Journey's End and New Beginnings

"There you are, Sweetberry."
Connie 'Heartberry' Maheswaran, opened her eyes to Steven 'Mister' Universe looking down at her with a small smile. She patted the spot next to her.
"Join me."
Mister complied, dropping to the ground next to his Connie and leaning next to the tree with her before draping his arms around her as she snuggled close to his chest. Both looking at Beach city and Little homeworld in the distance from the cliffside hill. Enjoying the peace and quiet.
"It's been two months."
Mister didn't say anything but squeezed her a bit tighter. He knew what she was talking about.
*Two months ago*
Mister, Dapper, Witchy and Lion leapt out of the pink portal and on to Little Homeworld, never losing a step as the beast ran across the pavement.  
"My lady. It's him." Mister huskily growled.  His senses on high alert feeling the familiar malevolent magic nearby.
Witchy kissed her teeth as she gripped Lion a bit tighter. "It was just too good to be true." 
"Mind filling me in? I rather not be left in the dark."
The demon and the witch looked at each other before turning to the half gem.
"We know the demon who's here."
Mister took account of the tone they used. It was one of guilt and annoyance instead of fear and caution. 
"How dangerous are they?"
He didn't know what to expect, never having fought a bonafide demon, but the annoyed expression the two demon hunters gave did elevate his worry a bit.
Dapper grimaced in disgust  "Well they're powerful, but...."
"He's a magician.  A very annoying summoner to be exact." Witchy continued with the same disgusted tone. "When we were hunting him, it'd usually be a mimic of some kind." 
"He's not one to fight his own battles. Not the most physically conditioned for fights, but when you can create an army of your enemies you really don't  need to be."
" And you don't think that makes him dangerous?!" Mister accused.
"They're weak. Mostly used for distraction and allowing him to escape." Dapper answered. " Autonomous, self-regenerating and duplicating upon reforming. Yet can only be active as long as his glyph is activated and that will only remain active if he's around.. "
"As soon as he leaves 5 meters from his glyph, his spell ends." Witchy added. "Also riding the glyph ends it too."
"Ok so tell me about these…"
Mister lost his voice as they turned into Granite Avenue and the scene in front of them. The street was flooded with black sludge like mimics in the shape of Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and HB. They heard the sounds of battle throughout the street. Explosions from Garnet rocket punches, Blast from Pearl's spear, and the flesh like ripping from the demon Amethyst as they fought in front of  LHWR&D. 
"Guys jump!" 
Not missing a beat, Garnet with Amethyst under her arm and Pearl leapt straight up, passed the buildings height. 
"Lion Go!"
The beast eyes glowed and eerie pink before it tipped its head back before bringing it forward.
"RRRWWOOOOOAAA!" A high powered sonic concussion blast ripped through the mimics, breaking them down and splattering them along Granite Ave. 
"Messy but good job, Lion." Dapper congratulated  as he rubbed the beast's head.
"Big bro! Big sis!" 
The three heard from above to see. Purple falcon flying towards them, as soon as it got in range it morphed quickly to the purple demoness, who tackled the demon hunters off Lion and tackled them to the ground. The trio tumbled a few feet back before laying on the street. 
Amethyst lifted her head up, tears in her eyes as she looked down at the hunters. 
Dapper patted the demoness head with a smirk. 
"Hey Amy, came to get us?" Witchy joked as she wiped her purple eyes.
Amethyst nodded with a laugh. "You two have been gone for almost a day. We didn't know how to find you..but there was something like a ripple where Kelvin activated his spell.
"And you just jumped in." Witchy reprimanded gently. 
"No no! I gotta tethering spell placed on me by Garnet before I came. They wanted to make sure we all came back the way we entered." 
"Wow, they actually planned it out." Dapper smirked. as he sat up with a groan before He stood to his feet he held a hand down to both of them and lifting them both to their feet effortlessly when they grasped it. Putting a hand around his partner's waist as he had the other on Amethyst's head. Who hugged them both 
"I'm just happy you're not dead Bro and that sis isn't that scary sister."
The Crystal gems watched the reunion with a  chuckling smile except for Steven and Lion who was looking around for a certain Berry.
"Speaking of, I don't see Connie anywhere." Worry evident in Mister's voice. 
Amethyst looked over and her eyes widened in surprise. "Bro..There's an older Bro over there."
Before Dapper could say anything the black stains began to move and slither towards the center of the street. They soon conjoined and morphed to a towering, nightmarish gargoyle like knight. Complete  with wings, fangs, armor, and a morning star. Its roar shook the street and sky, causing everyone to cover their ears. 
"I really don't have the patience for this right now."  Mister groaned anxiously as he made two bubble spiked boxing gloves.  
He was caught off guard when Dapper grabbed his shoulder and pushed him towards R&D "Bro. Go help Sis."
"Hold on. How you know she's in there."
"Because she's not here..and that demon magic is doused with fear." Dapper smirked
As if proving him right, a glass window broke from the third floor and a voice could be heard from it.
"You think a shadow can stop me! Come fight, you coward!"
Mister smirked at the sound before rushing into the building, leaving the others to take care of the behemoth.
"Kids, take a step back. We can handle this and the last thing we want is for you to get hurt." Pearl stated as she stood in front spear in hand. 
Dapper and Witchy glanced at each other breathing in deeply, slightly annoyed at being underestimated..despite it being from a place of care.
" Wait Pearl. We should let them take point and follow their lead." Garnet suggested , giving the hunters a nod while adjusting her glasses.
"Listen to the seer, Pearly. This is what we do." Dapper stated a bit cockily. He turned to Witchy with a smile. " You ready to work the rust off, My lady?"
"Rust, he says." Witchy joked as she flexed her hands chuckling at the feel of magic running through her body. The heat in her veins. "I'll show you rust."
The demon chuckled before turning towards the large still behemoth. Taking the homeworld sais off his back. They were large, pearl colored, and made of Homeworld metal. "Hey big guy.. Mind if I take a-"
He didn't get to finish as the monster brought its spiked ball down upon him, creating a dust cloud. 
"Steven!" Pearl yelled in horror trying to run to assist.
"Sheesh you're a rude one huh?" Everyone heard from above to see Dapper sitting on a nearby roof looking down at them, his smile never faltering.
The monster growled as it jumped after the demon,  swinging its weapon, preparing to smash Dapper flat. Only to be interpreted by an assault of Pearl's spear blast to it's back.
The gargoyle roared in annoyance as it was brought back to the street below in a crouch, turning its attention to the women. Its wings began to glow and  flex as it got in all fours. It pulled its wings back about to attack. 
'Can't have you doing that." Dapper taunted as he dropped on to the beast back and sliced the wings off, causing the beast to howl in pain. He watched as the wings became the shadowy sludge and slithered  back to the center of the street. 
"My lady." Dapper called as he dodged  a punch from the gargoyle.
"Got it!"  Witchy exclaimed as she concentrated on sensing where the spell perimeter began. She breathed deep deepening her focus as her eyes began to see a fleetingly thin rectangle black smoke on the street, two buildings long. Inside the square was a glyph that looked like falling feathers.
She rolled up her sleeves and cracked knuckles before slamming her palm down a few inches in front of the sludge. Purple flame ran along the hidden spell, revealing to all as it burned away along with the sludge the withered under the magic flame, soon became nothing but the smell of brimstone.
"Reformation spell is gone. you're free to let loose."  
Dapper licked his lips in anticipation, crouching a bit low  and swirling his weapons playfully, a small glow in his demon eyes. He watched as the monster  prepared to attack with its morning star again. In a blink, Dapper sliced through that arm, making the monster permanently left handed. 
The monster roared as it arm dropped and faded to nothingness. In anger it swung it's right hand wildly,  ripping through a few street lights.  
Dapper lips pursed together as he prepared to take it out, when two giant rocket fist slammed to the beast exploding on impact.  
"Um..Hmm. That was overkill." Dapper stated in shock as he looked back at the four, seeing Garnet  in front with her fist out.
"It destroyed Little Homeworld property, it was the proper response." Garnet answered with a smirk.
"Such a horrific judicial system." 
A weak roar paused the joking, as he turned back to see the gargoyle climb to a kneel trying continue to fight.  It lost a hand, it's right legs was broken, pieces of it black skull were out and little by little bits of its form were fading away.
Sheesh..You're more stubborn than the one who created you."  Dapper praised gently as the gargoyle sloppily charged forward, ready  to take the Dapper demon in its jaw. 
It tripped forward and faded away before it hit the ground as Dapperleapt and removed its head. 
While Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst were taking on the horde of shadows outside. HB with sword in hand, was heading down to the main lab with the decommissioned gems intent on dropping them into their revival pool. After analyzing the properties of the Diamond's essence, Little HW was able to create a makeshift essence that held the properties of all four. It wasn't yet as pure but it got the job done just as well.
It was made to help gems reform even faster than usual, fueled with the essence of all four diamonds it was great for gems...and  for organics as well as HB would attest. Nothing like a relaxing dip after a hard day of research and development.
 She entered quickly and headed straight for the back room. Opening the doors to an almost spa-like room, with a ten foot deep body of liquid essence, you could feel the magic properties in the air..before tossing the gems in the pool, she felt someone  Slashed at her back and kicked her in before locking the door. She groaned as the pain numbed and vanished just as fast as it came. 
Grabbing her blade, she swam up and looked for the culprit and kissed her teeth at what she saw. A shadow version  of her, sword and all with smoke colored eyes and magic wisps off her.
"Can you talk?" HB asked, honest curiosity in her voice.
the mimic said nothing just pointed it's blade and..attempted to smirk in challenge.
HB said nothing as she climbed out on the left side of the pool. As she was getting up to her feet Her mimic was already upon her, starting to swing its blade down upon her.  
HB felt the slight graze of the mimics blade as she dodged away in a roll before standing in a ready position.  She was instantly put on the defensive being forced to dodge and block the mimic's consecutive stabs at various places of her body. She found  her opening when mimic over extended her final stab, allowing HB to slip in close in to deliver a rib breaking right hook to its body.
Mimic grimaced and coughed without sound, but it did wither in pain slightly, only HB sword holding fist  connected with its solarplesou and again to its face as it was about to crumble to its knees, knocking it back and off its feet.  
Mimic climbed to its feet in painful anger and charged forward, it swung its sword attempting to scalp HB, just to have HB's blade knock Mimic's from its hand. The last thing Mimic saw was the pink gleam of HB's blade and the pity in her black eyes.
"Why is it always clones?" HB complained as she walked away from the fading shadow and out the room into the main lab, where the demon; Kelvin and another Mimic were waiting for her.  
"My my my, You dispatched of that shadow swiftly, but that was just a small insignificant  thing..this one here is many ti-"
The demon's bragging was silenced by his shadow's swift decapitation. HB kept her eyes on him and him alone as she moved forward, not caring about the fading body beside her. A look of aggravation on her face.
"Well,  it seemed I underestimated you a bit. You're  strong..but you're still human!" The demon roared  as his body began bulk up. Muscles bulging as his body turned concrete grey, his height as tall as jasper's. he glared at her like a slobbering ogre. 
"Now lets see you struggle before you prostrate yourself and become my doll."
It happened instantly. The moment 'doll' hit her ears, her blade swung, the flat of it knocking Kelvin's jaw and illusion clean off. The demon fell face first into the floor trying not to choke in his own blood as fear gripped his heart. Every instinct in his body told him to run or die.
 "What was that?"
He shivered at the cool and calm voice of the human woman. Turning to see her staring down at him, indifferent in face but her eyes burned with rage. 
Kelvin listened to his instincts, scrambled to his feet and ran, making more mimics as he did.
HB nose flared in annoyance "So..This is my night."  Before she gave chase. She took a quick moment to text Steven the situation. Once she was sure it was sent, she charged forward cutting down yet another mimic. and giving chase.
'What the hell is that MONSTER? That's  definitely not the same witch..Hell, she doesn't even have the same magic as the young witch.. No flames, it's something different!" Kelvin thought  as he ran creating more mimics as he headed to the roof. " She's cutting them down faster than I can make them!"
Kelvin trip over the step crashing into a window breaking it. 
"You're gonna have to pay for that!" 
Kelvin looked back to see another one of his mimics being cut down. 
" You can give up! We can talk it out!"
Kelvin felt the chill at her call, he growled at her before roaring at her. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME! KNOW YOUR PLACE POWERLESS HUMAN!" He created a trio of mimics to block her way as he continued  to run.
HB was sighed in annoyance."You think a shadow can stop me! Come fight, you coward!" She charged forward slicing them down, " They're getting weaker each time!"
HB took a moment to look out the window to see that Mister and the others arrived, the forming of the gargoyle  and Mister running in. She decided to wait for Mister to catch up, watching the others fight as he did.
It only took three seconds for pink flash to meet up with her and take her in a protective hug.
"You ok Sweetberry, He didn't hurt you did he?"
"three seconds, did you walk up here?" She rolled her eyes before giving him a small peck. "Just a slash and kick into the revival pool." She shrugged nonchalantly.  "I've done worse to myself during training and experiments."
Mister smiled with an arched eyebrow,  "The Cos-spheres prototypes?"
"The very same."
Mister was about to comment when a mimic came running down sword ready to cut HB from behind.  In a quick smooth motion, Mitser took HB in his arms,spun her out of the way and slammed a spiked bubble glove into the mimic's face, almost instantly making it fade from existence.  
HB looked down at the shadow and back at Her Mister, before giving his cheek a kiss. "Whoa! Mister that was...That was hot." 
"It looked like you…" Mister said in guilt and then anger. "Is this what you've been dealing with?"
She nodded as she rubbed his fist. "It's not me,  it's not our little witch either. Just shadows in the dark. Can't even smile, let alone talk." She saw him groan and caressed his cheek. " You saved me, Bisky,"
Mister nodded in agreement before focusing on the situation.  " So.." He stated as he looked passed her up the stairs 
"Yeah.."  HB looked back the same direction . Two mimics coming down one of each of them. " This is going to be tedious."
"I know a way we can make it fun." Mister smirked. "If your game?"
HB smiled bright before giving him a hug  giggling as a pink light enveloped them both.
Kelvin broke through the roof door. Nerves going haywire as he felt his glyph being burned away, as well as his mimics being destroyed even faster than before.  He hid behind door..ready to assassinate his persuaders by catching them off guard
"I couldn't win head to head.  but If I catch them off guard. I can eat their essence, heal, escape and survive. Find a new place where I can torture and feast on humans, Just gotta get out of here."  The demon spoke to himself.
"So you're going to run and hurt more that what you said? That just won't do."
Kelvin looked up at a figure staring down at him with a gentle smirk. The shadow they cast was terrifying  but it was nothing compared to their pink glow.
"Well, that was a light say the least." Dapper jest, walking back to the group. 
"No kidding, I didn't even need to clean up after you." Witchy joked as she tapped his chest. "Though, it was nice to get a little exercise in. Wipe the rust off."
"Wasn't it though, my lady."
She smirked as he kissed her hand. " Yes it was. We're not done yet  still gotta get Kelvin."
"No need!" 
A voice from above said as  a knocked out Kelvin fell to the ground in a pink bubble. On top of said pink bubble, in Steven's vest, jean's and sandals; as well as Connie's sweater, barrette and her sword in hand, was Stevonnie.
Garnet and Pearl smirked at the fusion. 
"Didn't think we'd get a visit tonight." Pearl stated happily.
"I hoped we would." Garnet chuckled. "But didn't  see a future when you would.. He couldn't have been that hard for Steven or Connie, let alone both of them together"
Stevonnie scoffed "Annoying, not hard. He didn't  even fight..He just tossed shadow after shadow. and I tried talking to him after he was pinned...but he tried to run me through as soon as I turned my back after that.." Stevonnie clicked their tongue while slightly  swinging a fist.
"You did what you had to do." Garnet reassured.
"Um..Who is this and why do they look like Bro and Sis adult child?" Witchy asked, confused.
Stevonnie looked towards the three hunters, taking in their expressions.  Witchy looked confused and curious, Amethyst looked shocked switching her views from Stevonnie to the demon hunters, and Dapper smirked knowingly.
Stevonnie smiled brightly looking at the two. " My name is Stevonnie. I didn't think we'd meet before you head off." Holding out their hand
"You seem to know us very well, stranger." Witchy inquired, shaking the fusion's hand. 
"Gues they wanted to give us one last surprise  before we go." Dapper joshed as he shook the fusion hand. " Didn't think it would be this."
"Yeah well. They got bored of the tedious shadows and wanted me to take over."
Dapper nodded in agreement. "So what can I expect  from.." He gave Stevonnie a once over.
"I can't tell you cause it's different for anyone, and don't know how your version works but… If it's anything like me, It'll be an incredible experience."
Dapper nodded in acceptance of that fact.  
Stevonnie turned their eyes to Amethyst  who looked somewhere between amazed and scared. "You know I'm not gonna hurt you, right?"
"You're still part scary-sis."  the young demoness stated matter of factly, getting a half snort from Stevonnie, before they came apart.
"Wait, I'm not scary! Right? Witchy, tell her. I'm a sweet older sister."
Witchy was too shocked at watching Stevonnie defusing to be a help.
"Dapper, I'm a sweetheart right?"
The demon gulped at her cool tone. "You're  very..Cool..Haha." Dapper took a step behind Witchy.
"Garnet, pearl.." She turned to them giving them a sweet smile.. " I'm gentle as a newborn fawn.right?"
"Connie..You want us to lie?" Garnet asked with a smirk.
"You're very strong. Be happy with that." Pear answered reassuringly.  
"Scary.." Amethyst comment
"Mister, tell'em. I'm sweet, Right?"  HB turned to see Mister holding his stomach trying to hold in his laughter. "Really?" HB crossed her arms a small scrunched pout in her face. "I don't think I'm scary."
"Can someone explain what I just saw?" Witchy asked. 
"They left the next day. You still didn't get their Amethyst to not be afraid of you." Mister joked as HB groaned.
"Yeah, thanks for that, you punk." HB gave him a half smile before pinching his thigh.
"Ow..Scary berry."
"Stop it."
Mister chuckled as he sat her on his lap. Feeling content at her snuggling up to him. 
"You think they're ok?"
"Them two? Yeah. They're tough..Tougher than us in some cases."  Mister looked up as he spoke. Thinking about the next day.
It was a bittersweet farewell at least for them. Dapper and Witchy hid it better. They were happy to be going back home, yes, but it still felt like they were losing siblings. It was the final moments before they left that was the hardest,  for the four of them.
* Two months ago*
They stood in front of the active warp stream,  staring at each other. older and younger, the same people, who lived different lives..and yet became so connected in such a small time.
"So this is it. It was a short time, but it's gonna feel strange with you two not around." Mister stated, scratching his head in bashfulness.
“You’re going to miss us?” Dapper teased. “You should be happy to have your love nest to yourself again.” He continued.
“Not even gonna dignify that with a response” HB folding her arms giving the demon a half smirk..
“Maybe because it’s true.”Witchy giggle. 
“Didn’t you tell us you two live together, alone.” Mister retorted with a smirk.
“But we’re not as lovey-dovey as you." Witchy grinned smugly…
“Empire.” HB and Mister stated just as smug. 
The younger duo blushed, glaring at their counterparts, who sneered back.. Before the four broke into identical chuckles.  
Until one of them started to tear up. 
"Sorry." Witchy wiped her eyes " Something in my eyes. Dust from the warp.."  She chuckled as she did “I’m o-
She was interrupted by HB hugging her close resting her head on top of hers as Witchy hugged her back. 
“I’m gonna miss you so much, Big sis.”
“I’m gonna miss you too, Lil sis.” HB  squeezed her smaller counterpart a bit. “Don’t worry, though. I’m gonna get this thing running and we’ll be together again.”
“If anyone could it would be you.” 
“On that same coin you could too...” HB took a deep breath before stepping’ “Now as your big sister and elder Connie, allow me to impart some knowledge.” . 
“Yes ma’am.”
HB looked down at the witch feeling pride. “You’re strong and capable, dependable and bright. I know you’re on your way to doing whatever you want in life, stay on that track...That doesn't mean you don’t have time for your relationships.” She glanced at the Stevens, before turning back. “ Take breaks every once in a while for yourself, let him pamper you every once in a while. Make little precious moments between you two.” She sighed looking serious.” If he’s anything like my Steven...If Dapper life is anything like Mister’s…You both we’ll need them like water.”
“I don’t know what you two life is like, but if it's anything like ours ..I suspect it’s not easy..and it’s stressful..So always check in with each other and give each other space when it's needed...Sometimes self-reflection is the best thing you know.” 
Wichy nodded in agreement. “Ma’am.”
“ Love yourself fearlessly… So you can do the same for him. He might hide things from you to not worry you...Don’t let him and vice versa… Communication, flexibility, love and trust. Never forget these things..” She relaxed with a sigh looking apologetic. “What am i saying? You two are one of the most understanding relationships I've ever seen. You’re a strong woman already. I’m being assumptious, sorry about that.”
“No no.” Witchy stated waving her hands “ It’s ok.. I appreciate it. Especially the whole self advice… I’m kind of a workaholic “
“I swear, all Connie’s are” HB laughed.“Remember you matter Witchy. Self-care is paramount, I can’t stress this enough.”
“You and Steven both.”
“Your Steven does the same thing?!" HB laughed before she spoke mimicking Mister.
Ni', those reports could be done tomorrow, go to bed it’s 2:30 am ’’
Witchy giggled before impersonating Dapper. “ My lady, you don’t need to do that spell now, come eat.
“Ni', you don’t need to practice right now, come watch tv”.
“ My lady, why are you doing fire spells at 5 in the morning. Go back to sleep
The two looked at each other before bursting into giggles..
HB recovered first from the fit. “It’s sweet though. Heartwarming to know that someone as sweet, and loving and special as him cares so much about you.”
“Just wished he would learn to do the same for himself a bit more .”
Heart berry eyes widened at that, before falling into a sad smile. “Pay him back.”
Witchy looked at HB with an amused smile. “ Pay him back?”
“Yup, for every time he made sure you’re well rested, well fed, and well taken care of.  You make sure he engages in his hobbies, he’s not taken on too much by himself..That he’s taken care off as well.*
Witchy grinned “Is that advice from one Connie to another.”
“From someone going through the same thing. Loving a hybrid is hard.”
Witchy blushed shyly. “He’s worth the hard times though.”
HB nodded “'I've never regretted meeting him..Falling for him.”
"So you admit that you're more than best friends, huh" 
"I admit nothing about nothing." HB folded her arms, looking away before chuckling. "He is my best friend.. but what that means to us is for us to decide. Yes, we know how we feel about each other and act on it."
"And how do you feel for each other?"
HB sighed a maroon heat on her face throwing her hoodie over her head to hide her face.
"You're blushing and hiding!?  Is my cool big sis..going to show her cute side?
"Quiet or I'm not saying it."
Witchy didn't say anything as she waited.
"We make each other better, you know. I can function, succeed, and be content by myself..But when I'm with Steven..Everything seems enhanced. Not even talking about the gem powers. It's the way we cherish one another, care for one another and take time to understand one another; knowing that I have a compliment as wonderful as him. 
that makes me unstoppable"
"A compliment?"
"A compliment for my heart.  Even if it feels that he has become my heart at times. We just happen to fall in sync alot more than usual..You know how it is."
Witch nodded in agreement  before chuckling "It almost sounds like you're contracted with each other."
"Maybe you're onto something.. A contract written by our experience and time with each other...Seems appropriate  actually...since he does bite me, ever so often …" HB chuckled at her sister's blushing face and dropped jaw. 
"Is that why you were so extra giddy two days ago?"
HB just laughed. rubbing her collarbone 
Witchty looked at HB face a bit red as she glanced  at Dapper talking with Mister. " do we become like you and mister?"
"It took..a lot for us to get where we are.. That being said.  If you're talking about the level of emotional intimacy then I say you're well on your way. If you're talking about physical intimacy.. Talk about what you want..and being a bit bold once in a while helps....But if you're trying to make your relationship a copy of ours..Don't."
"I wasn't planning on that..but you two have an excitingly passionate and openly affectionate one.. Can't blame me for feeling a bit envious."
"Maybe...But that's because of who we are..our relationship works for us… You and Dapper are already in a very mature, loving and devoted relationship. Everything you want for a more intimate relationship is already there and the best thing about it'll be your relationship. Unique to you two...Besides you two almost kissed in Empire, right? Just gotta let nothing stop you next time, remember little moments."
"Little moments...Be bold...ok..I can do that."  Witchy stated with determination." I'll just go at it like I would a hunt." 
"Thay how I started… I'm sure you'll be fine  Whooa!"
HB was caught  off guard at Witchy's  sudden hug. 
"Thank you Big sis.
"For the advice? It's nothing. 
"No!..I mean.. a bit..but.." She held her tighter.  "For everything. Giving us a place to stay,watching out for us, working to get us back."  she started to tremble. " For letting us see and spend time with our parents again, for introducing us to Lion and the gems and everyone, ...For treating us like your family."
"You are family and you're very welcome." HB held her back just as tight. " Promise me you'll be as safe as possible over there. Take care of yourself ok?..Don't be reckless and have each other's backs.. Don't ever doubt yourself Lil sis. A brilliant, beautiful and capable girl like you, can take the world by storm, don't ever think anything less."
Witchy could only nod  as gripped her sisters back for what might be the final time 
The boys watched on, as the two Connie’s conversed among themselves. Dapper was caught by surprise when Mister pulled him into a one arm hug. The demon looked up at his alien counterpart questionably.
“Big Bro?”
“ I can’t speak for any other Steven, but you’re a blessed guy, Dapper. Demon powers aside, you got all you need to take on whatever your world might throw at you and win. the Intelligence, charm, the strength of will and the most important.” He nodded towards the girls. “Someone who thinks the universe of you, but will keep you grounded on earth.” He chuckled. 
 “You two are an amazing team. The trust, respect and love you share. That connection..It’s gonna take you two far in yours or any world.”
“Speaking from experience.”
“Most definitely.” He looked forward gazing at his Connie. “Gem powers be damn. That woman is my strength. She keeps me human and at the same time, makes me feel like I'm the strongest in the galaxy and the next moment she makes me happily weak.”
“You love her” Dapper teased only to get a noogie from Mister. He released him with a smile. 
“She compliments my heart and I hers.” he released his counterpart and placed his hands in his pocket. “ It’s no different from you two.”
“You think so?”  
“You don’t?”
Dapper shrugged  “We don’t act like you and sis”
“And you don’t have to. You two are not us, despite the obvious.” Mister sighed 
“What If I wish we were.”
“You shouldn’t. Word of advice, never compare your relationship with others. It’ll only blow up in your face. That being said, if you want more physical affection. Talk about it. ..Not like she’ll say no.”
Dapper snickered as he looked forward at the two scheming girls. “I love her, Bro.”
“Then make sure you continue to show her that. Use that demonic charm and sweep her off her feet.”
“She’ll probably reprimand me, little tsundere mage.” 
“Possibly, but that’s how you two communicate... She loves you, truly…”
“I know… Don’t feel like i’m worthy of it sometimes.”
“Show me a Steven who never felt that way and I'll show you a liar.”
“Think 'Connie’s' feel the same way about 'Steven’s'?”
“Well, ours probably do...Crazy right?”
“ Yes it really is...That's why we gotta make sure they’re happy..right? 
“Exactly....Just watch out for and take care of each other, and you’ll be fine.”
Dapper nodded before turning to his older counterpart and hugging him. “Thanks bro, for everything.”
“No need Dapper” the older one hugged Dapper back. “ Love ya, Lil bro.” 
The two separated  as they went to join the girls. Once again the four of them were in front of the warp. 
HB sighed  "Still hard to believe this is it. So soon too, my place's going to feel so empty now."
Mister nodded, wiping his eye."Yeah, It's  sad, but your world needs you."
Dapper looked up to the ceiling" Yeah..I guess it does."
Witchy closed her eyes looking away. " Yeah but."  she looked towards the older two " It's not good-bye right? More like see you later."
"If our resident mad scientist has anything to do with it.."
HB tapped Mister on his shoulder.." I'm not mad..Just motivated by aggressively ambitious determination."
Dapper arched his eyebrow with a  teasing grin " So a Maad scientist."
"Oh really, you cheeky little boy." HB walked up to the demon with a teasing glare... before kissing the top of his head between his horns. Dapper face cheeks warmed up with a purplish flushed as he began to feel shy. "What a cute little brother I have."  
Dapper scoffed before hugging the older Connie. "I'm gonna miss you, Sis."
"I'm gonna miss you too Dapper. Take care of  yourself." She moved closer to whisper in his ear. " I mean it. Take care of yourself.  take breaks, have fun, Take her out on dates..She loves and worries about you. so you gotta step up a bit, alright?"
Dapper nodded "I hear you.. and I'll take your long as you do too."
"So cheeky, but deal."
Mister and Witchy looked on before sharing a smirk.  
"Sure you wanna leave already?"
Witchy giggled "Sounds like you're gonna miss us, Bro."
"Well maybe a bit. It was fun having you little ones around."
Witchy pouted, giving him a tap on his stomach. "You two are just freakishly tall."
Mister ruffled her hair affectionately.  "Whatever you say, Miniberry."
"Ugh! You really are a punk!" She exclaimed  as she fixed her hair, before hugging him around the waist. " You're such a punk!" 
"Yeah I am." Mister joked as he returned the hug. "I don't  think I have to tell you anything since Ni¹ probably already said it, but know this." mister dipped down to her eye level. "You're a sweet, beautiful, smart and strong young woman, and you're only going to get better if you stay doing what you do. So don't lose that focus. ..Also.. Don't make Dapper too jealous over there, little head-turner."
Witchy chortle at that. "I promise only to make him moderately jealous.. " She hugged one last time, giving him a quick and light peck on his cheek. " Gonna miss you Big bro."
'You gonna make me cry" Mister teased hugging her back " Gonna miss you, lil sis"
As the two sibling pairs let go, Mister and HB stood by each other's they watched the demon hunters  prepare to walk through. 
With a shy and appreciative wave to their counterparts the demon and the witch interlocked  hands and gave each other a grin..Before Witchy, with cheeks burning, gave him a quick and tender kiss.
"Little moments!" 
Witchy giggled at her sister's cheer before breaking iit leaving him stunned and smiling. " Let's go home, dapper demon."
Dapper only nodded as he allowed himself to be led through the warp stream, which instantly died out as soon as he was fully through.  HB walked up to the warp pad and searched for any trace of a rift or anything semblance that they were really there. 
Trembling, she wiped her eyes of tears when she found none.
*Present (W-FF21) *
"So..Nini, what did you ask me to come up here for?" 
HB looked up as her Mister. "I've been thinking...I need a new adventure. I've been feeling stagnant at R&D.
"You love R&D." 
"I do..I do so much…" She sighed  " But, I'm ready for something new… I'm thinking of a traveling expedition to new lands...and I want you to come with."
Mister grinned at the woman in his lap. "Still sounds like R&D work."
"The word expedition..I admit is somewhat related to R&D..A bit of data gathering is involved..but" HB sat up and straddled his thighs before kissing his chin and trailing upward.
"That's only" 'Chu!'
"Ten percent."  'Chu!'
"Of it all." 'Chu!' ' Chu!' ' Chu!'
Mister groaned a low growl at the rain of sweet kisses. "That's..cheating." He held her by the small of her back and the seat of her shorts..squeezing her a bit as she continued to kiss on him.
"Yeah. You love my tactics."  She gave him a breathy giggle before kissing his lips. 
"All this to get me to say yes? You Minx."
HB was silent for a moment. "No. I just wanted to give you some affection." She pecked his lips. 
"Besides I think if I tell you the first item of the itinerary, you'll be sold."
"Oh.. "
"Come here and give me that ear."
Mister turned his ear to her, feeling a bit of excitement  at her secret...His excitement rose more and more as she spoke his jaw dropping as he turned to her proud face.
"You're for real."
"We're all packed and ready when you-MMM!~MM !"
Mister stopped her speech with his lips on his own. His hand caressing her left cheek while the other pulled her close. For her part, She folded her hands at his nape and kissed back. They separated with a silent pop before she found herself being lifted up in a bridal carry.
"I'm taking this as a yes, by the by."
"Oh It's a hell yes."
HB giggled. "My oh my Mister, swearing? What would Dapper and Witchy think?"
Mister just chuckled as he carried her down the hill towards their new adventure. 
*Present (WD-423)*
Things instantly went back to normal for the demon hunters. They did their hunts like normal, saving people, killing demons, getting paid for it.  Witchy still studied her magic and went to her normal job, Dapper still attended to his garden, practiced his own magic, and did jobs with the crystal witches when he was needed. Nothing really changed for them. 
Dapper stood in his garden listening to his smooth jazz  from magical music notes like wisp in the air as he watered his flowers, a smile on his face as he did, gliding to the music. So engrossed in what he was doing, he didn't know he had an audience until he turned and saw a teasingly giggling Witchy.
He didn't say anything as he commanded his watering can to continue the work and he made his  way to his Best friend and contractee.
"My firey lady?" He held out a hand for her to take.
"My darling demon." She took it with a smile allowing  him to pull her close to him.
His left palm on the small of her back, her right on his shoulder, their other hands interlocked. Her head on his heart.
They swayed to the music dancing in their personal  circle. Both blushing, but not at all nervous. It was an overwhelming welcomed feeling of affection. They didn't say a word to enthralled with being in each other's grasp. 
She originally came just to check in on him when she caught him in his own world. She was going to surprise him when he caught her and offered his hand. It worked in her favor, her objective was to do this. Create a little moment  amongst their busy lives. Advice from her big sis, that she took to heart and something Dapper quickly caught on to.
Ever since that kiss before their departure, two months since they've been back.. hey made a number of little moments..Some were things they've done before the trip, but now had an extra layer of meaning, like washing the dishes together, or researching a new spell or case.. Other things were spontaneous like this dance.
All was memorable. 
As the dance ended with a small twirl from then into his arms again getting a sighing giggle from the witch against his chest. He looked down at the slightly flushed face and instinctively squeezed a bit, getting a hum of curiosity from the witch.
"Your heart pace changed." Witchy stated factually. She stroked his cheek with a smile. "It's faster now."
"Is it ok?"
Witchy nodded, before closing her eyes and slightly  partially her lips. The invitation was sent.
Dapper purpled face and anxious moved in  holding her cheeks before his lips gently brushed against hers.
Only to be interrupted by a sound they did hear in two months, and a stream of rainbow light like magic hit behind their home. The two looked at each in shock  and excitement before sharing their interrupted kiss and running to where the stream landed.
It was rude to not greet visiting family after all.

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