faunuses, mortals and immortals alike but this feeling was more of Vergil wanting to protect Jaune and making sure he was capable of protecting himself whenever Vergil, Seraphina or Saphron weren't around but Vergil took a look at Saphron to see that her soul was pure and heroic unlike the scum that failed to be a family to a innocent child.
Vergil:" Jaune, how would you like to be trained by me and Seraphina?"
Jaune:" Trained? Are you a huntsman mister Vergil?"
Vergil:" No, I am something much more important and much more powerful than mere pathetic huntsman or huntresses. I am a Devil Hunter."
Jaune:" Devil Hunter!?!?!"
Vergil:" Yes, I hunt down powerful demons born on Remnant and from my father's home world the Underworld but also try to clean up this world from the scum born on this realm as well."
Jaune's eyes widened with sparkles and stars being present now knowing that in front of him was a demon hunter, meaning demons were real and being trained by him and his wife means that he may have a chance after all!!!
Jaune*Hugs Vergil's Leg*:" Please train me mister Vergil!!! I want to be strong and show my motivation!!!!"
Vergil*Intrigued*:" What is your motivation young one?"
Jaune:" To be a hero that the world may not want but what it needs because I know I can be a hero like Saphron is!! I want to prove myself to those that underestimate me!!!"
Vergil smirked since that was the same motivation he had when he was eight and took the lives of the demons that took his mother away from him. He found a student that he was willing to train and make into a fine warrior.
Seraphina:" If you are willing to take this lil cutie then I guess we need to introduce him to our daughters then Vergil."
Vergil Of course since besides Saphron, Jaune has no other friends."
Jaune sadly nodded his head when remembering how he was rejected any signs of friendship, comradery or even a sliver of affection from anyone at his school when he was suddenly picked up into a gentle and warm hug but not one from Saphron but instead from Seraphina who had a beautiful and kind smile on her face.
Seraphina:" We'll start slow first Jaune then when you are older we'll go stronger but right now I think you and your wonderful sister need to meet my own little girls."
Jaune:" Okay!!!"
Just then Jaune remembered the bright objects that lured him here in the first place and started to look around when the object finally was in his sights to see that it was a amazingly beautiful wolf necklace with what looked like a fang on it.
Jaune*Starry Eyes*:" It looks so awesome!!!!"
Seraphina:" Ah so it wants Jaune to inherit it's power."
Saphron:" Power? What power?"
Vergil:" Let me ask you this Saphron, how much of mythology do you know of?"
Saphron:" Well I am well versed in Greek and Norse, why?"
Vergil:" Well then who is the Greek god that rules over the Underworld?"
Saphron:" That would be Hades."
Seraphina:" Good now what is the name of the creature that has been known to fight equally against and alongside gods within the Norse mythology?"
Saphron:" That's easy, it's name was... Fenrir the Wolf of Helheim."
Saphron looks to the necklace and got worried since Fenrir was known to be a merciless and ferocious beast of a wolf that was known to be unkillable and able to kill anything from other monsters and demons of Helheim, monsters and inhabitants from the other eight realms to even the strongest of gods. Just then Jaune grabbed the necklace and put it around his neck to suddenly feel a powerful force enter his small body while also feeling something deep within become awaken. While Jaune's boy was starting to adjust to the new and VERY sudden power that he just received from the necklace, visions starting to go through his head of what would be his future if he just took what the Arc Clan was currently doing to him and what would happen when he gets older. They would start to beat him up with belts, baseball bats and even spiked rings while Jaune's "sisters" would just make him their personal slave from using as a punching bag, a whetstone and even just a toy to humiliate in front of their sick friends with Saphron still by his side but suffering all the same but what truly scared was seeing Saphron being sold as a slave to the Schnee Dust Company due to her protecting Jaune.
Saphron:" Jaune, are you okay!?!?! What happened!?!?!"
Jaune:" They would sell you!?!?!"
Vergil/Seraphina:" What?"
Jaune*In Tears*:" Those monsters would beat me up with belts, spikes and bats and even sell Saphron to the Schnee Dust Company just to get her away from me!!! Why do they hate me so much!?!?! What did I do!?!?!"
This was the final straw for both Vergil and Seraphina that this Arc Clan's pride was so "valuable" to them that they would sell a child of there's to a corrupt and shady business like the SDC and beat a six year old with objects of torture just because they refused to aid him but Seraphina didn't expect what Vergil would say next.
Vergil:" Jaune you have no father do you?"
Jaune*Sniffling*:" N-No mister Vergil."
Vergil:" Well now you do because I will be your new father as of today because you deserve a real father figure."
Seraphina:" Well if that's the case my love, ~Then that means Jaune can call me mommy!~"
Jaune*Ecstatic*:" Okay mommy!"
Seraphina:"~ Oh now that was quick but I like it~"
Vergil:" Saphron, you will still see Jaune but just know that I will give you a parting gift and a promise that Jaune will be more powerful than anyone from that scum family."
Saphron:" I trust you sir just promise me that you will keep my baby brother safe. He's all I have left."
Vergil:" I will and as for my parting gift, I hope you are not squeamish."
Vergil pulled out a syringe and a vial of silver liquid that shined beautiful before to the shock of Saphron and Jaune, Vergil stabbed himself with the syringe but didn't flinch at all while the crimson metallic liquid seeped and filled half the syringe before he took it out and stabbed the top of the vial to seep the rest of the silver liquid into the syringe with his blood then finally handed it to Saphron.
Vergil:" Take this Saphron and your power and motivation will be rivaled by only my daughters and surpassed only by me, my wife, my sister and Jaune."
Saphron:" Alright, is there anything else I need to do?"
Seraphina:" Tell us where you live so we can put you back in yourbed since it will for sure make you pass out faster than you can say "oops"
Saphron gave the address and with a alcohol pad wiped around a certain spot she injected herself with the substances and just like Jaune, felt immense power enter her body and soul before peacefully falling in Seraphina's arms until Vergil made a portal to Saphron's room to place her on the bed with a note under her pillow and left with Jaune in Vergil's arms so he could meet his other sisters.
Vergil:" So Jaune, ready to meet your four new sisters?"
Jaune:" Yeah mi- I mean daddy!"
Vergil smiled a genuine smile when four little six year old girls ran into the room to see Jaune who hid behind Vergil since he was a little nervous to meet new people but Seraphina gave him a gentle head pat to calm him down before speaking to the four girls.
Seraphina:" Well girls here is your new baby brother."
???/???/???/???:" We have a new brother!?!?!? Heck freaking yeah!!!!"
Jaune poked his head out from Vergil to see the girls and saw three girls with purple hair and one with long red hair that matched blood. One girl with purple hair allowed the long hair to freely flow across her back but Jaune could see her pretty magenta eyes look at him with curiosity and kindness. Another had shorter purple hair that more black but she had electric blue eyes similar to Vergil's with the same look as the other one. Another was a bit taller than the other two with purple hair the shortest but also the brightest he'd say and dark purple eyes that seemed to glow like wisteria would and her eyes were filled with protective instinct. The final one was a Faunus to Jaune's surprise with two black horns and her right eye being a beautiful blue color but her left was red and horribly damaged with Jaune seeing that horrible brand of the Schnee Dust Company over the eye. Jaune was so focused on them that he unconsciously walked out from behind Vergil to go over and just give the red head a comforting hug with her just wrapping her own rather strong arms around him like a mother animal protecting her young but he could also sense aggression around her aura.
???:" Hey don't hog him Artemis!! We want some huggies from him too!!!"
The three other girls hugged Jaune in a protective way as something told their souls that he came from a bad home like they had when they were found. Just then Vergil and Seraphina cleared their throats to get the children's attention when Jaune heard a voice from the necklace and a vision of a beautiful blonde woman with a red dress and warm smile and a tall man that looked like a older version of Vergil with the same smile say one word in unison.
???/???:" Nero."
Vergil:" Girls introduce yourselves please to him and he'll do the same."
Jaune returned to the present to hear the gilrs introcued themselves.
???:" Well you heard my name, I'm Artemis Taurus and I'm the oldest by about two weeks. As you can tell I am a Faunus."
???:" I am the second oldest and my name is Bryce Wisteria."
???:" I am the third oldest and my name is Naomi Wisteria but you can just call me N."
???:" I the fourth oldest or the youngest but I'm also the coolest. Also the name is Heather Wisteria."
Jaune:" My name is....Nero."
Vergil/Seraphina:" Nero?"
Jaune:" Two people said that name in a vision and I like it better than Jaune."
Seraphina:" Well then your last name is Redgrave sweetie since you can't take mine."
Nero:" Why?"
Seraphina:" You'll understand when you are older sweetie."
Nero just nodded his head before feeling his head being gently rubbed by Artemis before she grabbed his hand and led him upstairs with these words to say.
Artemis:" He'll be sleeping with me tonight sisters."
Naomi/Heather/Bryce:" WHAT!?!?!"
The two made it to a room where the newly named Nero was gently placed on a amazing bed with Artemis then sitting on the bed when Nero saw a brush on a table next to the bed.
Nero:" Hey I can brush your hair if you want."
Artemis:" That'd be nice."
Artemis laid on Nero's chest and allowed him to brush her hair while eyed the black shiny horns on her head when he suddenly gave the both of them a kiss each that made Artemis blush but when Nero finished, she placed his head on her chest so he could listen to her heartbeat that lulled him to sleep.
Rest Of The Family Figures
Uncle Figure: Zoro Roronoa.
Uncle Figure: Geralt of Riveria.
Best Friend Turned Lover: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (Ciri)
Best Friend Turned Lover: Rosemary Winters.
Best Friend Turned Lover: Nami.
Fianlly The Older Half-Brother And The OG Of MHA: Dabi Redgrave.
Species- Supernatural Human With Supernatural Soul. Yes He Has The Powers As The Rest Of The Siblings.
Semblance- Cremated Phoenix- Dabi is granted immunity to his flames that are hotter than volcanoes, lightning bolts and even hot enough to burn water for hours though he can use any kind of flame, he prefers blue flames. Dabi is given the powers of a transcendent Phoenix with the ability to sprout flame wings as a Devil Bringer like Nero's, a enhancement in his physical abilities, flight, teleportation via his flames, resurrection, ash manipulation, shockwave manipulation via his wings, enhanced intellect, matter transmutation and finally light manipulation.
Dabi's Weapons.
Hell's Redeemer. Imagine the blade is a electric blue instead of purple, also the sword has all the abilities of Yamato.
Dual M9 Beretas.
Dual Black Ace Tactical Pump ACtion Shotguns.
Dabi's Devil Trigger
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