Lion (Connverse crossover )


ister: Steven (Fighting flirty)
Heart Berry (HB): Connie (Fighting flirty)
Witchy: Connie ( Witchanddemon)
Dapper: Steven  (Witchanddemon)

It's been about ten days since the event happened.
LHW R&D finally crossed the line and began to experiment with the idea of alternative universes or maybe they always have been doing so, and finally decided to field test a true attempt at moving across dimensions, via Universal warp pads.
They look like your average warp pads, but their stream looks more like the bifrost from that superhero movie.
Regardless, they kind of succeeded. They didn't travel to another universe or an 'AU', They brought people from one to theirs, and as if fate decided to play a joke on them all, the accidental sliders happened to be two very familiar faces, just younger than usual. 
Everyone was shocked and bewildered, when 21-year-old diamond hybrid; Steven Quartz Universe  and 20-year-old part time college student, and member LHW R&D; Connie Yasha Maheswaran met experienced demon hunters, 16-year-old demon familiar, Steven Diamond Universe and 15-year-old witch and Steven's contractor, Connie Maheswaran.
Moving the two into Connie's little Homeworld residence was easy enough, but they quickly found out that the witch/demon pair was a bit more impulsive, A bit more guarded, a bit more outwardly hardened, a bit more...Independent, than themselves,  than they should be. Which really, no one could blame them given the situation and well their lifestyle. Still, they showed that they are as kind, warm and open-hearted as their adult counterparts. 
It was a shock for the demon and witch pair as well.
Magic and beings that seemed familiar but not. People who were long passed or just not around for one reason or the next, were now there in person, treating them with the same love and affection as their counterparts.  
It was especially emotional for 'Dapper', a name for the younger Steven coined by the older Connie. Partly because of his clothing style, partly to tease her own Steven; and 'Witchy' a playful nickname from the older Steven to the younger Connie; met  the Maheswarans and Greg.
 A night of tears that was for all involved.
It took a bit for everyone to get settled into the fact that there was a second, younger jambud pair in their universe, no matter how temporary the stay would be. Except for Mister and Heartberry, the older jambuds; who seemed to take the fact that they now each had a younger 'sibling' in a strange stride. 
"They're not clones and they have not tried to kill us." No one could argue with their logic.
All in all the younger two was able to find a groove within this new world, and soon found themselves settling in, getting used to everything and everyone.
Until this evening …
The two pairs were resting at Connie's LHW residence watching old under the knife reruns and exchanging information about their worlds. Deepening their siblings like bond and such, when Mister asked a simple question.
"So, what's your Lion like?"
"What?" The witch and demon paired retorted. "What do you mean?"  Witchy added questionably.
"Lion? Big cotton candy fluff ball of a cat." HB joked.
"It's just me and my lady at home. We're out too much to care for a pet." Dapper stated as he wrapped an arm around Witchy's shoulder, who despite blushing, didn't remove it.
"It's kind of hard to call Lion a pet." Mister chuckled. "He's more like a partner or adopted rebellious teenage son."
"So what, he's an outside cat who just stops by every once in a blue?' 
"Maybe for Mister, here." HB snickered her counterpart question, before squealing at the playfully nuzzling retaliation from her Steven. She tapped his chest to get him to stop, causing the two demon hunters to shake their head at the duo.
HB cleared her throat before answering. "For me, he's more obedient," She grinned cheekily "and Mister is jealous of that fact." 
"See how she's messing with me." Mister pinched HB hip, getting a peep out of her and pointed stare out of her. 
"She is telling the truth though about him being more obedient."
"You two wanna meet him?" 
The demon and witch pair shrugged before nodding. They saw no reason why they wouldn't. It was just a cat, right?
The older pair looked at each other before HB stood up and stepping through the front door. Putting her left index and thumb in her mouth she whistled towards the setting sun.
"He's coming." Mister reassured the two, who looked a bi smug.
"Ah there you go! My fluffy boy, Daddy and mommy got someone for you to meet.."
Witchy bit back a snicker at the sweet talk as Dapper looked on teasingly smug towards Mister, who said nothing, but looked on in knowing indifference. 
That soon turned to cheeky glee as he watched  the younger Dapper take Witchy in his arms protectively and leap behind the couch, as HB walked in with Lion in toll.
"That a Lion! A real live honest to god lion!" Witchy exclaimed as the demon hunting duo looked at their older counterparts as if they lost their mind as they playfully scratched and rubbed the pink jungle king, who just mewled in appreciation of the attention.
"Yes and he's such a good boy. yes he is." HB swooned as Lion nuzzled his snout against her chin. 
"Still gotta work on his  parking though." Mister joked as Lion nudged his head against the gem hybrids own, growling gently, before licking his chin, getting chuckles out of him. " Ok, ok you've gotten better."
HB turned to the two with a smirk. "Come on over here. He won't hurt you."
Dapper shook his head, unconvinced.  "You're kidding..right?" 
"Why would we? He wouldn't hurt…." HB had to pause for a second. " Actually,he would hurt someone, badly...If they were a threat to Steven or me and by proxy, you two."
"Yeah,he's a battle cat for sure." Mister praised rubbing Lion's belly 
"My trusted stee, yes he is." HB followed, getting pleasurable yips from the big cat.
Dapper was still unsure, when Witchy climbed out his grasp, and walked cautiously towards the three. 
The older jambuds got out of the way and stood back as Lion stood up looking at the younger version  of his mistress, seeing the uncertainty in her eyes. He moved his snout closer to her, smelling the heavy, yet oh so familiar scent. 
When he was done with his assessment of the younger mistress, Lion stared for a few moments...Before nuzzling his snout against her jaw, giving it a gentle lick and resting his head on her shoulder.
The response was instant!
"Oh! I love you! Such a sweet boy!" Witchy announced as she hugged the beast around his neck kissing it on its skull.
"I know, right!" HB exclaimed as she joined in giving the big cat attention.
"Kind of figured this was gonna happen." Mister stated with a smile towards Dapper who still looked unsure as if he was trying to figure out something.
"He's dead." 
Dapper heard in his ear before turning to Mister, astonishment on his face. 
"I don't know when or how, but Lion died and was resurrected by my mother. It's why he's pink and can do all he can do."  Mister stated cooly, arms crossed as he and his counterparts watched the girls and Lion play together a smile on his face.
"What can he do?"
The demon elbowed the diamond, chuckling slightly. "Cryptic doesn't fit you at all, Big Bro."
Mister ruffled his younger 'brothers' hair "Yeah, yeah." He scoffed a laugh  watching him slick his hair back. "Seriously, you want to know what Lion can do. He'll show you."
Dapper arched an eyebrow at that statement as Mister walked up to  his Connie, whispering in her ear. She nodded with a smile before standing up. 
"You know, it's a nice evening. You guys should take Lion out for a bit of a...Adventure. " 
At the sound of an adventure, the pink beast climbed to its feet, almost excitedly. HB gave the beast  a kiss under its jaw, before whispering in his ear. Lion turned to HB giving her an affectionate rub with his skull before bending down in front of Witchy.
"Go ahead. Get on. " HB assured her 'sister'.
Witchy didn't need any more coaxing as she climbed on the beast back.
"Whoa." She giggled as Lion stood to his full height. feeling a bit of vertigo over how tall he was. She turned to her partner with a smile. "What are you waiting for, you dapper demon? Get on."
"Listen to your lady." The flirty fighters sang before he could say anything in refusal.  
Dapper just shook his head conceding. With a gentle hop he landed upon the beast wrapping his arms around his lady. 
"So what, gonna take us around the town big cat?" Dapper teased, getting an almost offended look from Lion.
HB chuckled knowingly as she opened the door. " Something like that."
"Wait..gotta check on Lars." Mister said before giving HB a quick peck on her cheek. He turned to Lion, who dipped his head low towards his master.  "You two have fun." 
The two younger jambuds jaw dropped when they saw the older Steven disappear into the maneuver of the beast completely.
"Wait, what the hell just happened?" Dapper yelled as Lion roared towards the door creating a portal right outside the house. "What...What?!"
"Show them a good time Lion, but don't keep them out too late."  HB laughed as the jungle cat ran towards the portal. The last thing she heard before it closed was Dappers screaming  and Witchy excitement filled laughter.
With a sigh HB sat down on her couch only to hear a text come to her phone. She turned to her messaging app, reading the new text. Quickly she hopped off the couch, grabbed her sword and ran out the door, heading to R&D.

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