I'll Help | 1
×+Hamilton's POV+×
I watched as Jefferson stared at James helplessly. Smiling. A frown appeared on my face. As you may guessed. I was litteraly head over heels for Thomas Mother-F××king Jefferson. Who was at the moment into one of his best friends James Madison. James was a nice guy. Actually. A really nice guy. I sighed. On the inside, i already knew that Thomas would never fall for me. The depressed, suicidal, sleep diprived, self-harming, piece of sh÷t. Though He would always come to me for love advice even though my face clearly states: 'I have never been in a relationship. Fu+k just look at me' He would always come to me rambling about Madison and i would just have to plaster a fake and tiring smile onto my face. Dont get me wrong. I was happy for him. I was just....i loved him. And i couldnt stop. I've tried. Today was no different. As the bell signified the last class of the day i packed my books into my bag and put on a smile. The moment i stepped out of the class, Thomas was in my face. He wouldnt know how i was longing for him. Gods. Jefferson statted talking. And i started walking.
"Omg Hamilton! James was so cute in his sweater! My gaud! The blue really brings out the little sparkles in his eyes! His outfit is basically ben franklin with a key and the kite, you see it right?" I nodded.
"I mean obviously you saw it. He was sitting next to you. Today i finnaly got the courage to speak to him for more than a minute! I think thats a progress." I looked up at him and smiled.
"Definetly, good job!" My cheery voice sounded happy. I was already too good at acting.
"The conversation lasted two minutes! Mabye three minutes! Every thing we said in total agreement!" He said in his velvety southern drawl. He kept rambling as i smiled. He looked so happy. So so so happy. When he talked about the one he admired and loved so dearly. And yet here i am. The one i loved talking about another person entirly. I never can be happy can i?
"Hey, Alex. You ok?" I studied Thomas' worried face before answering,
"No. I'm fine. I was just thinking about something."
"Ok then."
We then reached our dorm which we shared. I took out the key and unlocked the door. Meanwhile Thomas kept talking about James.
"Omg Alexander!" I jumped.
That caught me off guard.
"Yes Thomas?" I placed the keys on the desk before making my way to the kitchen. Thomas following closely behind me, squeeling.
"Since you sit next to Jemmy,"
"U huh?" I started brewing coffee.
"And you dont get nervous around him."
"Okay?" The coffee was done.
"And your amazing in writing."
"Yes?" I was now pouring the coffee into my mug.
"I was thinking you could write love letters and pass them to james for me!" I didnt stop pouring.
"Errrrr Alex. The coffee." I still didnt stop. It didnt burn.
"Alex! You're gonna get burned!" It didnt hurt. But something else did.
"Alex?! Earth to Alex!?" My heart was shattered into a million pieces. Thats why the coffee didnt hurt. I stopped pouring the coffee.
"I'll help."
Welp. How was that? Was it good? I have no idea. But yes i am definatly going to continue this. Hhhhhh. ANGSTTTTT
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