Jadenn Axel was a 17 year old drop out. Her parents were Maurine Mahler and Dave Axel.
They met in high school and instantly fell in love. Once they finished high school, the two had plans going to college. They changed there minds and moved away from home. They moved on the other side of the United States. From New Jersey to Texas. As usual teens, all they had on their minds were making love. What they forgot was the chances of becoming pregnant without using protection.
Weeks later, the couple found out they were expecting a baby, and they were not happy.
They both were mad at each other for not thinking it through.
The day of little Jadenn's birth Dave was going to the pawn shop to trade jewelry for money. While he was gone, Maurine's water broke and was rushed to the hospital. She tried getting in touch with Dave but he wouldn't answer her calls.
That Friday night, Maurine had birth the little Jadenn without Dave being by her side.
Since little Jadenn was born, Maurine had to work as a stripper in the popular club in town. Most of the time she would have to bring Jadenn to work, only if a coworker she is close with was working.
When they moved from lower class to middle class with Maurine's job, each and every day she would get rude comments from customers or coworkers. She decide to quit but the owner wasn't happy because she was on of the best strippers.
She left ignoring his threats towards to her. Weeks later when she came to pick up her last paycheck, he abused her, took all of her money and closed down the club.
They went from lower class to middle class, almost high class to low class citizens. Selling items and moving into a run down apartment to start all over again, but didn't move an inch in life.
Many years later as little Jadenn isn't little, but a troubled teen. Only Maurine and Jadenn, no Dave.
Jadenn pov
"What Jadenn?"
"It's almost 7:30, are you gonna drive me to school?"
"No. Go catch the bus."
"But the bus already came."
"Then walk."
"You promised you would take me."
"Why are you so obsessed with getting to school all of a sudden? Any other day, I would of had to drag you to school. If your so desperate to get to school walk!"
She left and went into the bathroom.
I grabbed my bag and jacket and headed out the door. The only reason I'm going to school today is because my supplier is giving me some today, got new shipments today and wanted me to get the first before anyone else.
I put a cigarette to my mouth, lit the end, inhaled then exhaled as I moved the cigarette. I'm not dumb enough to smoke weed in public. I inhale and exhale a couple more time before a school bus drives by and kids throw trash at me.
"Fuck off!" I yell.
A few minutes later I walk up to the school.
"Ok let's get this over with. I get what I came here for and I leave. Simple, I don't need to stay all day."
"Are you talking to yourself again asswhole?" Asked Jadden
There is this girl that I really don't like with the same name as me, but I'm Jadenn and she is Jadden.
"Why are you talking to me Jadden?" I asked
"Ugh! Don't call me Jadden! I hate having the same name as you. It's Jaddie."
"Like I said why are you talking to me?"
"Because I can, also I wanted to tell you I'm having a party Saturday and everyone is coming. Except you."
"Oh wow I'm crying what will I do now knowing I'm not able to go to this awful party Saturday? I guess I'll hang myself or I'll stay home and smoke like always."
"Suicide isn't funny Jadden the dike. Plus smoking is going to shorten your life you know."
"1) im not a dike, 2) talking about someones sexuality like that is rude jadden. 3)Why do you think I'm doing it? Trying to leave while I'm young."
"Then kill yourself." She said
"Um what happened to the girl who just said suicide isn't funny? Plus if I kill myself people mike think I'm weak or something and that's the last thing I want people to think."
"People who commit suicide isn't weak!"
" why are you getting so upset?" I asked
"Because I know your trying to get under my skin by talking about suicide and you know my little brother committed suicide you bitch. Your a sick little bitch and YOU should deserve to die. Hope your supplier gives you drugs that kill you. We all know that's the only reason why you come to school."
"Doesn't all drugs kill you though? Plus I'm here to learn get an eda-, edguuu-"
"It's called an education you dumb slut."
*bell rings*
"Well I guess it's time for you to get your eda-, edguuu-, education."
"Bitch." I whispered
I walked into school heading to chemistry, or was it calculus first hour?
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