Chapter 2 Reaction Jaune Clone wars Hideen enemy

"What do you mean we are going to react other Jaunes." Saphron said

You'll see." Ash said as he tossed the orb up in the air and grabbed it and then threw it at the screen.


"What is this!" Qrow remarked as he poked his ear.

"You are about to watch the clone wars a place where conflict is taking place in the galaxy." Ash said

"Wait did you say galaxy." Rose said eyes sparking

"Yep." Ash said

"All to right." Ozpin said as he sipped his coffee.

"A planet under siege!" The narrator's voice cried out as it showed images of a crystallised planet and the inhabitants fighting off against the Droid Army but losing as one of their towers fell to the ground.

"Separatist forces mercilessly batter the beautiful and elegant world of Christophsis. Unable to defend themselves any longer, the people of Christophsis call on the Jedi for assistance." The Narrator said as it cuts to the council.

"So these Jedi are like peacekeepers?" Ironwood asked.

"Yes A noble order of protectors unified by their ability to tap into the power of the Force, the Jedi Order were the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic " Ash nodded.

"so basically monks with light swords" Qrow remarked..

"Hoping to save lives and prevent further destruction, Izuku Midoriya and Lie Ren plan a daring ambush which could turn the tide in the fight for this crucial star system." The narrator finished as the screen circle around one of the city's towers.

"Wait, what Izuku?" Winter and Jaune said at the same time at the mention of those names.

"You know about this Izuku." Alex asked Jaune as he smiled

"The person who can truly beat me in a full fight. My rival and brother." Jaune said proud as Ren felt his heartbreak hearing Jaune consider someone else a brother

Inside the tower was Jedi Master, Lie Ren, dressed in a Jedi type armour and sported a full beard.

He then used his communicator on his wrist. "Izuku, how are you doing over there?"

On the other side of the tower was Jedi Knight, Izuku, dressed in a similar manner to Ren but his was darker. "We're set. I've got some guys here that are anxious to get going." Izuju said as he gestured to his men.

"Is that Izuku" Joan asked as she looked at her brother.

"Indeed." Jaune said smiling "Thought what is his rank in this world"

"In this world, Lie Ren is a master Jedi and Izuku was once his Padawan." Ash explained. "Like a mentor-student relationship"

"Huh, interesting" Elena said shocked

One of them being Captain Rex, a clone in blue, a pauldron and had a shaved but blonde bleached hair. He was Izuku's right hand man and leader of the 501st Battalion.

"Wait that Jaune!" Rose pointed out.

"Yep Jaune is a clone." Ash said shocking it

"So, who is this clone?" James asked.

"This is Captain Rex." Ash answered. "CT-7567. Captain of the 501st Battalion, Torrent Company."

"501st?" Ironwood asked.

"For every Jedi General, they're always accompanied with their own clone battalion." Ash said. "And Rex here is one of the most influencer Clones in this war."

"Glad to hear it." Ren said as Izuku turned off the comms.

Back in Ren's tower, two clones exited the lift and went to their leader. One was Commander Cody, a clone in orange and Lie's commander of his battalion, the 212th Battalion. The other was Slick, a sergeant with his own squadron of men to command.

"And who is that?" Weiss asked blushing seeing Cody

"That right there is Commander Cody." Ash answered. "Named CC-2224. Commander of 212th Attack Battalion. Ghost Company."

"And what is he like?" Kiana asked.

"A loyal and no-nonsense commander." Ash answered. "His battlefield exploits and good leadership skills had earned him respect of both clones and Jedi alike." Cody is a brilliant strategist, leading the 212th to victory after victory."

"Interesting..." Winter said with a small smile. "So he has like our Jaune when he is in combat."

"We're back, general." Cody announced.

"Good. The show is about to begin." Ren said with a smirk as he went back to scoping the enemy.

Cody and Slick then went to the rest of the Clones. "How's that cannon coming, boys?" Cody asked.

"We'll have this one back in business in no time, sir." A clone named Chopper answered.

"You know that remind me of the attack on Battle in Syria where you used the cannons on the enemy when we were severely outnumbered." Winter reminded as Jaune blushed remembering that

"Don't remind me it was sudden attack and I had no choice to use the cannon attack to protect our men and lessen our casulaties" Jaune said

"Ah, the typical ambush attack" Ironwood hummed as he scratched his chin." Clever strategy Jaune for trying to protect your men."

"Thanks." Jaune said

Ren was busy meanwhile as he was currently looking over at the streets below. He then saw a massive army of Battle Droids marching forwards.

"The droids are advancing." Ren informed.

The massive army of droids kept marching towards their objective. Like a bunch of mindless drones.

"I'm seeing a full battalion coming right on schedule." Chopper said as he used his own binoculars to see. He then noticed something very dangerous. A set of tanks coming with the droids.

"Tanks! They brought tanks." Chopper warned.

"That's gonna be a little difficult" Jeanne said, sounding a little worried for Izuku, and the other Jaune Clones.

"Don't worry, they don't know big brothers are in those towers." BLEU said

"I can't wait to see them take those droids down!" Rose said in an excited tone.

The Tanks kept coming along with the droid army. On top of one of the tanks was a T-Series Tactical Droid, then then moved his arm forwards, signalling the droids.

"He looks different than the others" Weiss pointed out.

"That is a T-Series Tactical Droid." Ash explained. "They were used for strategy for battles. But they are arrogant like glynda over there"

"Hey." Glynda said angry but was slapped unconscious by Joan

"A little closer..." Chopper whispered as he kept an eye on the droids, waiting for the right moment to strike.

But something completely unexpected happen. The Battle Droids started to split into three, each line going off in the left, right and centre of the road. "They're splitting up!" Chopper exclaimed in shock.

"What?" Slick said in surprise.

"Hang on! What?" Elena said in confusion.

The droids kept marching off into their headed direction.

"Why are they splitting up?" Velvet asked, worried.

"They wouldn't have reason to" Coco added.

"But why would they split up at all." Ironwood said.

"They wouldn't need to unless..." Salem said now worried.

"Something's gone wrong." Ren said in a worried tone. "Prepare all troops for-" Ren was about to order until the sounds of blaster fire was heard in the room.

Ren looked to see that the battle droids had made their way inside the building and had already killed a Clone, killing three more as they advanced in.

"NO BIG BROTHER!" Rose and bLEU gasped as Jeanne, Alex, Joan, Saphron flinched at the sight of Jaune getting shot and killed like that, they may be clones, but they were still Jaune.

"It was a trap!" Jaune said in anger.

"But how!?" Winter asked, shocked by the droids appearance.

Ren ignites his lightsaber and blocked the damage and reflected it back at the droids, using the force to push them back as The Clones were at attention and grabbed their weapons.

"Abort the mission!" Ren ordered as more droids piled into the room as Cody, Slick and the rest of the clones were being pushed back.

"Our position's been compromised!" A clone exclaimed as he looked behind his cover to see more battle droids, even shooting a clone who went out of his cover to try and take them on.

"Jaune!-" Coco quickly shouted out, worry

Those that truly love jaune were also not fond of seeing their blonde love/brother getting shot down by these machines.

More and more kept advancing in the tower, seeming like it was a never ending supply of deadly machines.

"Ren, what's going on?" Izuku asked as he could see the battle from his position.

"We're cut off." Ren said as he finished stabbing a droid. "The droids are onto us!"

"But how, how could they have found out?" Ruby asked her partner

"I have no idea Ruby " Weiss said

"They need to focus on getting out of there alive." Blake said worry for her crush

The droids kept coming as the Clones tried their best to fend them off, losing a few men in the process.

"Gunship, come in. Hawk, we need an e-vac in the south tower." Izuku ordered.

"Roger that, sir. We're coming." Hawk said as he piloted the gunship into their direction.

"South tower?" Rex said, confused. "We're in the north."

"Not for long." Izuku said as he activated his lightsaber and slashed the window, creating an x shape before using the force to blow it away. "Rex, fire your cables." Izuku ordered.

Rex nodded in response and with a wave of his hand, his men lined up and use their cables attached to their guns and fire it at the tower they were aiming at. Izuku and the 501st used their weapons to hold onto as they ziplinned their way down to the other tower.

"Blast them!" a Battle Droid ordered as he and all of the droid from below started to shoot at Izuku and his men.

One of them was shot but grazed while another unlucky clone was shot off the zip line and screamed as he fell to his death.

"Ouch." Jaune said.

"Not a good way to go" Elena said

Izuku used his lightsaber to deflect the blaster fire as he saw he was getter closer to the south tower. He then gave a powerful kick to the window as he entered the building, slicing down any droid in his path.

Rex and the rest of his men entered in as well as they entered the same room as Ren and Cody.

"This way is clear." Izuku said as he entered the room.

"How did you get over here?" Ren asked.

"I improvised." Izuku answered as he and his master kept reflecting the blaster fire and the Clones fired at the robots.

"They're going to need to get out of there" Weiss pointed out.

"Aw come on, Weiss" Nora groaned. "Have a little faith"

"I don't think they are going to make it." Port said

Ren then used the force to lift up the cannon in air and then tossed it at the droids, crashing into the door entrance. But it didn't stop the droids from advancing as Jaune, Ren and the rest of the clones started to fall back into the elevator as it closed its doors and ascended up to the roof.

The lift reached up as everyone got out of the lift and onto the roof, but the gunship wasn't here just yet. They reached the edge of the platform.

"Now what?" Jaune asked.

His question went unanswered as the droids came out of the elevator and started to shoot at the Jedi and Clones, surprising them but fired back and Ren and Izuku went forwards and sliced up the murder machines.

"Told you." Port said

"Shut you old bastard." Jaune and his girlfriend said

Rex and Cody covered for their Jedi Generals as they went to work taking down the droids, Izuku performing a leap and killing a droid. Izuku and Ren continued to take down droids side by side.

While they were busy, the left elevator opening, with more battle droids and the Tactical Droid with them.

But luckily for the Republic, the LAAT Gunship had just arrived on time as it hovered near the platform and opened its doors for them.

"Yes!" Velvet chanted to relief along with some breathing a sigh of relief

But the Tactical Droid managed to get a shot off, killing a clone in the process.

"Damn!" Yae cursed. "And he almost made it as well."

"I really starting to think droids are a bad idea now!" Ironwood said

Izuku and Ren finished off their droids and headed for the ship. One of the clones then ran towards the Tactical Droid, put him into a headlock and then proceeded to rip off its own head.

"Damn, that Jaune is really brutal!" Coco said in shock.

The Clone ran off to the gunship as he, iZUJU and Ren entered the gunship as The Clones stepped back as one of them was shot in the arm and held it in pain.

The Clones then proceeded to enter the ship, all the while the headless Tactical Droid kept shooting wildly while the other droids tried to shoot it down. But it was too late as it got away from the tower.

"They made it" Ei said smiling.

"With few exceptions..." Weiss said to only be slapped by Ei

"Shut up no one care about your opinion." Ei said

Captain Rex held the head of the Tactical Droid in his hands. "Maybe this tactical droid will tell us how they knew our plan."

Hours later, the remaining Clones were currently had their base of operations at night. The clones were currently walking by a massive crawler called the AT-TE.

Inside the briefing room, Rex and Cody were currently looking over the data in the droid's head. Rex plugged in the wires into the head and it started to show a holomap before them.

The voice of the Tactical droid then spoke. "The Republic army is in the north and south towers: level 46."

"So they knew where they would be..." Winter hummed as she looked at the map.

"But that still doesn't explain how they knew where they would be." Jaune said.

"Maybe they had their own recon scouts?" Winter suggested.

"Doubtful." Jaune said. "Izuku, Ren and my clones seemed to have a grip so that the droids wouldn't find out."

"It just doesn't make sense." Rex said.

Suddenly the droids head started to malfunction and suddenly shut off as steamed blowed off its head.

"Blast!" Rex cursed.

"Damn, must of burned it all up" Qrow said.

The Astromech, known as R2-D2 beeped in response as it wheeled away.

"Who is that droid?" Pyrrha asked.

"That's R2-D2, Izuku personal Astromech droid" ash said.

"Aw, he's cute!" Rose said as she went over and sat on her big brother lap

"I have to agree with her." Indigo said smiling

"Well, at least we're not the only ones having a bad day." Izuku quipped as he walked in with Ren.

"Generals, they had all our intel." Rex informed.

"That would explain the ambush." Izuku said. "How could we have left ourselves so vulnerable to a security breach?" Izuku asked.

"I don't think we did." Ren said as he turned away from a chart.

"You think someone- infiltrated our defences?" Izuku asked, thinking the idea was very possible.

"Possibly." Ren answered. "It'd have to be someone cunning and resourceful enough to gain access to all our plans." The master Jedi explained.

"Sounds reasonable enough" Watt said.

"They are lucky I am not in that universe or else I would be torturing the fool who did it!" Salem said,

"But that's still wouldn't explain how they got our Intel." Izuku pointed out.

"No. You're right." Ren agreed with his former padawan as he looked over the droid head. "They wouldn't act alone. They'd have someone working with them."

"A spy, sir?" Cody said, shocked. "But who would want to betray our troops to the Seppies?" The 212th Commander asked.

"Excellent question, Commander." Ren complimented. "Perhaps it's time we made a visit behind enemy lines. I think we'll find our answers there." Ren said as he stroked his beard.

"We'll get right on it." Cody said.

"No, Commander." Ren denied. "I need you here to find the security breach."

"You can count on us, sir." Commander Cody said with determination.

"One more thing: this mission is extremely confidential." Ren said. "The spy could be anyone. Let no one know of our mission."

"Understood, sir." Captain Rex nodded.

Izuku and Ren nodded in response as they headed towards the elevator.

As they left, Cody gestured to Rex to get to work on finding the spy. The Arc nodded and went to work. Cody would've joined him but he heard a beeping sound.

The Commander looked down to see a device beeping comm unit in front of him.

Cody picked it up and examined it. "Someone left this comlink on." Cody said as Rex turned around. "Someone has been listening to everything we said."

"Shit its the spy!" Jaune said.

"He must have left that to gain more Intel." Lumine said.

"So, he's still in the complex." Cinder said.

Captain Rex then turned to the hallway and instantly saw a figure who ran once the Captain saw him.

"Hey! Stop!" Rex commanded.

"Get him!" Coco and Joan said, glaring at the screen.

Rex and Cody then ran through the hallway to pursuit the possible spy.

"Who's that?" Commander Cody asked as he and Rex continued their chase.

The kept running to see the spy moved to the left. "I'll follow him. You take the west corridor." Cody said.

"I'm on it." Rex said as he made a turn in one direction while Cody ran to the other. Cody and Rex kept moving to try and catch the spy, Rex pulling out a DC-17 hand blaster.

The 501st Captain then Rex the doors and saw a shadow coming near him. He pointed his gun, hoping to catch him by surprise.

But it was Commander Cody that ran towards him, not the spy. The both turned to the doors in front of them.

"He must have gone in the mess hall." Rex said. He then accessed the panel near him and opened the doors.

Rex and Cody entered the room to find that the only people that were here, were Clone Troopers.

"We've got a big problem." Cody said.

"Yeah. The only people in here are brothers." Rex said seriously.

Everyone in the room all looked shocked

"This is definitely problematic." Ozpin said.

"Yeah, a big one." Qrow said as he takes a swig.

"It could be any of my clone." Jaune said agreeing with them.

"But why aren't you a good guy." Ruby said "It doesn't make sense Jaune is a good guy."

"Some clone hated the war so they would betray the republic." Ash said but before Ruby could talk Ash shoved some hotdogs into her mouth

The screen then wiped to Cody and Rex heading back to the briefing room, processing the new information they had.

"One of us? Great," Rex said sarcastically. "But which one?"

"We'll have to wait for his next move. Keep this to ourselves." Cody said.

"Better contact the Jedi." Rex advised.

"I'm on it." Cody said as he went to contact them while Rex looked over the battle droid head, R2 just beeping his own language at this.

Cody went over to the terminal and then proceed to contact the Jedi.

Meanwhile, in the middle of an abandoned road, Ren and Izuku were currently riding on BARC speeder bikes as they head for their destination.

A group of battle droids watched them on top of a bridge. "Don't shoot. Just keep their communications jammed." The lead droid commanded.

"Roger. Roger." All the droids said as they lowered their weapons.

"Here we go again with this trap?" Jaune said.

"You encounter this trap before" Juniper asked her son

"Yep" Jaune sighed.

Back at the briefing station.

"We can't reach General. Whoever it is has blocked our communications." Cody said. "We're gonna have to find this guy ourselves."

Rex thought about what they were gonna do next. He then got an idea in his head. He then turned to Izuku;s droid. "R2, come over here and plug in." R2 beeped in response and accessed the terminal.

"What are you doing?" Cody asked.

Captain Rex answered. "The guard got his messages out there somehow." Rex explained. "We just got to find them."

"What do you think? He just sat down and wrote a note?" Cody joked.

Back with Ren and Izuku, they continued to drive their way to their destination, all the while being observed by Battle Droids.

"We appear to have picked up some friends." Izuku said.

"Indeed." Ren agreed. "In fact, I believe the number of eyes watching us has been steadily growing."

"Great. Perhaps this means our adversary has learned about our mission." Izuku said in annoyance.

"Perhaps it does." Ren simply said.

"Of course, nobody's tried to stop us yet." Izuku pointed out.

"Also true." Ren said.

"They want us to get to the Separatist headquarters, which means this is a trap." Izuku explained.

"I imagine it is." Ren quipped.

"Well, that's unfortunate for them" Izuku said with a cocky smirk.

Ren noticed this but smiled anyway.

"Oh good grief it wasn't our Izuku and Jaune. They will blow up an entire city."Elena said as everyone looked at Jaune who blushes deep red in embarrasment

"That was one time and it was an abandoned city." Jaune said

"We are going to have a long chat mister." Juniper said as jaune gulped

Back with Rex and Cody, they looked over a datapad filled with new info as R2 beeped.

"R2's found something." Rex said, gaining the Commanders attention.

"What is it? Is it the traitor?" Cody asked.

Rex looked over the datapad that had wavelengths on it. "I'm not sure. Maybe" Rex said.

"What is he looking for?" Cody asked.

"Wavelength interference, weak frequencies, spotty, irregular." Rex listed out. "See, how it shows up every few days then disappears?" Rex said as he showed it to Cody. "Day to day, you wouldn't notice it."

R2 beeped in response.

Rex then noticed something on the pad.

"What?" Cody asked.

"It's the pattern." Rex said as he continued to look over the pad. "The band's only coming off one terminal in the whole base." Rex said. He then gave it to Cody. "Check it out."

"Hmm. Slick's barracks." Cody said. "Only Slick's men would have access to that terminal."

"So, we got a lead." Alex said.

"Hopefully, My grandsons will be able to sniff out the traitor before more harm is done" Salem said

"Yeah. Slick's not gonna like that." Rex said.

"No, he's not." Cody said in a serious tone. "But if one of his men is giving away our Intel, we have to find him and sort this out."

R2-D2 beeped at this as he turned to look out the window to see the barracks down below.

Back in the streets, Izuku and Ren barked their bikes once they reached their destination, a large building complex.

"No guards, no barricades, you'd think the Separatist headquarters would be better protected." Izuku jokes as he and Ren walked up to the door.

"But clearly, keeping us out is not what they intend." Ren said. He then used the force to open the doors, the two Jedi started to enter the complex.

Meanwhile at the barracks, Slick was told about the traitor and was not happy who it could've been. "No way. My guys are the best. No way they're capable of something like this." Slick denied as he crossed his arms.

"I've seen a lot of sergeants that speak fondly of their men." Jaune said

"Something like what?" one of his men asked.

Slick turned to his entire platoon enter the barracks.

"Oh, this is gonna be good" Yang whistled.

"No doubt" Blake said in agreement.

"You called them here?" Slick asked.

"Of course we did." Rex answered. "We're getting to the bottom of this Now." Rex said in a serious tone.

Slick sighed in response of this. "Look, let me have a few minutes with them first." The Sargent asked. "It's gonna hit them hard. They trust each other, and if one of our own betrayed us..."

"I don't think that's necessary." Cody said, interrupting Slick and walked to the men. "Your men are tough, right?" Cody asked as he inspected the Clones who were at full attention.

"Take a seat, gentlemen." Cody ordered as they scattered around to sit and listen to the commander. "We have a turncoat in our midst, and we think it's one of you." Cody said as he began to interrogate each and every one of them.

Back in the complex, Izuku and Ren took an elevator above to find their target. They exited out to see a large staircase in front of them.

"So this is the belly of the beast." Izuku remarked as a cloaked figure appeared beside him.

Izuku turned to see the figure, someone that he and Ren knew a great deal. She removed her hood to reveal herself to be Pyrrha Nikos, Sith Assassin.

"WAIT WHAT!!!" Pyrrha said shocked

"Oh yeah this is going to be fun." Jaune said smirking wanting to see Pyrrha ass kicked

"But..I am not a bad guy I always." Pyrrha was cut off "YOU ABANDONED ME REMEMBER" Jaune yelled cutting Pyrrha off as she begin to tear up

"Pyrrha. And here I thought this mission would be unpleasant." Ren remarked.

"The pleasure's all mine, my dear Ren." Pyrrha coolly remarked and removed her cloak. "I've missed you."

Ren and Pyrrha looked at Nora had a fire in ear eyes as she looks at her Pyrrha

Back in the barracks, Cody and Rex were staring off the interrogation with the first man, Jester.

Jester looked up to see Rex and Cody looking down at him. "I don't know, I was doing the things I always do after a mission." Jester explained nervously as he twiddled with his fingers.

"Things like what?" Rex asked.

"I'm sorry, sir." Jester gulped. "I'm just a little nervous. You're my C.O."

"I feel kinda bad for him" Elena said with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Right now, I feel bad for none of them" Jaune stated.

"Wow, talk about cold to yourself" Ei said.

"For all we know, any one of them could be the traitor, and some of them could be putting on an act." Jaune said looking at his clone selfies "I will show sympathy if they can prove that they are not the traitor"

"The way I figure it, you tell the truth, you got nothing to be nervous about." Rex explained.

"Jester is telling the truth." A clone said as Cody and Rex turned to another Clone named Punch. "He cleans his weapon after every mission. First thing, every time. He's kind of obsessed that way." Punch explained.

"Is that right?" Cody asked. "You were cleaning your weapon?"

"Yes, sir." Jester answered.

"Go on the computer while you were in here?" Cody asked

Jester shook his head in response. "No, sir. I didn't even power it up. You can check."

Rex turned to Cody at this. "Show me your weapon." Cody ordered. Jester then handed Cody his gun and the 212th Commander inspected it properly. "Yep, freshly scrubbed.

"The rag's over there in the corner." Jester pointed out as he took his gun back.

"Good man." Cody nodded. He then turned to the clone behind him. "You. You were cleaning your weapon too?"

No, I was hungry. I went back to the mess." Punch answered.

"Right away?" Rex asked.

"Oh yeah." Punch answered.

"Anyone with you?" Rex pressed on.

"No wonder you're the leader in the interrogation ." Lumine said.

"It a skill that I learned from big brother" Jaune said as Ash smiled

"Sketch, sir." Punch said, gesturing to the clone sitting right next to him.

"Man, a lot of these names are kind weird" Saphron commented.

"At least we can tell them apart." Jeanne said to her younger sister

"We got to the mess at the same time, got our grub, and sat together." Sketch carefully listed out as not to make a single mistake.

"Anyone else in the mess able to confirm what you two are saying?" Rex asked intensely.

"Lots of guys there. Ask any of them." Sketch said

"Oh, we will." Rex said with an edge to his voice.

"Captain, give me a moment with them." Slick pleaded with him.

"No, its okay, Sarge. I got nothing to hide." The clone, named Gus said. "I was in the infirmary." Gus said as he pointed at his bandaged arm.

"Got banged up pretty good by one of those clankers. A med droid was fixing me up." Gus said as Cody took a closer look at the arm. "Doc's got all the records there if you want to check.".

"That leaves only one clone." Cinder said

"I am betting you that the traitor." Yang said

"So, Chopper, old boy, what's your alibi?" Rex asked.

"I was in the mess hall." Chopper nonchalantly answered.

"No, you weren't!" Sketch called out as he stood up, gaining everyone's attention and looking a little suspicious, "I mean, you..."

"If you know something, kid, you should speak up." Cody said sternly..

"Chopper came in a lot later. After everyone else." Sketch said as the rest of the clones stood up, along with Slick while Chopper looked around him.

Back in the complex, Pyrrha Nikos was facing off against the Jedi and pulled out two lightsabers and activated them, glowing red as she evilly smirked.

Izuku and Ren did the same thing. Pyrrha then ran up the stairs, Ren and Izuku chasing after her. "My loyal informant let me know you were coming." Pyrrha coolly mocked.

"Well, then, we thank you for your hospitality." Ren remarked.

Izuku growled in anger and charged towards Pyrrha who smirked in response. They charged at each other, parrying and thrusting their blades at each other, hope for one of them to win against the other.

"Get Her Izuku" Jaune said.

Back within the barracks, Rex and Cody were still interrogating Chopper.

"Where were you before you went to the mess, Chopper?" Rex asked.

"Nowhere. Walking around." Chopper answered vaguely.

"It has to be him." Weiss said. "He looking real suspicious "

"We don't know just yet." Ruby said

"Son, you know we'll need a better answer than that." Cody said, wanting the right answer this time.

Chopper sighed at this. "I was...hiding at the south exit." Chopper said. He then grabbed something behind him. "I didn't want anyone to see me string these together."

Chopper then showed the item in his hand. A wire with the fingers of droids.

"Battle droid fingers." Rex scowled.

"I-I just...I just wanted something back." Chopper said bitterly. "I guess I felt they owed me."

"I always knew there was something deficient about you." Gus remarked as he and the other clones stood up against him.

Chopper didn't say anything in response and turned his back away from them.

"This isn't good, Chopper." Slick reprimanded. "Lying about where you were, taking forbidden items from a battlefield." The Sargent listed out as he walked towards the clone.

"I know." Chopper bluntly said.

"I put up with the attitude 'cause you have skill." Slick said as he crossed his arms. "But if you could break these rules, your whole character's in question here."

"Wait, no! Hang on." Chopper quickly said as he got up. "I'm no spy!"

"Something doesn't feel right..." Elena muttered.

"What do you mean, Babe?" Izuku asked.

"I feel like there should be more to this." Elena said.

"Well, at least they found the spy" Ei said.

"No..." Elena said as she kept watching. "I don't think they did."

Pyrrha was currently facing off against both Ren and Izuku, struggling to keep her ground as she tried to use the force and throw an object towards them, only for Ren to slice it in half..

Back in the barracks, all of the clones now believed that Chopper was the spy as he tried to insist that he wasn't.

"Chopper, we're all brothers. But how can we trust anything you say now?" Slick asked in an accusatory tone.

"No, sir, I'm telling you, I did not-" Chopper tried to explain to Rex and Cody but was interrupted by Slick.

"It's okay. We'll get you a proper investigation." Slick assured but placing a hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to say anything till the Jedi come back and talk to you." Slick explained.

Jaune eyes narrow narrow in suspicion at Slick's mention of the Jedi coming along with Winter

"Wait a second..." Jaune and Winter muttered.

Lumine was having the same feeling as her.

"Maybe you should talk, sir." Chopper said, throwing his hand away. Tell them where you went." Chopper said as Rex and Cody listened. "I was at the south exit, remember? I saw you go in go in, sir. I saw you." Chopper accused as Slick stepped back a bit.

"Wait, what?" Joan said surprised.

"Did he?" Saphron asked.

"He did." Alex said shocked.

"Chopper, I have been patient..." Slick tried to pacify.

"Everyone else turned right toward the barracks and the mess. You turned left, toward the command centre." Chopper pointed out. "Where were you going, sir?" Chopper asked intensely.

"Obviously, the kid feels cornered." Slick tried to avoid the subject.

"Sergeant, what did you mean, "Till the Jedi come back?" Cody asked as walked towards Slick. "How did you know the Jedi were gone?

Every one of the clones in the room was glaring at the Sargent, waiting for an answer from the Sargent.

"Dumbass..." Jaune said as he realized what the Sargent mistake.

"You think he would be smart enough not to mention the Jedi." Elena said

"I really wish you hadn't noticed that, sir." Slick said with an edge in his voice. He then sucker punched Cody and jabbed Chopper in the face. He then made a dive out the way.

"Oh that got to hurt!" Coco cursed.

"It's Slick?" Rex said in shock as Slick rolled and ran out of the barracks. "Slick's the traitor?!" Rex exclaimed as he and Cody ran after him while the rest of Slick's men stood there dumbfounded.

Back at the complex, Pyrrha was on the offensive against the Jedi, blocking their moves. After a few hits and misses, Pyrrha turned tail and fled, with Izuku and Ren running after her in another part of the building, mainly the liberty area.

She moved her hand up and used the force on the books to bull them out and began to throw them at Izuku and Ren.

But Ren managed to catch it using his own force power. Izuku joined in and added his own force power to throw the books back against Pyrrha.

Back at the Republican Base, Rex and Cody was now on the hunt for the traitor, Slick, currently in the weapons depo yard. Carefully moving around to find their clone.

Rex looked down on his wrist to see a ping point on his map "I've got someone by the gunships." Rex informed.

"That's our Slick." Cody said as he and Rex went after the signal. "Now that he's exposed, he has to get out of this base."

The Clones were getting closer towards the signal. "There's no escape now, you piece of rankweed!" Rex called out as he and Cody were moving towards an LAAT Gunship..

But when they got there, the only thing there was Slick's belt, left on the ground. But it was beeping red for some reason.

"That's not a good sign!" Ruby said with worry.

"It's gonna blow!" Saphron.

"RUN YOU FOOLS" Jaune said

Rex knew what this was and immediately acted. "Move. Move!" Rex yelled as he and Cody ran out of there as a bomb went off, destroying the gunship.

Suddenly, more explosions reigned down as AT-TE's and gunships were being blown up to bits and Clones were running out of the way of the explosions.

"He took out our weapons depot." Cody exclaimed in anger.

The men from Slick's barracks watched in shock at this sight.

"He knew where we'd look. He's not trying to escape." Rex stated as he and Cody stood back up.

"He knows all our moves before we even make them." Cody said.

back to the complex where Ren and Izuku dealing with Pyrrha.

"Give up, Pyrrha!" Ren demanded.

"I am all yours," Pyrrha said in a seductive tone as she sat down on the ground.

Ren and Izuku walked towards the Sith, igniting their lightsabers to make sure they were well defended.

But Pyrrha activated her lightsabers into the ground, causing the entire floor to give up and Ren and Izuku to fall to the lower level.

Pyrrha stood up, disengaging her lightsabers. "You've served your purpose." Pyrrha mocked.

"We have to get back. Now!" Izuku said.

"It's already too late. So hard to know whom to trust these days, isn't it?" Pyrrha said in a mocking tone towards the Jedi.

"What's the plan, Master?" Izuku asked, a little agitated by Pyrrha mocking.

"Bringing us here was a mistake, my sweet." Ren stated. "You've overestimated your abilities."

"Really?" Pyrrha asked. She then turned away and fled as Ren and Izuku force jumped back up to where they were and went after the Sith.

Pyrrha used her blades to cut through the window before her. She then ran, Izuku and Ren following as she leaped off the roof.

In actuality, she had landed on an Octuptarra Combat Tri-Droid "Come and get me, boys!" Pyrrha challenged as behind her was a massive armour of battle droids and their weapons and vehicles.

"That is a huge army!" Ei said in awe.

"No kidding" Lumine said.

"You didn't tell us you were bringing friends." Ren quipped.

"Poor Ren. You've been betrayed. And now we're about to take control of this world." Pyrrha said in a mocking and defiant tone.

Back at the base, Rex and Cody were currently dealing with the aftermath of Slick's sabotage.

"How do we get this guy?" Rex asked in a frustrated tone as he pinched his forehead.

"Sir." Gus spoke up. "Slick ran into the command centre." The Clone pointed at the location.

"This need to end or slick could do more damage." Alex said

"You guys stay here. Seal the perimeter." Cody commanded as he and Rex ran for the command station.

Back at the building, Izuku and Ren were squaring off against Pyrrha. They both leapt onto the legs of the massive droid and proceeded to slice its legs and it began to fall, causing Pyrrha to stumble.

The Octuptarra then started to fall off the building and into the ground. Not before Pyrrha charged at Izuku who managed to block in time.

"Izuku!" Ren called out, gaining his attention as the two Jedi then leapt off the falling droid and jumped onto two STAP Speeders, knocking off the driver droids in the process.

"Good. Now we can head back to the base and help Cody and Rex." Ren said.

Pyrrha managed to jump off the droid in time and landed on the ground with ease. She stood up and looked above to see the Jedi fleeing.

"Prepare to march on the city." Pyrrha commanded.

In one of the tanks, a blue alien gave a hand motion, causing the army to move out.

Pyrrha walked with a Tactical Droid. "Have General Loathsom delay the Jedi as long as possible. I will need time to execute the next part of my Master's plan." Pyrrha ordered.

"Yes, Mistress." The Tactical Droid completed as Pyrrha walked up to her own ship, ready to enact the rest of her own plan.

"What is she up to now?" Jaune asked.

"A tale for another time" Ash said. "Maybe..."

Back in the Republic Base, Rex and Cody had entered back into the commander centre looking around for the traitor. Nowhere in sight. But really, he was hiding in the air ducts above, watching over the doting clones.

"How long does he intend to hide there?" Winter asked, glaring at the traitor.

"As long as they don't see him, long enough" Jaune answered.

"Pretend you're Slick. What's in your head?" Cody asked rhetorically as he continued to look around.

"My covers blown, it's time to go, but I decide not to use a ship because it's too obvious." Rex counted as he kneeled down. He then looked at Cody, but then gave a brief look up, as did Cody and saw something in the vents, giving each other a subtle look, they thought of something...

"The lockdown." Cody said. "He wants to get around the lockdown."

Jaune knew what they were going to do as Jeanne and Joan smirked knowing what Jaune clones are trying to do

"He's blinded us by taking out the power. He could disable the entire security system." Rex said as he "figured" it out.

"Yeah." Cody agreed as he put his gun down at the table "But he knows we'd expect him to do that." Cody said as he turned his back to face the chart.

Slick saw his opportunity and carefully slide the gate away, leaving the vent open.

"Or does he? Yeah, I see what you're getting at." Rex said as he walked away from the table.

"Go to the south exit." Cody told.

"What are you gonna do?" Rex asked.

"I'll stay here, get the power back up. That'll help." Cody said as he turned back to the chart.

"Got it." Rex nodded as he left the room, but stood by the door, waiting.

Slick then carefully dropped down into the room without making any noise. He then carefully walked towards Cody's gun, not noticing his smirk.

"Hey, there, Slick." Cody calmly greeted as the traitor pointed the gun at Cody's head. "Gun's empty." Cody said as he held up its ammo clip.

Slicks eyes widen as he realizes he's been duped as Rex appeared behind him, pointing his gun at the traitor.

Qrow smirked at this. "Ha! Nice move, kid!"

Saphron and the others was smiling proudly. "That's my little/big brother!"

Salem was also smiling at the commander's strategy.

"You know what's funny, traitor?" Rex asked. "We knew you'd never take a chance on the exits while they were blocked."

"I'd stay here to open them myself first." Slick said as Cody turned and took the empty gun off him, loaded in the clip and pointed it at Slick. "Just like you."

"Don't do a job till you've guaranteed the best odds, right?" Rex said as he jabbed the gun at Slick, causing him to put his hands up and for Rex to point the blaster directly at his face.

"You knew I was here." Slick said, stating the obvious.

"Of course we knew." Rex said as he held the gun with one hand. "You think we wouldn't have a plan?"

"I'm not the traitor..." Slick said, slowly raising his hands up. "YOU ARE!" Slick yelled as he grabbed the gun off Rex and they both struggled for it.

"Oh no!" Blake said

Slick then jabbed rex with his elbow, causing the 501st Captain to fall to the ground as Slick pointed his gun at him.

"Jaune!" Jaune girlfriends and sister cried out in terror.

"Don't you dare!" Salem threatened.

But Commander Cody charged with his gun on hand as Slick swatted it away with his gun and pointed it at Cody. But Cody quickly pulled it up as a single blaster bolt fired in the air.

Cody took the gun off him, turned around and jabbed him in the chest. He went for another punch, but Slick narrowly avoided it and managed to knee him in the head, causing Cody to stumble back.

Slick then went for his escape only for Cody to catch him and make him fall to the ground. Cody then went up and tried to punch Slick as he blocked the punches with his arms.

"Take 'em down, Cody!" Coco cheered.

"All of you just blindly following orders, for what?!" Slick yelled in anger as he was punched a few times. Slick locked the commander with his legs and turned him around in his position as Cody blocked Slick's punches.

Winter, Jaune, Ironwood glared at Slick for his statement

"At least I got something out of all this suffering." Slick said as he continued his assault.

"At the cost of lives!" Jaune said to his clone self .

Rex then came up behind the traitor and put him into a headlock and pulled him back. "I bet you sold out your brothers for some real shiny coin. Huh?" Rex angrily asked.

Cody looked up in pain as Slick then head-butted the 501st Captain, causing him to let go as Slick gave another punch and grabbed the Captain by the leg.

Slick then proceeded to pull it into the other direction, causing Rex to yell in pain.

"Yes, she offered me money." Slick admitted as he stood up. "But she offered me something more important. Something you wouldn't understand. Freedom!"

Slick didn't notice as Cody came up to him and sucker punched him, causing him to be sent to the other side of the room, stopping the traitor.

Moments later, Slick was now in cuffs as Rex was leading him away. "I think freedom's gonna have to wait, kid." Rex said.

Rex and Cody stood as Izuku and Ren came back to see what was happening.

"Slick? It was you?" Ren said in surprise.

"He gave us a bit of a chase, sir." Rex informed.

"You couldn't be a greater disappointment." Izuku said bitterly. "How could you do this to your brothers?"

Slick scoffed in response at that question. "Only a Jedi would ask that. It's the Jedi who keep my brothers enslaved." Slick said with anger. "We do your bidding. We serve at your whim. I just wanted something more."

"And all you had to do to get it was put the rest of us all at risk." Rex said with clear disappointment in his voice.

"I...I love my brothers." Slick said. "You're too blind to see it, but I was striking the blow for all clones."

"At the cost of your own brothers" Joan said in disappointment.

"If you loved your brothers, you wouldn't have put them at risk." Cody pointed out.

"You betrayed every one of us." Rex said to the former Clone Trooper.

"Take him to lockup." Cody ordered the two clones beside him and grabbed Slick and hauled him away.

"Were you able to salvage anything from the weapons depot?" Ren asked as he stretched his beard.

"Slick pretty much scorched the whole thing." Rex regretfully informed. "That seemed to be what he was going for all along."

"We managed to save the heavy cannons, though." Cody brought up.

"That's good, 'cause there are about a thousand Battle Droids on their way here" Ren said.

"The fight goes on, gentlemen." Izuku said as he and Ren walked away to continue the war effort. The Battle for Christophsis going on.

"So, Everyone we are taking a break." Ash asked, once the viewing was over.

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