meet our new fosters + let's name them!
*I know this is REALLY really late and I am really sorry about that! I've been trying my best to keep up! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️*
Meet Our New Foster Mama + 5 Baby Girls!
The Preda Fam
6.1M Subscribers
OOPS... we did it again! We have more kittens in our house! We rescued this amazing Mama with her FIVE baby girl kittens, yes five girls kittens from the kill shelter! Our family is so blessed to be able to foster and to help animals in need! It is also such a service for our children to learn how to help others. The kittens are a few weeks old now and they are so much fun at this stage! Mama is also such a sweet girl! We really want to give the kittens a fun name theme since they are all the same gender! Please leave your suggestions down below! We will film a name reveal in a few days! 🤍🖤🤍🤎🤎
"Hellur everyone! Good afternoon! It has been a while since we filmed a video on this channel! It has been a super busy last couple of weeks with the school year ending and everything else going on! But we are back on filming vlogs on this channel!" Daniel says with some happy sass as he fixes his hair and walks into the foster room.
"Anyway, I have decided to film a video introducing our brand new fosters with all of you! This is the only time we have to introduce them to all of you because of our busy schedule! The last couple of days, we have been getting them all settled in into our home! Right now, the little kids are napping and the older kids are outside having a play date with some friends! Joey is in the master bedroom with Eden, she has a little stomach bug and wants Daddy cuddles." Daniel says to the vlogging camera.
"We rescued a Mama cat and her five beautiful baby girls from the kill shelter about a week or so ago! They are all so precious and we love them already! Here is Mama right here! Hey Mama! Hi!" Daniel says as he vlogs Mama cat.
"She is very shy and she absolutely LOVES to eat! She is a dainty princess and she will be a fluffy girl before we know it." Daniel says as he vlogs Mama cat some more.
"Mama, can I show everybody your babies? Is that okay?" Daniel says as Mama wags her tails and purrs a little making Daniel smile.
"She is such a good girl." Daniel says as he softly pets Mama and she purrs some more.
"Okay! Let me show you guys the five kittens! They love to stay in this carrier because it is cosy, but we have been taking them out to walk around some! They are still little so they don't do much yet. So let me show you guys our foster babes!" Daniel says as he sets his vlogging camera down and smiles at the kittens.
"Okay, let me just show you all the kittens one by one!" David says with a cheeky grin.
Daniel pulls the first kitten out of the carrier and holds her in front of the vlogging camera to show everyone!
"This is the first kitten out of the bunch of girlies! She is a gray girly and she loves to meow and purr! She is the most talkative out of the bunch I'd say and she is Luna and River's favorite!" Daniel says with a big cheeky grin.
"Meow. Meow." The gray kitten says making Daniel smile ear to ear.
"Hi, gray princess! Let me put you back with your sisters!" Daniel says putting the gray kitten back in the carrier.
Daniel pulls the second kitten out of the carrier and holds her in front of the vlogging camera to show everyone!
"This is one of the twins! I think it is so fun to have twin kittens and the kids really think it's awesome! We have a lot of trouble telling them apart so we need to figure out a way and fast! We don't want to but collars on them since cats don't really like them." Daniel explains to the vlogging camera, showing off one of the kitten twins.
"Meow. Meow." The kitten says softly, making Daniel smile ear to ear.
"Hi, Twin A princess! Hi! This kitten and her twin kind of looks like little tigers! Like with their stripes, not their color obviously! The twins are super close so we may have to adopt them together but we aren't sure yet! The twins are Haven's favorite!" Daniel says with a grin.
Daniel then puts the first twin kitten back in the carrier and he pulls the third kitten out of the carrier and holds her in front of the vlogging camera to show everyone!
"This is the second twin! She is a little more shy then her twin sis is Hello, Twin B princess! Hello!" Daniel says with a big grin.
"Meow. Meow." The kitten says softly, making Daniel smile ear to ear.
"Literally these two look the complete same! IDENTICAL TWINS! I don't know how people do it with identical twins and know who is who! I can't imagine naming twins and then telling them the wrong name their whole life!" Daniel says playfully to the vlogging camera.
"I have absolutely no idea how to tell them apart and neither can Joey. All of our kids are trying figure out what's differences are, so we know!" Daniel says as he puts the second twin kitten back in the carrier.
Daniel then pulls the fourth kitten out of the carrier and holds her in front of the vlogging camera to show everyone!
"This is the fourth kitten out of the bunch of girlies! She is a black girly and she is sassy! Look at her long nails, she is such a model already! She reminds me of a little Sakura!" Daniel says with a smile.
"Meow meow meow meow." The kittens says loudly making Daniel chuckle and smile.
"A sassy little girl just like Sakura! This kitten is Maxwell's favorite!" Daniel says with a grin.
Daniel puts the kitten back in the carrier and he pulls the fifth and final kitten out of the carrier and holds her in front of the vlogging camera to show everyone!
"This is the fifth and final kitten out of the bunch of girlies! She is a white girly just like her mama is! She is all of our favorites I think!" Daniel says with a big grin.
"Meow!" The kitten says as Daniel smiles happily.
"All of the kittens are our favorites I think! And I an pretty sure we are not keeping anyone but who knows to be honest!" Daniel says as he chuckles and smiles.
"Mama cat has been around our other cats a few times but not a lot and she seems to get along with everyone but the kittens we keep in here to keep them safe. They have been to the vet for a quick check up but that's about it." Daniel explains to the vlogging camera
"Well, I hope you guys enjoyed meeting our foster mama and her five baby girls! We will definitely vlog them more in our vlogs and post more pictures of them on our Instagram pages! We will see you all next time! Good damn bye!" Daniel says with a big cheeky smile as he finishes the vlog!
A Few Days Later
Naming Our Newborn Rescue Kittens + Their Mama!
The Preda Fam
6.1M Subscribers
We named our five girlie rescue kittens and their Mama! Did you guys guess the name theme right? We love our new girlies and they are growing up so fast! 🤍🤍🖤🤍🤎🤎 Leave your guesses on what their names are below and comment back to see if you guessed correctly!
"Ahh good day everyone! Welcome to today's video! Today, is the kitten naming ceremony! Me and a few of the kids will tell all of you the kittens and Mama's names! Say hello to my naming ceremony assistants!" Joey says with a smile as he vlogs River, Luna, Haven, Maxwell and Everett.
"Hi, guys!" Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River all say in unison with big smiles at the vlogging camera as they all wave.
"Aspen has some of her best friends over, Eden and Ash are with Maria and Daniel is working downstairs with the babies if you are wondering where everyone else is!" Joey says with a cheeky grin.
"Let's go visit the kittens and their Mama!" Joey says as he, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River all happily walk into the foster room!
"The kittens must be hanging out in their favorite corner over there!" Joey says to the vlogging camera.
"Yeah! They wuv the corner!" River says as he flaps his hands happily.
River, Luna, Haven, Maxwell, Everett and Joey all walk over to the Mama cat who is sitting on the couch near her babies.
"Hi, Mama!" Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River all say in unison as they all pet and hug Mama one by one.
"This is Mama but she has a new name now! Can we tell everybody her name first, Daddy?" Haven asks Joey as they pet Mama.
"Yeah! Can we tell them, Daddy?" Luna asks Joey happily.
"Sure! You can tell them! Havey, do you wanna tell tell them?" Joey asks Haven and Haven happily nods.
"This is Mama and her new name is Daenerys!Daenerys means queen of dragons! This name was on the TV show Game of Thrones!" Haven says proudly and they smile.
"That's right, Havey! There was a character on the show named Daenerys Targaryen! Daenerys has super bright blonde hair that looks l white and that's what color Daenerys is!" Joey says happily as he rubs Daenerys' back softly.
"She is such a good girl and a wonder Mama!" Joey says proudly making all of the kids smile.
Joey, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River all walk over to where the kittens are sitting and the five of them are cuddling with a each other!
"Look at these little cuties! Hi, girlies! Hi! Are you girlies taking a nap? Or are you girlies cuddling?
"Aww! They so cute!" River says as he giggles and smiles.
"I love the kittens! I'm so glad we are helping them!" Luna says happily.
"Me too!" Maxwell and Haven both say in unison, agreeing with Luna.
"Me too! Me too! It is really fun to help foster animals and kill shelter animals and give them the best homes!" Everett says with a smile.
"These kittens haven't been around our other cats. They are still too little to be around other cats besides their Mama! But Daenerys has been downstairs a few times!" Joey explains to the vlogging camera.
"Come out you girlies! Come here!" Joey says as he pets the kittens one by one.
Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River carefully pick up a kitten and hold them happily.
Everett is holding the white one, Maxwell is holding the black one, River is holding one of the twins, Haven is holding the gray one and Luna is holding the other twin!
"Daddy! Daenerys is watching us! Look!" Maxwell says as he giggles and Joey turns around to see Daenerys carefully watching Joey, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna, River and the kittens from afar.
"Daenerys is very watchful of her babies, it is so sweet!" Joey says as he vlogs Daenerys watching him, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River.
"Awww!" Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River all say in unison as they smile at Daenerys.
Joey sets the vlogging camera down so he can vlog himself with the kittens.
"Okay! So the naming theme we chose for the kittens is Greek Goddesses! We all though that it was a fun and cute name theme to do!" Joey explains to the vlogging camera.
"Yeah! I loved all of the Greek goddess names!" Luna says as she smiles and giggles in the background.
"Me too!" River says as he laughs loudly.
"Ev, can you hand me your kitten first?" Joey asks Everett and Everett nods, handing the white kitten to Joey.
"This kitten is Daenerys's mini me because she has white fur just like her!" Joey says as he holds the white kitten up.
"She has pretty bright blue eyes just like her Mama! So she is basically like Daenerys Jr!" Maxwell says, making Joey smile and giggle.
"That's right, Max! Hey Ev, do you wanna tell everybody her name?" Joey says to Maxwell and then Everett.
"This is Athena!" Everett says proudly with a humungous cheeky smile.
"Yes, this is Miss Athena! She was the Greek Goddess of War I believe!" Joey says as he pets and kisses Athena before putting her down.
"Okay, Max! Can I have your kitty? Can you hand her to me?" Joey asks Maxwell.
"Yup! Here she is!" Maxwell says, handing the black kitten to Joey.
"This is Sakura's little mini me because she is a black cat! She acts sassy just like Sakura too!" Joey says as all of the kids laugh and smile.
"She needs to meet Sakura!" Haven says in the background.
"Yeah! I think they will be friends!" Luna says with a big smile.
"Maybe when all of the kittens get bigger!" Joey says to the kids happily.
"Max, do you want to tell everybody her name?" Joey asks Maxwell and Maxwell gets very excited to announce her name.
"Yes! Her name is Persephone!" Maxwell says with a proud smile.
"Yes, this is Miss Persephone! She was the Greek Goddess of Spring and the Underworld!" Joey says as he pets and kisses Persephone before putting her down next to Athena.
"Okay, Havey! It is your kitten's turn!" Joey says as Haven smiles and carefully hands the gray kitten to Joey.
"This is our gray kitten, who is sassy and loves to meow!" Joey says making all of the kids laugh and smile.
"She is the most sassy! Sassy cats!" River says as he laughs loudly.
"Hey Havey, do you want to tell everybody her name?" Joey asks Haven and Haven nods.
"Everybody this is Aphrodite!" Haven says as they pet Aphrodite's head and Joey smiles.
"Yes, this is Miss Aphrodite! She was the Greek Goddess of beauty and love!" Joey says as he pets and kisses Aphrodite before putting her down next to Athena and Persephone.
"And now the best for the last the twins!" Joey says causing Luna and River to both get very excited.
"Yay! It's the twins' turn!" River says as he gets very excited.
"Yeah! It's finally the twins' turn!" Luna says as she giggles.
Luna and River both hand the kittens to Joey and Joey holds both of them up the camera.
"We are still trying to figure out how to tell these two apart! A lot of you guys said that their paws look different and a lot of you guys said that one looks darker then the other! I think we might have to paint a toe nail or put a collar on them to tell them apart!" Joey says as he chuckles.
"Luna, Rivy, you two can tell everybody their names! Luna, you can go first since girls go first!" Joey says, making both Luna and River get very excited.
*Rhea on the top pic and Nemesis on the bottom pic*
"My kitty is Rhea everybody!" Luna says with a big smile.
"And my kitty is Nemesis!" River says loudly and proudly.
"Great job, Luna and River! Our twins' names are Rhea and Nemesis! Miss Rhea was considered the mother of gods I believe! And Miss Nemesis was the goddess of divine retribution!" Joey says as he pets and kisses Rhea and Nemesis before putting her down next to Athena, Persephone and Aphrodite.
"And that is the end of our naming ceremony! So all of their names are Daenerys, Athena, Persephone, Aphrodite, Rhea and Nemesis! We hope all of you like their names! Which one is your favorite? Leave it down below in the comments! Guys, let's tell everybody goodbye for now!" Joey says happily.
"Bye, everybody!" Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River all say in unison with big smiles as they wave goodbye.
"Bye guys! We will see you all next time!" Joey says as he also waves goodbye and turns the vlogging camera off!
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