Yoongi - Studio Session

I had been in my studio for nearly a week straight at this point. Jimin's new solo album was going to be coming out soon, and he asked me to make some adjustments to his title song that he wanted done last minute.

He came in a few times to do some back vocals to match with the new tone of the song, and was in love. He hugged me and left the booth when we were done, and I have been in this chair ever since. I even napped on my futon a few times.

When I finally had the final product done, I fished out my phone from my pocket and texted Jimin.

Me: It's done.

Jimin: Great! I'm still here, I was just stopping to say hi to Yoongi and I lost track of time.

My entire body froze when I read...his name.

Jimin: Do you mind if I come back up and listen?

Me: No problem. Door is unlocked.

I put my phone down, seriously exhausted from the week. I don't even think I'm going to make it home before falling asleep. But I desperately needed to shower and wash my hair. It was full of product and dry shampoo that was starting to make may hair itch.

Not too long after, I heard a knock on my door before I swiveled to see Jimin's bright smile come through the door.

"Hey!" He greeted me, bending down and giving me a big hug. "Thank you so much for working so diligently on this."

"Anything for you." I said, as he then sat on my futon. "Are you ready?"

He nodded eagerly before I pushed the play button and the rom was filled with the music. I watched him close his eyes, and move his body in little movements, as if he was imagining a routine with it.

He was so dedicated, it was inspiring.

When the song ended, his eyes shot open and he couldn't contain his excitement. He giggled and shook with happiness, stopping his feet as he did. "I am so happy!" He said, before throwing his whole body back into my futon, his arms and legs out like a starfish. "It's exactly as I imagined it."

"Thank god for that." I laughed making him sit up straight and look at me.

"I have something for you." He said before reaching into his back pocket and handing me an thick envelope.

I looked at the envelope suspiciously, then back to him as I took it from his hands. He still wore a big grin on his face. When I got it opened and read the first line, I gasped and my hand flew to my mouth.


"I knew you would be happy!"

"How did you make this happen? I just now finished the song you wanted me to rearrange."

"I told the label that you were amazing. I told them that in truth, you were the producer I wanted on the majority of my music. If they lose you, then...well they would be hard pressed to find someone else like you."

"A real producer...like...officially?" I giggled, him nodding eagerly.

I couldn't help the excitement within me. This had been a dream. I had been producing music my whole life, but not professionally. I rented the studio I currenly had, and did these songs for Jimin as a favor.

It had been a long road.

Music was my life and I loved making it.

Especially with someone as talented as Jimin.

And here, in my hand, was an official contract between myself and Big Hit with a salary. I no longer had to pay for my studio, it was officially mine, and I would be able to work exclusively with the artists they represented.

I nearly started to cry.

"Jimin!" I mumbled, my eyes swimming.

"No, no, no! No tears!" He said, wiping them from my face.

"I cant believe this." I laughed. "This...this is amazing."

"You, are amazing love. You are talented, and I am so happy with my new music, my fans aren't going to know what to do with themselves."

"Thank you." I whispered, hugging him again.

"You are welcome." He said, before pulling back. "Now get some rest. I am going to go home and sleep and no one better wake me up." He said walking toward the door. "Oh one more thing." He said, making me look up at him. "Jungkook knew this was going to happen, so now he wants to work with you too?"


"Yep!" He smiled. "That's why I was with Yoongi. I had to break the news to him."

"Oh." I said. "Well, I'm happy to work with Jungkook." I said.

Jimin rolled my eyes, I assume because of my disregard for the mention of Yoongi's name.

"I'll text you when I wake up." He said, slipping out of the door.

I turned to review the contract I had in hand, and I was in complete awe of it. I couldn't believe this actually happened. I could quite my day job, and focus fully on music. As I read, I saw all off the benefits I was offered along with a very generous salary.

I laughed and took my headphones off wiping my eyes from the tears I shed in sheer shock.

I was still tired though. But I was not about to make my way home. Thankfully there was a shower in the locker rooms, and I just grabbed my change of clothes and made my way down there.

I cleaned myself up, not bothering to dry my hair, just pinned it on top of my head and returned to my studio. I grabbed the blanket I kept in there, and turned off the light, only the blue light from my computer shining dully. Even though I had so much excitement in me from the contract that I was given, I was also just so tired.

I fell asleep almost right away, until I woke up a few hours later by a very distinct "oh shit."

I lifted my head just slightly, and I saw that I had only been sleeping for just over an hour. When I looked towards my door, I saw him...standing there, my contract in his hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice thick with sleep.

His head jerked towards mine and instead of standing in the doorway he stepped inside completely, as I straightened myself up.

"Your door was unlocked." He said in a low voice. "I didn't mean to wake you."

I rubbed my eyes trying to remove the sleep from my eyes. "That doesn't explain why you are here." I snapped, annoyed that he even sought me out.

"Jimin told me he was giving you your contract." He said, making himself comfortable and sitting on my desk chair. "I was curious if you were going to accept it."

"Of course I did." I said, my eyes now adjusting. It was still dark, but I could still see Yoongi's face as he put down the bottle of water he was holding. "You knew I would."

He nodded and twirled in my seat again looking at everything on my desk. "We are going to have to get you better equipment." He said. "I have already put an order in for you."

As I started to wake up more, I realized I was just in a tshirt and panties, so I kept the blanket covering my legs.

"You did?" I asked.

"Well yeah. I don't trust anyone else to get it for you. Besides, the company gave me an allowance to help you set up your studio properly."

"I like the way it is." I remarked.

"I know, we will keep it the way it is, but we will have to check the sound proofing and be sure that all the new stuff is set up the way you like."

"Thanks for checking." I sharply replied. "I appreciate it, but you could have said all this in an email."

"Then I wouldn't have gotten to see you." He turned and his eyes locked with mine.

It only pissed me off.

I could feel the fire slowly burn under my skin, and each and every nerve ending flare with the anger that was boiling up.

"I would rather not see you, so can you please leave?"

"We will be working together you know. So you're going to have to get used to seeing me."

In truth, I forgot about that part. I had slipped my mind that I would be working with him on a lot of work. The contract specifically stated that seniority members of the company would be frequently partnered on projects, I just didn't think it would be Yoongi.

Then a thought hit me.

"You didn't have anything to do with that contract did you?"

He laughed, making me even more angry. "Oh no." He replied. "You did that on your own merit. Your talent, your skills. I had nothing to do with it."

I was relieved at that. I knew how much pull he had in this company so to know that I really did achieve this opportunity by earning it made me feel a little more at ease.

But that didn't make looking at him any less difficult.

"Can you please go now? I'm trying to sleep."

"I cant." He said, his entire body facing me now.

"Why not?"

He paused, and even in the darkness I saw him swallow thickly, as if nervous. "I need to talk to you."

It was my turn to laugh, now fully awake and appalled by his audacity.

"Now you want to talk? Where was this urge three months ago, Yoongi?" I said, louder than I would have liked. "We had plenty of time to talk and you said nothing. Now you want to talk? Because I'm going to be here. Well I'm sorry, I am not going anywhere. You are going to have to get used to me being around too. Seeing me, knowing that you threw me away like a fucking piece of trash."

"I don't want you to go anywhere." He said, his voice firm as if he was getting angry.

"Could have fooled me." I snapped back.

"What have I done to you to try to get rid of you? You do know that to get a new producer on board you have to have a majority vote, right? I voted for you, not against you."

He may have been right but I was far too stubborn to tell him that. I rolled my eyes. "What could you possibly wan to talk about?" I asked him.

"Us." He said.

"There is no us. You made sure of that." I grumbled, leaning back into the futon. I was trying to hard not to cry. The separation between us was really hard on me. I had fallen in love with him. Body and soul. Devoted to him.

Then one day he told me it wasn't going to work.

It was absolutely out of nowhere. I never would have suspected him to say this. We were nearly inseparable. We rarely fought, always had fun, and had a lot in common.

I begged him to explain why, to tell me what was wrong or what I had done. But he didn't say anything. He only said, it wasn't going to work, 'it's just not' I remember him saying.

And to make it worse, my immediate thought was that it could only be about my weight. That I was plus size. He was either embarrassed by me, or disgusted by me. Which still didn't make complete sense because our sex life was active and healthy. I remember the realization I felt and the moment I gave up trying to get him to talk to me.

But now he wants to talk?

I refused to look at him. I knew if I looked at him, I would start to cry and I refused to show him any more weakness than I already had.

He sighs and runs his hands over his face seeming exasperated. "I know." He says. "Trust me it's constantly on my mind."

"If you're suddenly feeling guilty about never telling me why, just save it. I already know, and don't need you to say it out loud."

He looked at me with a confused expression. "You know?"

"It's obvious. Women like me can tell."

"What the fuck do you mean, women like you?"

"Fat girls!" I shouted, now getting angry. "Fat girls like me know when hot men like you feel insecure and embarrassed by being with us." At this point I stood, because I didn't want him to have an upper hand by towering over me. "I don't need you to say it out loud." I yelled, the blanket falling from my grasp.

He was so still, but when I looked in his eyes I saw the passionate anger behind them. Angry at me for calling him out.

The air was thick with tension once I said the words. Even so, I felt relief flood through me for finally saying it.


We stayed there, still and silent, staring at one another.

I was daring him with my gaze to deny it.

Secretly I was hoping he would, but logically I knew he couldn't.

I jumped just slightly when he moved to stand, taking a step toward me. I, however, stayed still. I did not want to let him know he intimidated me. He took another step, now only a foot from me, close enough to reach out and touch.

His eyes searched mine for a moment, be fore he closed them and took a deep breath.

"You think, that I ended our relationship, because of the way you look?"

"I know you did."

"You don't know shit." He said, taking another step towards me. "You are so fucking delusional!" He continued, and I could see his energy now matching mine. "I cant believe you would think so little of me, that you would even question my attraction to you."

"There was no other reason!" I yelled back, surprised at my own guttural voice. "I was devoted to you, I was committed, we made music together, we were so good together. Yoongi we didn't even fight. I did everything for you, I gave up so much for you." I paused trying to regain my composure, I really didn't want this to be a screaming match. "I'm a good woman." I said to him, sternly, with force. "I'm loving, and kind, and fun. I'm a good person, and a good friend, a good partner. I'm not perfect, but damn it I'm good."

I could see his emotions start to twist behind his eyes. Even his breath was becoming heavier, and I could swear I could almost hear his heart beating from his chest.

I continued. "I am not perfect. But I loved you. And I thought you loved me, but you don't discard someone you love."

I went to move back to the futon but Yoongi didn't allow it. I felt him reach for me and push me back against the wall, not too hard that I hit my head, but hard enough to fell the impact.

"I do love you. I love every inch, every curve, and every last thing about you. Mentally, physically, emotionally." I was frozen. He had never spoken like this before. I accepted that about him. He was deep. He felt deeply, he just didn't openly talk about it nearly as much. His eyes moved from mine to right at my chest, on of his hands that caged me against the wall was lifted, placed right above my breast where my heart was. It wasn't sexual in the slightest, but feeling his hands on me again after so long, made my own heart start to beat erratically.

He closed his eyes, leaning more into me with his hand on my chest. This was something he used to do when we were in bed together. He would feel or listen to the rhythm of my heart.

The memory sparked more pain from within me, and before I could stop it I felt myself crying.

At this point I was already a goner, so why not ask.

"Then why?" I asked him, thankful that I was able to keep my voice steady.

He didn't answer at first, taking his time before he let go of me and stepped back from me. His eyes found mine, and I could see the pain he was holding in but I couldn't understand it.

"I don't know what I was thinking." He said. "I had it in my head that you deserved so much more than me. I was so focused on work, and you were...exactly as you said. You were completely committed, devoted to our relationship. You were giving up too much and I felt like you would resent me in the long run."

I could not believe what I was hearing. Dumbfounded I stood there, my eyes went in and out of focus. The anger I felt inside me was not for a totally different reason. I stood there, my eye brows together in frustration, starting into his eyes, his face saddened and lips pouting.

"That, has to be. The dumbest reason to break up with someone. Ever."

I said it slowly, forcefully. That why he could hear each and every bit of the restraint I had in not freaking the absolute fuck out. His gaze turned from saddened to annoyed.

"Fuck you, that is a good reason."

"No its not!" I rebutted. "A good reason is cheating. A good reason is that you don't love the other person. A good reason is because you're fighting or because you don't enjoy being around the other person. Not because your dumbass thinks I might someday leave you!"

When I thought he'd argue back, he didn't; he nodded his head and stepped closer to me.

"You're right."

"I am?" I asked, surprised.

He smiled for the first time since he had been in the room, and nodded. "You are." He replied. "It wasn't a good enough reason to leave you. Which is why I wanted to talk to you about it all." He then stepped closer to me again, his hands reaching up and gently taking hold of my face, his thumbs gently strumming over my jaw. "You said you loved me?"

"I did." I replied, staying as still as I could.

"Does that mean you don't love me now?"

He was so close to me, that the fact that I could coherently think at all was astonishing. Nonetheless, I took a hard look at the man in front of me. He was being open, honest. He was being vulnerable. He was speaking his truth, and we have all been in his shoes. Been In a situation where we don't believe we deserve the people who love us.

I know I had felt that way a time or two about him.

"My feelings haven't changed." I said honestly.

He then pulled me in to kiss him, his eager lips trying to devour my own but I couldn't get into it. I pulled from him, his hands still on my face, and his eyes brows together.

"Yoongi, you broke my heart." I told him honestly, he moving one hand to wrap his arm around me.

"I know."

"You don't know." I told him. "I have been miserable."

"I do know." He defended tightening his grip on me. "I have missed you every day. Every single day." A tear escaped my eye and he wiped it away with his thumb then resting his forehead against mine. "I miss you now." He continued.

"You swear?" I asked, giving into my need for him. He opened his head and leaned back as he looked at me. "You swear to me that you wont do this again? If I open my hear back up to you, you wont put us through this."

"I swear." He said, kissing my lips. "I swear to you. I wont let you go, not ever again."

More tears left my eyes, my heart overwhelmed with the whiplash of this conversation. But I believed him. Deep down inside I knew he was telling me the truth.

"Then I'm yours." I whispered.

He rushed my lips again, this time meeting to resistance. Our lips has always fit well with one another, and he was an amazing kisser. The hand he held to my jaw moved slowly behind my head, his fingers tangling with my still slightly wet hair.

His touch made me feel alive again. As if the past few months I was just existing, but now, with him I can thrive again. As he kissed me I felt my body react to him more and more, and I was graced with the feeling of his talented tongue down my neck as he moved away from my mouth. He latched on to a sensitive spot there, knowing what it would do to me.

I let out a low moan. He could always easily turn me on, and ironically enough I thought I could feel his arousal as well.

He moved his lips from my neck to my ear, whispering so quietly it gave me chills. "Please? Like old times?" I couldn't form words, but I nodded firmly, his lips then kissing my neck softly in gratitude.

He lets go of me, only for a moment to pull my futon out to it's full size. He throws his jacket off and tosses it to the desk chair. He watch as he removes his shoes, socks, his shirt and then his jeans, leaving him in just his tight fitted boxers.

When he turns to me I feel like I'm being hunted and it excites me. He reaches for me, tugging at the shirt making me step forward and he pulls it up and over my head. Immediately, the same thought as before ran through my head, and for the first time with him, my arms moved to hide my belly.

He kissed my arm before taking my hand and pulling them away from my body.

"Don't ever hide from me." His voice was low and serious. "I love your body, you are beautiful." He then moved closer to me, pressing his pelvis into my hip, raising an eye brow. "You are incredibly sexy and make me so hard my mind can only focus on you. Never, and I mean never question that again, do you hear me?" I nodded making him kiss me again. "Good."

Just then he pushed me backwards causing me to fall back on the futon. He then lowered his lips to my stomach, kissing me right where my leg met my torso, a very sensitive spot for me.

"Look at me. Do you see how badly I need you?"

His hands moved up the outside of my thighs and over my hips to grab hold of my panties. He pulled them down finding me already wet, and when he pushed my thighs apartment, I sawt he familiar feral look in his eyes.

I scooted my body up to the pillow that was above me, Yoongis hands running up and down my thighs, gripping on to them as I clenched around nothing.

"Yoongi." I whimpered, suddenly more needy than before. I wanted him to plunge into me, and take me once again as his.

"You need me baby?" He asked, licking his lips. I nodded again, making him smirk.

Before when we were together he wouldn't hesitate to make me beg. Make me tell him exactly what I wanted from him, what I wanted him to do to me.

But considering our reunion I think he felt begging unnecessary.

He gave me a slow thick lick up my wetness, stopping at my clit. He wiggled his skillful tongue around the sensitive bud making me close my eyes and fall even further into the soft surface I was laying on.

Breathing heavily I could feel myself getting worked up from his mouth alone. Each swipe of his lips or tongue would send jolts of electric pleasure through my body. I could feel it in my nipples, my lips and even my own tongue.

He started to pick up his pace, circling his tongue and letting the tip of it swipe over the bud quickly. He would change up the pressure, using his tip at first, but then the flat of his tongue.

I was gasping for air, my body was rolling with each surge of pleasure, as I reached down for him. He took both of my hands, as his arms were wrapped around my thighs, not letting me move much from where I was.

My whole body started to wiggle as my orgasm was zeroing in on me. Usually, Yoongi would tease me, and just as I was about to cum, he would stop, thrusting himself into me. But not this time.

"Oh god yes, Yoongi I'm so close!"

He started to hum, pushing his face even further into me, devouring me as if I was his first meal in weeks. My eyes shut tightly, my back arched, and my hands squeezed his fingers and I finally came. I could feel the pulsing of my pussy, my legs shaking as he ate me through my climax. I thought he wasn't going to stop at first, but after a few more seconds he let up, taking deep breaths of his own.

"You sounded so sexy baby." He said, kissing me on top of my womanhood before he let my hands go and started crawling up my body. He kissed me all over as he did, speaking broken sentences between kisses. "You, drive, me crazy. I love, you, so much." He reached my breasts and let his tongue slowly drag across one of my nipples.

My nipples were so sensitive and he knew that. He licked at sucked and one before moving to the other. I gasped out loud when he sucked particularly hard before his face was over mine. I could feel his cock hard against me, throbbing with need.

"Do you believe me now?" He smirked, a bit of my arousal still on his lips.

I bent up slightly and licked his lower lip, making him throb again. When I laid back down, I couldn't hide my smirk. He smiled at me, and shook his head playfully.

"I forgot how dirty you can be."

"Dirty? That was just me I was licking off your lips, and by the way you throbbed when I did, you liked it."

"Oh I did." He admitted, tucking his head into my neck. I turned my head giving him more access, his wet kisses causing my entire body to tingle from the tickle.

"Ohhhhh have I missed you." I breathed, my hands running up his arms.

"I missed you too baby." He replied. "Now that you're good and wet, are you ready for me?"

"So ready." I said, his lips rounding my collar bone.

He gave me once final kiss on my chest before he leaned up and took hold of my legs. The back of my knees sitting in the crease of his elbows. Focusing between us, he watched as the full length of his girthy cock disappeared inside my pussy.

I lout out a loud, fully opened mouth moan at the familiar feeling of him stretching me to fit him. I was so wet that there was no resistance in taking him. He rolled his hips after that, not hesitating to slowly increase his pace.

"Oh fuck..." He let out, stopping and moving back. "Twist your hips." He commanded.

I moved my one leg to my other, my entire body facing the wall. He then scooted up closer to me pushing my shoulder so that my back was laying flat, but my hips were twisted. He plunged in again, one hand pushing down on my shoulder, and the other gripping my thigh. He started to move again, this time hitting harder and deeper than before.

"Oh god yes!" I cried out. Gripping at his arm, I braced myself for each thrust of his cock. I felt even more chills run up my body and over my cheeks. I couldn't think of anything but the way he felt in side of me.

"You feel so good." He grunted, holding me down as he moved. "I know it hits you exactly where you need. I need it too...fuuuuck I need it too."

"Yoongi!" I whimpered; the pleasure so intense that all I knew was his name.

"Let it go, let it happen. Baby, I'm not stopping!"

I broke out into a full flash of heat, stars clouding my vision and my back trying so desperately hard to arch from the impact. My body was jerking back and forth as his hips collided with the back of my thighs, sweat dripping from both of us. He continued to hammer into me, his cock throbbing continuously. I knew he had to be close, and from the sheer overstimulation of him I came again, unraveling, and fluids gushing from between us.

"Oh my god!" I cried, throwing my head back.

"Fuck!" He shouted before he finally unloaded into me. He stopped, as he gets oversensitive easily, allowing his member to fill me.

When he was done, his lips found my shoulder, kissing me.

"That was so amazing." I said, nearly out of breath.

"I love you." He said, his arms wrapping around me, keeping himself buried deep.

"I love you." I responded.

We both laid there panting for a few minutes until the fatigue from the week started to come back. The adrenaline of the intensity of Yoongi and I's earlier conversation now quickly draining from me.

Yoongi got up, cleaned us both off with his shirt before coming back to the futon and grabbing the blanket.

"You kept it."

"Of course I did." I said, taking it and turning to face him. "You made it for me."

"I thought you would have burned it."

"No." I sighed, relaxing into his hold. "I couldn't bring myself to." He kissed me on the head a few times before allowing me to look up at him and kiss his lips. "Now can we please sleep? I'm so tired, and you just fucked the rest of my energy out of my body."

He laughed and kissed me again before settling and his arm relaxing over my body. He held me tightly until I fell asleep, and it was the best rest I had had, in months.  

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