Hometown & City Connverse crossover pt2
"I should really get a car." HB muttered to herself as she jogged towards LHW R&D. A look of determination and concern as she did. Peridot text was usually long winded speeches of how great she was because of their current achievement in whatever project they were working on, but there were exceptions when Peridot words were straight to the point..or even cryptic. Usually, when something was about to go down. She looked down at her phone again, at Peri's text…
P-dottie: Something's coming through. Assault spheres on standy. Get here now.
There was definitely something going down tonight. Part of her thought she should call Lion back with the younger duo and she mentally kicked herself for it.
"Come on, Maheswaran. We don't even know if the thing is an enemy...Don't ruin their fun for a possibility"
Demon hunters or whatever they may be, they were still teens, her 'younger siblings' and they still deserve to have a time out to enjoy themselves.
"Still.. better safe than sorry."
She smirked as she turned the phone to her home screen. The background which was once a picture of Mister in costume during their empire excursion, her new save screen; were replaced by a picture of Witchy, Dapper, and Mister each snoring on her couch after a long winded night of gaming. She happened to walk in on them after returning from R&D and almost giggled at the sight.
Dapper and Mister slept in almost the exact same position ; head tipped back, eyes closed, mouth slightly opened, controllers on the table.
The difference?
Mister hands being in the playing position while Dappers right hand rested on the waist of Witchy intertwined with her own hand. Witchy was curled up, using Dapper thigh as a head pillow. Her feet were lightly pressed against Mister's leg.
She remembered she changed into her houseware before snuggling next to Mister, only for him to wake up and sit her on his lap, holding her around her midsection, before welcoming her home, leaning her head on the crook of his neck and falling back to sleep after kissing her temple. Such a homey feeling it was.
She shook her head to focus on the task at hand, pressing the diamond Icon bring up the insignia the diamonds, she pressed on the pink diamond at the top of the screen. The diamond communicator app, only available to phones jailbroken or made by Little Homeworld R&D or Homeworld R&D.
She waited for his phone to ring as she continued her way about to turn on to the street LHWR&D stayed, when she saw Garnet and Pearl chasing someone little gem in a cloak out of the building, weapons drawn.
"Come back here!" Pearl ordered to no avail.
"No, I didn't do anything!"
The lilith gem, in annoyance, readied her spear before launching a concentrated blast of energy, with all intentions of poofing the gem.
The gem looked as the blast got closer before her reflexes kicked in, leaping out of the way in the last moment. Grimacing as the blast licked her arm, a glancing blow. She growled but turned to run only to feel her legs slipped from under her and land on her back. She didn't even get to grimace when she felt a weight on her chest. Opening her eyes to see Connie and the gems glaring down at her, the human straddling her stomach and her blade in her face. A steady cold eyes meeting her own.
"That's enough, stand dow-"
"Bi..Big sis."
Connie stopped when she heard whimpering from the gem. Removing the hood of her cloak, the three crystal gems gasp at the oh-so familiar purple face staring back at them.
"Amethyst?" Connie glanced at the purple on black eyes, the purple circular marking on her cheeks and the horns on her head...Things that place Dapper in her head. "You're a demon… You're Dapper's and Witchy's Amethyst."
Connie climbed to her feet almost instantly sheathing her blade. She held out a hand to the demoness and an apologetic and shameful smile on her face. " We have some things to discuss."
"Like, why'd you're so much taller, scarier and filled out?" The demoness looked up at her as she took her hand.
"Among other things.." Connie joked as she helped Amethyst up, just as she was about to introduce herself two things happened. Steven returned her call finally, and….
"Well, little witch. Sorry, I guess you aren't so little now huh?.. How long have you been here?" The four turned to a figure on the roof of the R&D building perring down.
He was a fine dressed gentleman, admittedly. Nice white and red checkered collar shirt, white jeans, black heeled pointed toe flats. He also had reptilian green teeth, yellow beady eyes, tan skin and was boney; near skeletal. The way he looked at Connie put her on edge.
He spoke in a slick and almost adoringly voice. "You look like you aged a bit, but for me..not even a half-hour passed since we met…" Anger slipped in his voice as he grabbed his collar revealing his third degree burnt collarbone, and slashed throat. " Lucky me, that spell casted us away before you finished the job.."
'Good going you two.' Connie thought in pride as she arched an eyebrow at the supposed demon. "Maybe you should have stayed in your hole then."
"So spunky even now, even without your partner. Where is your little demon? Did he get lost in the streams of time? Maybe crying over your grave in the future as we speak."
Connie did not like this person at all. His conceit reminded her too much of Kevin of the past. Before she could say anything, Garnet interjected, taking a step forward, her fist tight.
"Who are you? What's your business here?!"
"You golems are so aggressive.." He shrugged playfully " You know when I finally to this.." He paused to take a deep almost euphoric breath of air. "Realm...The other golems asked me the same thing with weapons towards me. All I said was the truth, I was here to kill a half-demon and his witch harlot..and they attacked."
He smirked as he took a pouch from his pocket opening it upside down as the uncracked but dimmed gems of Peridot, Bismuth, Amethyst and Lapis, fell towards the street. Garnet caught them giving the two a reassuring smile, before turning to the demon with rage.
"Though they were so grateful to help me recover a bit.. Draining their essence in all, though inorganic energy are never as good as demon or human magical energies. It always leaves me empty...Help me out huh?"
The demoness Amethyst kept her eyes on the demon growling standing behind Connie's leg, only to be surprised by the human's palm on her head comforting her as she kept her eyes on the opponent in front of her, sword in hand.
"Don't worry." Connie looked back at the knee high demoness. " We got this."
"Confident aren't we.. That's fine." The demon crouched low growling as he did. Black wisps of magic seeped off his body and surrounded Crystal Gems. "I'll just break your confidence with your body."
While HB was fighting within her hometown, A pink portal was opening up on top of an Empire city roof and through it came the laughter of two teens, who slid out of and almost off it, on a pink lion; Dapper and Witchy. In Witchy's hand was a giant strawberry and on Dapper's back was a couple of Homeworld style sais.
Woah Boy!" Dapper exclaimed as He wrapped his hands around his lady's waist keeping her close, as they nearly tipped over. "I'm starting to think Bro was right and you do need parking practice."
Lion responded with an annoyed stare. only for it to turn to a pleased mewling as Witch scratched his head.
"Lion's perfect as he is. Don't listen to those jealous Steven's" She praised as she kissed the jungle cat head.
Dapper just shook his head with a smirk as he climbed down. He walked to the edge of the roof and sat down taking a look at the city below. A bit of a serene look on his face. Wordlessly, he held his hand towards his lady, asking for her company.
"Sheesh." Witchy gave her partner a gentle smile as she joined him, strawberry in her left hand. "You're so starved for my attention, Steven." Witchy teased as she took a bite of the strawberry, humming in sweet surprise as the juice shot down her throat. She blushed as she heard him chuckle giving him a small glare.
Dapper shook his head before wiping her strawberry covered lips with his thumb. "You're a mess, my lady." He slurped up the residue from his thumb with a smirk. "Almost as sweet as you."
Face a beautiful maroon half pout, Witchy wrapped her right arm around Dapper and leaned her head on his shoulders. "I swear. Is every Steven a flirt, tasked with making every Connie a flustered mess."
"I'm sure it's the reverse a good amount of the time as well... if bro and sis is an example of the norm." Dapper chuckled. "Maybe it's an undeniable truth of existence."
Witchy looked up, intrigued but also smugly."What, that you were put on earth to raise my blood pressure?"
"I was put on earth to make your heart race, my lady." Dapper joked flirtatiously, getting a half hearted groan from Witchy. "Jokes aside..I'm starting to think for every 'Steven', there's a 'Connie'."
"Really now?" A relaxed smile graced her face. "It's almost like you're saying our lives are intertwined.. Like we're fated to be with each other or something like soulmates?"
"You jest but there's an older version of us who's the embodiment of 'honeymoon' phase."
"Despite not being 'together'."Witchy added with a knowing smirk.
Dapper nodded in agreement a chuckle of his own before settling to a smile. " Then there's us…"
"Please don't say we're soulmates." Witchy bemoaned.
"But we are!" Dapper announced as he took a bite of the strawberry. "Mmm! That's dang good"
"Hey, get your own, greedy demon." Witchy ordered as she pulled the berry away.
"You're so mean, my lady. Just one more bite." Dapper reached towards the fruit.
Witchy leaned back trying to keep the fruit away. "Oh, yeah right! I know what a bite from you is like."
"You do, don't you."Dapper stated as he leaned closer to her, his smile falling to a sly grin and his attention on her alone.
Blushing as she was, she didn't back down, deciding to take a page from HB's book. She cupped his chin and gave him a small coaxing smile. "Of course, I do. I have your mark to prove it, 'soulmate'. "
She chuckled when she saw Dapper, blushed and turned away. "That was smooth, my lady." He looked back at her teasing grin.
"You're adorable when you're flustered. It actually feels good to be on the other side." Witchy impishly poked the demon nose as she giggled.
"Oh role reversal is it?" Dapper gave his lady a dangerous smile as his fingers went to her sides. "then I guess I get to punish you as you would do me."
"Steven, don't you daaaaAhahahaha."
Witchy squirmed and laughed as she succumbed to his tickling. She kicked and tried to block his careful claws, but it was to no avail.
"Such a beautiful laugh, my lady. Maybe it's a traif of being a Connie. " Dapper half-joked, he really did love his lady's laugh and preferred it over HB's
"Ahhhhaha,,Like schmaltzy...haha! flirting..Is a Steven trait." Witchy said between laughing and catching her breath.
"You like it!" Dapper stated as he tickled more vigorously getting more laughter from the Witchy.. "Give..Give...Give."
"Nooohahaha! We...Connie's...dohahahaha...don't falter!"
"Neither do us Steven's! I guess we're at an impasse, then."
"Wait..I'll give you the..Hahaha..Behahah. The berry!"
Dapper paused for a moment."Tempting…"
Witchy used this moment to catch her breath and try to slip from under him when he stroked her sides with his claws.
"But I rather, your laughter."
"Nohahaha! Wait Lion help!"
Lion looked at the two antic before walking over and nuzzling Witchy neck as if he was trying to tickle her as well making her laugh even more.
"Nohoho! I've been forsaken, betrayed, and cheated!" Witchy yelled through their affectionate assault. "Ok ok! ..I can't breath...You got it!"
"What was that?"
"You win!"
Dapper looked at Lion for a moment before grinning at the beast and pressing his skull to him. He rolled over laying next to the tired and still giggling Witchy.
"Connie's never falter huh?"
"You had help." She laughed again, getting a lick from Lion. She turned to the pink cat with a side smirk. "How are you going to betray your aunt?"
Lion yawned before going to the center of the roof to give them privacy.
The two layed there looking up, hands instinctively interlocked.
"I'm going to miss this world. It's so fun and peaceful. It's relaxing."
Dapper looked over at his lady, her face was reflective as she stared up at the night sky, stars in her black eyes..
"I mean..it's been awhile since we felt like...Teens..No hunts or anything..It's nice."
"I'm ready. I want to go back." Witchy said with conviction. "I miss our world. Miss studying with our Pearl and Garnet, walking around our city with AAmethyst. Miss our garden, our living room, our kitchen. My bedroom..I miss our home."
Dapper watched as his lady wiped her eyes to keep from crying.
She gave a strained chuckled before continuing "Strange, I miss our adventurous and comparatively dangerous lives?"
Dapper shook his head. "No I feel the same."
If you asked Dapper about his opinion on the matter of worlds, he'd tell you he'd rather be wherever his lady was..Truthly he could see them settling and getting caught in the go with the flow aura of Beach City and Little Homeworld...But it wasn't their world to enjoy.
They didn't put in the work or battle the enemies their older counterparts did and still are if what Mister and HB stated about the peace being 'relative'. They themselves didn't see the relative part of the peace, but there's a reason for LHWR&D and for Mister to still engage in ambassador duties
Still his main concern was staring at him looking for him to continue. He gave his lady hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm in the same mind as you...but I think part of me wishes you wanted to stay here. Would be easier to keep you safe here."
"So you want to slack on your responsibilities?" She teased the demon turning to him.
"Perish the thought, my lady." Dapper retorted with. grin before facing her. Stroking her chin with the back of his hand. "Just mean I could focus more on making you happy than keeping you safe."
Witchy blushed bright as she looked down " You do both, Steven. No matter what world we're in. I only feel this safe and happy knowing you're with me." She looked up into his demon eyes and only felt affection from and for them.
"I'm grateful for it. For entering a contract..for being best friends..for having such a loving and loveable dapper demon as a 'soulmate'."
"Only for you, my lady."
It was inevitable. The pull of affection, the city light below them and the natural ones above. The serene silence and their shy and excited smile. They instinctively moved closer. their breath brushing against each other.
"My lady?"
He nodded feeling nervous as he moved in eyes closed lips a thread apart from his lady's…
The two broke apart as if they were burned and looked toward Mister..Who was half way out of Lion's mane.. Before either could say anything Mister interrupted..
"Connie's fighting a demon."
That's all they needed to hear.
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