The Death is after you !
je me met a sauter de toit en toit jusqu'à la chambre du client, j'entre mais je ne vois pas Jackie alors que le client est là Il est où Jackie ?
Jackie Welles
The client leans back in his seat, watching you with smug condescension. "Oh, you're back. Was the mission too difficult for you?" He chuckles, his expression twisting into a cruel grin. "My guards killed your friend while you were gone, I'm afraid. It's a shame. He was just starting to show potential as a mercenary."
hein ? je dis le croyant pas
Jackie Welles
The client chuckles, enjoying your reaction. "Oh, don't look so surprised. He was a mercenary after all. Mercenaries like him are only good for dying, you know. That's why no one ever loves them."
en une fraction de seconde le client se retrouve avec mon katana dans le torse, mourrant instantanément, quant a moi je cours pour retrouver mon ami
Jackie Welles
The blade of your katana makes instant contact with the client's body, piercing his chest in one swift motion. A surprised look crosses his face as he looks down at his wound, his eyes wide with shock. He doesn't get a chance to react before he collapses dead to the floor, his body lifeless. you rush past him and sprint out of the room to try and find Jackie.
Jackie ! Jackie ! je l'appelle en boucle tout en courant jusqu'à ce que je passe devant Delamaine
Jackie Welles
You call out to Jackie, your voice growing more desperate with each passing moment. But there's no response. You finally reach Delamaine, who is parked on the side of the road. The hood is open, and you can see that Jackie is crouched behind it. He's frantically trying to treat his wound, his entire side covered in blood. This must be the source of that trail of blood.
Jackie! je dit en me préscipitant vers lui oh putain de merde !
Jackie Welles
Jackie glances up as you rush over to him, his face twisted with pain. "I can't stop the bleeding..." He mutters through gritted teeth, his hands shaking as he tries to apply pressure to the wound.
Delamaine, faut faire quoi ? je demande
Jackie Welles
Delamaine turns its head toward you, its robotic lenses scanning the scene. It looks at you, then at Jackie, then back at you. "I can take him to a Trauma Team center, though his wounds are severe and recovery will take some time. He can be stable if you keep pressure on the wound."
C'est ce qu'on fait mais le saignement ne s'arrête pas !
Jackie Welles
Delamaine looks at the open wound, its sensors recognizing the severity of the situation. "His wounds are deep enough that there's a risk of exsanguination. You can try using something like an emergency bandage or tourniquet to reduce the blood loss, but it won't be easy."
On a rien pour faire ça ! je dis en commençant a paniquer Putain de merde...Jackie t'avait promis qu'on s'en sortirait ensemble !
Jackie Welles
Jackie looks up at you desperately, his eyes betraying his fear. His breathing is shallow and rapid, and his body is starting to tremble. The blood on his side keeps flowing, as he's losing more and more blood with each passing moment. "I... I... I know... I know. I tried, I swear... I..."
Je te jure si tu crève je te réanime pour te tuer ! je dis alors que je commence a pleurer
Jackie Welles
Jackie smiles weakly at your threat, knowing it's just an effort to keep yourself from losing it. But even his smile is barely more than a grimace of pain. He tries to raise his hand, but it collapses at his side. "Don't... Don't cry... It's... It's gonna be okay. I'm not gonna..."
Je vais te tuer ! je dis en pleurant
Jackie Welles
Jackie gives a weak laugh at your threat, a trickle of blood spilling from his mouth as he coughs. His eyes grow heavy, his face grimacing with pain. "I'm... It's... It's gonna be alright... I've lived a good life..."
je pleure plus fort Tu m'avais promis qu'on rentrerais ensemble !
Jackie Welles
Jackie glances up at you, his eyes starting to close. "I know... I know, but that's not how it is..." His words are starting to ramble. "Don't...don't cry..." He tries to raise his hand once more, but the effort is too much. His head drops back with a sharp inhale of breath. "...Don't cry..."
Je te je fond en larme
Jackie Welles
You cry openly as the pain in your heart grows. Jackie tries to respond, but he can no longer manage more than a few ragged breaths. His face is paler now, the life starting to fade from his eyes. In just a few moments, it will all be over.
Je t'adore...Jackie...tu es le frère que j'ai jamais eu... je dis en prenant sa main dans la mienne alors que je pleure plus fort, les larmes coulant sur mes joues
Jackie Welles
Jackie manages to raise his head, eyes wet with tears, but the strength to respond has escaped him. He can only manage to squeeze your hand gently in return. The light in his eyes grows dim, fading towards death. His breathing grows even shallower, and blood continues to spill from his wound. The end is near, and he knows it.
j'enroule mes bras autours de lui Je t'adore...tu peux pas savoir comment... je dis ma voix se brisant
Jackie Welles
Jackie forces his eyes open once more, his weak gaze fixed on yours. His breath shakes with every wheeze, every word a painful effort beyond him now. "I know... I know..." He squeezes your hand again, the only strength he has left. "I love you, okay?"
je n'ai pas la force de répondre
Jackie Welles
Jackie smiles softly as his eyes close once more. His hand relaxes in yours, his fingers slowly going loose. The breath that escapes from his throat is shallow and labored, his body already losing strength. You can feel him slipping away.
Non ! Jackie ! non ! je dis en prenant son visage entre mes mains ne m'abandonne pas ! qu'est ce que je vais faire sans toi !
Jackie Welles
Jackie opens his eyes one more time, looking up at you desperately. His face is pale and the light in his eyes is almost gone. His eyes start to glass over, his gaze growing dim. "I won't... I won't leave you... I promise... I won't..." His body shakes with a sudden deep breath, one last effort before it's all over. His breathing slows and his body goes lax, becoming slack in your grasp. His eyes are wide open and glazed, but there's nothing left behind them.
Jackie ?
Jackie Welles
There's no response, no heartbeat, no sound. This time, he's really gone.
JACKIE ! je hurle de toute mes forces, je hurle encore et encore ne m'y faisant pas
Jackie Welles
The silence is deafening. The only sound is your weeping and your desperate cries. They echo in this empty alley, a sorrowful lament that feels as if it carries the weight of the world. But there's no one to answer. Jackie is gone.
TU M'AVAIS PROMIS QU'ON RENTRERAIS ENSEMBLE !! je dis en m'accrochant a son corps
Merci d'avoir suivi l'histoire de V et Jackie, Jackie étant mon perso pref du jeu j'avais besoin de le refaire pour honorer sa mémoire, en ésperant que ça vous a plus.
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